The Gay-Cation

A gay sex story: The Gay-Cation

‘So, what are you going to do about the honeymoon?’ My Mam asked as I sat there with my head in my hands.

It was the one question that hadn’t even crossed my mind in the last few days. In a couple of days, I was supposed to be getting married. That all changed suddenly a few days ago, my fiancé, the person I thought I was destined to spend the rest of my life with, told me that the wedding wasn’t going to happen. Apparently, she’d been getting close to someone she worked with, and it turned out she’d been cheating on me for the last few months. It felt like my world was falling apart and I didn’t know what to do. We had a house together, and when she told me, I packed my stuff and left and was now back in my parents spare room.

Being 26 years old and moving back in with your parents wasn’t part of the life plan. And now I had many things to cancel, including the venue and the honeymoon. I got some money back from the wedding venue, but the holiday was a whole other situation. After many phone calls, they decided it was too late to cancel and either the holiday could be changed to something else, or I went on our honeymoon trip to Bali. I worked so hard for that holiday, put in extra hours at work just so we could have the trip of a lifetime.

‘We could always go on the holiday,’ my Mam said that and then quickly realised it was a bad joke.

‘I need to get away,’ I said. ‘I need some time away from everything, work, this place.’ This place was Leeds, in the northern part of England. I just needed to be somewhere where people wouldn’t know who I was. I was fully aware that I was more than likely the talk of the town since the news broke out. We shared a lot of the same friends, which in this situation wasn’t good.

‘Then maybe leave the holiday as it is then,’ my Dad suggested.

‘I can’t,’ I was miserable. ‘Bali was meant to be mine and Heather’s dream destination, but she ruined that. I’ll figure something out with the travel agents and see what they say.’

Over the next few days, I spent some time researching different places to go. Eventually, I settled on a 5-star adult only hotel in Gran Canaria. Using the money from the Bali trip, I was able to get myself into the best hotel available for 5 nights and it was all inclusive. Meaning I had the option to drink myself silly if I wanted to. The hotel also had its own private beach, so I wouldn’t have to leave the hotel at all if I really didn’t want to. And the best part of it all, I could leave next week. It was early in June, so the weather wouldn’t be ridiculously hot which I preferred and even if it was, I could get myself in the hot tub on my balcony, seen as though I was paying for the suite. I told my parents the plan and they were more than happy to drop me off at the airport.

I had a week getting myself sorted, doing a lot of online shopping and research of places I could go and visit while I was there. As it got closer to the holiday, that’s when my mood started to lift slightly as I prepared myself for a week of sunshine and down time. On the morning of my flight, my Mam and Dad dropped me off at the airport early, I was ready to be away from Leeds and couldn’t wait to land in Gran Canaria. Once I was through the initial check in process and was just waiting to board, I went and got my first alcoholic drink of the holiday. You haven’t really gone on holiday unless you’ve had a pint in the airport.

The flight felt long and boring, I downloaded films to watch during the four-hour flight. I was lucky enough to get the window seat and nobody was sat in the middle seat, so I had a bit more room to spread my legs. Being 6ft 2 and flying had always been a pain. And I refused to pay for the extra leg room, which was probably just me being too stubborn. Upon landing in Gran Canaria, I was directed to my airport transfer and boarded a coach to the hotel. The heat hit me immediately when I left the airport, and I was glad I’d already dressed for the warm weather to travel. As they called out my hotel when we pulled up, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The place looked like a palace. And arriving at night-time just made the whole thing look so much better. It had a marble walkway leading to the entrance, and when I stood up to leave the coach, I was more shocked when I was the only person who was staying here. Everybody else on the coach gave me weird looks as I left, and I imagined they must’ve thought I was some sort of snob, but I deserved this holiday.

‘Hola Señor’, a friendly young man greeted me and took my bags from the coach before it drove away. He guided me to the main reception where I needed to check in.

I was greeted again by another young man who was working behind the reception desk. As soon as the guy with my bags heard what room I’d be staying in, he disappeared off into the lift ahead of me whilst I finished checking in. They gave me my wristband to signify that I was all inclusive and then he sent me on my way, pointing me in the direction of the lifts and where I needed to go when I reached my floor. I was only on the 4th floor, but I was too lazy tonight to take the stairs. My room was incredible, but there wasn’t much time to take it all in. I was absolutely shattered. I thanked the member of staff for bringing my bags up before collapsing into bed and falling asleep in an instant.

I woke up the next day around lunchtime, not how I planned on spending my first morning on holiday, but I forgot to set an alarm last night and now I’d already missed breakfast so had to wait an hour or so for the lunch buffet to open. I took some time to explore my room, it was bigger than your average hotel room, and was more like a mini apartment. In one half, I had a sofa and the television. Then through into the second room was my bedroom and en suite bathroom. Both rooms had access to the balcony. I got myself ready, dressing in my swimming shorts, a vest, and sliders before slowly making my way out onto the balcony. The view from the hotel was incredible. Every room came with a sea view, and from my balcony, I could see down to the pool before, so far, I could only see a few guys lounging around on the beds. And then I could see where the private access to the beach was, and it gave me a good idea of how enclosed it was. Surrounded by rocks, I couldn’t see any other beaches within the area.

But now I was getting too hungry, so I decided to take myself down to the restaurant for something to eat. ‘Table for one Sir?’ The waiter greeted me at the door and led me to a table. I was in a world of my own whilst I was eating my lunch, browsing through my phone, and catching up on all things social media. It was only when I was leaving the restaurant that something seemed off to me. I still hadn’t seen one woman whilst I was in the restaurant but there was a lot of guy couples and even a lot of single guys. Even when I was looking down towards the pool, there weren’t any woman for me to admire, and things were starting to seem a little strange.

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