Vortex Quest Bk. 03 Ch. 09

A gay story: Vortex Quest Bk. 03 Ch. 09 == VORTEX QUEST 3-9 ==


A lone rock stack, towering a quarter mile beyond the surface of Lydeth, occasionally quivering under the might of waves and wind, hung with barge docks and crystal domes, served as the upper palace of some demon lord or another. Xane hardly cared as long as he was getting beautifully railed.

Siren Fiends were as eager to fuck as any demonic youngling. Their blue, ripped muscle dicks pulsed in waves like ocean themed batons, veins as thick as a human finger throbbing as the penile muscles flexed the short muscle wizard’s hole open.

One Fiend was fucking him doggy style, hips tightly gripped, another fed him nectar through the face hole, which Xane greedily lapped up.

The air in the alabaster chamber was thick with mist, rhythmic drumming rumbling from far below.

Xane had probably spent an hour like that and could have spent ten more but eventually his tops were exhausted and he lay unmoving between impassive, hunky humans, letting a big, black guy caress his still hard nipples and slowly mage-hand jerking him off in return.

Marcus approached him, walking with the familiar just-got-demon-fucked swagger. “We got a mission, buddy.”

“Chay’s back?” Xane slurred, his hole still involuntarily flexing with after-gasms beyond earthly reckoning.

“Nope. Still negotiating with his abyss bitch, probably sucking his dick after. Goro’s actually gone fishing. Or punching fish. If that’s what Felshark are. He’s out killing shit, is my point.”

Xane grumbled. “He said he needed time to think.”

Marcus grinned insufferably, lazily tossing a whitefire flame between his palms. “That’s gonna take a looong ass time for a dummy like him. Uh- Whoa, that gets you to your feet, huh? Fine, fine, sorry. He thinks best while ripping monster fish apart, I respect that.”

“So what’s the mission?” Xane asked, now risen.

Marcus tossed the slow-mo flame into the air where it vanished. “Scraping off barnacles.”

“You’re shitting me.”

“Chay said the lord can give us tasks if it frees up his men for the Revolution.”

Xane grunted. He felt a little parched. Asking slaves “who needs to piss?” in the nearest six languages, he got a yes in Czech and one in Zulu. Soon he had two hot streams rushing down his throat. Not his favorite way to wash away the nectar aftertaste, but he was no longer shuddering at the mere thought of chugging from anonymous bodybuilder’s dicks.


Below the rock stack, fleshy, transparent bubbles ranging from ten to a hundred feet across formed a demonic and amphiboldian settlement. Flickering glow worms formed lines along the bubbles’ veins. Blue glow from the inside made visible the silhouettes of markets, hatcheries, the arena, the casino and whatever else soul gem powered orbs shone on.

The two demigods dropped into the ocean’s light foam from up the stack — an exhilarating jump that helped Xane wake from his nectar trance.

The mage turned on his crotch light and got to work. The town of thick orbs was beset by Muckspawn — some mix of fish and fungus that came in various types.

Lazy lightning zaps killed them by the dozen. Where electroshocks came too close to ‘injuring’ the undersea houses, targeted necrosis, poison and burning heat did the trick.

The ones sticking to the orbs and shedding spores were easily wiped off with magic as well but that was Marcus’ job, his chakram zooming along the Muckspawn infested blue bubbles like a windshield wiper sweeping away rain drops.

The Korean hunk found the fun in the activity, power traveling along his arms every few seconds. Cleaning almost led him into trance.

Xane felt a tap on the shoulder. “What?” he said into the second skin of air that surrounded his head — bubbles rising – and spun to face the other demigod.

Marcus signed in American Sign Language. ‘Know what I just realized? Understanding *every* language includes this one.’

Signing was a whole new mode of language and doing it underwater added difficulty, but Xane had to admit he wouldn’t have realized it himself.

He signed back. ‘Great. The one time I’m safe from you rambling my ears full you figure out how to talk to my eyeballs.’

With their bodies illuminated from their dick cages’ holy radiance and the gentle blue of the houses as well as the surface, Xane had to admit Marcus looked incredibly elegant while the mage himself was drifting like a slab.

‘Just wondering’, the martial artist signed, ‘if there’s a reason you turned into *more* of an asshole lately when we’ve all grown chummier otherwise. Even the meathead gives me little nods of acknowledgement, for fuck’s sake.’

‘He’s not a meathead.’

‘See?’ Marcus signed frantically. ‘It wasn’t even really an insult and you feel the need to defend him. Why don’t I get that loyalty? Yeah, you hit the gym with him before, but we’ve all been through more life-and-death situations than practically anyone we’ll ever know. All four of us.’

Xane swam slightly back, hoping to return to a quiet Muckspawn destruction-spree soon. ‘Fuck, I don’t know. There’s just something so irritating about you.’

In the blink of an eye Marcus looked so hurt that Xane half expected to get chakram-sliced. Instead the animus-fighter signed a lazy ‘Heard that one before’ and swam off.

