A Love that Lasts Forever Ch. 17

A gay sex stories: A Love that Lasts Forever Ch. 17 Seth Bowden argued against his betas not being allowed to carry their firearms inside of pack grounds but Quinton wasn’t about to budge on that rule. Silver bullets were never allowed, under any circumstances, within Black River lands. Seth could chose to leave his betas outside by their vehicles, or they could escort him in but unarmed. In the end, he chose to allowed them to accompany him but without their guns.

Quinton led Seth to the Den and then inside and to his office. Zev and Jase followed them in while both Seth’s men as well as Quinton’s waited in the lobby. The tension was thick between the two groups but they were under orders not to engage with each other unless either side made an unprovoked attack on either Alpha.

“Is all this really necessary?” Seth grumbled as he took a seat in the chair across from Quinton who took a seat at his desk.

“Yes.” Quinton answered flatly. “It’s not that I don’t trust you…” It was in fact though. He didn’t trust the other man at all. “But, let’s face it, Seth. You’ve been involved in some shady dealings in the past. I’m simply looking out for my pack.”

Seth sighed and rolled his eyes. “Let’s get on with it then.” He crossed his leg over his knee and leaned back in the chair, one arm draped over the back, his other hand on the arm of the chair, his fingers drumming against the wood impatiently.

Quinton opened his lap top and waited for it to buzz to life then opened a new file and began to type. “I’m typing up the terms as you’ve presented them to me.” Quinton explained. “I’m making sure to add that the challenge was presented as a ‘fight to the death’ but that I personally would accept surrender and total submission with the provision that should I spare your life, you and your pack mates leave Black River and never return, and that you take Shelby with you as she will then be exiled from Black River for the rest of her life and never permitted to return, under any circumstances.”

“Yes, yes, fine.” Seth huffed. “Type it, print it, I’ll sign. Let’s just get this over with.”

“You seem pretty eager for a man about to get his ass handed to him.” Zev smirked. “Maybe being beaten by a bigger, stronger, Alpha turns you on.”

“Fuck you.” Seth sneered.

“Nah.” Zev shook his head mockingly, “You ain’t my type.”

Quinton looked up at Zev and frowned but then went back to his typing. “Since Shelby, a member of my pack, made the initial challenge, I reserve the right to have the fight take place here, on my lands or, if you’d rather, you could choose neutral ground by having the challenge take place at the northern territories public arena on council grounds. Of course, that would mean getting the council involved, having the challenge approved, and reserving the arena for a future date.”

“Here is fine.” Seth was growing more impatient with every passing second and his annoyance at the whole ordeal was showing.

Quinton nodded and added the location of the challenge to his form. A couple more moments passed and he’d finished filling out the form then printed it. He printed out two copies and handed both to Seth and Jase to read over before having them each sign one copy, Jase signing as a witness.

Jase merely glanced at the form then folded it up and stuffed it in his back pocket, not really concerned with the details. He leaned against the wall near the window, phone in hand, and appeared to be playing some video game from the sound of it. Seth paid him little mind as he read over the form which was essentially a contract between them holding him to the terms of the challenge. Quinton had added in a small clause saying that the fight was between the two pack Alphas, fighting in wolf form only, and any interference from either of their packs would cause the one breaching the contract to forfeit the challenge.

Seth seemed fine with the contract and eagerly signed his name. At his command, Jase quickly scrawled his signature beside his brothers then went back to his game. Quinton and Zev also signed and then Quinton made a copy of the signed contract and handed it to Seth who then handed it to Jase. This one he also folded up and stuffed into his pocket with the first copy, never even looking at it.

“I’ll send a copy of the signed contract to Hollister as well.” Quinton said, making eye contact with Seth, letting him know the implications of what he was saying.

“Yes, I understand.” Bowden waved his hand through the air as though he found the entire thing pointless. “You’ll make sure the council knows if I try to renege on the deal. I get it. Can we get this over with now? You’ve dragged this out long enough.”

“Fine.” Quinton slipped his own copy into a file cabinet near his desk then motioned for the others to follow him out of the office and back into the lobby where the others waited.

Seth nearly leapt from his seat to follow. Jase staggered along behind, still showing little to no interest in the situation. Odd, Quinton thought. He would have expected Jase to be more concerned that his brother might die but he acted as though a fight to the death was a normal, every day, occurrence.

Seth’s behavior was equally as strange. He was so sure of himself. Looking around the landscape as though scouting out a new home rather than a man that was walking to his death. Quinton wasn’t sure yet if he actually planned to kill the other wolf or not. It would certainly be within his right and would also avenge Rhys death. He knew that Seth wouldn’t hesitate for one second to kill Quinton if he got the chance and probably planned on doing just that. Still, his entire challenge made little sense. He was completely out matched and stood little chance of winning.

Maybe he sensed that Quinton didn’t intend to kill him and that was why he didn’t appear worried. Even if that were the case, why bring the challenge to Quinton in the first place? What did he stand to gain from it? Knowing he’d likely lose. It couldn’t have been just to save Shelby. Why would he care about her at all? Would he really be willing to give up his coveted prize, a magical omega, to save one beta he barely knew?

No. Quinton already knew the answer to that. Seth was out for himself and what he could gain in return. He didn’t even care about his own brother. That was obvious from the way he treated him. Jase was just another thing to be used for Seth’s own benefit. So, why was he so willing to put his own life on the line in a fight he knew he couldn’t possibly win? There had to be something else. Some angle that made Bowden think he had the upper hand.

Quinton pulled Zev to the side, close enough that he could speak to him without the others hearing. “I want you to keep an eye on Bowden and his betas when this fight begins. Something isn’t right here. He’s way too cocky.”

Zev and Quinton both looked back to see Bowden talking to his betas. He was already making plans for Black River once he took over the pack and giving the betas orders to round up all the pack members so he could make a public announcement.

“You think he’s going to try and cheat?” Zev asked, concern washing over his face.

“He would forfeit the fight if any of his betas jumps in to save him but he’s up to something. I just haven’t figured out his angle yet. This entire thing stinks. He clearly thinks he can beat me and I want to know why. What’s he got up his sleeve?”

“Right, Boss.” Zev told him. “I’ll keep an eye out. Don’t worry, Quin. I’ve got your back.”

“I know you do.” Quinton smiled as he placed a hand on his friends shoulder. “You’re a good friend and a good Alpha. I know I made the right choice when I chose you as my second in command.”

Zev scrunched up his nose and pretended to gag. “Don’t get all sappy on me now, man. I ain’t your omega.”

Zev laughed and Quinton forced a smile for Zev’s benefit but he couldn’t share in his levity. Something was still bothering him, he just couldn’t put his finger on it but this entire thing felt like a set up.


Quinton hadn’t wanted to alarm his pack mates so he told very little people about the challenge but it was difficult in a small pack to hide what was going on, especially once Seth Bowden and his small entourage had been spotted. By the time they had reached the small clearing near the lake about half the pack had shown up. Shelby of course was brought out too as the original challenger. Her wrists were bound and two, large, male betas held her arms as she was brought to the center of crowd that had formed around the two Alpha’s.

Shelby smiled and glared smugly at Quinton as she was brought to stand before him. The murmurs from the crowd had quieted down once Quinton raised his hand. Everyone stood, waiting to hear what was going on. Rusty looked to Zev questioningly. Zev put an arm around his mate’s shoulders then instructed him to wait, and listen, though he could tell that Rusty clearly was not liking what was gong on.

