Fool in The Rain

A gay story: Fool in The Rain Fool in the Rain (bi)

(Inspired by the song)

Elena left a message saying she wanted to talk. Elena – a perfect name for my bright latin beauty. Her name literally means ‘shining’ and when I look in her eyes I see a star that just can’t wait for the night. She said she had something to show me. Anxious, I wrote the details on my hand: corner of 34th and 85th.

The rhythm of the city was as steady as a Bossa nova, drumming on and on forever as my feet beat the sidewalk.

Elena – as delicate as the tender plink of a piano. She’s the one – I think. I hope she’s my sparkling star anyway. But maybe I’d been blinded by her dazzle. Why, oh why can’t I see her tonight?

I’m totally smitten by her. She’s my world, even if I’m not sure I’m hers. She’s got this warm smile that creates a burning in me. The thrill of her touch – it gives me fright. Even right now I’m shaking so much with this irresistible yearning.

The area she’d picked for our meeting was all wrong. Liquor stores and an adult bookstore. If she would just show up it would make everything alright.

It started to drizzle and I had my doubts. Alone there on that noisy street corner I mumbled under my breath kicking my feet: “You promised you’d love me forever. And you said you would always be true. You swore you would never leave me.”

Looking up at the clock outside the drugstore I noted that she was now fifteen minutes late. “Elena! What happened to you?”

It didn’t seem possible she wouldn’t be here. She was the romantic in our relationship. She said a love like ours only happened in movies. I’d hoped so too. I mean, it really felt better than a movie. We’d built dreams. I’d hitched my dreams onto hers. She was supposed to save me from my dreary past of abuse.

But this wasn’t the first time I’d thought I’d found the light of my love only to have my hopes dashed. So there I was, standing in the now pouring rain feeling blue.

I watched the people go by, shuffling around me, dashing between drops. Busy, oblivious to my pain in their hurried downtown travels.

I checked the clock again: Another ten minutes longer and then I’d turn around.

Time’s hands moved slower and slower. My heart sank to the ground and the storm that was my love life, the one I’d thought would blow over: well the clouds covered the light of the love that I thought I’d found.

Was my light really gone? She’d wanted to talk…

I suddenly felt dizzy as the world spun around faster and faster like the hands on that damn clock that just didn’t seem to stop. The traffic splashed by. The policeman blew his whistle. The throngs ignored me pushing past. I’m thinking it over. Every second of our relationship runs through my frenzied mind.

Why can’t I ever find love? The light will never be mine. I’m so tired of the light that I just never seem to find. I’ll just give up. I waited but I was played and this was it! I’m finished!

I see it in my dreams,

but I just don’t seem to be with anyone for long. I deserve love too. I gotta get it all. I’ve got to get it too.

Forlorn and drenched I needed to get out of there. Out of the rain.

The bookstore was dry and tempting. My empty soul needed diversion and I only needed to show my ID.

But the overhead glare of fluorescent tubes was too much. I wandered aimlessly into a dark miserable booth where the fleshy images distracted me.

To one side I was startled by a voice. Behind a hole in the wall a calm voice implored me, “What are you here for?” It was a simple enough question. But I didn’t have an answer. I was totally without direction.

When I didn’t reply he kept talking, “I know what you want. We both know why you’re here.”

Finally a glimmer. I listened intently. “I’m gonna give it to you. Just do what I tell you and it’ll all be alright.”

It’s what I’d needed all night. I just needed it to be alright.

The faceless man stood up and in a moment presented me with a soft penis.

I was shocked. But I couldn’t leave my dark refuge. I couldn’t go back out to the desolate street corner where I’d been stood up, dumped. The rejection was too hard.

I stared at the disembodied cock. It hung there limply, promising no harm. The man spoke softly, comforting me, “Touch it. You’ll like it. It’s what you’ve been needing. It wants you to.”

My mind was numb as I reached out. It wouldn’t abandon me. The skin was silky smooth. The warmth was inviting. And it loved my touch, growing to show me affection.

He moaned in appreciation, “That’s right man. You’re doing what you were meant to do. It feels natural and right. Doesn’t it?!”

I didn’t know about that. But he wanted me. It reminded me of the summer I’d spent at my uncles. He was kind and paternal too.

I stroked it for a long time, fascinated by its hard tautness. “What are you waiting for, boy?” He asked.

Again, I didn’t know what I was waiting for. I resisted the idea until he cajoled me more, “Just breathe on it. Lean close so I can enjoy your warmth.”

That didn’t seem bad. He seemed to need me. First, I blew air softly all over, then opened wide to make my breath hot.

The sounds on the other side of the wall were low and fuzzy and he absolutely loved me. I lifted it up to breathe on the underside, accidentally making the tiniest contact.

The most incredible groan came through. Elena had never groaned like that. “That’s right buddy. Keep putting your lips on it. It’s gonna be so good. The answer to all our problems.”

I never doubted him. The answer! I needed answers so I did it. The surface felt even silkier on my lips. I ran up and down, holding it this way and that as I did.

“Kiss it!” Why not?

“Good. All over.” It wasn’t bad.

“Fantastic! Now kiss it like you’re in love.” I wanted to be in love so badly.

“Now kiss the tip. Let the end inside.” That wet end and his constant reassurance was so comforting in my time of need.

I knew to suck. Desperately I sucked the crown needing to thank him for his kindness. It filled me, so alive and friendly.

I could plunge down halfway before it bottomed out. But I backed off and repeated the maneuver repeatedly. I could feel his pleasure palpably.

I bobbed and my new buddy pumped. I strained to show my love by going deeper and he repaid me by bucking against the hole.

My saliva adored him and his leakage honored me. My lips hugged his girth and his heartbeat pulsed back at me. My tongue lapped enthusiastically and his length surged.

“Keep going like that and I’ll give it to you.”

I wanted him to do just that. A gift from my helper. His encouragement spurred me on to new heights of energetic sucking.

He pushed up and I pushed back. He grunted and I grunted back. He yelled out but I hummed.

A moment later and it swelled and spurted, giving up gobs of love. He was intensely generous as I received the precious nectar.

Struggling to swallow with the pipe still blocking my tongue’s motions I did my best to respect his offering. When he pulled out I was free to ingest my mentor’s cum without impediment. Gulping and smacking my lips I licked all that I could find with all my gratitude.

The salty flavor was still strong in my mouth when his mustached mouth appeared, “Thanks cocksucker!” But his words weren’t gentle and amiable. He sneered condescendingly with an undertone of cruelty.

My body started to quiver. And the palms of my hands got wet. How did I get here? Why had I doubted Elena? This was a horrible mess.

I fled the store as fast as I could. I ran out into the torrential rain, up and down the street, ’till I was breathless. Then, breathless, I dropped to my knees panting.

I stared at the smudged writing on my hand. 3?th and 85th. Looking up at the street sign I was now at 35th and 85th. And there sat the light of the love that I’d found, just inside the window of a charming cafe, waiting patiently for me. I had been a fool on the wrong block.

Author’s note:

This story was inspired by the song of the same name. Go ahead and listen or read the lyrics. I did add the entire section that happened in the bookstore. I also added details throughout the song that would work with that event.

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