Alternate Commute Pt. 03

A gay story: Alternate Commute Pt. 03 I hurriedly walked out of the video booth and through the store, avoiding eye contact with the guy behind the counter or anybody else who may have been in there. My heart was still pounding from the excitement of what I had just done. I knew the guy behind the counter knew. I could feel his knowing stare as I walked by. I didn’t want to feel shame, but I couldn’t help it.

The sunlight and the fresh air hit me as I walked out the door of Adult World. My throbbing erection was straining against my jeans as I walked to my car. I looked around the lot to see how many people were parked there, wanting to know if I was the only one here. Of course I wasn’t! I just sucked off another guy in a video booth in there! Where was his car? Had he slipped out anonymously? Had other people gone inside? Did anyone see me coming out?

I heard the door open and out strode a middle-aged-ish guy. Oh God, did he know what I had just done? Was he the guy I had just sucked off? I could feel my nerves jangling inside me.

“Hi” He awkwardly smiled at me.

“Hey” I timidly responded.

“Quite a place in there. You just come out?” he asked.

“Uh, yea. I did.”

I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was.

“I think we may have met in there.” He said.

I looked at him silently, wishing I knew what to say.

“Booth” was all he said, quietly.

I just nodded in response.

“First time?” he asked as he walked closer.

“Yea” I just kind of awkwardly muttered and nodded.

“It’s ok. Believe it or not, me too. Look, would you want to go catch some breakfast? There’s a diner up the road. I could use a little food.” He said.

“Yea, that sounds good.” I replied.

“Great. You want to follow me?”

“Ok” I replied.

My heart and thoughts were racing as I followed his car up the road to the diner. What was I doing? I never expected to be going to breakfast with a guy when I decided to cut class to see what the adult store was like. What was I getting myself into? Part of me wanted to just drive home out of fear. But the part of me that wanted more made me continue on. My heart was pounding away as I nervously followed him into the diner after we arrived.

Thankfully, the diner wasn’t too crowded. A large crowd of people would have made my nervousness even worse. The hostess smiled as she sat us at a booth. What was she thinking about me having breakfast with this guy? If she only knew what had just happened between us. Hell, I didn’t even know his name, but I’d just had his dick in my mouth. It was surreal.

“I’m Mark.” He introduced himself.

“Greg” I said.

“Greg, nice to meet you.” He smiled.

“Thanks, me too” I managed.

“I’m sorry if this is awkward. When I saw you in the parking lot, I knew you had to have been in the booth next to me. I saw you go back to the booths ahead of me. I just….I don’t know. You just seem really young. Are you ok?”

“I’m good. I just never did anything like that. Hell. Today is the first day I was even allowed in there.” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked as he looked confused.

“I just turned 18 today.”

“Well, happy birthday!” the waitress said as she came to our table, overhearing our conversation. How much had she heard and what was she thinking? “You get a free breakfast on your birthday with the purchase of a meal. What can I get you two?” she asked.

Mark shook his head as he stifled a laugh. The waitress looked at him a bit bewildered as I could feel my face blushing. If she only knew.

After the waitress left with our order, Mark spoke up.

“Well, happy birthday Greg. I was not expecting that. Glad to know you are legal. Interesting way to spend your birthday. I probably would have done the same thing.” he chuckled.

“Yea, I pass that place every day when I drive to school. I’m a student at the community college nearby. I watch porn online, but driving by that place almost every day is tempting. It made me wonder what was in there and what it was like. I was so curious and could finally go in, so I did. I actually cut class today.” I said sheepishly.

“Are you gay?” he asked.

“I dunno. I just know I wanted to do it.” I said.

“Suck a dick?” he questioned.

“Honestly, I was unsure what I would do when I got in there. I just wanted to know what was in there.”

“Did you like it?”

“Yea” I said shyly, hoping he wasn’t judging me.

“It’s ok, don’t worry. We all have curiosities and desires.” He grinned.

“First time I ever did that.” I said with a small laugh.

“So, you’re basically a virgin?” he asked.

“Was, I guess. What about you? Do you go in there a lot? How old are you?” I asked.

“No. I’m 45, was married for about 12 years. Been single for almost a year. I just needed…….something.” he said

“Something?” I questioned.