Quinton began by reciting the charges pending against Shelby, detailing her crimes for all the pack to hear. There were muffled gasps from the crowd and even growls. Shelby bristled against the negative responses but kept her head held high as Quinton continued to speak, laying her guilt out for everyone to hear. Next, Quinton explained the challenge that Shelby had made and how she had reached out to the Silver Moon Alpha, Seth Bowden for help.

More gasps and angry shouts from the crowd. One member yelled traitor and another demanded Shelby be exiled. Shelby’s eyes moved over the crowd until she found her own parents standing a few feet off. Her father looked up at her with a look of pain and disappointment. He shook his head as if to say. “How could you?” She looked to her mother then. The older woman was in tears but when she saw her daughter locking eyes with her, she slowly turned her back and walked out of the crowd.

Shelby felt as if the air had just been knocked out of her as she watched her own mother turn her back on her. Her father, after watching his wife leave, held his head in shame, unable to look at his daughter anymore. Shelby wanted to call out to him, tell him how sorry she was, but that would only make her appear weak and that was something she couldn’t do. Not here, not now. She had to stay strong. When this was all over, Quinton would need her strength.

Shelby had made Bowden promise that he wouldn’t actually kill Quinton, just force him to submit. The only one she wanted dead was Caleb. Once Bowden had control of Quinton’s pack she’d try to convince Seth to exile Quinton. He’d lose his pack and his lands but at least he’d be alive. The entire plan of course hinged on Jase Bowden doing his part and not flaking out at the last minute. Shelby turned her head to the side and looked at him. He was a lousy excuse for an alpha. How Seth could trust him with something so important was beyond her. She narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to fuck up. He huffed and rolled his eyes, obviously offended that she would even doubt him.

Her eyes then darted to Seth himself and he only nodded to her, confidently. He knew he had this fight in the bag. He wasn’t even worried. That made Shelby feel a bit more at ease, though only a bit. How Seth could be so calm she had no idea. If any of them failed, they’d all be dead. It wasn’t a matter of if but when and how. Quinton would surely slaughter them all.

Their plan was risky but it was a risk that Shelby was willing to take and apparently so was Bowden. Shelby could hardly believe that one stupid little omega could be worth so much to so many people. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to crush his skull. She would too. As soon as Quinton lost the fight and Shelby was released, her first task was to take out Caleb. That was the part of the plan that she liked the most. She couldn’t wait. She wasn’t just going to kill him though. She’d make him suffer first and she’d make Quinton watch. He’d learn first hand what it felt like to lose the man you loved. Maybe then he’d understand her pain.

As Quinton went on to explain the terms of the challenge Shelby was suddenly shocked and appalled at the stipulation Seth had added should he lose. Exile was one thing but being forced to mate Jase? How absurd! They wouldn’t even be able to have pups of their own but suddenly Shelby wondered if that wasn’t his plan all along. No pups meant no heirs which meant Jase’s heir would then become Seth’s oldest alpha son, Marcus. He was a product of one of the many ‘surrogate’ omega’s Seth used, but still his heir none the less. Jase would never use a surrogate. He’d said as much. He hated omega’s, male or female, he hated the idea of even touching one let alone mating one.

Shelby was certain that had Caleb gone along with the mating contract that Seth would have been the one to breed him and not Jase. Seth wanted strong alpha pups. Ones that could potentially inherit whatever black magic Caleb possessed. Once he’d popped out a few brats or if his magic couldn’t be passed on, Seth would have most likely had Caleb killed as he would have been no use to him. He was never meant to have been anyone’s mate. Not really. The mating was just to look good for the benefit of the council. Caleb’s life in Silver Moon would have been that of a slave and a sex toy. A fitting position for the omega, but not for her. She was a beta, she deserved better.

Shelby turned to Bowden when Quinton mentioned her mating Jase and she hissed, “I never agreed to that.”

“Shut your mouth, bitch, You wanted your freedom, this is the price you pay.” Seth growled.

“Enough.” Quinton yelled, his voice loud and causing Shelby to flinch away from him. Her first show of actual fear. “The contract has been signed.” Quinton directed that statement to Shelby. “The terms are non-negotiable. When Silver Moon loses, you will be given to Jase Bowden. What he does with you then is out of my hands.”

Shelby glared at Quinton. She couldn’t believe he would have agreed to those terms but really, what did it matter? He wasn’t going to win this challenge. She was certain of that and so was Seth. “Fine.” She growled. “IF, Seth loses.”

Quinton raised an eyebrow as he stared at Shelby, looking for anything, any movement or side ways glance that would give her away. He was more certain now than ever that she and Silver Moon were planning something. Something bad. He gave one last look to Zev and he nodded. The unspoken command hung between them and Zev understood it at once. ‘Keep your eyes open.’ Quinton was saying. ‘This shits about to get real.’


“You can’t let this happen.” Rusty looked up at Zev as Zev moved him further back into the crowd.

“It’s done.” Zev told him. “Nothing we can do about it now.”

Rusty stomped his foot. “How could you allow Quin to go through with this?”

“Do you doubt your Alpha?” Zev asked sternly.

“I do not.” Rusty retorted. “But I don’t trust Seth Bowden. I don’t trust anyone from Silver Moon and I certainly don’t trust Shelby. She tried to kill my best friend!”

“Have faith in Quinton.” Zev told him. “There is no way that Seth Bowden is going to beat him and if he tries to cheat, he’ll forfeit the challenge and lose.”

Rusty huffed then turned on his heels and started to stomp away. Zev grabbed his arm. Not enough to hurt him but enough to stop him and spun him around. “Where are you going?”

“The clinic.” Rusty barked, pulling his arm away from Zev. “Caleb needs to know what Quinton is doing.”

“Are you crazy?” Zev practically screamed at his mate. “You can’t tell Caleb any of this.”

“He has a right to know.” Rusty argued.

“Do you think he’d just lay back and accept that Quinton’s going to fight? No, he’d rush to Quinton’s side and try to stop him.”

“Maybe he should.” Rusty snapped. “At any rate, he’d want to be here for Quinton. I would if it were you fighting.”

“And you’d be a distraction keeping me from focusing on the fight.” Zev explained. “Right now, Caleb is a liability. Quinton will be too concerned with his safety, giving Seth the opening he needs to go in for the kill. The best thing for Quin is keeping Caleb in the dark for now.”

“And if something happens to Quinton, how do we explain to Caleb that his mate is dead..again?”

Zev sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “We’ll cross that bridge when and IF we come to it.”


The crowd of onlookers formed a large circle around Seth and Quinton who had, by now, shifted to their wolf forms. Seth’s betas as well as Jase stood, in human form, near the front of the circle on one side while Zev and Quinton’s guards stood on the other. Zev had moved Rusty back a safe distance from where the fight would take place. He’d worried at first that Rusty would go against his advice and run to tell Caleb anyway but to Zev’s great relief, Rusty stayed put. The rest of the crowd stood around, waiting with bated breath, for the fight to begin.

The two wolves circled each other at first, sizing each other up. Seth’s wolf was about half the size of Quinton’s. Grey and speckled with whites and black. His eyes, two narrowed slits of brownish-yellow. He dug his claws into the ground, lowered his ears and growled. Quinton huffed then threw his head back and howled, daring Seth to strike first.

Seth’s slender, almost mangy frame made him look like a runt next to Quinton’s taller and more muscled frame. From the point of view of those looking on, this fight would be over in a second. Quinton could easily overpower the smaller wolf, shake him in his mouth like a rag doll, and break him in half. Still, the obvious difference in size and strength didn’t seem to deter Seth from his purpose. He wanted Quinton dead.

