Vortex Quest Bk. 04 Ch. 06

A gay story: Vortex Quest Bk. 04 Ch. 06 == VORTEX QUEST 4-6 ==


Receiving a chest with some 4000 obols and a bunch of pearls, let Diego pay Lord Lelthnu for his services as well as the Heart Rippers’ Urrk who would plot vengeance for losing half his men if it wasn’t for a juicy donation.

This had left Diego ultimately with little choice but to entrust the safety of his lair, his slaves and memorabilia to the pantheon.

After a half-serious discussion about whether to rob the place, burn it down and bail, the demigods decided to entertain themselves with their new friends — the demonling Scourges who’d come along with them.

Getting fucked by any demons never failed to be awesome, but there was something special about an arm-sized muscle dick, able to expand and contract like a giant biceps, basically punching Xane’s walls from every direction. He’d never thought of himself as having ‘walls’ but now his dick was a distant memory, nectar injection flooding him with gayer thoughts than he knew possible.

Best part, there were enough Fiends for everyone, letting him fully milk the demonic balls that slapped against his.

The orgy ended with a demigod cuddle amidst the slaves they had sucked off while getting pounded.

“Want me to braid it?” Xane asked Goro whose little spoon he was.

The berserker drove his fingers through the now shoulder-long mane rolling off his broad mohawk. “Nah, I’m going with the original length for now. I got some finer healing control, so I can keep it that way.”

“Looks good,” Marcus said. He was draping himself over Goro from the side. “You got some cum on your face, by the way.”

“Me or him?” Goro asked, rubbing his cheek.

“Uh, both,” Marcus said. “Man, I hate to say it but I could get used to this.”

Xane magically gathered dried cum off his face. His butterflies trailed lazily overhead, shedding sparkles at his command to pretty up the view of the cracked ceiling. “We’ve been going for hours and I could totally do another round. We still got nectar buds. Wanna fist them into each other?”

Chay was threaded into their collective legs, casually stroking the utterly smooth thighs beside him. “We should save those. And I wish I wasn’t always the one who’s got to be the wet blanket. And apropos Goro’s healing, congrats on the upgrade, Xane.”

The wizard got confused glances from the two tallest team members and made his motes line up on his arm. “Count them and weep.”

The now *seven* colorful insects fluttered off as he let them.

He reached across the room and magically grabbed the four new jockstraps Diego had left them. “Do we put those on? I feel like they’re a bit too suggestive. And can we tell him to stop calling us bottoms?”

Marcus chuckled. “What would you suggest? Temporarily embarrassed pussy lovers?”

Chay sighed. “He’s useful and it’s not like we’d say no to sex. Anyway, if it helps you to rebel a little, get a different aegis-cover.”

Goro stirred. “I’ll tear up a curtain for fundoshi. Who’d like one?”

Xane slapped his massive buddy’s pec. “Always the reliable tailor — at least for men’s erotic underwear.”


Diego returned via ward-bubble to find Chay and Marcus in the prepared white jockstraps while Xane and Goro wore black fundoshi. The ‘unauthorized’ clothing was no less revealing but Xane registered a small frown on the devil’s face, much to his satisfaction.

Diego threw a glance at the half naked, snoozing Scourges, then stepped aside and welcomed the guest he had brought — Lord Lelthnu.

The dark blue skinned Reaper towered even over the devil, his flowing toga held on his slim hip with a belt full of scrolls.

“Lovely to see you again, little divine slaves,” Lelthnu said with a grin that shoved off his sharp teeth. Xane felt a slight ball-tug, as if his open signature had been teased.

“Likewise,” Chay said and held out the bronze tablet. “I assume you’re here for this?”

“Yes, the decoder. I’ll start work on it immediately. Also, I’m here to bring you to the astral void where the schism hid an invocation ledger.”

“And you know about it because…” Chay said, suggestively.

Lelthnu shook his head. “I won’t ask how you got the decoder, you won’t ask about my past allegiances. Any more preparations?”

“Uh,” Xane said and turned to his friends. “I’m kinda thirsty. We should take care of that.”

“We haven’t drunken water,” Goro reminded, “so it’s going to taste… strong.”

“I can filter it,” Xane said and let his motes ‘filter’ through his fingers.

“No need,” Diego said, “I keep my slaves well-watered.”

The devil gestured and four, then eight, slaves stripped and closed in. Xane could have done without the ‘help’ but he didn’t want to acknowledge that he had looked forward to being between Marcus’ legs again. Just to continue their little jostling rivalry, of course.