“It’s hard to explain.”

“We have time.” I replied.

“Years ago, when AOL was still around, I surfed the chat rooms. A lot. It was my vice. The reality is almost everyone in there was either a guy looking to explore gay fantasies or a guy pretending to be a woman to chat with guys. After realizing there weren’t any women in there and that I was chatting with other guys, I found myself going into the “men for men” rooms. It was safe fun. I was surprised how much I liked chatting with guys, sharing fantasies. It grew from there to cybersex with guys. Just online fun, but it put the thoughts of curiosity in me. The last couple years have been rocky going through a divorce. I dealt with a lot of depression from it. I’ve been feeling horny lately and found my courage to go in today.”

“It was so exciting going in there the first time.” I said.

“Very, but you rushed out of there after I was done.” He smiled.

“Yea. I didn’t know what to do afterwards. I just thought that was what I should do.”

“You must be aching.” He sympathized.

“Just a bit.” I sheepishly admitted.

“Want to do something about it?” He asked.

“Y-yea. Are you offering?” I asked.

He just smiled at me as the waitress placed our food on the table.

“Enjoy, boys!” She smiled as she walked away from the table.

“My house is about 20 minutes away. What do you think?” Mark said.

I could feel my dick ache just a little bit more. I couldn’t believe he was inviting me back to his place. I wanted to get up and go out with him right then and there.

“What would you want to do?” I asked.

“I think you have a pretty good idea.” He smiled.

Actually, I didn’t. How far did he want to go? How far would I go? Am I safe to just go off with this guy I just met? The aching in my balls was getting the best of me. I didn’t care; I was in need. Badly. I wolfed down my food. I wanted to see how far things would go, but mostly I needed to get off. Thankfully, Mark ate just as quickly as I did.

“Wow, you guys ate that quickly. You must have been hungry. Can I get you anything else?” Our waitress said, as she checked in on us.

“Nope, just the check and we’ll be on our way.” Mark said.

“Ok guys. Enjoy the rest of your day and hope to see you again,” she said unknowingly.

Hurriedly Mark paid for our meals. He gave me his address in case I got separated from him on the way to his house. Little chance of that happening. I would be lucky if I didn’t get pulled over for speeding following him. My hands were shaking when I tried to put the key in the ignition. My heart was pounding the entire drive as I followed him. I couldn’t believe where this was going.

We both practically ran for the front door as we sloppily parked in the driveway in front of his house. No skill points for parking. We both had our minds on other things. I followed him through the front door and closed it behind me. What should I do? Do I just strip down? What is the proper protocol on this?

He turned to me and just said, “Let’s do this.”

Quickly we both undressed, tossing our clothes into a pile on his living room floor. A wet patch was obvious on the front of my underwear from my wildly leaking cock. The tip was glistening and wet as a large drop of precum dripped from my little slit. My erection was bobbing up and down as I stood in front of him, naked.

His eyes widened a bit when his gaze focused on my waist.

“Damn, your dick is long.” He gasped, emphasizing “long.”

His cock was just as hard as he moved close to me. Using it like a sword, he gently slapped it against mine. It felt like a jolt of electricity as our two penises touched. His cock was shorter, but thicker than mine. I was surprised at how much longer I was than him.

We were like two fencers, parrying each other with our hard dicks. My knees shook each time his cock touched mine and slid along my hard shaft. The feeling of our erections touching was intense. We didn’t speak, but our gasps and moans were deafening in the moment.

Our jousting with each other grew in intensity and the tips of our cocks were dripping with thick, clear fluid; making it feel slicker. I didn’t think I could take much more.

My feet firmly planted in the carpet of his apartment, shoulder length apart, I reached down and held our two hard-ons together in my fist. I began stroking and thrusting against him as he let out a guttural groan. I could feel it tingling, and I couldn’t hold out much longer.

My toes curled into the soft carpet as I let out several long hot streams of white cum, coating Mark’s dick and pubic patch as it dripped down his balls. My orgasm set him off as he released several torrents of white goo all over my long, hard shaft. It cascaded down into my bush and dripped from my balls. It felt warm and wonderful.