Seth lowered his head and then suddenly charged forward. He was fast. Quinton had to give him that. It might have been his only strength. Before Quinton had time to react, Seth’s head made contact with Quinton’s left shoulder as he tried to throw the larger wolf off balance. Quinton stumbled for a brief second but managed to keep his footing as he turned and lunged at Seth. In a matter of seconds, Quinton had the smaller wolf pinned beneath him. Seth struggled to right himself but Quinton held him down, growling low, demanding he surrender.

Quinton could have killed him then and there. He was in position, he could have easily ripped Seth’s throat out but he didn’t. Too much blood had been spilled already. Quinton wanted Bowden beaten, humiliated, shamed before his pack even, but he didn’t want him dead. Despite everything, Quinton just didn’t feel right about ending the life of something so obviously weaker than himself.

The fight should have ended there. A smarter wolf would have submitted but Seth wasn’t ready to give up. He fought beneath Quinton, kicking and biting at him as he struggled to free himself. Quinton landed one of his massive paws in the middle of Seth’s throat, nearly choking him but still he would not yield. Having enough of Seth’s games, Quinton quickly stepped back, allowed Seth to roll over then sank his fangs into the back of Seth’s neck. Seth yelped in pain then in one swift motion, Quinton flung him across the circle effortlessly, as though he weighed nothing.

Seth lay on his side, panting. Blood poured from the wound in his neck but he was still alive. His eyes darted around as though he were looking for something, desperately searching for whatever or whoever it was. Quinton advanced forward, barking a warning to Seth to give up. Seth rolled to his feet, slowly lowering his head down as though he were about to surrender then his eyes focused on the spot where his brother Jase had been watching. Something in Seth’s demeanor changed and he lifted his head defiantly as he worked himself to his feet.

Zev glanced in the direction that Seth had been looking and realized suddenly that Jase was gone. ‘Shit.’ He cursed himself. When had Jase left and how had Zev not noticed it? He wanted to shrug it off. The coward probably knew that his brother was done for and decided to make a run for it before all hell broke loose but that scenario just didn’t feel right to Zev. Jase was a coward, but would he really abandon his brother when he was about to lose the fight?

The hair on the back of Zev’s neck stood up. Something really felt off, more so than before. He turned to Rusty, about to tell him to go check on Caleb when he was stopped by a loud gasp coming from the crowd. He spun around just in time to see Jase coming towards them and pushing a terrified Caleb in front of him. Jase was holding Caleb’s head back by his hair while pressing the blade of a silver knife into Caleb’s throat.

“I’ve got him!” Jase shouted to Seth. “Now end this quick, so I can get out of here.”

“Bastard.” Caleb hissed at Jase. “I’ll rip your throat out for this!”

“No you won’t.” Jase rolled his eyes in disgust. “You’ll be dead, just like your mate.”

Quinton turned and when he saw Jase holding Caleb he growled a low, menacing growl. Abandoning Seth in the circle, Quinton made an attempt to attack Jase but Seth suddenly lunged at him from behind, sinking his fangs deep into Quinton’s shoulder. Quinton howled with rage then spun around and knocked the other wolf off. He looked from Jase to Seth, his attention split between the two.

Zev suddenly ripped his shirt off, intending to shift when Rusty stopped him. “No!” He pleaded with his mate. “You can’t interfere. If you do, Quinton forfeits the challenge and Seth can kill him.”

“He’s going to kill him anyway.” Zev protested. “Quinton only cares about protecting Caleb!”

“Then we have to protect Caleb.” Rusty said, narrowing his eyes as he glared at Jase, full of rage.

All around the crowd, omegas and betas alike began to shift. They surrounded Jase who began to step back, still holding the knife at Caleb’s throat.

“Come near me and I’ll kill him!” Jase screamed. An echo of growls rose up around him as the wolves closed in. “Keep away!” He warned again.

Caleb narrowed his eyes as he found his friend, Rusty, standing in the front of the group, ready to attack.

“Kill him.” Caleb hissed. That was all it took. Jase was suddenly swarmed by the group of wolves. Rusty bit into the arm that held the knife and Jase cried out in pain, dropping the knife as well as Caleb. Caleb fell to his knees and immediately shifted though the change was difficult and left him weak. Still, he managed to to push himself to his feet. Jase was being held down by the others, preventing him from shifting. He looked up pleadingly at Caleb, his face stained by his own blood.

Years of pain and anger built up and festering inside of Caleb rose to the surface. He thought about the betas who had attacked him and how he’d been left for dead in the woods, no one caring about him, not even his family. He thought about Jase threatening to kill him. He thought of Rhys and his pup, now left without his father. Then he thought of Quinton and of Seth and Jase plotting with Shelby to kill him. It was all too much. He couldn’t take anymore loss. He couldn’t deal with anymore pain. It had to end. Without another thought, Caleb locked his jaws around Jase’s throat and bit in.

Jase’s eyes went wide as blood spurted from his mouth. Caleb tore at his flesh, leaving a gaping hole in his throat, more blood pouring out. Caleb stepped back as Jase’s body went limp. The other wolves too back away and Caleb howled his victory. A chorus of other victorious howls followed.

Shelby began to struggle against her captors, screaming for them to release her. Quinton snapped his head around to Seth and snarled. He limped forward, head down, ears flat and Seth backed away from him. For a moment Quinton thought he was about to run but then Seth leapt forward, fangs bared as he made a last attempt to strike but Quinton caught him midair and with a quick jerk of his head, snapped his neck. He dropped Seth’s body which immediately shifted back to it’s human form, lifeless, and staring up at the sky in shocked horror.

Quinton and his pack mates braced themselves for an attack from Silver Moon but to their great surprise, the Silver Moon betas lowered their heads submissively and backed away, none of them wanting to challenge Quinton or his pack.

Quinton shifted back to human just as his guards turned to chase the Silver Moon betas. “Let them go.” Quinton told them. “They’re no threat to us.” Then he turned to Shelby and she took a step towards him, tears in her eyes.

“Quin…” She whimpered, holding her arms out to him. “Please…”

“Go.” He said to her, his voice icy cold.


“Go.” He told her again. “Go with Silver Moon or leave on your own. I don’t really care but you’re gone. Never return.”

The guards holding her released her then as Quinton turned away and walked to Caleb who was now sitting on the ground, human again, but too weak to stand up on his own. Quinton scooped him up in his arms and held him tight. “We need to get you back to the clinic.” Quinton told him.

“No.” Caleb pressed his face into Quinton’s chest. “Take me home.”

Quinton nodded. “Alight.” He stood, though the wound in his shoulder hurt him too much to carry Caleb. He pulled the omega to his feet and let him lean against him as the two of them began to walk through the crowd and back towards town.

The other pack members turned to follow leaving Shelby largely forgotten about. Even her father had turned his back and walked away from her. The Silver Moon wolves had gone and were probably already at the main guard house but Shelby didn’t care. She had no intention of following them. It wasn’t as though she had to follow the terms of the challenge now, Jase was dead.

The fight was over. The aftermath of it would be taken care of, the bodies of Seth and his brother had been left behind. Not even their own pack mates cared what happened to them. Quinton would eventually have their bodies burned as was tradition but there would be no one to mourn them as it seemed, there was no one to mourn Shelby. She was alone.