Having the dick of a man in his mouth no longer fazed Xane and neither did the stream down his throat, especially since his buddies were kneeling beside him. In fact, it was easier because he was drinking from a slave he hadn’t ever spoken to.

To ready for the journey, the demigods lined up at the edge of the terrace, hands behind their necks, and let their stronger piss run down in wild streams, spraying on them before finding the way to the street far below where a single streetlight flickered.

“Could have totally filtered that,” Xane mumbled and glared at one of Diego’s Guard-Noggins that floated by with burning eye holes. “At least we’re rid of him for a bit.”

“Ready?” Diego asked, shoved himself between them and summoned a long ‘plank’ of ward-magic, ushering them onto it.

Stepping onto something much like glass, this far up, made Xane’s stomach drop, even though he knew falling was no problem for his heavenly might.

Lelthnu behind them was chanting. A breeze picked up loose leaves along the overgrown wall.

“You’re coming with?” Chay said, honest surprise in his voice. “Don’t you need to make sure the Scourges don’t-”

Diego waved him off. “Lelthnu’s going to send them toward the nearest dark chantry with open spots. He’ll defend my lair while my Urrk it out recruiting.”

“And you trust him?”

The 7’2” tall, horned ex-human laughed. “It wasn’t cheap but if there’s one person a demon won’t betray it’s the highest bidder. I couldn’t miss this opportunity to go on an adventure. Oh, and I’ll be holding this for you.” Diego demonstratively tucked the nectar bag into his broad belt where the tinder whip dangled.

Xane met Chay’s eyes, getting a minor shrug for his questioning look.

The fluttering leaves assembled to a sort of flying carpet underneath the ward. It took the shape of a single, giant leaf, hovering on the breeze.

Lelthnu wished them ‘good luck’ with one of the many backhanded, ominous, double-meaning compliments the pandemonic language was so fond of and the demonblooded man dropped the ward.

The patheon and their ally fell onto the leaf and it took off so fast, Xane nearly rolled off.

They flew as if riding on a storm. The leaf zoomed higher and higher just to drop, then repeated the process until they shot out of the canyon. Marcus was shouting “Whooooooo!” and grabbed Xane while Goro took a tranquil cross-legged seat and spread his arms, eyes closed.

If Xane had had anything but piss and cum in his stomach, he would have been sick. With every muscle in his body clenched tightly, clinging to the shouting animus-fighter, he cursed in his mind until he ran out of words.


The rootpath magic carried them with amazing speed across the jungle and — aside from rollercoaster mischief — fairly straight at an astral void where purple light and cold wind leaked into Mockery.

“Research station Gamma,” the devil started, “was largely sucked into limbo when Jnessos went mad. It’s been plundered to some extent but obviously that’s dangerous. *If* Lelthnu is right, we’ll find the ledger with a quick in and out.”

Cold air seeped from the rift in reality. The shifting, starry void of limbo behind it was littered with broken walls, hanging off each other at gravity defying angles. These buildings were not simple concrete, but marble and stone, shaped into neo-classical structures with enough fluted pillars to make a Greek temple jealous.

Research Station Gamma was labeled as such with a carved stone sign above an archway.

The ‘leaf of leaves’ let them hop off in a lobby. Purple light flooded in from the missing walls ahead, where a trail of shattered wall lead into limbo.

Stairs lead up to an area labeled Administration. Something big and shiny moved above.

“Glitzers,” Chay said. “Weary and alarmed but not hostile.”

“Maybe we can ignore them,” Marcus said. “Do we need to go up there?”

“No,” Diego said and looked at a scroll, then to the sides.

The corridor to the left carried the label Heavenly Artifact Research. Before it was a display case, containing a star shaped crystal on a stupidly ornate gold socket. Xane found it suspicious nobody had stolen that yet. Probably better not to touch it.

On the right was a corridor to Computation and Mechanics, which the devil pointed at. “Follow me.”

Diego summoned a flat ward covering them as they walked under the stairs to Glitzer territory. The right corridor was mostly intact, neon tubes in alcoves throwing indirect light at the ceiling where they still functioned. Most rooms to the right had dropped into the void but the left side seemed intact.

The demonblooded man hummed. “Up past the electronic brain, should be here.” He glanced into room that contained boxes with blinking lights. In the middle hung a round, black chassis, big as a cabin, off a dozen thick cables.

“Holy shit,” Marcus said. “They have computers?”

“Had,” Diego said. “It was one of the last things the king introduced before going crazy. Some think they were the last straw. And nobody could figure out how that make that one stop running so it’s still on. Anyway, the stairs.”