We collapsed next to each other on his couch. Our naked thighs gingerly resting against each other.

“Oh my God, that was wild.” He managed.

All I could do was smile and manage an unsure, “yea.”

“You’re kinda shy, aren’t you?” he grinned as he caught his breath.

“Yea, I’m sorry. I’m just unsure what to say. I’ve never done any of this.”

“Don’t worry, you’re fine. I can’t believe you’re still hard. Can you cum again?” he asked as he looked down at my still-hard dick.

“Probably” I grinned.

“Damn, you don’t look like you went down at all.”

“Wanna suck it?” I asked, bravely.

“Yea, if that is what you want?”

“Very” I managed.

He reached down and started stroking my cock with his hand. The head and shaft stuck out a couple inches from his closed fist as he slipped up and down. He leaned down and spit some saliva onto the purple head, letting it run down my shaft to slicken it.

His face was right next to the tip of my penis as his hand curled and pumped up and down. He started licking at the head, a bit tentatively at first, but more enthusiastically as his wet tongue circled and explored my swollen mushroom tip. Then he went for it.

His lips parted as he slipped the head inside. I watched his lips pop over the rim of my head and circle around my shaft. His mouth was warm and moist as his swirling tongue teased my hard tool. Up and down he sucked and slurped while one hand circled around my hairy base.

My hips were bucking in time with his head bobbing up and down. I couldn’t believe this was happening; my first blowjob was with a guy I had only met this morning. His fingers were caressing my balls as he greedily sucked up and down my hard stalk. I was grunting and panting as his mouth was taking me to the edge.

I could feel it building. The tingling sensation that you get when you are about to cum that builds in intensity. I leaned my head back against the couch and raised my hips to fire off another round of cum, filling his mouth with several bursts of my semen. Rivulets of white cum flowed from his mouth down my balls. I felt spent and warm as my hips collapsed back onto the couch.

“Damn, that was a lot. It was shocking how fast it filled my mouth when you came.” Mark said, gasping as he sat up and wiped his mouth.

“It was fucking awesome. I swear I could cum again, I’m so horny.” I gasped.

“Want me to try?” he grinned.

“Yea.” I gasped.

“Stand up.”

I stood up in front of him as he sat on the couch. My long cock was semi hard and cum was oozing from the tip. He started licking my balls and rubbing the spot behind my sack with his fingertips. Slowly my cock started to rise back into an erection again as he closed his hand around my shaft and slowly stroked its length.

I watched his fist slide up and down in a steady rhythm. My cock was slick with a coating of cum and saliva as he spit on my purple head between strokes.

“I was not expecting your cock to be this long. I want to see it pop again” he grinned.

I was panting and gasping as he stroked me faster. He would twist his grip when he reached the thick head, driving me wild. My cock was aching from having already cum twice. This was the most I had ever tried to cum.

My hips rocked in time with his strokes. He was getting me there again. I could feel it building, the feeling of my orgasm slowly approaching.

“C’mon Greg, shoot it one more time.” He smiled as he enthusiastically pumped my rod.

My hips shook and I fought to keep my balance as I shot a long white gooey string that landed on Mark’s nose. He continued stroking me, coaxing out several smaller strings that coated his hand and wrist until the streams petered out. Out of breath, my spent body dropped onto the couch next to him as he put an arm around my shoulder.

“Happy birthday, Greg. Did you like it?”

“Yea. That had to have been the most I’ve ever cum.”

“It was amazing seeing you cum and you’ve got a great cock. This is my first experience with this too, and I’m glad it was with you.”

“Thanks. Thanks for being so nice with this. It was really scary for me to do this, but you made it great. I hate to do this, but I need to get going. I have some schoolwork to do and I have to meet my family for dinner tonight.” I said.

“Celebrating your birthday with your family. I get it. Listen, would you like to meet up again? Seems like we hit it off and I’d like to do it again.”

“Yea, I’m definitely up for it again.” I smiled.

We traded cell numbers and I got dressed. He walked me to the door, and we hugged before I left. My mind wandered about what had happened as I drove home. As I pulled into my driveway, I had to push these thoughts aside tonight. It would be strange facing my family after what I had done and knowing that I may do it again.

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