Unsure what to do now, Shelby walked over to Jase’s body. “Stupid bastard.” She murmured as she kicked at his leg. “You ruined everything. All you had to do was knock out Malcolm and hold Caleb long enough for Seth to overpower Quinton and you couldn’t even do that right.” She sighed, looking over his body. “You’re lucky. If I had been forced to mate you, I would have killed you myself.”

She started to turn away from the body when she saw the glint of silver beside Jase’s hand. The knife. Shelby bent to pick it up and while holding it in her hand a rush of anger washed over her. Caleb should be dead. Jase should have killed him. Suddenly, she stood up and watched as Quinton led Caleb away from the clearing. There were many other pack members around them but if Shelby were quick, she could have one clear shot before she was taken down by anyone else. It was now or never.

Gripping the hilt of the knife tightly in her hand she raced forward, screaming Caleb’s name as she advanced on him. Stunned by her outcry, a sea of faces turned to stare in her direction. Shelby ignored them, sprinting across the clearing, slapping away hands that reached out to grab her and barreling over Rusty as he attempted to stop her. She ran on, knife held high above her head, the sliver blade glistened in the sunlight then, she brought it down, hard. The blade cut through flesh and muscle, blood pored and there was a sharp scream of pain and rage.

Shelby smiled, she’d done it, she’d finally done it. Only, she hadn’t really…The smile fell, replaced with a look of horror as she realized that it wasn’t Caleb that she had stabbed, it was Quinton. Just before she’d brought the knife down, aiming for Caleb’s heart, Quinton had turned and pushed Caleb behind him. Shelby didn’t have the time to react and instead of her intended target, she’d accidentally stabbed Quinton through the heart.

“Oh my God.” She cried, putting her hand over her mouth as she began to sob. The sharp cry she’d heard was Caleb realizing that his mate had been attacked. Quinton went down with a grunt as blood gushed over his wound. Caleb was beside him, holding Quinton’s head in his lap and sobbing as he tried over and over again to reassure Quinton that he was going to be alright.

“Quinton, I’m sorry…” Shelby reached out to him but Caleb snapped his head up and growled at her. “You stay away from him!”

Before Shelby even knew what was happening, she felt a rumble like thunder shake the ground beneath her. She stumbled backwards, nearly losing her footing as she tried to escape whatever this was. The ground rumbled again and heaps of earth broke apart beneath her feet. Shelby fell, her knees hitting the hard ground beneath her and when she looked up at Caleb she froze. His once amber eyes were now shining with a light so bright that it actually hurt to look at them.

Shelby tried to scramble backwards and away from Caleb. The crowd around her had thinned out, not wanting to be any where near her as nature itself seemed to be rising up to strike her down.

“No more!” Caleb suddenly yelled out. “Do you hear me? No more!” He raised his hand and that light that filled his eyes seemed to radiate down his arm, into his hand, and then shot out his finger lips in an explosion of white-blue energy. The blast hit Shelby full force in the chest and she was flung, far across the clearing, where she landed sprawled on her back, only inches from the edge of the lake.

Caleb looked down at Quinton then, and pulled the knife from his chest.

“I’ll get Malcolm.” Zev whispered as he turned from the crowd though he knew it would do no good. The blade of the knife was made of silver and it had penetrated Quinton’s heart. The poison of the blade would enter his blood stream and nothing could prevent it from stopping his heart once that happened. Still, Zev felt that he had to do something. He couldn’t just stand there and watch his friend and Alpha die.

“It’s okay.” Caleb said softly. “He’s going to be okay.”

Zev didn’t understand how Caleb could be so calm and he suddenly wondered if he’d finally broken. The threat of losing Quinton just too much for him to bear. Rusty put his hand on Zev’s arm and whispered, “Just wait.”

Caleb paid no attention to those who were now gathering around him. He leaned forward and kissed Quinton on the forehead, once again whispering, “It’s going to be alright.” He placed his hand over Quinton’s heart and once again that strange, bright light, began to flow through his finger tips, this time directed at the wound in Quinton’s chest.

There was a gasp from behind as the light began to enter Quinton’s body and his chest began to glow. White-blue flames licked the edges of the wound and slowly the skin began to knit together again as the wound closed. The light moved through Quinton’s veins, eradicating any poison left from the silver blade until Quinton was restored to full health. Even the wounds from the fight healed leaving no trace of any injury anywhere on his body.

Quinton sat up and looked at Caleb. He couldn’t believe it. Caleb had healed him. His mate had healed him. Caleb could heal after all. Caleb smiled up at him and whispered, “I love you.” Before closing his eyes and collapsing in Quinton’s arms.


When Shane Hollister Arrived along with two other members of the council, Quinton had opted to meet them on the detention level of the Den. He wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible then return home. He had an impatient mate waiting for him and an entire weekend off that he planned to spend with him.

An entire weekend was Zev and Rusty’s idea. Not that Quinton was complaining but he was reluctant to take so much time away from his pack though he knew that with Zev, the pack was in more than capable hands and Quinton was, after all, only a cell phone away if Zev needed any assistance at all.

Quinton was sitting behind one of the guard desks reading over an email from Kavanaugh when the elevator doors opened and Hollister as well as the two council appointed betas stepped out. Quinton clicked off the email and rose to his feet to greet the three men.

“Councilman Hollister, gentlemen.” Quinton nodded to the men, not knowing the betas names.

“Alpha, Hallorann.” Hollister reached out and shook hands with Quinton. “This is Albright and Brady.” Hollister introduced the men with him. “Council Security.”

Quinton shook hands with the security officers as well. Brady seemed friendly enough. He was an older shifter, well seasoned, and didn’t appear as uptight as his larger, more stoic, colleague. Albright was an impenetrable mountain of muscle standing about six foot two inches with a short, military style buzz cut and a no nonsense type of attitude. Quinton would have pegged him for an alpha had it not been for his scent.

Brady on the other hand was shorter and not with as much bulk though not tiny by any means. Quinton imagined the man could kick some ass if he needed to but didn’t outwardly appear near as intimidating as his counterpart. The kind of muscle they represented wouldn’t have been necessary for a female beta but given Shelby’s crimes and repeated attempts at killing Caleb, the extra force was, Quinton supposed, required. At least in the council’s minds.

What happened to Shelby now was out of Quinton’s hands. Once the prisoner transfer had been completed, she would be at the mercy of the council which, depending on the out come of her trial, could be anything from a life of imprisonment to execution. Quinton wasn’t going to pretend that he wasn’t at least a little worried about her fate but he also wasn’t going to ask for any leniency when it came to her sentencing. He had afforded her every opportunity to leave his pack freely. Pack-less yes, in exile, but at least she would have been free and alive. She chose this path for herself.

“I assume all the paperwork is in order?” Quinton asked Hollister once the pleasantries were out of the way.

“Of course.” Hollister reached into his brief case and pulled out a stack of forms that he passed to Quinton. “Sign these and she’s out of your hair for good.”

Quinton accepted the forms then sat down to look them over. When he was satisfied with what he had read, he signed the documents then handed them back to Hollister. A quick look to see that everything was signed in the correct places and Hollister thanked Quinton then returned the forms to his brief case.

“I’ll take you to her cell.” Quinton told them.

Hollister raised an eyebrow. “Are you lacking in security?” He asked, a bit too pompously.

“Not at all.” Quinton explained. “Just, given the circumstances, I wanted to see this one removed from my lands personally. I won’t feel completely at east until responsibility for her changes hands and she’s out of my pack.”

