Lost in Hawaii Ch. 01

A gay story: Lost in Hawaii Ch. 01 This story is a Slow burn.

Lost In Hawaii 01

Three Months Previously

“Walker!” Mitchell bellowed from the back porch. “Where’s the burger’s?”

“I’m coming, I’m comin’. Calm down, man,” I yelled back.

It was the last day of finals. College was finally done! We’d both graduated, me at 23 to Mitchell’s 24. Tonight was celebration with friend and family. Tomorrow, Mitchell and I were flying to Hawaii to go on a three month yachting adventure around the islands. Courtesy of his Dad. Mitchell was Captain and I was crew.

We’d sailed together before. The small yacht was easy for one person to handle. With two, it was a breeze. Last summer we’d spent three weeks going to Seattle then back to Encinitas, Ca. Our home town.

My mom had been his dad’s house keeper. Mitchell’s dad, Arturo Ricci, was filthy rich. The filthy part was more to do with how he got his money, not just the amount. He’d been an absentee father, always off on business trips in the USA and around the world. Rumors, truths and lies flew around Mr. Ricci. I didn’t know what was true and didn’t really care. Whatever he did was his business.

What I did know, was that Mr. Ricci hadn’t really been there for Mitchell’s childhood. Mitchell had spent his teenage years, and part of his college years, trying to gain his dad’s interest and approval. I think Mr. Ricci knew he wasn’t a great dad. He’d allowed my mom free reign when it came to his boy. He’d even granted her the ability to make medical decisions on his son’s behalf. I know she worked hard to show she was trustworthy. My mom’s heart was as big as the world and she’d fallen for the lost, five year old, Italian boy who’d just wanted a hug.

As for Mitchell and I, we’d danced between friendship and brotherhood. Of course, there had been the fights and teasing. Every child had to navigate their way through that with siblings and friends. Somehow we’d stayed tight with each other through middle school, high school, and through college. It hadn’t even occurred to us to pick different colleges.

“You’ve been thinking again,” Mitchell’s baritone voice cut through my thoughts. Then he was right behind me, pressing me into the counter. His cock was nestled between my ass cheeks. His arms wrapped around my chest. I elbowed him, trying to get some space.

“You’ve been fucking handsy this year. Back off!”
 Mitchell just scooted in closer and rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt surrounded by his large bulk and oddly protected. It was a protection I didn’t want. I shoved back again to no avail. This position had become quite common this year, despite my protests and complaints.

“You know you like it, baby,” Mitchell chuckled.

“No, I don’t,” I couldn’t stop from raising my voice. “I’m not gay or a chick you can fuck. Get off me.”

My 5’7″ rowers frame was no match to his 6’1″ body builder physique.

“I fuck guys, too. You know that.” Mitchell’s gravely voice sent a tingle through my body straight to my cock. I’m not gay, I tried to tell it. Damn appendage wasn’t listening. That had been happening more often around Mitchell, too. I’d never been attracted to guys, but there was something about him… This had to stop!

“Let me fuck you, baby. I know you’ll love it.” Mitchell ground his cock harder against my rear end.

I twisted in his arms and pushed back on his hard chest, gaining a few inches of freedom. Enough to slip out and grab the tray of raw patties ready to be barbecued.

“Never gonna happen.” I backed out towards the porch. “I’m straight as the day is long.”

A predatory grin crossed his face. I’d seen that look at countless bars where he’d gone after a new conquest. Now that it was leveled at me, it made me nervous as shit. He couldn’t seriously want me. We were practically brothers. And, he’d never gone after someone who wasn’t interested. Ever.

“I call bullshit. I’ve seen you checking me out. You are so damn curious, just too chicken to admit it.” Mitchell swiped the tray out of my hands and set it on the counter. With a deft tug, he pulled me into his embrace. I was too stunned to move. He’d never been this aggressive with me before.

“One day, baby, you’ll be begging for my cock, and I’m going to give it to you. Promise.”

Then I saw it, the tease in his eyes. Damn fool was making idle threats again. My heart slowed down and I started to laugh.

“Okay, you had me going for a moment, ha ha. Now, get those burgers out there and burn ’em right. I’ll make some more.”

Mitchell ground his semi into mine and winked, grabbed the burgers and walked out the door. He looked cocky as hell as he did it. I looked down at my interested member, said, “Down boy. He’s not your type.” Then went back to making burgers. Sometimes any stimulation would do.

The second tray of burgers were made. As soon as I put the tray on the table I socked Mitchell on his muscular bicep.

“You’re gonna behave on the yacht, right? I’m not going to spend the next three months getting groped by you.” Statement. Not a question.

Mr. Self-Confident just laughed and threw the burgers on the grill, “I promise I won’t fuck you unless you ask me, too,” he said in a whisper for my ears only. Then louder, “I do know how to behave myself. I just don’t feel like it sometimes. Especially not with you.”

“That’s not reassuring but I’ll take it.” Switching topics, “So, you’ve planned the whole trip? I saw the plane tickets. But, the rest, where we’ll sail, ports, food, fuel? All that?”

“Yep. Dad had the St. Sabrina sailed over last month. It’s waiting in port in Honolulu. First stop is Sabrina’s Cove. It’s fully stalked if we stayed there all three months. The yacht is fully stocked. We’ll have to get provisions but that should be minimal cause we’ll spend so much time exploring on land.”

“I can’t believe he’s letting us stay at Sabrina’s Cove. He’s guarded it since she died. You sure it’s cool?” Sabrina’s Cove was the house Arturo Ricci and his wife Sabrina, Mitchell’s mom, had lived in once they got married. She’d passed away in childbirth. Mitchell had never met his mother. At least, he’d had my mom.