They rose to the next level. The staircase was mostly shattered but magic made the traversal trivial. The entered Slave Improvement, which was mostly ruins.

Xane stared at the rows of vats filled with desiccated corpses. Well, corpse *shapes*. The demons had tried to capture human souls in something other than ectoplasm. Between the vats were silver, mechanical men, statues frozen in simple poses.

There were a bunch of substances in tubs, mostly dried up or overgrown with mold. “Creepy as fuck,” Xane said. “I don’t want to imagine what the abyss would look like if science didn’t make gods go gaga. Any reason wh-”

“Watch out!” Diego yelled and a ward manifested in front of Xane. A scalpel bounced off the transparent barrier.

The silver machine-men had come to life with jerky motions, beginning to encircle them. Xane readied one mote to become chain lightning, another for metal melting heat, a third for entangling force. He listened for Chay’s voice.

Saws, drills, tiny jackhammers. The robots closed in with buzzing, screeching noises. Xane tried to see which way to best shoot past the ward.

Instead the ward shoved him backward. Diego was right by his side and grabbed his back, ushering Chay away at the same time. Robots took leaps at them and bounced off the shifting ward. Xane felt his fundoshi string get cut and start to drop. He held onto it but it was pulled from his hand in the tangle of limbs and muscle as Diego collected the other demigods.

“They’re just custodians,” the devil said, out in the corridor, “Don’t know what triggered them but they shouldn’t follow. Ah, Xane, they cut off your thong. Good thing I brought this.”

Diego pulled a jockstrap from his belt.

“Thanks but I’ll keep my balls out,” Xane said. “Very thoughtful of you though.”

“If you change your mind…” Diego said and shoved the strap back into his belt. “Okay, around that corner and we’re there.”

They continued on their way and Xane used his freestyle magic to give himself a dick where the aegis was, just to drive home that he was staying naked out of protest. He fell back to Chay, groped the leader’s hole with one hand to have an ‘innocent’ reason to stick close and whispered, “Did the demi-demon rip my fundoshi on purpose?”

“Wish I knew,” Chay whispered back, giving Xane’s ass a grope for plausible deniability. “I wasn’t paying attention at the moment but it seems unlikely that a robot cut it without cutting your body. And he brought the straps.”

“Not that big a deal, I guess.”

“Yeah… maybe.”

“Man,” Xane groaned, “now you fingered me horny. Hey, do you think we can walk with your fist inside me. I’ll mage-punch your hole right back.”

“Would be an awkward waddle,” Chay said. “But now that you’ve put the thought into my head that’s so fucking hot. I hate you.”

“Hehe. You’re welcome.”

Goro and Marcus up ahead were moving fast. Xane heard someone yell “Flayhorror” and sensed pure panic sent in. The horror was hitting them with paralyzing fear. Xane’s heart was racing fast enough to make him dizzy from the sudden blood pressure change.

Diego grabbed him just as he started firing. The Flayhorror hung from the ceiling, dripping in through cracks. Pseudopods littered with razor sharp spikes slammed down. Diego created a ward over Marcus and pushed Xane under. The thaum-mage had to turn off his fire spray to keep it from breaking their protective barrier. He grunted, frustrated by the anti-synergy.

The spiky outgrowths lifted for a new swing and Diego opened the ward to toss Goro in. The berserker was covered in rapidly closing cuts, his fundoshi gone.

Chay shouted, “Xane, use ice. Diego drop the ward in three, two, now.”

Xane sent three red butterflies. Having spells to waste felt great. Marcus’ chakram had stayed outside the ward and drilled a pseudopod apart. One ice blast dug deep into the Flayhorror’s interior before it went off in a cone of frosty doom. The other butterflies found other growths to attack and turn into car-sized icicles.

“Ward!” Chay shouted as three arms came down and pummeled the newly established dome. Diego flexed his arms as he touched the dome, pumping more power into it.

The massive, gooey creature retreated.

“Okay,” Chay said. “Gone.”

After calming down for a moment, the pantheon arrived at an archway labeled Projection. Beyond it was a maze of mirrors and crystal sheets at wild angles, covering walls, floor and ceiling.

“I can’t follow you in there,” Diego said and Xane suppressed a sigh of relief. “Curses triggered by demon blood. But it’s just a mirror hall and I have something else to do anyway. See you in the lobby when you’re done.”

The crazy beefy, horned guy walked off with a spring in his step.

“Chay?” Xane asked. “You don’t look as confused as the rest of us.”

