The Island, chapter 14_(0) by Robert Michael Shook

A gay sex adult story: The Island, chapter 14_(0) by Robert Michael Shook ,

Ch. 14/15

Jimmy had never seen anything like that before in his entire life.

He still could not understand how the boys could do it. He felt the

boy beside him tugging on his arm. The boy obviously wanted to

tell him something, however, they could not understand each

others words. The boy thought for a moment, and then smiled.Pointing to the sticks in the sand, he raised five fingers. He then
lowered two, looking a little sad as he did. The pointed to the
remaining three fingers, and then closed them down into his little

He opened the five fingers again and then closed them. Once they
were closed, he waived his hand over the boys out in the clearing.
He then pointed off towards the ocean and made movements like a
boat sailing.

The little boy repeated this over a few times until Jimmy finally
thought that he understood. To make sure, Jimmy decided to
mime back to the boy.

He pointed to the sticks and held up five fingers. Two he lowered
and made a motion as if he were eating. He then held up the three,
pointed off towards the little boys and lowered three more fingers
and made motions of eating once again.

He then made a motion of paddling a boat or canoe, motioned to
all of the boys, and then made the boat sign again. The little boy
smiled and shook his head up and down.

Jimmy smiled as he realized that they had “talked” for the first
time. The boys would eat a total of five boys before they left.
Once the fifth boy was eaten, they would leave the island.

Jimmy was still a little curious, and uncertain of one thing. He
pointed to one little boy playing off with the others, and then
motioned to the boy in an eating gesture. He was asking the boy
if that child would be eaten.

He did this several more times, and then repeated it pointing out
other boys, making sure that the child understood his question.
He was trying to find out if there were certain boys already
pre-selected to be eaten.

The little boy watched Jimmy’s mime for a few minutes, and then
smiled as he understood what he was asking. The boy shook his
head, and eventually made himself understood. There were no
pre-selected boys. A random choice was made of which boys to
eat. The little boy shuddered as he seemingly thought about this.

Jimmy could understand what the boy was feeling. He knew that
if he were still amongst the boys there, his head could be hanging
on the top of one of the poles.

Jimmy had another question which he wanted to ask, however, he
was not sure if he wanted the answer to it. He knew that he had to
ask it, and so he began the mimes, hoping that the boy’s answer
would not make him cry.

Jimmy managed to get through the remaining three boys being
eaten and the boys leaving the island to go back to their home.
Once he reached that point, he pointed to the boy and made two
choices of what he was going to do. One was the boy staying on
the island with him, and the other was him returning with the
other boys.

Jimmy sat holding his breath, as he watched the younger boy
thinking about what was being asked of him. He smiled when he
finally figured it out. Reaching out to hold Jimmy’s hand, the boy
pointed to himself, and then to Jimmy. He then pointed to the
ground where they sat.

Jimmy’s eyes teared up as he pulled the child to him. The boy was
going to stay on the island with him. Jimmy was so happy that he
could almost deal with the fact that children were being raped,
killed, and eaten. He would have his young lover with him for as
long as they remained on the island.

Jimmy kissed the boy tenderly on the lips, took his head into his
hands, and stared long and hard into his eyes. There was magic
which passed between the two boys during that moment, a magic
which could only pass between two lovers. Jimmy was happy.
He would have his lover for as long as he wanted.

With the discussion complete, the two boys looked back out into
the opening and watched the boys. Over where the little boys were
playing, a few had broken off from the others who were still
playing a game with little stones.

One little boy, who looked to be around eight or nine, stood on
the sand. Another little boy, who looked like he was around
seven, knelt down in front of him. The two boys watching could
not see them enough to see what was actually going on, but from
the motions of the kneeling boy’s head, and the smile on the older
boy’s face, it was obvious.

The younger boy was sucking the penis of the older. After
allowing the younger boy to suck on his own for a few minutes,
the older boy grabbed onto his head and holding it still, he began
to thrust his penis in and out of the younger boy’s mouth. The
little boy did not look like he was having any trouble handling
being fucked in the mouth.

Jimmy glanced over at his lover, and smiled when he saw that
they boy had and erection. The boy’s eyes met, and they smiled.
An understanding was reached. When they next played with each
other sexually, they would take turns fucking each other in the
mouth in that manner.

A ways away from the sucking boys, three other boys settled
themselves down onto the ground. One boy rolled onto his
stomach, and a second got on top of him. The top boy fumbled
around for a few minutes until he found his mark, and then he
pushed himself into the rectum of the other boy.

Once the two boys were in motion, the top boy beginning to fuck
wildly into the other, the third boy moved behind the top boy, and
climbed on top of him. The other two boys laid still as the third
fumbled his way around, and then entered the rectum of the top

Once the third boy was in motion, the second boy began to fuck
into the bottom boy as the other fucked into him. Jimmy smiled as
he watched this fuck. He had never experienced this type of
fucking in this manner, but something about it invaded his
memory, causing him to think for a moment that he was about to
remember his past. The thoughts and feeling faded quickly, which
left Jimmy depressed as always.

Jimmy’s eyes almost popped out of his head, when he glanced
over the edge of the boy’s camp, and saw four boys walking
into the camp area. Obviously, they had been playing outside of
the camping area.

Jimmy’s dick jumped when he watched them walk towards the
center of the camp, stop to look at the boys playing the game, the
boys having sex, and then the sleeping boys.

None of the boys looked older than six. They were much smaller
than any of the other boys that he had seen on the island. Between
their legs rested tiny, acorn-like, penises and testicles. Jimmy was
not sure just how old those boys were, but he was certain that
they were no more than toddlers.

When he looked towards his lover again questioningly, he saw that
the boy was smiling at him. The boy had noticed his lover’s penis
jump when the little boys appeared. He smiled, thinking that in
matters of sex, his older friend was like the older boys of his
tribe. They would also get hard-ons when the little ones were

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