Last Chance Pt. 05 by wysteria39

Last Chance Pt. 05 by wysteria39

Discover the thrilling climax in 'Last Chance Pt. 05,' a captivating gay erotic sex story that explores desire and passion. Join the characters on their unforgettable journey of lust and romance. Dive in now for an enticing read that will leave you wanting more!<br/> Devon, you’re an idiot! A fucking idiot! Why did you… gah!!!

Yeah, Devon barely slept that night. Tossing and turning he went, looking at the hotel’s clock every hour or so. He wagered he finally slept two, maybe three hours by 4 AM before just kind of stirring in his bed. Some shitty dream he kept waking up from as if he was in some kind of live action Grand Theft Auto game, but driving haphazardly by some cliffside where he kept inadvertently diving off the side of the cliff into the water and/or jagged rocks. So yeah, he jerked off once to again the not-faded-at-all wonderful – if bittersweet – memory of Jason pounding away at his ass two days before. That probably wasn’t going away anytime soon, for sure. It was definitely fertile material from which to blow loads to be wiped away by hotel sheets that would be cleaned by some maid that would come when he wouldn’t be there.

Wow. But that actually happened, didn’t it? I still can’t believe it.

Finally resolved that he wouldn’t sleep any more, Devon hopped out of bed, rubbing at his temples. He was unfortunately reminded of his place in the grand scheme of life. He’d lost everything. The girl of his dreams, a pretty OK job if not a great one, a pretty decent place to move forward from. All of that. This was a thing he’d have to dig himself out of and he hadn’t lost sight of that.

He grabbed his phone and looked at it, almost dreading doing so as he did.

Messages! Holy shit, he really did message me. He’d actually assumed it might come in the form of a phone call, or most likely nothing at all.

Devon looked at his texts. There it was:


And it was only sent 30 minutes beforehand. He smiled broadly, even giggling a little then. Yeah, the giddiness was back. Butterflies, even, if that could be a thing. He responded immediately:


He then waited. He could see Jason was “typing” almost right away. Was he as excited as Devon was? This was all so mysterious.


Devon set his phone down then, nodding resolutely. The smile never left his face.

Oh yes, I’ll be ready. Then the smile ebbed a bit. Just don’t… do that again, Jason. Please. I can’t take that again. He knew he deserved a lot of things but he didn’t deserve that. Not again.

9 PM came so quickly. Devon spent a few hours “doom-scrolling” on his phone before getting ready for his “date.” That mostly consisted of giving himself a hot bath where he did some basic maintenance. You know. Cleaning his ass, shaving his pubes (even crack) outright, and soaping up for a good hour and half to ensure he would smell nice. He wanted to at least present himself as fresh as Jason had in their first night together. He afforded himself only 3 shots of Tito’s vodka before departing.

After a drive, he was there. Quickly he rushed to Apartment 2B, clambering up the steps to the second floor. He knocked, eagerly. Before even five seconds passed, the door opened, not swiftly but rather slowly. And then there was those piercing blue eyes looking into his own.

“Awesome. Right on time,” Jason said. Smiling tightly. He gestured inside. “Come on in.”


Devon noticed right away, of course, that his old friend wasn’t clad in just a towel like last time or anything. Though as he passed him going in, he noted he still smelled as spectacularly as before. Just as fresh. Not wanting to presume anything, he began to head toward Jason’s living room.

“Ah-ah!” Jason said. He then pointed the hallway bathroom. For which the door was closed. “Go in there first, please. If you will.”

“In there? In the bathroom?”

“Yeah,” Jason said with a nod and that grin again. “I know, I know. It’ll make sense when you go in there, I think.” Devon – surprisingly – wasn’t really nervous until that exact moment. “You’ll know what to do.”

“Eh… okay. Like I said, I’ll, uh… do whatever. I want this to work.”

“So do I.” Jason turned to head to the kitchen then stopped, turning back to him as if a new thought just popped into his mind. “And look, if it’s not for you, if you’re not feeling it… I totally get it. I’ve already been shit to you. No harm, no foul. After you go in there if you don’t like it, we can hang out, play video games, take shots, whatever you want, or you can just get. Again, totally get it.”

Okay, now I’m really nervous!

Devon only gave a nod. He headed into the bathroom and Jason went to the kitchen then. He flipped the light switch inside as he closed the door behind him. He decided against closing his eyes but, instead, just looked at the floor until the door was firmly closed. Then he looked up.

Oh, shit… what the fuck! What the fuuuuck…

Arranged neatly atop the closed toilet, the counter, and across the towels on the wall was an assortment of… women’s garments. Fishnet stockings, generic pantyhose, panties, bras (for these, all in black), elegant bracelets and jeweled necklaces… and three wigs. All three mostly in the same style, below shoulder-length mostly straight hair with slight bangs that might angle down into one’s cheeks. One was pretty standard brunette, one was sort of a dirty blond, and one was like fire hydrant red.

Devon felt his heart pounding now. Oh my god, he wants me to… oh my god!

He then saw a sticky note by the rim of the sink, where the wigs were next to:


– J

Devon slowly collapsed on his haunches, running a hand through his hair, eyes wide and freaked out as never before. Good god, what the fuck?! This was nothing he’d ever even considered, let alone fantasizing about – ever! I’m not some kind of fucking weirdo! I’m not! And yet…

Jesus… maybe… maybe it’s worth a try? he pondered then, with a little bit of a clearer head a few moments later. If I hate it, then… whatever. Right? It’s never too late.

He looked at the undergarments first. So frilly! So girly. What could possibly have made Jason think this would be something he’d be into? Oh wait.

You said you were happy being his girlfriend. His fucking girlfriend. Remember that? Duh. Idiot. Hello? Though… how would he even know my size?! Did he study me that closely? That’s kind of a turn on, I guess. He thought to Shannon, suddenly. He’d seen her close up, intimately, from all angles and over a very long period of time. Yet, if gun to his head and if he’d have to walk into like a lingerie shop… there’s no way he’d have been able to buy stuff for her without some kind of a “cheat sheet.”

His outstretched hand hovered over the three wigs, then. First the blond one. No way, that’s not me. Plus I’m pretty enamored with a certain blond right now! Then the fire hydrant red one? Pretty hot, honestly. I’d look like Jessica Rabbit. But… too much, right? I don’t want to look like a porn star. Then the brunette, pretty natural looking one. Yes. Yes, I think this is the one.

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