“He’s been up to something since we got here,” Chay said. “He stashed something here, or knows where something is he didn’t grab sooner. The way he glanced at Heavenly Artifact Research… But he’s right.” Chay pointed at the mirror tunnel ahead. “We can just grab that fucking paper and leave this shithole behind.”

At a slow but steady pace, the pantheon wandered into the tunnel of mirrors and crystals, which turned out to be somewhat of a maze but with few dead ends.

“Like a fucking funhouse,” Marcus mumbled and flexed in a mirror that distorted him to look broad and short. “Hey Xa-”

“Bitch, don’t you dare!”

Xane shoved Marcus along before the lean, tall swimmer could make comments about his stature. Marcus blew a raspberry and walked after Chay.

The thaum-mage pumped free magic between his hands, forming a new mote. Oddly, it failed to coalesce into a butterfly. Normally, the new companion took shape after a ten seconds, slowly filling out with colors and patterns.

Xane continued to pump to no avail. Something was disturbing the formation. He let go and-

The collected magic got zapped into the surrounding mirrors as if vacuumed. “Oh shit.”

The funhouse activated.

On every surface appeared runes that said “Projecting”.

Chay jumped back, making them all slam into each other. “Hold still. It’s… calibrating, I think.”

Clanking and jittering, the mirrors gave way to- No, they stayed in place but showed scenes with incredible clarity. Is was as if the demigods stood right in their college lecture hall.

It showed Chay in a lecture on nuclear physics, the blackboard full of diagrams.

Other students and the lecturer were only present as vague phantoms. Xane tried to spot the female phantom outlines just to find his brain-melting horniness wasn’t triggered by the sight of blurry boob shapes, rather by the broad shoulders of athletes. He *forced* himself to imagine fucking girls, which was still easy. But riding the guys just seemed… better.

“I’ve never been in that lecture,” Chay said, pondering. “I *considered* physics but-”

The scene faded, giving way to a Goro with cropped hair in camo pants. He was playing darts. The background resolved to a barrack where phantom guys in olive clothes mingled.

“Hm,” Goro made. “Army was my backup plan.” He looked down on his pecs and smirked. “Funny I got bigger than this dude,” he added, his chin pointed at false-Goro.

The next scene was Xane’s turn. In his room at home like it had been during high school, in his bed, some 40 pound lighter. To his delight false-Xane was fucking a blond chick, another, redheaded one getting ready to sit on his face.

“Fuck yeah,” Xane said and crossed his arms. “No matter what universe, I’m a motherfucking winner.”

“I don’t think,” Chay said, glancing around, “these alternate pasts are real. This… machine is projecting backward.”

“Don’t matter, still a…” Xane stopped as he recognized the phantoms. “Wait, you’re telling me I had a *chance* with those chicks? High school me could have had a threesome with models? Fuck, why didn’t I shoot my shot?”

Marcus gave him a sarcastic pat on the shoulder just as the scene faded to reveal false-Marcus in a green singlet.

“Huh,” the animus-fighter made. “Wasn’t *that* serious about wrestling once I found swimming but I guess that makes sense.”

False-Marcus in wrestling gear, struggling against another guy on a mat, cheered on by phantoms, was hotter than the outlines of the naked models in the previous vision. Xane pressed his thighs together to fight the searing urge in his crotch. He wanted to ram his dick into Marcus and jump onto a fist and also get a Hellion dick ballsdeep down his gullet.

The mirrors switched back to Chay. A different false past, where he had joined a gang and was robbing a store at night.

“Wow,” Marcus said with a grin. “Who knew you had in it y-”

Xane’s mage-hand poked the blabbermouth in the side. Chay looked highly uncomfortable.

“We should keep going,” the leader said and walked ahead.

More visions. Goro absurdly skinny, playing video games competitively in a dark room. Xane in a high school in Florida, living with his dad instead. Marcus working at Disneyland. Chay, at church in some kind of cult.

The visions began to come so fast, they overlapped. Xane stayed focused on himself whenever a false-Xane was in sight as they rounded corner after corner. He wasn’t sure how to feel about the versions where he’d gone all out on steroids from the start, posing on stage with a bloated gut and serious acne. He hadn’t thought it likely he’d fall down that rabbit hole but it showed up a few times in the mirrors.

Before he could ponder what this meant — was he a version of himself relatively more secure in his self-image? — the maze went dark.

“Welp,” Xane made and turned on his aegis’ radiance. “Looks like the juice ran out. Anybody want me to feed it some more, hehe?”

“Decline,” Chay said. “Except it doesn’t look like we have a choice.”

Xane had very little sense where his stored spells were fluttering at any given moment but he could feel his control over one of them slip. He reached out but the butterfly turned to mist between his fingers, getting hoovered into the floor.

