Money Can buy Happiness Ch. 19 – 21 by Not a writer

Money Can buy Happiness Ch. 19 – 21 by Not a writer

Discover the enticing chapters 19-21 of 'Money Can Buy Happiness' by Not a Writer, where passion and desire intertwine in a captivating gay erotic tale. Dive into the thrilling adventures that explore love, lust, and the complexities of relationships. Perfect for fans of steamy stories, this installment promises unforgettable moments!<br/>

An old rich guy hires a young sexy woman as his housekeeper and personal assistant. She is always naked and having new sexual adventures.

Chapter 19

Mi Cha came to the house at 11:00 on Wednesday morning. I had everything on hand that she had requested. Once again, she was wearing a similar dress to what she’d worn last visit. I guess it’s kind of a traditional dress. I took a chance and said, “Mi Cha, I have another offer for you. I am willing to pay you $200 a visit, if you do Maria’s nails while naked.” I could see alarm on her face immediately. “Wait, let me tell you. I promise, no one will touch you. I just enjoy seeing beautiful women’s bodies and I think Maria would feel more comfortable if you joined her naked. There’s no one else here but the three of us. If you really don’t want to, you certainly don’t have to. I just thought it would be fun and that you could probably use the extra money.”

“I don’t know, Mr. Sullivan,” Mi Cha said. “That not seem right. My mother would be so disappointed in me. Only our husband should see us naked. I would really like the money, but I think it wrong. I would be so embarrassed.”

“As I said, Mi Cha, you don’t have to, but if you try it, I bet you’ll find that you enjoy the freedom of being naked. I promise you are safe here. Just because you’re naked doesn’t mean that sex is involved. Look at how beautiful Maria is. It would be a shame to hide her beauty beneath clothes.”

“I need to think about this,” Mi Cha said. “Let me do Maria’s nails while I think this.” I didn’t want to push her too far, but I really wanted to see that little Asian girl naked. She looks to have really small tits that probably aren’t even a full A-cup, but Asians usually have really dark nipples and I wanted to see those nipples. “That’s fine, Mi Cha, think it over. I’ll tell you what, lets make it $250 for a naked nail job. Think it over. It’s fine either way.”

Maria led Mi Cha up the stairs to the therapy room. I went to my office to watch the video feed. Maria sat in the chair with her legs open and waited while Mi Cha went through the supplies. She was going to start with a pedicure so she filled the foot tub up with warm water and set it on the floor at Maria’s feet. Maria put her feet in the tub to soak while Mi Cha found the color Maria wanted to use.

Mi Cha got down on her knees in front of Maria to start working on her toenails. Of course, with Maria’s legs wide open, her pussy was right there in Mi Cha’s face. Mi Cha looked up at Maria’s pussy several times as she was working on her feet. Maria tried to convince Mi Cha to get naked with her. “Mi Cha, you should at least try being naked with me once to see if you like it. If you don’t, then don’t do it again. It feels so free and fun to be naked. It’s just the two of us here. We’re both girls. Try it. It’ll be fun.”

“I don’t know, Maria. I’ve never done such thing. Do you really like people seeing you naked,” Mi Cha asked? “Yes, I really love it,” Maria replied. I had never done it before either until I started working for Mr. Joe a few months ago. Now I hate when I have to put clothes on to go out somewhere. I have more confidence in my body now and I don’t care who sees it or how many people see it. I enjoy making men hard in their pants.”

Mi Cha blushed at that thought. She looked at Maria and considered it. She then reached for the first button on her dress and fiddled with it still trying to decide. Finally, she undid the first button and then she continued down the dress until the whole dress was unbuttoned. She slipped it off to reveal a very slender lovely body. She was wearing a bra, but she clearly doesn’t need one. Her panties were just plain white but at least they weren’t granny panties. She hesitated to go any further but Maria encouraged her to take off her bra. Mi Cha reached behind her back and unhooked the bra but clutched it to her chest with her other hand. Maria nodded at her and Mi Cha lowered her hand and took the bra with it. She has very small tits; just bumps really. But on her tiny body they just look right. And those nipples! Just as I’d thought they were a dark brown and seemed erect and very suckable. I think she may wear the bra just so her nipples don’t show through her clothes. She should let them show; they’re beautiful.

She was standing in front of Maria topless and was obviously conflicted about taking off her panties. Maria asked Mi Cha if she wanted her to take of the panties. Mi Cha shook her head and hooked her fingers in the waistband and slowly pulled them down and then stepped out of them. She was completely naked in front of Maria. Mi Cha had that fine, wispy, sparse black pussy hair that looks so good on Asian women. It looks so soft; I’d love to rub my face in it.

Mi Cha was naked and started to go back to work on Maria’s nails. I thought that might be a good time to go in and check on how they’re doing and see what Mi Cha does with me seeing her naked. I left my office and strolled down the corridor to the therapy room. I opened the door and immediately started talking like I didn’t notice the nudity. “How’s it going in here? Oh, Mi Cha, you decided to try it. How wonderful. You are a beautiful woman.” Mi Cha’s hands were trying to cover pussy and tits. She was okay with Maria seeing her naked, but having a man seeing her naked was certainly out of her comfort zone.

“Relax, Mi Cha,” I said. “It’s okay. Really. You are lovely. Don’t hide your body. I promise I won’t touch you. You’re safe here. What a lovely sight to see two such beautiful naked women together. I’ll let you get back to it.” I turned and left the room and went back to my monitor.

It looked like Mi Cha was shaking. Maria tried to comfort her. “It’s okay, Mi Cha. There’s no reason to be scared or embarrassed. Mr. Joe is the kindest man you’ll ever meet. You are beautiful. It’s okay to let him see you. He won’t touch you unless you tell him to. I can tell that he’d love to touch you, but he’d never do it without your permission. You can trust him to just look and enjoy your beauty.”

“But I not beautiful. Look, I have almost no breasts. I look like boy.” “No, Mi Cha,” said Maria, “look at me. I have small breasts too and Mr. Joe loves them like they are. Trust me, you’re very sexy and you have the cutest pussy. If I had such fine hair like yours, I wouldn’t shave my pussy. It looks so soft I bet it would feel really good to rub one’s face against your pussy hair.”

Mi Cha surprised Maria when she said, “No, I like your pussy. It looks so smooth and soft. I bet Mr. Sullivan really like it.” Maria agreed, “Yeah it is really soft and smooth. I can’t keep my own hands off of it, let alone Mr. Joe’s hands or tongue. He licks me so good almost every day. It’s his favorite thing.” At that, Maria put her hands down to her pussy and spread her labia and put a finger on her clit and started rubbing. Mi Cha stared at her transfixed. I’m sure she’d never seen a woman masturbate before.

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