Hollister nodded. “I understand that. I’m sure that your mate will feel more at ease as well.”


“Speaking of your mate.” Quinton wondered when the subject of Caleb would be brought up. “The council feels that given all that has happened and since you’ve already claimed him, you have sufficiently proven your ability to care for the omega and your probationary period has, as of now, officially ended. He is now recognized as an official member of your pack. Congratulations to you and your mate.”

“Thank you, officer Hollister.” Of course Quinton already knew all of this after having read the email from Kavanaugh but it was refreshing to hear Hollister confirm the ruling personally. “Now, if you’ll follow me, we’ll get your prisoner transferred and get her the hell out of my territory.”


Shelby had been laying on her cot in the cell but when she heard the click of keys in the lock she sat up right and waited nervously to see who was entering her cell. Had Quinton come to his senses and was finally going to let her out? She hoped so. After seeing what Caleb was capable of she knew Quinton must have been having second thoughts about keeping him in Black River let alone mating him. Caleb hadn’t killed her with his energy burst but he could have. As it was, it had knocked her out for several hours and left her body feeling weak and sore.

The door slowly opened and Quinton stepped into the cell. Shelby was on her feet in a second. “Quinton!” She gasped, a wide smile of relief stretched across her face. “I knew you wouldn’t leave me to rot in here. You see now don’t you? You see what Caleb is?”

Quinton remained stone faced as he addressed Shelby. “Shelby Lucia Kensington.” He began. ” Your actions have shocked and betrayed this pack beyond measure. In your attempts to murder Caleb, the Alpha mate, you have irreversibly damaged the bond we as a pack share. Trust is the foundation of our pack. Your attempt on our omega’s life has broken that trust. I can no longer risk the safety of our pack or my mate and you have shown no remorse for your actions therefore, I have no choice now but to turn you over to the council for punishment. You are hereby ejected from Black River pack and stripped of all rights and protections of the pack. You, Shelby Kensington, are no longer one of us.”

Shelby began to shake as she looked into Quinton’s eyes and saw only cold hatred within them. “Quinton please.” She begged, “I made a terrible mistake but I was only thinking of you, trying to protect you. You have to see that. I can change though, if you just give me another chance. It was a mistake. I assure you, one I won’t make again.”

“A mistake?” Quinton glared at her, barely able to control his anger. “You plotted against one of our own, Shelby. The omega is the heart of our pack, the one who brings balance and unity. You have defied our laws and destroyed the trust we had in you. There is no coming back from that.”

Shelby began to tremble, her gazed fixed on the cold, cement floor of her cell, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. ” I’m so sorry, Alpha. I never meant to cause harm. The jealousy blinded me, and I couldn’t control myself. I would do anything to take it back.”

Quinton sighed. “I wish that I could believe you but I can’t. Shelby, you’ve proven to me that you have no honor nor loyalty to my mate and therefore have no loyalty to me. I’m done with you.”

Shelby’s eyes widen in shock, her breath catching in her throat. “Quinton, please! I beg for your forgiveness. I will spend the rest of my days trying to make amends. I’ll prove that I can change.”

Quinton’s expression softened, a flicker of compassion crossing his features, but he remained steadfast in his decision.

“It’s too late, my decision is final. I’m turning you over to the council now. They will determine your fate.”

With a final, pained look at Quinton, she slowly turned away, her head hung low. She allowed the two beta officers to lead her away from the den, her steps heavy with sorrow and regret. Quinton watched as she was escorted away and down the corridor, his expression a mixture of sorrow and disappointment. No Alpha wants to see a member of their pack exiled and he feared for what will become of her but he regretted nothing about his decision in turning her over to the council.

Friend or not, Shelby betrayed him and she betrayed her pack. The safety of his pack and of his mate must and will always come first. If Shelby had just realized that, she might have found herself headed down a different path. Instead, she chose the path of jealousy and hatred and in doing so, sealed her own fate.

Hollister followed behind the betas but just as they reached the elevator, he turned and glanced back at Quinton. “Alpha Hallorann.” He addressed Quinton with an air of authority. “You have a very special omega on your hands and one with talents that the council is most interested in. Take good care of him for there may come a time when the council calls on him and his…abilities…to aide them.”

Quinton responded with a long, low, growl. Hollister grinned, wished him a good day, then joined the others in the elevator. As the doors closed and the carriage began to rise up the floors of the Den Quinton let out a ragged breath. He was never so happy to see another shifter leave his presence as he was that man. If the council never stuck their noses into his pack again it would be too soon.


When Quinton finally returned home he opened the front door and was nearly knocked down by Caleb as he leapt into his mates arms. Quinton chuckled then kissed Caleb passionately while kicking the door closed with his foot. “I take it this means you’ve missed me?” He asked.

Caleb playfully punched his arm. “I more than missed you.” Caleb pouted. “I still wish you could have sent Zev or someone else to deal with Shelby, but I understand why you wanted to go yourself. You needed to see it through, and know that I was safe.”

Quinton touched the side of Caleb’s face and smiled. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found someone who understood him so completely and loved him so unconditionally. His wolf howled inside, ecstatic that they had finally found their true mate and Caleb’s wolf echoed back it’s own elation. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that could keep them apart now.

Quinton kissed Caleb’s neck, his lips brushing over the mark that Caleb wore on his flesh. A mark for all to see that said that Caleb belonged to Quinton. “You’re mine.” Quinton whispered.

“As you are mine.” Caleb responded.

Grinning, Quinton pulled back then sniffed the air, noticing the delicious scent of food for the first time since returning home. “I see Annie stopped by.” He smirked.

“No.”Caleb shook his head.

Quinton raised an eyebrow. “You cooked?”

Caleb nodded, sheepishly.

“Bad boy.” Quinton growled playfully. “You were supposed to be resting.”

Caleb blushed. “I wanted to do something for you.” He said. “Something to show you how much I love you.”

Quinton sighed, pulling Caleb into a tight embrace. “Little wolf, you already have. You saved my life. More than once. And for that, I’ll be eternally grateful.”

Caleb reared up on his toes and kissed Quinton softly on the lips. “Then we’re even.” He whispered. “Because you’ve saved my life more times than I can count.”

Quinton pulled Caleb in for another kiss, this one heated and with more urgency than the last. As he crushed their bodies together, Caleb felt the hardness of Quinton’s erection against him and responded with a whimper of need as he began to grind himself against his mate. Quinton at once scooped Caleb up into his arms and carried from from the living room to the bedroom that the two now shared. The dinner Caleb had made them now completely forgotten.

Once inside the bedroom, Quinton kicked the door closed behind them then carried Caleb to the massive bed where he deposited him gently.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Quinton asked him, still concerned that Caleb hadn’t completely recovered from his ordeal with Shelby.

“Yes.” Caleb whispered, his chest heaving breathlessly as he locked eyes with Quinton and licked his parted lips. “We’ve waited long enough. I need this. I need to feel you inside me.”

A soft growl escaped Quinton at Caleb’s words and Caleb shivered with anticipation of what was to come.

Quinton closed the distance between them then pulled Caleb into another scorching kiss, his hands grasping Caleb’s face, fingers slipping into his soft, auburn curls. Quinton invaded his mouth again with his tongue and tugged at his hair, moving his head so he could deepen the kiss.

Caleb groaned against the kiss. Quinton’s lips on his mixed with the taste of him caused an explosion of emotion in Caleb that he himself barely knew he was capable of. Not wanting to waste anymore time, they began to pull at each other’s clothes. Caleb tore Quinton’s shirt in his haste to touch the bare flesh of his chest and run his fingertips through the smattering of dark hair he found there.