‘Projecting,’ the mirrors all read.

“Something’s changed,” Chay announced. “This is some kind of phase two.”

A vision of an eight foot devil, standing atop a cliff, looking out over a realm of burning rivers, giant skulls, and busy greenskins. The former human turned, his face now visible, crowed by mighty horns, a wild tattoo running along the throat.

“Holy shit,” Goro said, looking at a demonblooded version of *himself*.

On the muscle-bulging thighs of devil-Goro rested a soft dick that would have embarrassed a baseball bat, thick with ribbing and veins that pulsed even without an erection. The aegis was gone, as was the open signature around the demonically large balls.

Devil-Goro grinned at something in the distance. Someone came flying in from overhead. False-Xane, carried on flaming moth wings. Looking comically short next to his buddy, false-Xane dismissed the wings, and pulled down his white fundoshi, revealing a perfectly free dick. He dropped to his knees to kiss devil-Goro’s dick, while jerking off, his ass opening from a preparatory mage-dick.

“Keep moving,” Chay said and dragged them along.

A while ago, Xane had thought he knew the plateau of abyssal horniness — the frustration of being on the edge multiplied beyond the humanly possible. Roughly so much sexual buildup that five simultaneous cumshots would have gotten him back to levels within the earthly range.

Now, there seemed to be no limit. He creamed where he stood, jizz bubbling from the aegis onto his thighs and abs, even squirting onto his lower pecs. It brought zero relief. He didn’t have the wherewithal to collect it right now.

A new vision. Marcus and Chay, bald, both wearing a brightly glowing aegis and a black collar with a chain that lead to the throne of Gallant, the Nephil who had been their first ally in the abyss. By his lavish throne room of gold and skulls he seemed to be a champion in this scene.

The ex-angel moved his legs apart and the two demigods eagerly crawled closer to lick the exposed, golden dick as it began to leak nectar.

The next vision had Chay be a devil, his demonblood enhanced physique making him nearly unrecognizable if not for the pondering expression on his no-longer-baby face. Three Reaper Fiends were filling nectar jugs for him while he puppeteered an Ogre to fight another to the death for the amusement of a dozen major demons.

Next. Xane and Marcus making out on a bed of leafs in an orb-lit cave. Their wide open holes were getting punch-fucked by hazy mage-dicks as they exchanged rough kisses.

Next. A massive orgy of Kobolds and Hellions, Chay in the middle getting triple dicked, his free erection dripping, a tiger-sized Pie standing guard.

Next. Goro and Chay, fighting an army with ease, making out between hits, Goro free-dicked, Chay’s still caged. Next. Xane with a radiant crotch, sex with a Siren. Next. Marcus and Goro leading a group of Fiends against a town-sized Wyrm, aegis-free and erect in their fundoshi.

They made it to a room with no other exit. Tables, shelves, desks. The walls were still made of crystal at random angles but showed no visions.

“Finally,” Chay said and walked faster with unsteady steps. “Shouldn’t be hard to… There.”

He leaved through a stack of ledgers.

Xane was getting licked clean by the other two demigods. “So…” he stared. “Possible futures, huh? Anyway to, like, zoom in on one and figure out how to make it happen?”

“I assume,” Chay said, dropping the stack and grabbing the next, “that was the original purpose. A way to see the future is the ultimate win button for Jnessos or whatever champion was in charge. Don’t really like messing with it.”

“We’ll make our choices as they come,” Goro said.

“I thought you’re more of a planner,” Xane said.

“Yeah, but I don’t trust defunct demon-tech.”

“Good point.”

“Got it!” Chay yelled and slapped the ledger in his hand shut. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

“Ready for another round of alternate futures?” Marcus asked. “Or highly custom porn, I suppose.”

As they reentered the tunnel-maze, Xane tried to find himself again. He really wanted to know what his devil-version looked like, and — he couldn’t help it — how tall it was.

But the sights had changed.

“Are those…” Marcus started, “the past again? No… shit.”

Where the surfaces had projected scenes in the abyss, the alternate demigods were now back on earth.

A vision of Chay in the dorm, force-fucking himself on a dildo barely bigger than the average man’s, his face portraying despair.

Marcus in the shower, trying and failing to sit on a dildo the size of a demon’s dick, near tears.

Xane in a pink chastity cage, on all fours on a stranger’s bed, taking in the fist of an old, fat, hairy dude, his face showing surprise and discomfort with only brief flashes of enjoyment.

Goro, also in chastity, getting a chick to peg him with a strap on, unenthusiastically.

