Last Chance Pt. 05 by wysteria39

In the mirror, he put the wig on and looked at himself. It actually suited himself pretty well.

“So I guess we’re doing this?” He gave a deep sigh as he continued staring at himself with the wig on. Like a mini pep talk. “Okay. Cool.”

With that, he got naked and began getting dressed. First in the basic pantyhose, then slipping into the lace panties, then spending more time than he’d feared figuring out how to get into the bra and fasten it. When he was finished, he looked by the light switch where he noticed for the first time an unmarked bottle of what had to be perfume. It had a sticky note: “WEAR ME.” He did so, spritzing some across his neck and collarbone area.

Devon then struck various poses in front of the mirror, now in full women’s wear. He actually didn’t look bad, he decided. He poked out his butt a bit and turned, looking at himself again. Yeah, not bad at all. Wait, what the fuck am I saying? Good lord… I’m kind of liking this, aren’t I? He even had a little bit of a “bubble butt,” depending on the angle. He’d always tried to stay fit with a lot of cardio but he’d never really packed on much muscle… so in the angles he was wearing these articles of clothing he noticed he could totally pass as fairly feminine. Even… an actual woman. It gave him a bit of a shock, but he rolled with it within the energy of what was going on and possibly what was at stake.

I hope he likes it, Devon worried. Though he noted it was strange that he was no longer worried about how weird this was. It honestly seemed to just feel like a fairly natural glove for him to slip into, given the circumstances and his feelings for Jason.

Smiling in the mirror at himself, he channeled his inner “girl” and winked. He was ready then, he decided. With a little twirl as he went, he opened the door and dove headfirst into whatever the rest of the evening would bring.

He wouldn’t have long to find his answer. It would be Jason’s arms. Jason’s tender, loving arms, which he was feeling for the first time all over his body, almost plucking him up from where he exited the bathroom. He felt so warm, so nice. He felt immediately comforted, in a happy place he didn’t know existed let alone one he deserved or would be walking into. He was literally swept off his feet to an extent.

“Oh my! Ooh!” Devon yelped as he was grabbed. He made his voice sound higher pitched and more girly without even realizing he was doing it. “So I think you li -”

Jason’s mouth quickly found Devon’s, hungry, and he was silenced. “Mmh!” But it was a blissful silence then. A moment later Jason broke from the kiss and looked him in the eyes, parting the bang that had fallen directly in his eye and cupping his cheek.

“You look perfect, baby,” Jason said. The grin was back, but now there was real hunger behind it. Devon felt taken aback by his clear need. “Are you okay?”

So many emotions were exploding in him he found it difficult to take a moment to remotely look inward… but he tried. As he looked back into Jason’s eyes, he nodded to him. “Yes.” Another moment. “Yes. This is perfect.”

Jason reached down and hoisted up Devon, holding him in his arms now. “Are you ready, m’lady?” he asked.

Devon gave a girlish smile. “Yes, my love. I am yours.”

“You smell so good, Devon.”

“God, so do you.”

“Thank you.”

“You know I will always take care of you, right? You know that?”

“Yeah?” Devon took a deep breath. Also gulped. “Well, I know it now.”

“Look, your problems? Forget about them. They’re in the past now. All of them.”

“You’re so sweet, Jason. God, I…” he stopped himself then.

Devon gave Jason a kiss on his neck, as was easy to do from his position. God, that felt so right. Jason responded by leaning his head into him a little further. He felt his hand caressing one ass cheek and he moaned in his ear.

And off they went. Slowly, deliberately, to the bedroom. Real, true love would be made, and Devon was sure of it. And nothing had ever felt more natural or right to him. As they passed a hallway mirror and he saw himself being held by Jason in it for a moment he smiled again. God that was hot.

To be continued…

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