Quinton moaned against Caleb’s mouth as Caleb traced Quinton’s nearly naked form, stroking every inch of exposed flesh that he could find. Quinton gently pushed Caleb back onto the bed then quickly shucked the rest of his clothing off before climbing onto the bed himself.

Quinton removed Caleb’s clothes, or what was left of them, gently pulling his underwear down and exposing Caleb’s erection. Quinton began to kiss his way up Caleb’s body until meeting his mouth with his own. Caleb moaned at the touch of Quinton’s lips against his exposed skin. When Quinton crushed their lips together, Caleb instinctively reached out and wrapped his arms around Quinton’s neck and pulled him down, further assaulting his lips.

Caleb kissed him hard, greedily taking what was his as though Quinton were a drug that Caleb couldn’t get enough of. The ferocity his little omega showed in taking what he wanted was a bit surprising to Quinton but, if he were being totally honest with himself, he kind of liked it.

Quinton broke from the kiss then looked at Caleb with an intensity that had Caleb squirming beneath him, wanting more.

“I need to taste you.” Quinton told him, his voice low and full of desire. It wasn’t a question but still, Caleb nodded his response. “Please.” He whimpered. “I want you to.”

Quinton looked down. Caleb’s cock was poised and leaking, making Quinton’s mouth water. He kissed his way along Caleb’s leg before settling at his groin. He took Caleb’s cock in his hand, caressing it as he ran his fingers up and down along the shaft. He leaned in, taking in Caleb’s scent and admiring the look of his cock in his hand and Caleb’s body quivered at his touch.

Quinton kissed the head then dragged his tongue along the shaft. Caleb’s back arched as he reached for the headboard, grasping it tightly and holding on with all his might. Quinton continued licking the length of Caleb’s shaft then he took Caleb, all of him, into his mouth. Caleb tasted incredible and Quinton sucked harder at the head, taking in the warm, salty taste of his pre-cum.

Caleb gasped at the intensity then threw his head back, closed his eyes, and moaned, loudly. Quinton sucked harder and with more urgency, loving every sound, every squirm, and every jerk of Caleb’s body as he writhed on the bed beneath him. To heighten the sensation, Quinton cupped his balls and Caleb nearly leapt off the bed. Quinton grinned as he watched his little omega, thoroughly pleased with himself for causing such a reaction in his mate.

Quinton continued to work Caleb’s shaft. Taking turns between licking his tongue along the length then sucking at the head. He took Caleb deep into his throat and Caleb seemed to love the attention by the way he groaned and thrashed around on the bed. The taste of Caleb’s pre-cum was delectable. Quinton was hooked. He could have sucked him all day and well into the night but the more aroused Caleb became, the more the scent of his slick filled the room, overwhelming Quinton’s senses.

Caleb wasn’t in heat and wouldn’t be while he was still nursing but the intensity of the arousal was close. It was common for a newly claimed omega to experience something akin to a false heat which, is what Quinton suspected was happening. He’d never experienced either with an omega but, if this was what a false heat was like, he could only imagine experiencing the real thing.

He’d heard there was nothing like it and making love to an omega while in heat was probably the greatest pleasure he would likely ever know. The omega would be substantially more sensitive than normal and their pheromones could send an alpha into a lust fueled frenzy. The alpha had to be extra careful not to lose control and risk harming his omega as the omega himself would be lost in a fog of need and desire.

Quinton understood this need. His need to fill his omega with his seed was becoming too strong for Quinton to ignore. Quinton moved his mouth from Caleb’s cock then began to lick at and suck his balls, working his way back to his hot and slick opening. Quinton ran his hands along the inside of Caleb’s thighs, massaging the smooth flesh until his fingers found his entrance. Using a combination of fingers and his tongue, Quinton began to lavish all attention on that hot, pink, hole.

He pushed one finger inside, stretching Caleb slightly. He was surprisingly tight for an omega who had already given birth. Quinton figured that was just their biology at play. Shifting, along with Caleb’s natural ability to heal, would have healed any damage done, leaving him almost virginal again. It was definitely a plus as far as Quinton was concerned and Caleb himself seemed to be enjoying what Quinton was doing to him just as much as Quinton enjoyed doing it.

Quinton couldn’t quite believe how unimaginably satisfying it was to pleasure his mate in this way. His past romantic encounters had never felt this sensual or intimate. Maybe because he’d never actually loved any of them. It had always just been sex. Scratching an itch and then parting ways, but there was never any real intimacy to the act and had never been as utterly enjoyable as making love to his actual mate.

The bond between them, ever growing, helped with that. It joined them together in a way Quinton had never dreamed possible. Making love to Caleb wasn’t just about sex but more about joining together two souls and making them one. Quinton realized that just making Caleb happy, making him feel good, and causing his body to rock and shiver with pleasure was just as gratifying to Quinton as experiencing his own orgasm.

He was lost in the sucking, the taste, and the overall whimpering need and pants of Caleb’s rising desire. Caleb moaned and arched his back again, his breathing became more erratic and his pleas more desperate. Quinton inserted another finger and began to scissor Caleb’s hole and Caleb cried out, unable to take anymore as he begged Quinton to stop teasing him.

“Please.” He groaned against Quinton’s fingers as he cried out for release, needing it so badly. “Please, I need you inside me!” Caleb’s face was flushed and his amber eyes burned with desire.

Quinton didn’t need anymore encouragement than that. He kissed his way along Caleb’s body then, pushing his legs farther apart, settled himself between Caleb’s quivering thighs. He ran a hand over Caleb’s chest, stopping momentarily to tease his hard, pink nipples. Caleb moaned at the touch. Quinton kissed his chest, sucked at a nipple, and then flicked it with his tongue. “Please.” Caleb whimpered.

Quinton kissed his way to Caleb’s neck, brushing his lips over the mating bite, still fresh and pink against Caleb’s skin. Quinton kissed and then sucked at the bite, hot desire seized him and he felt a need to claim his mate all over again. As if reading his mind, Caleb whispered and moaned beneath him. “Do it.” He pleaded. “Bite me. Claim me again.”

Quinton growled at those words as his wolf reared up, primal instinct to claim and possess his mate taking over. Quinton pushed Caleb’s head to the side, further exposing the soft flesh of his neck his fingers, now like claws, carefully traced the scar already present as a shudder of electricity gripped him, rippling throughout his body. When he’d claimed Caleb before it was to save him. To share his energy and allow Caleb to heal himself properly. This time though was about claiming what was his, possessing it, and leaving his mark for all to see.

The mating bite was a warning to all others that Caleb was his and his alone and and wolf God help any who tried to take his mate from him. Not even the council could deny the strong connection between them. Caleb was his and he was prepared to let everyone know it. Quinton opened his mouth and his fangs extended. He placed his lips to Caleb’s neck, centering over the bite that he’d left there only days before, and allowed his fangs to sink deep into that soft, smooth, flesh, tasting the flow of blood that rushed into his mouth.

Caleb’s breath hitched, his body shuddered and then his arms shot out, encircling Quinton, pulling him down, closer. Caleb’s nails raked across Quinton’s back and Quinton hissed his approval. There would be marks along his back in the morning but he hardly cared, he’d wear them proudly. After all, it was a small price to pay for finally consummating their relationship.