The four of them, trying to form a fist-circle again but giving up and just jerking off next to each other in silence.

Over and over, the mortal men tried to find a way to relive the pleasure of monsterdicks hammering them in a state of inhuman sexual desire. Sometimes together, often alone, with various gay guys and the rare female.

“Fuck,” Chay said. “When I was thinking ahead to the end of this adventure, I wasn’t really considering…”

“We’ll want more,” Xane said. “You can’t send someone into nectar bliss and then go back to just dicking down pussy.”

“Does this mean,” Goro said, slowly, “we’ll have to stay?”

The tunnel went dark and the desperate false-Xane strapped into a gay perverts fuckmachine faded to the blueish darkness of shutting down crystals.

“Oh no,” Xane said as he felt two of his three remaining butterflies get sucked into the ceiling. “I really don’t need to see more. Let’s get the fuck out.”

Chay pointed Marcus to a wall. “Right here. A good kick.”

The martial artists slammed his flat foot into the mirrors and they shattered neatly aside, shards flying out of the way of the opened path.

“Shortcut,” Chay said with a grin as the tunnel reactivated.

They demigods jogged through when runes appeared on the surface, saying things like “Assessment Catalogued”, “Inward Projection Ready” and all sorts of jargon Xane understood as much as the manual for a jet engine.

[Desire Projection]

The tunnel exits were gone, the pantheon was walled in. It rained. No, they were in a shower.

Xane was in a large, open shower, hot, steamy water falling from above. It was similar to the showers at collage, but bigger and lacking an exit. Dim light, the smell of flowery shampoo. Xane was out of his mind horny.

“Okay then,” Chay said. “I didn’t foresee that. Analyzing the area now. We should-”

Phantoms spawned in. Naked, wet girls, shampooing each other, blurry and faceless. Xane’s knees failed but he caught himself on Marcus.


The phantoms blurred beyond their already vague features and reestablished as men — hunky, lean muscle, fully erect, bald – slaves. Xane refused to think that this was even hotter but it was certainly more ‘actionable’ in his aegis-caged state.

The noise of several dozen hunks washing each other under the many showerheads added a whole new dimension to Xane’s favorite fantasy. Wet skin bumped into him from all sides, each one an orgasmic jolt as Xane’s body held onto a greater erotic charge than should have been humanly possible. His hands roamed the bodies.

“It’s a prison,” Chay shouted, dragging Goro with him as he fought through the crowd. “It gives you what you desire so you’ll stop trying to escape.”

The leader gave Xane a hard slap.

“Ouch! What the fuck, man?”

“We’ll ravage your ass under a waterfall later but you gotta snap out of it.”

Xane felt mild indignation, but of course umbra-magic had told Chay exactly whose fantasy a shower orgy was, even if Xane had usually imagined being the only one with a dick at the scene, rather than a weird inverse.

[Desire Projection – Cycling]

The water was gone. Not dried, just gone instantly.

The shower was now a more generic, windowless room with a cozy if minimalist ambiance. It was still crowded with hunks.

One of the phantoms curled up and scream-moaned, jizzing from his hardon. Then his neighbor joined. The first one stopped and the two nearest cummed, panting and grunting.

“Fuck,” Chay said and held a hand in front of his eyes, which stopped the phenomenon. “That’s mine. I sat in front of a super-hot, slutty girl and got really into the idea of making her cum and squirt just be looking at her with my magic gaze. Marcus, this isn’t funny!”

“Sorry,” Marcus said but kept chuckling. “Wait, what happens if you look at me?”

“Uh…” Chay dropped the hand and looked right at Marcus.

The tall, tan demigod and two faceless hunks next to him cried out. Marcus grabbed his crotch, wide eyes on Chay. “Fuuuuyeeeess hooolyfuuuuu- No, look at me. Look. At. Me.”

“No,” Chay said, shielding himself again. “We gotta get out.”

“Just one glance.”

“No. Stop it, you’re making this so difficult.”

Marcus threw his hands in the air. “Then someone better fist me because I need to orgasm like fifty more times now. You can’t tease me like that.”

They started to negotiate. Marcus wanted either to be looked at or have someone go elbow deep, which were apparently roughly equivalent. It was difficult to focus on the conversation when phantom hunks kept bumping into Xane with muscles and hard dicks. Not that he wanted to ride or suck dick per se, but the sights promised pleasure…

[Desire Projection – Cycling]

Nothing in their surroundings changed, but the phantoms started fucking each other in the ass. Except…

The penetrating dicks remained visible as they entered the bottoms. With hunks on all fours or standing bent over, their insides were clearly visible in 3D-vision wherever a dick touched their interior.

