I Provided Extra Income for Him

A gay story: I Provided Extra Income for Him A nice sip of cold beer mingled with the remnants of semen still in my mouth. When I left the guest house where we stayed, early this morning, I could not have imagined that my day would turn out like this.

7 years ago I moved to a new life in South East Asia and now, for the first time, I was back in the Netherlands. My wife had an appointment with some friends and I decided to spend the day riding my bicycle along all the spots I used to visit in the area when I still lived there.

Around lunchtime I rode to the woods where I used to walk a lot. I often went there in the early morning, when it was fairly safe to stroll around naked. The place where I always parked my bike had changed a lot. The narrow sandy path was widened and a parking lot for about 12 cars had been created at the beginning.

The parking lot was empty. I put my bicycle against a tree and I sat down on the bench there to eat my lunch.

After a while a car arrived. A guy stepped out and asked if I had called for an appointment. I said I did not and gestured that he was welcome to sit on “my” bench.

“Was your appointment supposed to be here already?” I asked him.

“I’m not even sure he will show up,” he replied.

“I think I wouldn’t make an appointment if I wasn’t sure the other one would come.”

He then told that he would get money for the appointment so he takes the risk of a no show.

“You are making me curious now.” I said.

He replied with a question: “Is this the first time you are here?”

“O no, I’ve been here many times,” I said, “but the last time was 7 years ago.” I told him I moved abroad and was now cycling along spots that evoke memories.

“Okay, then I understand,” he laughed. “This parking lot is nowadays used by men to make appointments.”

He paused to see how I would react. I must have looked interested because he continued.

“I make appointments with men to jerk them off.”

“Jerk only, or also blow?”

He looked a bit surprised at my question. “Only jerk. Blow would be double money, but I never do.”

I asked if he goes naked. He said he does not, though it would also double the price.

I took a few sips of my coffee. “Would the guy you’re dating be willing to pay extra if you suck him naked?”

“I’m sure he will. He asked me but I said no.”

“When he comes, just ask him how much he would give to get a blow job from a completely naked man.”

“But I don’t blow and I don’t go nude”, the guy said.

“I know,” I smiled naughtily, “but I do.”

Before he could reply, a car arrived. The guy stood up and walked towards it. I jumped behind the bushes and undressed myself completely.

I could see the guy and his client talk and finally they walked my way. I stepped out of the bushes and saw how instantly a bulge grew in the clients pants. He was apparently very impatient because he immediately unzipped his pants and let a big hard rod pop out.

I sank on my knees and started to caress it. He closed his eyes and moaned softly. His body jerked slightly when I touched his head with my tongue. He pushed his hips forward, forcing his cock against my lips. Slowly I opened them, letting the rod slip in bit by bit. Then I suddenly moved my head forward, taking the entire cock in. I increased the presure of my lips and slowly moved back, till only the cock-head was in my mouth. I played a bit with my tongue, then released pressure and shove the entire thing back in again. I repeated these moves several times.

His breathing became faster and louder now. His body started to make jerky moves. Suddenly his hips froze, he tossed back his head, his moaning became screaming and finally I felt his warm juices flow into my mouth. He pulled his cock back from my mouth. I licked off the remaining cum. With a heavenly look in his eyes, he sat down on the bench.

The first guy looked at me very greedy, but did not really know what to do now. I gestured him to come, took his cock out of his pants and sucked him too, till I received a second mouthful.

The client then said he had to go. Both guys walked to their cars to handle the financial part of the deal. After the client had left the first guy walked back to me and asked how much I wanted.

“I prefer to be paid with a blow job,” I replied.

“But you know I don’t want to swallow cum.”

“I know, but since I’ve had a prostate surgery, I don’t shoot cum anymore, so you don’t have to swallow anything.”

He hesitated a while and I explained to him I was not lying and really had my prostate removed. Finally he believed me and sucked me to a huge, dry orgasm.

“How much did he pay?” I asked him before he stepped into his car.

“85 euro” he smiled.

“And what would have been the rate for a jerk only?”

“30 euro.”

I made his day. And he made mine.

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