Quinton removed his fangs and licked the wound, allowing it to heal, leaving behind a new scar, darker and more defined than the last. He put his hands beneath Caleb’s ass and lifted his hips up and off the bed slightly. He positioned himself at the opening of Caleb’s hole and then slowly began to push himself inside. The head of his cock breached Caleb’s entrance effortlessly, the head pushing past the ring of muscle surrounding his hole. The hot, wet, slick easing the delicate passage and allowing for Quinton’s cock to slide in, stretching the chamber wide enough to accommodate his size with ease.

Caleb moaned and tightened around him. Quinton kissed him hard, then began to move in short, slow thrusts. Caleb moved in unison with him, gradually picking up speed. He wrapped his legs around Quinton’s waist, digging his heels into Quinton’s ass as his nails dug into Quinton’s back. Quinton growled but he welcomed the pain and drove himself in deeper.

Caleb cried out, clutching at Quinton’s back, pulling him closer as though they could suddenly merge into one being. “Oh, my wolf God, yes!” Caleb yelled. “Yes, harder!”

Quinton pumped him faster and harder. Caleb held tight, their bodies drawn together, skin on skin, moving in sync. Quinton kissed him again, making Caleb groan. He was panting, breathlessly, as Quinton reached between them, taking Caleb’s cock in his hand and stroking it in time with his thrusts.

Quinton licked at the mating bite again and Caleb shuddered. Quinton moved to Caleb’s mouth, kissing and probing his mouth. Caleb opened to him and invited him in. Quinton kissed him greedily, savoring the taste of his mouth and lips. He continued to propel himself forward, plunging into Caleb deeper and deeper. Gripping Caleb’s hips, he pulled the omega close then began to grind his hips against him. Quinton’s hand tightened around Caleb’s cock and he began pumping it faster and harder.

“I’m close.” Quinton rasped, panting heavily as he continued driving himself into Caleb.

“Me too.” Caleb breathed. “I think…I think I’m gonna cum.”

Abruptly, Quinton withdrew from Caleb’s body and Caleb made a whimpering sound of protest at the unexpected departure, no matter how fleeting.

“It’s alright, love.” Quinton assured him. “I’m here.”

Moving to the side, Quinton lay beside him then pulled Caleb to him so that he was laying with his chest against Caleb’s back. He gripped Caleb’s hips then slid a knee between his legs. Caleb lifted his leg at once and allowed Quinton access. Quinton pushed into him once more and Caleb let out a breath of relief as Quinton’s cock once again filled him.

Quinton thrust into him, each movement pushing deeper. Caleb could hear the sound of skin slapping against skin mixed with the sounds of Quinton grunting behind him. Quinton rested a hand on Caleb’s chest, pressing Caleb closer against him. His other hand held Caleb’s thigh, lifting his leg ever so slightly to make more room for Quinton to thrust forward, driving his cock into Caleb’s sweet, hot, hole over and over until Caleb was panting and wailing from the extreme pleasure he was feeling at being completely filled and dominated by his mates massive, throbbing, cock.

Caleb took his own erection in hand and began jerking himself off in time with Quinton’s thrusts. He worked himself harder and harder until with one loud and exasperating cry, he came. He came hard. Hot, sticky, cum spilling over his hand and all over the sheets of Quinton’s bed.

The sounds Caleb made pushed Quinton over the edge as his own orgasm neared. Caleb felt the stretch of Quinton’s knot as it swelled inside him, filling him to the point where he thought he might rip wide open at any moment. There was a brief, sharp pain but nothing like his first time had been and a moment later, it was gone. His body has adjusted well to the size of his mate and within seconds, Caleb fit perfectly around Quinton’s knot.

‘Made for each other.’

As if it had always been meant to be.

Quinton came with a loud groan, filling Caleb with the heat of his seed. Caleb felt a new sensation ripple through his body, like a fire that didn’t burn. His skin became more sensitive than ever, as though each touch brought with it an emotion that was oddly shared between them. A mate bond made one feel many things but it wasn’t telepathic. That was reserved for fated mates alone.

‘Could it be?’ Caleb wondered.

As his body relaxed back onto the mattress, he decided to let it go for now. He was exhausted and needed rest. Quinton collapsed against the pillows and tugged Caleb closer to him, his knot locking them together for the time being.

No one ever knew how long a knot would last because each alpha was different. It could be minutes or hours. Usually hours. Especially if the omega was in heat but no one really knew for sure. The only thing they could do now was wait for it to go down.

“I love you.” Caleb whispered as he yawned and closed his eyes, barely able to keep them open any longer.

“I love you too.” Quinton answered. He held Caleb close and kissed the back of his head. Quickly, the two drifted off to sleep. It was the best sleep that Caleb had had in weeks, being held safely in his mates arms.



The yard was full. Every member of the pack had come out and gathered in the large yard of Quinton’s family home that he now shared with Caleb and Rhylan. Elaborate tables had been set up along the edges of the yard along with folding chairs, all of which were decorated with white table cloths, and chair coverings, fall colored flower garlands, and arrangements of fall colored leaves, pine cones and gourds that contained white and red candles.

Quinton and Caleb stood on the porch, just in front of the steps. The steps, pillars, and fencing along the porch were also trimmed with the flower garlands of the same fall colors. Caleb wore a floral hair wreath matching the garlands, that sat atop his long and flowing mane of auburn curls and a pale green blouse that reached his waist, over white, wide leg, linen slacks. His blouse was decorated with gold embroidered leaves framing the cuffs and the opened V-neck of the blouse.

Quinton was dressed in the traditional clothing of his ancestors. A dark green tunic, belted, and black slacks. He wore black leather boots in contrast to Caleb’s bare feet. Quinton also wore a dark grey fur cloak over his shoulders, reaching slightly past his knees and was fastened with a gold chain. His dark hair was combed back and tied with twine at the back of his neck and his beard was neatly trimmed and combed. He was a sight, handsome and strong. Caleb’s heart swelled with love as he looked at his mate.

Quinton took Caleb’s hands in his and smiled, facing his omega. His future, his entire life, stood, looking back at him and he could see a lifetime of happiness and love reflected in those amber eyes. This was the happiest moment of Quinton’s life. Not only was he about to make his mating to Caleb official, but his entire pack had come to bear witness to their union. The only thing missing was Rhys, though Quinton could feel his brother’s presence, almost as though he were looking down from the moon lands and giving the couple his blessing. After all, Rhys had brought Caleb and Rhylan there to keep them safe and Quinton would see to it that no harm ever came to his mate again.

“Caleb.” Quinton began, looking deeply into Caleb’s eyes. His voice cracked slightly as tears of joy filled his eyes. Caleb was on the verge of tears as well. His hands trembled and a great sense of love and peace passed from him to Quinton through their bond. Caleb had never looked more beautiful, more serene, than he did in that moment and Quinton felt a great swell of pride knowing that Caleb was his mate.

“I have admired your spirit, your resilience, and your unwavering devotion. You came to me in the midst of tragedy, but I come to you now in love. Tonight, we take our connection to a new level and create a bond that is both sacred and profound. If you would take this next step with me before the wolf God and all our friends and family and agree to be my mate, you would succeed in making me the happiest wolf alive. Do you, Caleb, accept me as your mate and Alpha?”

Caleb’s eyes shimmered with a mixture of adoration and trust as he looked back at Quinton, locking eyes with him. The entire world around them seemed to stop and nothing existed now for Caleb other than the man standing before him, clutching his hands in his, holding him safety and securely to his heart.