“Goro?” Xane asked. “That’s yours right? And I remember you saying you weren’t that much into hentai.”

Stonefaced, Goro trembled and creamed on himself, eyes dashing madly between different 3D-penetrations.

Chay stomped and released Pie. The cat-snake had her usual neutral expression but there was curiosity in her behavior.

“Listen here, girl. We gotta find a way out,” Chay said. “I think you’re not properly registered since we didn’t get visions about past and future *you*, so you should be able to escape.”

As the leader coaxed the creature, Goro bent over for phantom dick. His insides and the rod stayed clearly visible, his abs selectively faded out.

Too curious not to — and too horny — Xane sat on a kneeling hunk’s crotch and saw with fascination how the dick poked his insides to the navel.

Goro took a dick in his mouth, too, letting everyone see dick deep in his throat and how his neck muscles worked it. The sight was much hotter than Xane wanted to admit.

[Desire Projection – Cycling]

The x-ray-sight faded. The roof was gone, orange sky above, the walled area tinted in the lights of the rising sun.

“Wh-what’s yours?” Xane asked Marcus.

“Uh, day long fucking?” Marcus confessed. “I got a bit of an attention issue, so my first time I came way too fast so… I got really into edging and so I kept thinking about sex lasting days, weeks even, magically, letting me leak forever.”

“I mean,” Xane said, “not much effort for the projector with our stamina, hehe. That’s pretty much the abyss for you. Ughhhh, fuck I wish that was a bigger dick.”

Pie returned from beyond the projection, cuddling up to Chay for some kind of information exchange.

[Cycling Complete — Integrating]

Hot steamy water rained from the slowly brightening sky. The x-ray-sight returned. Phantom hunks in a row all screamed as they cummed, Chay’s eyes glancing over them.

All their wishes were true at once.

The hunks all around were leaking precum, easily visible on the bottoms, and thanks to Goro’s fantasy of penetration-vision also on the tops inside them. While the raining steam made it hard to see, the precum loads appeared to be inhuman, quickly overflowing asses.

Xane felt himself get pleasantly filled and looked at his stomach where a dick was pumping clear jizz into his 3D-projected guts.

The leader’s gaze hit Xane for a moment and it was like a singular punch into his lower body, radiating everywhere. No, it wasn’t quite like a punch, more like the state of being deep into fisting had been achieved for just a second. The dick inside him was all but forgotten.

“Hey, look at me again.”

Chay covered his eyes with a dash of fog. “We- no- we gotta… ugh, listen to me first. The machine can’t get around our aegises or else we’d be dicking down these guys. Goro wanted to see *his* dick with x-ray, Marcus wanted to be the one leaking and so on. If we use the seams Pie found-”

Chay made a death rattle and dropped on his ass.

Xane used his mage-hand to push aside the phantoms in the way and see what had happened.

Chay was looking at his own legs, jittering, drooling in the steam. Precum dripped onto him from guys fucking above his unresponsive body.

Xane used the mage-hand to slap Chay to no avail. The umbralist had looked at *himself* and was blissfully orgasming like only a demon fuck could achieve.

Xane’s mage-hand pulled Chay up by the chin but the leader fought him and kept looking at himself. A wall of smoke rose from Chay’s arm and cut Xane off.

Chay was out. And he wouldn’t recover. No matter how highly Xane thought of the leader’s discipline, this much pleasure with a simple glance was irresistible. Under all the demigodhood, Chay was still human.

They would be trapped in the ‘holodeck’ forever. Well, until the energy ran out. Unless it ate his final mote, too. Right! He had a spell stored up.

It was up to him now. Xane had to take the reins …right after milking ten more dicks, it was only just getting good.

Runes around the room spelled something out but Xane was on his back now and the orgy and steam made it impossible to read.

“Xa- Xane,” shouted Goro’s voice. “It’s depleted. It’s eating life force now.”

He could feel it. Magic leaked out of him, sustaining the projection as he was slowly drained.

Time to escape.


The phantoms blurred. Big, bald humans turned to creatures of the abyss. Goro was getting fucked into the wet ground by a red-skinned major demon, Marcus was getting tag-teamed by an Ogre and a Demon, Chay was buried below Hellions and Fiends, the top under Xane’s ass was suddenly a Reaper with all the pleasure of two tentacle dicks inside him at once.

He was going to die here. Maybe… maybe he was fine with that.

Goro was going to die. Marcus, too. He couldn’t lose them. Couldn’t lose Marcus.

