The Human Bearer Ch. 12

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 12 The Human Bearer


What was this feeling growing inside him, so alien, so removed from his usual thought process that he couldn’t even begin to wrap his mind around it? Xana had given him the explanation, but Riordan didn’t feel satisfied with it. Why had he reacted so strongly to seeing Lewis’ large belly filled with Xenolites? He had felt as if he had been about to cry his heart out. That kind of emotional response wasn’t him. He could get scared, he could get mad, but crying? He curled by Xana’s side, hoping for some warmth.

They were back home, and they lounged on one of the many beds, Xana busy reading something on a virtual screen on which strange symbols rolled like an infinite feed, while he was busy being pregnant and doing not much else. Was he losing himself in the process of contributing to that new life inside him? Was that what was happening?

“Do you want me to start studying to some institute or some shit?” he asked.

Xana stopped his scrolling and caressed his head briefly. “Your bot told you.”

“You’re not going to send him to the landfill for telling me what you spoke freely in front of him,” Riordan said quickly.

“No, of course not. Since you started the conversation, and I need a break from work anyway, let’s indulge you and your curiosity. What would you like to know?”

“Do you want me to go to that fancy school for real? Just so you know, I didn’t even finish high school on Earth. I was busy doing… other things.” Never before in his life had he felt ashamed with who he was, but Xana was so accomplished, being a top dog on Xeno and a studious one even that he didn’t want to sound like an uncivilized ape compared to him.

“Yes, you have the intelligence,” Xana said promptly. “You must also start learning our language. Since this is your life from now until forever.”

“You really want to keep me that long?” Riordan tried to joke, but his lips were stiff, incapable of producing the little smirk he had hoped for. “I mean, you do realize that, at one point, I’ll grow old. I won’t be fit for carrying any eggs. I’ll become useless.”

Xana kissed the crown of his head. “You will never be useless to me.”

“Yeah, you say that now, but as soon as some fresh piece of tail catches your eye, I bet I’ll become an extra in this little scenario of yours.”

“A piece of tail? I am certain I cannot feel attracted to another Xeno.”

“It’s a figure of speech, geez. What I mean is a piece of ass. You know, a human… younger and more beautiful than me. Who can carry your eggs when I no longer can.”

“That will never happen,” Xana said matter-of-factly. “I want you and only you.”

“You snakemen live long lives,” Riordan pointed out, although the topic wasn’t dear to him at all. “You’ll be still in your prime long after I’m nothing but dust.”

Xana caught him by surprise when he lifted him and placed him in his lap. Their eyes met. I will never let you die. As long as I’m alive.

The way that message was delivered, straight to his brain, made things seem a lot more intimate. Riordan found himself yearning for those words to be the truth. Again, it could be that it was only his pregnancy talking, making him feel extra sensitive and emotional. You’re talking big, snakeboy. You know you do. But, for the record, I appreciate the thought.

The ever searching tongue reached inside his mouth, caressing its insides slowly. Riordan wrapped his arms tightly around Xana’s shoulders, allowing his master to kiss him. For creatures with such unshaken belief in their resistance to earthly emotions, some of them really acted like they cared. Or at least like they couldn’t comprehend basic math, but he wasn’t about to point it out to Xana.

He was placed gently on his back. Xan caressed his chest and then his belly. For all the hard sex they had engaged in lately, this was surprisingly tender. “You have some learning to do,” the snakeman said, drawing slow circles on Riordan’s abdomen.

“About machines? Shouldn’t I focus on the pregnancy stuff first?”

“That’s what I’m talking about. You must become acquainted with how it happens.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

“You’ll attend a birth, of course. Such events are not open for just anyone to attend, mind you. But I secured a position with one of my closest allies.”

Riordan pushed Xana away so that he could look into his eyes. “Is Tasha giving birth?”

“No. Your friend, with whom you engage in gallivanting adventures of dubious sorts–”

“Yeah, right,” Riordan snorted and made a face.

“Your friend will also be there. You both have a lot to learn. Besides how to offer proper respect to your owners by not engaging in wading through landfills.”

“We didn’t wade–” Riordan swallowed his words. He was about to give Xer away. Xana probably knew already all the details of the rescue mission he had planned for getting his bot back, but still, he shouldn’t get in the habit of ratting out on the very few allies he had.

“Of course, I know who actually dived into the garbage to pull out your favorite bot’s remains.”

“And you just read my mind, didn’t you?” Riordan protested and narrowed his eyes, to show his displeasure.

Xana laughed and his eyes twinkled with mischief. “You are so quick to suspect me, Riordan. I knew all along that Xer was with you.”

Riordan let his jaw drop but then pursed his lips. “That little traitorous fucker. Was he reporting to you in real time?”

“There was no need for that. But you know how we communicate between us. You are part of it, too, now.”