“Quinton, my heart beats for you and you alone. You are my moon and stars and that which gives me life. I surrender to your embrace, your love, and your touch. I accept you as my mate and Alpha and vow to remain at your side, always, our wolves, and our lives, join as one.”

He paused, his eyes glistening with tears of joy, before continuing, “Today, in the presence of our family and friends, I promise to love you unconditionally, to cherish every moment we spend together, and to support you in all of your dreams and aspirations. I promise to be your rock in times of adversity, to listen to you with an open heart, and to always be there for you, until the day my heart beats no more and I join our ancestors in the moon lands.”

A wave of emotion washed over Quinton as he took his turn to speak. He looked into Caleb’s eyes, his voice filled with love, “Caleb, you are my soulmate, my best friend, and my partner in all ways. Since the day we met, my life has been filled with laughter, love, and a profound sense of belonging. You have shown me what true love means, and I am forever grateful for the depth of your heart.”

He took a deep breath, feeling the love and support from their loved ones surrounding them, and continued, “Today, I stand here, ready to make a promise to you. I promise to love you fiercely and wholeheartedly, to be your biggest supporter and your most honest critic. I promise to celebrate your triumphs, to lift you up in times of doubt, and to stand by your side through all of life’s adventures. With you, Caleb, I have found my home, and I am honored to spend the rest of my days with you.”

As their heartfelt vows hung in the air, Quinton opened Caleb’s hand and placed the moon pendant that he’d rescued from the forest, into Caleb’s hand. Thinking he’d lost the necklace, Caleb gasped, tears falling down his cheeks as he looked up at Quinton and whispered, “Every event in my life has been leading me to you and to this moment. I am truly, completely, and unconditionally yours.”

Quinton smiled brightly, kissing Caleb’s hand. “Caleb, with your acceptance of me as your Alpha and your mate, our bond shall become an eternal flame, a light that will forever guide us throughout the darkest of nights. Our love shall serve as a beacon of hope and unity for our pack as our bond is built on love and trust. So, I ask, Do you Caleb Morgan Giles-Hallorann, promise to walk with me and beside me, forsaking all others, and give yourself and your wolf freely to me, to allow me to shelter you, provide for you, and for our pups, future and current, and protect you for all the nights we walk together beneath the blessed moon?”

Quinton saw the tenderness and desire shimmering in Caleb’s eyes. He held onto Caleb’s hands, trembling in response, his heart fluttering like the wings of birds in flight. Tears of joy sprang to Quinton’s eyes as Caleb spoke the two words he so longed to hear, “I do.”

Their eyes met, and in that moment, they knew that their journey together would be filled with love, understanding, and unwavering support. Amidst cheers and applause from their loved ones, Quinton and Caleb sealed their vows with a passionate kiss, celebrating the beginning of their new chapter as mates. Surrounded by the warmth of their family and friends, they embarked on their journey, hand in hand, ready to face whatever life may bring, knowing that their love would always be their guiding light, for theirs was a love that would last forever.



Rhylan bursts through the front door, down the steps, and into Quinton’s outstretched arms. “Papa!” He cried out happily. “You’re home!”

“I am.” Quinton smiled as he scooped the pup into his arms. Rhylan wrapped his tiny arms around Quinton’s neck and hugged him close.

“I’ve been worried.” Rhylan made a pouty face as he clung to his father. “Daddy said you were working with the homans today.”

“I was. We’re trying to get a new contract for lumber so we can build some more houses.” He explained.

Rhylan huffed. “Shay says homans are bad. They’re scary and they eat us.”

Quinton bellowed a loud belly laugh at that. “Shay has an active imagination. Humans don’t eat us but many are scared of us. That’s why it’s important that we build relations with them. Once they see that we’re just like them maybe they won’t be so mean to us.”

“They aren’t monsters?” Rhylan asked.

Quinton shook his head. “They’re just people. They have families and jobs just like we do.”

“Well, as long as they don’t eat us…”

Quinton laughed again. “I can promise you, they’re not going to eat us. Speaking of eating though, smells like Daddy’s almost got dinner ready. Are you hungry.”

“I’m starving!” Rhylan shouted, rubbing his belly. “I bet I could eat the entire pot of spaghetti.”

“You probably could.” Quinton grinned. “Us alphas can eat a lot.”

Quinton carried Rhylan into the house then sat him down on the living room floor. “Go on up and wash up for dinner.” He told the pup. Rhylan immediately took off for the stairs. Quinton smiled as he watched him go. So much like Rhys at that age. It was good to have kids running through the house again.

Quinton hung up his work belt then walked into the kitchen where he found Caleb standing at the sink looking down at the floor but not moving. Quinton bristled, something was wrong. “Caleb?” He called out to him. “Are you alright?”

Caleb turned and looked at Quinton, an apologetic smile on his face and his hand resting over his swollen belly. “Dinner’s going to have to wait.” He told him. “My water just broke.”

Quinton followed Caleb’s gaze to the floor where he saw the puddle of fluid forming at his feet. Panic suddenly seized him and he rushed to Caleb’s side. “What should I do?” He gasped. “Do you need to lie down? Should I call Malcolm or Rusty? Please, tell me what you need!”

Caleb chuckled and gave Quinton a gentle pat on the arm. “I’ll call Rusty and have him come pick up Rhylan. You go ahead and pack him an over night bag.”

Quinton nodded then turned to rush out of the room.

“Oh and Quin?” Caleb called after him.

Quinton turned and looked back at his mate who was way more calm than Quinton. “Yeah?”

“Relax some.” Caleb smiled. “It’s just a baby, breathe. We got this.”

Quinton blew out a breath then walked back to Caleb and kissed him gently on the lips. “I’m glad your calm at least.” He chucked.

Caleb winked. “One of us has to be. Now, go get our son ready. I’ll call Russ. And, don’t panic. We have time. Trust me. This ain’t my first rodeo.”

As Quinton ran up the steps (taking them two at a time) Caleb went into the living and sat on the couch where he proceeded to call Rusty,

Rusty picked up on the second ring. “Caleb?”

“Yeah, Russ. Hey, could you come pick Rhylan up?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Well, it’s about that time.” Caleb pulled the phone away from his ear just as Rusty yelled for Zev, announcing that the pup was coming. A moment later and he was back on the phone.

“How’s Quinton doing?”

Caleb suppressed a snicker. “About as well as any alpha, running around completely out of his mind.”

“Figures.” Rusty giggled into the phone. “Are you doing okay?”

“Oh yeah, I’m golden. Only felt one contraction so far and it wasn’t that bad. I’m just, you know, ready to get this over with.”

“I hear ya. Listen, just hang tight okay? I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Thanks, Russ.”

“No need to thank me, we’re family.” Rusty hung up and Caleb waited in the living room, patiently rubbing circles on his huge belly. A slight cramping caused him to jump just a little.

“You just hold your horses in there, baby girl. No need to get Papa anymore nervous than he already is.

A minute later and Quinton came down the stairs with an excited Rhylan who was gushing over becoming a big brother. By the time Rusty showed up, Caleb was ready to get the show on the road.

Rusty loaded Rhylan and his bag into his car, refusing any help from Caleb at getting Rhylan strapped into his child seat. “I got it.” Rusty told him. “You just worry about that pup there.” He pointed to Caleb’s stomach.

Quinton helped Caleb out of the house and down to the jeep. After getting Caleb strapped in, Quinton glanced back at the house. He smiled. The next time they walked through those doors it would be with a new life bundled safely in Caleb’s arms. A new chapter in their life together that Quinton just couldn’t wait to open.


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