Xane went after him and gripped Marcus’ arm. He wanted to apologize. Although, some part of him also wanted to fuck Marcus to pieces because he was constantly thinking about muscles and cocks and cum. It was an overwhelming mix of contradicting emotions and he wanted to make it stop.

‘Look’, Xane signed and conjured his mage-hand to keep talking while holding Marcus’ arm. ‘I don’t hate you. I… I very much like having you on the team. You don’t need to be best friends with everybody. You’re just… sometimes a bit mu- No…’ He used his mage-hand to face-palm and collected his thoughts. ‘I’ll make an effort to stop telling you to shut up every time you talk, okay?’

Marcus tore himself free of the grip. ‘Fine. But I’ll tell you to shut up whenever I please.’

‘I don’t fucking ramble.’

‘You did just there.’

“Did not, bitch.’

‘Shut up,’ Marcus signed with a mean smirk.

‘Make me.’

Their heads crashed together, Xane’s facial air-layer bursting. It wasn’t so much a kiss as it was sex-in-lieu-of-an-attack.

They slammed their bodies together as if trying to merge through force of aggression.

Sinking slowly, the demigods frantically figured out a configuration. Xane sacked a mote to let him breathe, turning the butterfly into a permanent bubble over his lips, then gave Marcus the same filter.

His mage-hand grew into a twelve-inch Hellion dick, lined with little ribbed bits, to combine all of Marcus’ favorite monster cock features. They fell through a turbulent cloud of foam and Xane shoved the gift between Marcus’ cheeks.

The tall athlete bent his knees on instinct and his eyes rolled back into his head in bliss as he was invaded by the best dick Xane could come up with.

Meanwhile, Xane had placed his calves on Marcus’ shoulders and fingered open his own hole with the desperation of a cursed god, unable to feel pleasure from his own hands.

Marcus eagerly forced his fist in, slipping to the wrist on first try. Xane screamed air bubbles onto the ocean, nearly blacking out from sexual gratitude.

They sank farther, into the forest of Lushlight Kelp that surrounded the town, huge leaves always waving gently as the sea’s strong currents broke on the stems. Bioluminescent rainbow-fairy-things spiraled around them as sea imps fled in a panic.

In the lack of gravity, Xane flexed his abs more and more with every mind shattering orgasm to crash their lips together again as he slid his hole along Marcus’ forearm. He wasn’t in love with the man, he wasn’t even keen on making out, but he needed something to *do* with all that fucking horniness that seemed only to increase with the relief Marcus’ fist hammered into him, now down to the biceps on that long, tan arm — and kissing was just the thing.

The Muckspawn would die just as easily in an hour, or two, or ten.

Okay, maybe he did like making out. Just a little.


Strong wind zoomed through the rock stack at all times, whistling past overhead in a tall chamber of white pillars and shelves of books in red leather.

“What happened?” Chay asked, eyes narrow. It had taken him seconds after his return to get suspicious.

Xane was drawing in the sand on the floor with his mage-hand, lounging on a sack of Lushlight. “Nothing that hasn’t happened before. Oh we found out we can speak ASL which is really helpful underwater.”

“No,” Chay said, “something’s up. You tried to kill each other while I was gone… No, that’s not it. There was a fight, yes, which I feared, but… hm, not a serious struggle?”

“My money was on Xee,” Goro said.

“Thanks, bro,” Xane said. He didn’t like having this conversation with Goro present. He’d have liked to talk to him separately.

“We fucked,” Marcus said, throwing his hands up. “Okay? We had sex as far as that’s possible.” A heavy gesture at his shimmering aegis. “Emotionally, it was sex. We were totally going to fight to the death — which for the record I would have won — but then we had incredibly intimate, incredibly *good* magic sex, beyond the whole deal of bros helping each other out. And now we’re besties.”

“We’re not besties,” Xane said, sounding more desperate than intended. “And I would have won.”

“My money’s on Xane, too,” Chay said. “He’d win between you two in 85% of cases, I recon.”

“Wow,” Marcus said with theatric outrage.

“Sorry, pal, he’s got the versatility.”

Goro said nothing which bothered Xane for perhaps the first time ever.

“With that cleared up,” Chay continued and pointed at the ceiling, “We’re going back to the dry part of Rhibinelg. The alliance needs more warriors and Sharpeye figured out where to steal them….Ah, as if on command.”

A purple dino head poked into the library. “Demigods in here?” The massive demon-blooded Drake walked into the room and saw their crotches.

“Hey Sharpeye.”

“Ah yes, demigods. Sorry, you slaves look all the same. Someone ordered a carriage to the twixtway?”

Chay signaled his friends to rise. “I’ll borrow a few more books to speed through on the way, then we’re ready. Everything going to plan?”

The Dragoon grinned with his many, many sharp teeth. “The cycle is already speeding up. The Wandering Oasis is in upheaval, your precious vortex project on hold. I look forward to what we can do with the army you’ll get me.”

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