“Only when it’s convenient for you, isn’t it? Because I don’t recall being able to pick your brain apart when I feel like it.”

“Is that upsetting you? Then how about you read my mind right now?”

Riordan observed Xana carefully, but it didn’t look like he was taken for a fool. At least, not this time. “How exactly do I do this?”

“Think of me, and you will hear my thoughts.”

That was easier said than done. His attempts appeared to be clumsy at first and he didn’t know if he was doing something wrong or that kind of thing didn’t work as Xana thought it should. But just as he was about to call it quits, a door opened in front of him, and, that very moment, he felt breathless.

He could see without seeing enormous galaxies, the interior of strange buildings, conflicts and wars.

Think of what you want to know. In his mind, Xana’s calm voice was soothing, guiding him like an open hand taking his. The sight in front of the eyes of his mind changed, and he saw himself walking down a winding path leading to an ocean on a sunny day. He could tell the place wasn’t Earth, and he had never seen it before. In the distance, he could distinguish two silhouettes, and as he rushed towards them, they came into focus. He saw Xana by the shore holding someone’s hand. It was a child, a Xenolite, and he turned his head and Riordan saw that the boy — he was certain it was a boy — had dark hair falling in waves down his shoulders. When the boy noticed him, he broke free from Xana’s hold and rushed towards him, slithering his way through the sand, but in a manner that reminded Riordan more of a happy puppy on his first day outside. He opened his arms and crouched to embrace the child, but the vision was suddenly gone, and he lost his balance while blinking and trying to recall it. “Is this what you’re thinking of? Our child?”

Xana brushed one hand along his cheek. “Yes. He will be beautiful like you.”

Riordan struggled to shake off the feeling of tenderness that moved through him, warming his soul. “Wow, man, you really want to make me cry or something.”

“Is it working?” Xana placed his head on Riordan’s chest, and now it was his turn to receive caresses.

“I think it is.”

Maybe Kyle wasn’t so off the mark as he had thought initially. The snakeman was really thinking of their contract as marriage, even though he didn’t care for the term or any kind of earthly weaknesses like love. For now, he would take what he was given, he thought. “You’ll let him grow up a bit before sending him to school, right?”

“Our Xenolites don’t need as much mollycoddling as your kind. Also, they grow fast.”

“If what you’re saying is true, then the baby is going to be a bit human,” Riordan argued. “You’ll let him stay home with me for a few years. Until he’s at least 6 or 7 years old.”

“That’s preposterous. He will remain behind if he doesn’t start studying from the age of 1.”

“The age of 1? Are you seriously pulling my leg? Jeesh, no wonder you have to roam the galaxy and take over worlds. You have a fucked up childhood.”

“He will go to school at the required age, and that’s final,” Xana said sternly.

“Will he be allowed to have fun? I don’t know, play and stuff?” Riordan asked. He couldn’t remember a time when he had played as a child. All he had ever done was survive. But that didn’t mean that the offspring of one of the most powerful people on the planet was supposed to suffer just because his dad thought playing was for losers or something.

“I focused on my studies and I have no regrets,” Xana said.

“Oh, wow, nerd,” Riordan replied with a huff. “No wonder you look like you just swallowed a lemon all the time. Well, I’m also the baby’s parent, and I say that he should be allowed to play every day.”

“Will you play with him?”

“Of course. It’s not like I’m asking you to waste your precious time on your son,” Riordan retorted.

“And how will you do that?”

“What do you mean?” He didn’t like where this was going, no, he didn’t like it at all.

“You will be busy with carrying the next egg. That will require all your energy.”

“Ah, I see. You really want to push the next egg up my chute, the moment this one comes out. Then, let me understand this. If I won’t have time for raising my own child, when will I have the time to attend your institute of technology or whatever that thing is called?”

That finally seemed to give Xana a bone to chew, because the impossible snakeman didn’t have an immediate comeback to that. “We will see.”

“Right. You didn’t actually think this through. Your mind is at making babies all day long.”

“Are you really judging me for it? Just look at you.” Xana began caressing his belly again. “It’s a wonder I get anything done these days.”

“Well, I’d say you should start pulling your head out of your ass, although you don’t seem to have any of those, and learn who the hell wanted you out of power, because that terrorist attack didn’t just come out of nowhere.” The mention of that horrifying event made Xana clutch him tightly, wrapping his long tail around him until Riordan could no longer feel his body from the waist downwards. “You know you can’t close your eyes and say that it doesn’t matter. Those guys couldn’t have acted alone. Even if Lewis didn’t know anything, his superiors must have gotten their orders from someone. And don’t you find it disturbing that the bots got the order to kill everyone? I saved Lewis, as you say, just because he didn’t know anything.”

“I do have enemies,” Xana admitted, much to his surprise.

“Who are they? They’re other Xenos. I’m sure they are.”

