Valleys and Mountains: Chapter 2 by sammyrobert87

A gay sex adult story: Valleys and Mountains: Chapter 2 by sammyrobert87 ,

Continuation from 1: Jack.
[center]2: The Hunt.

Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 22:00[/center]I don’t know what’s coming over me. I’m overly excited for so much as a friendly drink. New friend? Maybe that’s it. It’s been a while since I’ve met a new face.

I slipped on my Calvins and rummaged through the closet for something decent. I stopped on a pair of Abercrombie shorts and black shirt. Awful dressy for a Wednesday night. I knew it was in the lower fifties out (cold for Southern California this early in the evening), but I didn’t care. It was almost like a spell that put me on autopilot from there on. A very fast autopilot. Whatever the reason, it couldn’t have been 5 minutes before I was already in my brand new 2006 yellow-with-black-racing-stripes Camaro, squealing out of the complex.

It was only a five minute drive to The Hunt. Lots of parking spaces were abandoned… It seemed almost dead from the outside. I parked in the first spot beside the building, wiggled the gearshift, applied the parking brake, and killed the Camaro. I felt an odd need to gussy up in the rear view mirror before stepping out. The door slammed, echoing through the rain. I got a sudden whoosh of uneasiness; the place looked closed. I walked around to the entrance, and out the door stepped a giant… Well, at least six-foot-two.

“You expected?” he grunted.

“Uh. Yeah. Jack Mitchell.” What kind of place is this? ‘You expected?’ Really?

“Jack is waiting for you. Inside, to the right.”

I eyed him for a moment. I couldn’t figure it out, but something was really off about him. I nodded and entered.

I was greeted by awesome music upon opening the doors to the main bar. Sounded a lot better inside than it looked from outside. The bartender smiled and waved from across the room. I gave my usual ‘peace’ sign and grinned. Looking further back, I saw a familiar face gazing back at me. It was strange… Jack’s eyes looked as though they were glowing green… And stranger still, that glow turned me on, almost as if they ignited a fire within my veins. I walked across the bar. It was packed!

It wasn’t until I was halfway through the bar when I realized something: all the bar’s patrons’, bartenders’, waitresses’, and dancers’ eyes seemed to glow. I pegged it on the blacklights, thinking little of it. “Jack Mitchell?”

Jack looked the same as I had remembered. Very fit. You could see his muscles outlined in his tight-fitting grey shirt. He even still wore the same black ski hat.

“Kaedan! I figured you wouldn’t want to lose out on a free round of drinks. Glad to finally meet you after six years.” He motioned to the drink in front of him, raising his own.

“Hell no. What’d you order?” I asked as I gulped down a taste.

“That’s just a normal Long Island,” he announced almost begrudgingly.

I looked at him inquisitively. “Contrary to your ‘not normal’ Long Island?”

“Yep.” He took a sip.

Oooookay then. “So do I kick your ass in pool now or later?” I taunted.

“Sit down, relax a minute! The rain’ll be waiting for you when you leave, no rush! It’s only ten thirty. We just got here.”

“Alright, cool.” I took another gulp. It was damn good.

This time, I could say he was actually staring at me for certain, jade eyes peering into my soul. He said nothing for an eternity, it felt… And, oddly, I was OK with it. Normally I’d have started rambling.

I hated to admit it to myself, but Jack was HOT as HELL. I’d never pegged myself so much as even bisexual, but damn. He was sultry. I felt my palms starting to sweat, my heart rate increasing. The longer we fixated on each other, the hotter he seemed. His jawline was as though it was crafted by an expert stonemason. Perfect angles, his facial hair trimmed in a thin chinstrap outlining this feature. He hadn’t even one blemish on his pale, smooth skin. His lips were narrow… and inviting. His chest would make any woman wet with lust and man hard with envy instantly; his pectorals bulged in that shirt, the V-neck giving me a glimpse of well-groomed dark, short chest hair.

I raised my glass to take another drink to find that it was already empty. Being as entranced as I was, a cube of ice slid out of the glass and down my throat. I choked, coughing the cause into Jack’s lap. He burst out laughing. At least he’s got a sense of humor…

As he kicked back in his chair, I couldn’t help but notice that his four canine teeth were abnormally long… and pointy. Again, I don’t know why, but I found this extremely sexy. It seemed like he was perfect.

Jack finished his bout of laughter and joked, “You know how to start a conversation, all right.”

I smirked sheepishly. “Yeah, well you’re not big on conversation either. Are you gonna like suck my blood out with those fangs of yours?”

The room quieted instantly. The denizens shuffled to glare my direction. I felt every blood cell flee from my face in fear. I wouldn’t have been surprised if every single person in the bar was staring at me.

Jack scoffed quietly at me, shooting a dirty look, then burst out laughing, louder than before. Whatever just happened, this seemed to neutralize the damage. The bar returned to its former friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere. I was lost for words. The fuck have I gotten myself in to?!

He quieted and chugged the remainder of his drink. He peered at me, narrowing his left eye damningly. His face softened. He smiled. “I really should have explained a bit before inviting you out here. It’s my fault. Want to go someplace else? I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable, though I realize it’s probably too late for that…”


“I’m good, man, but wanna clue me in? What the fuck did I say to make them do that?” I asked, subtly motioning toward everyone else in the bar.

“Yeah. That’s only fair.” His voice quieted to a mere whisper. “Just don’t say ‘blood’ or ‘vampire’ here. We don’t really take kindly to the latter term, and some of them are hungry after their daily sleep. See, this is equivalent to about your lunch time for us.”

Whut. We? Us? We who? We you? We me? We them? Wha-wha? I became befuddled.

Jack grinned kindly. “I know man, I should have told you beforehand. Don’t think me different just because I’m ‘undead’ as you’d call it.” His voice quieted again. “Oh, and if you want to say ‘the V word’, please replace it with third-shift-worker or late-night-partier or something like that… be creative. Some of them—particularly Derek” —he motioned toward a man at the far end of the bar—”hate the term, thanks to the movie industry. It’s a racial slur. Other than that, be yourself! We’re socially no different.”

I returned to my senses, enlightened by his speech, though still uneasy. “Ok, you’re not shitting me… you’re seriously a va—yama-pomma-llama… ‘third-shifter’? If you get my drift.”

“Yep.” Jack motioned for the waitress. “I’ll get you a second round to make up to you. Sound good?”

“As long as I get to kick your ass.”

“My ass is all yours, stud. Bring it on.”

I didn’t know how to take that. He came across as a gay vampire right there. Whatever, free booze. I’ll deal.

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