Mitchell flipped a few burgers and took a deep breath, “He actually gave it to me last August. Said it needed love again. He’ll never return but couldn’t let it go to some stranger. So yeah, it’s cool. I guess the residents of the island will all be on vacation this summer. The island is deserted for a while, so it’ll be our paradise.”

“Or a den of iniquity for all the honeys we’ll meet?” I leered at him. He’d squared his shoulders in deference of talking about his dad’s gift. He always did that in regards to his dad. I’d learned not to push. Making a joke was easier.

“Hmmm, a den of iniquity?” A strange gleam came into his eyes. “Maybe not the way you’re thinking about it, but the name really does fit. Think you can handle it for the next three months?”

“Of course I can,” I said with over confidence.

Mitchell leaned in close. His gaze was hard and direct, something hot flickered in the background. “I’m counting on it,” he said low and intense.

“Okay,… I’m going to check on mom.”

I walked away feeling nervous and a little weak in the knees. Something had changed between us this past year. I just couldn’t figure out what it was. Mitchell had changed. Yasmin, our best friend from high school and college, kept prattling on how he was secretly in love. That’s why he’d changed. She’d even tried to follow him to figure it out. She didn’t get very far. Mr. Secretive was good at covering his tracks and keeping his own peace.

One Christmas, when Mitchell was 14 and I was 13, he’d convinced his dad to move my grandmother to Encinitas. She’d been sick and was getting worse in Colorado’s frozen chill. Mom had been frantic with worry but had only been home to visit her once. My dad’s gambling habit left the family constantly broke.

I don’t think Mr. Ricci blinked an eye when his son made the request. My grandmother, Mitchell and Mr. Ricci had kept the move a secret for a solid two months, right up to Christmas. Mitchell had escorted her to our house to celebrate. Mom couldn’t stop crying and Grandma couldn’t stop beaming at being with her daughter and grandchildren, which had expanded to include Mitchell.

However, this was different. He’d been a bit secretive, going off by himself with no explanation where he’d been. There was also a bite to his personality I’d never seen before. He’d been commanding, domineering. Of course, there was also the handsy aspect that had developed, too.

I’d privately wondered if the problem was me. Maybe he was serious that he wanted me. But, we’d grown up as brothers. There’s no way in hell I’d sleep with my sister Sarah. I wasn’t gay or incestuous. And, I’d never looked at Mitchell as anything but family.

Until recently when he’d changed, and made advances. To tell the truth, I was more then a little worried about this trip. It could make or break our brotherhood. The two things I knew was that I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life without Mitchell in it.

And, I just didn’t want to fuck him in the mean time. I liked chicks, damn it!

Mom sat in a chair sheltered by the awning and covered in a blanket to keep the slightly chilly spring air off. Last Easter she’d been diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. Doctors were confident but the bills were horrendous. My dad had past two years ago, leaving my mom with 2 mortgages on the house which she’d paid down to one just after last Christmas. He’d also left behind a stack of credit card debt, and bills that hadn’t been paid in moths.

Pride had kept her working, but that was wearing on a body made weak by rounds of chemo and radiation. 16 year old Sarah had taken a job to help pay for bills and the house had been put up for sale. I’d tried to quit school but Mom had insisted I finish.

So, I’d picked up an extra job and sent that money home. I only had one semester to go, and it had been a long one between two part time jobs and homework and classes. There hadn’t been time for anything else.

She’d also insisted I take this trip with Mitchell. Our graduation gift had been the trip and a $50,000 gift card to go with it. Mr. Ricci didn’t do anything by halves. I’d immediately transferred $30,000 to mom. If I couldn’t live off of $20,000 over the course of three months then I didn’t deserve to go. She’d gone over the bills and the sale of the house would cut the bills substantially. With the addition of my money, Sarah could quit her job and take summer classes and they wouldn’t starve.

Mr. Ricci had offered a rent-free little cottage at the back of his property. It was a gift for all she’d done for him and Mitchell. He’d offered it when dad died but she hadn’t wanted payment of that kind, for that reason. Her life had been enhanced in so many ways working for him. He’d done enough. But now, the need was great and the offer was still genuine. Mr. Ricci took care of his own.

“How ya feelin’, mom?” I sat down in the seat beside her and handed her a lemonade.

“Happy, proud of all of you. Talked with Yasmin for a bit. She invited me to the wedding, as soon and they figure out the date. How are you, son?”

“I’m not wanting Yasmin to marry that asshole. Isn’t that horrible?” I sighed as I caught her black hair, stripped with metallic blue, on the other side of the lawn.

“No.” Mom slipped her hand in mine. “You and Mitchell have loved her from day one. That’s why neither of you went after her. Nothing like young love to break up a great friendship. I think you did as well as can be expected. She loves you, too. But, a heart needs more, and this is her way to more. Support her no matter what. Things will work out.”

A light breeze rippled mom’s blanket. “Ready for your trip?” she asked. “Sarah and I are expecting tons of pictures.”

Unease rambled in my gut a bit, but I chose to ignore it and focus on the positive. “We are. Mitchell has the itinerary all laid out. We got our captain’s licenses firmly in hand, and the yacht is waiting for us in Honolulu. Mr. Ricci gave Sabrina’s Cove to him last August. Did you know that?”

Mom blinked back a sentimental tear, “No I didn’t. I’d hoped that would happen. I hear it’s beautiful. Remember, young man, pictures!”

“Yes, ma’am,” I smiled at my mom. Pictures were the least I could do for her.

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