“Pie,” Xane whimpered and crawled off the current dick, a gallon of precum squirting from his ass. So much more than his stomach ought to have been able to hold. “Pie, what did you find? We gotta go.”

Crawling between huge, red legs and delicious, dripping muscle cocks, Xane made it to a corner where Pie circled a spot. She could pop in and out. To him the wall remained solid. His mote just bounced off.

“Chay talked about the aegis. Not much of a plan but…”

Xane activated his crotch light. Bright radiance bounced off the steam, making it even more difficult to see anything. But it seemed like the hologram was fainter now, a crystal wall texture beyond it.

“Here goes nothing.”

The final butterfly turned into a cone of chaos, disrupting reality at the holodeck’s seam. A wall segment shattered, a three foot hole leading to a dark mirror tunnel.

Xane jumped outside, instantly dried of vapor and any cum that wasn’t his own.

Pie raced triumphant spirals around him.


He turned to see the absurdly demon-stuffed room, steam vanishing where it wafted into the sharp delineation to the outside.

His magic didn’t reach beyond the barrier. He couldn’t even send the mage-hand in.

“Fuck,” he said. “Okay then. Here we go.”

Xane hopped back in and squeezed himself between the eight-foot-something, leaking, cumming, grinding, fucking demons.

The first demigod he found was Goro, holding himself up on the shoulders of two Scourges as he got his ass spread by both their muscle dicks at once, golden cum leaking from his impossibly opened hole. Of course, the dicks were clearly visible as were Goro guts where dicks and nectar touched them. Utterly unreal.

Xane grabbed his friend by the long hair and pulled him to the ground. “Found a way out! Come on.”

Leaking from his magically closing hole, Goro walked through the steamy orgy with legs wide. “Where’s Chay?”

Xane drew an arrow and a circle where the Hellion heap was. His magic worked inside the chamber, it just couldn’t penetrate the border. Fine then.

“Whatever you do,” Xane said. “Do not let him look at you.”

Goro brutally punched his way in, killing fake demons by the handful. Meanwhile Xane swiped away the steam to reveal Marcus, who had a Hellion dick spectacularly far up his entrails. Xane had never wished for a camera like in this moment.

He grabbed Marcus by the shoulders and dragged him away. The life drained demigod fought him, twitching and kicking without coordination.

Xane tossed him outside.

Goro wasn’t following. Xane levitated to the ceiling, bumped his head where the projection obscured the low nature of the tunnel, and hovered between demon horns.

Chay was getting hammered by the two dicks of a Fiend while Goro got Scourge-dicked in front of him. Chay’s hand was on Goro’s face, allowing him to look at himself while also looking at Goro.

The berserker was ceaselessly shooting cum from his aegis onto his thighs, the demon inside him was pumping gallons of nectar into him and Chay himself was still drooling and quivering.

Xane landed and used free magic to lay a black bar over Chay’s eyes.

Goro managed to drag the crying leader out by himself.

The beaten and shocked pantheon could barely stand, probably more from life-drain than the orgy. The projection faded, all warmth and sound turning to cold silence.


Faceless demons spawned in around them, water vapor rising.

“Pie,” Xane said, hands on his knees. “Do you know the way out?”

She gave a bounce — a nod? — and dashed off. Xane pulled Marcus along by the arm, while Goro carried Chay on his shoulders.

Thanks to Chay’s earlier shortcut they emerged into the corridor of Research Site Gamma within ten seconds.

They collapsed.

“Man,” Goro said. “If the nectar had been real I wouldn’t have come out. I’d have let it kill me.”

It hadn’t even occurred to Xane that the projected nectar hadn’t had the usual effect. His bigger friend was right — a perfect facsimile would have been irresistible.

“Xee?” Chay said with a sigh. “Good job. Good fucking job, holy shit. My hero.”

Xane nodded and held out his fist. “I’m gonna slicken us up, come here.”

The four demigods got thaum-power sickened arms and arranged themselves into a face-to-ass square for a calming round of hole punching.

“Ca-can we,” Marcus said, his strength recovering, “can we do double?”

It took some maneuvering, but they were blessed with godly flexibility and stamina. Soon each ass was entered by *two* arms pressed together. The double-fisting foursome had them cry with pleasure and frustration and all the fears and shocks they had suffered in the fun house.

It was just what Xane needed, and he figured he wasn’t alone in that. Was double fisting past the elbow even something mortals could do?

The thaum-mage decided he didn’t have to think about it. Saving the day entitled him to shut his brain off for however long they were willing to hump their arms between each other’s legs.

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