Cruising & Cock – I’m Addicted Pt. 07 by Herewegoagain2023


Cruising & Cock – I’m Addicted Pt. 07 by Herewegoagain2023

Experience the captivating journey of desire in 'Cruising & Cock - I'm Addicted Pt. 07.' Dive into this gripping gay erotic sex story, filled with seductive encounters and raw passion that will leave you craving more. Join the adventure now!<br/>


A brief resume if you haven’t read the previous parts of this story.

My names Sam, I’m twenty two years old, short, muscular and addicted to cruising and cock. I love sucking cock, I love getting fucked my cock, I love spunk and piss but I’m not queer, I love fucking women too.

If you’re confused, please have a read of the previous chapters.

Dad, who I live with, had found out, he didn’t have a problem with it, he’d watched the porn DVD that I’d been tricked into appearing in and decided to come cruising with me, a few days ago he’d watched me make another porn film and also appeared in one with me.


I hadn’t seen dad for a few days, it happened sometimes if we were both working different shifts. I was just heading home when a message appeared on my phone from dad, “getting a takeaway, see you in an hour,” I knew what it would be if dad was buying, fish and chips with mushy peas, it was always the same, at least if I was buying, I’d get a load of different curries. I headed home and showered, I was still thinking about what had happened between dad and I, he’d watched me suck cocks and get fucked for the first porn shoot and then dad, another man, another young lad and I had all participated in another porn shoot, dad had spunked up over me and then pissed on me.

Dad had said that it didn’t mean anything, it wasn’t love or lust it was just for money. Afterwards we’d both gone cruising, and dad had fucked the tradie again, that was the bloke that had got me into the whole cruising and porn business in the first place.

I got dressed, well put a pair of shorts and a training singlet on, turned the oven on to keep everything warm and laid the table. Dad appeared with the takeaway and said he was going to have a quick shower, he wasn’t long and sat down at the table, he was just wearing a baggy pair of shorts, I couldn’t resist it and said, “I see you’ve dressed for dinner,” he just laughed.

We chatted away as we ate, just about the day in general. I cleared the table when we finished and got another couple of beers and I went through to the lounge, dad came in a few minutes later and threw an envelope at me, “there’s your money for your porn shoot,” he said.

I had wondered when I was going to get paid so opened up the envelope, it was full of twenty pound notes, I looked at dad, he said, “Eight hundred pounds, two scenes at four hundred pounds a pop, I earnt four hundred pounds, better than the one hundred and twenty pounds you got the last time,” I was amazed.

“How did you……?” I asked.

“I had another chat with the boss man a few days ago, he knows that I know who he is and his so called standing in the business community, of course I’m not going to blackmail him but when you get to know him a bit better, he’s not as bigger wanker as I thought so we came to an agreement. We’ll do porn for him, and he’ll pay us a decent fee, but we can’t tell any of the other performers how much, he pays the rest of them fuck all, some do a few shoots and then disappear, some do it just for the fun so they can say that they appeared in a porn film and cross it off their bucket list. Apart from the cameramen the only one that’s stayed the course is the tradie and that’s only because the boss pays him to build the sets and do a bit of maintenance around the place and to get his cock out occasionally, plus he recruits cock for the films, like he did to you,” dad said.

I sat there amazed at what dad was saying.

Dad carried on saying, “I reckon we can make some decent cash out of it, enough for you to get a decent second hand car, enough for a holiday, enough to sort the house out and although it won’t be enough to leave our jobs we can at least cut down on our overtime. That’s if you want to do it?”

I just nodded.

Dad was in full flow, “I talked to the wife of my mate, she does porn and reckons that it’s a good fee, she earns more per shoot, women get paid better than the men anyway, but her shoots go on for hours whereas ours are quick, get the job done and go home. Hers are a lot of stop and start, standing around to reset lights and cameras, she was saying that the men then go soft and so they have to wait to get them hard again. Our shoots are bang, bang, bang and some careful editing, as the boss said to me time is money,” he was right, there was no hanging around at the porn shoots.

“He wants us to do gay, bi and straight shoots, you OK with that?” dad asked, “some of it will be working together, some working separately. I’m not so sure about the gay scenes for me, don’t mind fucking a mans arse and getting my cock sucked by a man but not so sure about sucking cock and taking it up the arse but who knows,” dad said, I just laughed about dad taking it up the arse.

“He wants us to do some fetish work, didn’t ask him what that involved but no doubt we’ll find out, oh and he wants us to do the father and son bit, wants me to fuck you,” he said, there was silence, I looked at dad who carried on saying, “it doesn’t bother me but of course it’s up to you, I’ve already spunked and pissed over you and you’ve already shot your load over me so it would just be going that bit further, oh and it pays more.”

What was I supposed to say? “But that’s incest dad,” but I said it with a grin on my face and dad smiled back at me.

“I suppose it is, I love you as my son, but I don’t lust after you, it’s all for the money, right?” dad said.

“Of course,” I answered, it might have been for dad, but I wasn’t sure that lust didn’t come into it for me. “This is for you dad,” and I handed him the money.

“What’s that for?” he asked.

“You only charge me minimal rent and I’d only spend it if I kept it,” I told him.

Dad shook his head and said, “I’ll tell you what I’ll do, I’ll put six hundred pounds into an account for you to put towards your newish car and you take the rest to spend on yourself, you’ll need a few new jockstraps for the porn shoots, the boss say they show off your arse well and keep your cock and balls out of the way when you’re getting fucked, go out for a few beers with your mates but don’t you dare say anything about mine and your new job,” I took the two hundred pounds off of him.

“Thanks dad, what would I do without you?” I asked.

“Well, you’d have to do your own washing for a start,” dad laughed, “Oh and I’m out tomorrow night just so you know so you can go cruising without me.”

“Dad, I’m not going cruising, I don’t need to go cruising, I feel awkward now that you know I go cruising,” I said.

“Well, you shouldn’t feel like that, you do whatever you want to do, I’d rather you go cruising than drink too much every night or use drugs,” dad told me and he was being serious, “and you know what happens if I find you with drugs don’t you?”

“I’ve never used drugs,” I told him, it was true, I’d never even tried smoking, “what happens if you find me with drugs?”

“Bloody hell Sam, you’ve got a short memory, you end up with a big dildo up your arse and get fucked by cocks, like the last porn shoot we did,” he laughed.


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