“Yes, they are. But I will not tell you anything else since I don’t want to put you in harm’s way. The less you know, the better.”

“Can you at least tell me what they have against you? Or is it the same fight for power as it happens everywhere else?”

“It is about my position on human bearers. We have achieved such an astounding level of compatibility with you that there’s no need for us to continue our expansion at the same pace as before. And since there’s a high number of planets for us to colonize, we should consider increasing our numbers.”

“So,” Riordan continued, “that is why you want bearers to become more of a fixture and carry more eggs?”

“His Royal Chancellor agrees with me. On certain points. He has the experience given by age, and I cannot deny that he makes a strong argument.”

“A strong argument for what?”

Xana adjusted his position so that he could face Riordan. “Your species might mellow out our species. Without a drive for conquering planets after planets in our quest for perpetuating our kind, what do we become?”

“Ah, I see. You just don’t think it cool to turn into settlers when you’re used to being the warmongering legions of the galaxy.”

“Cool? Temperature has nothing to do with it. Human bearers have an impact like no other species on others. That brings forward changes, and changes–”

“Lead to revolutions. In other words, people who are currently in power might not be in power tomorrow.”

Xana rewarded him with a kiss. “I knew you were clever. His Royal Chancellor thinks the same, and, as the most important Xeno governing over us, he can’t allow upheaval to take place under his rule. So, he is all for introducing changes at a slow pace.”

“It’s good that he’s not completely against them. But others don’t want them at all… or do they want them right now?”

“Xenos have a strong definition of who they are. Who we are,” Xana added after a short moment. “The mere idea that a different species might end up turning us into something else… Let’s put it this way. A group of very powerful Xenos detests it.”

“I thought you guys didn’t do emotions and that kind of thing.”

“It’s not an emotion,” Xana replied. “It’s determinism. We must evaluate the changes that will occur in our genetic makeup once we allow more and more human bearers in our society.”

“You do have other kinds of bearers, too, don’t you?”

“True, but, as I told you, Riordan, your kind is addictive.”

“Crying much? You’re hooking us on your seth, and we can’t even leave your planet for ours after that. You’re drug lords, basically. And we’re paying in solid currency. Ass.”

Xana laughed and cradled Riordan into his arms. His tail was uncoiling slowly but only to find its way between Riordan’s legs and reach his backdoor. His personal drug dealer seemed very happy with giving him more of the same. Riordan could feel his ass stretched without any resistance while he got pounded slowly with rhythmic moves. Xana wrapped one arm under his knees and pushed his legs up so that his hole was now completely exposed. It looked like the snakeman really liked watching what his tail was doing. Damn, it had to be something to be capable of making your own porn like that. Riordan moaned softly and closed his eyes. He could feel Xana kissing his cheek and then taking his mouth. I will watch you give birth, my beautiful bearer. I will keep you in my arms, and I will give you all the seth you need.

And, in the meantime, he’d be busy pushing their Xenolite out. Was that the reality he should expect? Was Xana right about it, that the egg belonged to him, too, now? Riordan felt pleasure beyond words as his owner teased him over and over, giving him more and more of his tail. He was sure the thing was reaching inside him, checking on the egg, and making him experience that same sensation of fullness from before. Only that now he wasn’t scared anymore. If anything, he felt only pleasure. Was it truly supposed to hurt that badly to give birth? He was taking Xana’s tail so easily now.

He abandoned himself to the sensations cursing through him. He whimpered when Xana took out his tail, but gasped in renewed pleasure when its place was taken by the Xeno’s long cock. The two thigs caused different reactions in his body. The tail was more malleable and Riordan could even sense the smooth scales brushing over the overly sensitive insides of his ass, while the cock was harder and stronger, hammering him in short punishing strokes at times, or pushing him to the limit by getting inside him to the hilt.

When they were both in, like it was happening right now, his mind was blown. Even if seth hadn’t been so addictive, Riordan didn’t think it possible for any human to return to Earth after experiencing such sexual bliss. There was no comparison to how human intercourse happened. Riordan knew he was doomed, but in moments like these, he couldn’t bring himself to care anymore.

He had a life here, as strange as it was. And he would become a parent, something he hadn’t believed possible all his life. He would never abandon the Xenolite growing inside him; that was something he would never do.


Tasha sat by his side, behind the glass, and took his hand. Riordan smiled when he noticed the protective gesture his friend made while touching his belly. They were both losing the slimness of their waist in favor of the round shape of their pregnancies. That reminded him of Lewis and his large belly, as well as his swollen asshole. A shiver moved through him. He was so fucked up.

“What it is?” Tasha asked.

“Do you feel like I do? Like the egg is the only thing that matters?”

“All the time. It’s funny to see one of them behaving in the same loony way,” Tasha replied. “Xer,” he added at Riordan’s questioning look.

“You know, Xana told me your boyfriend actually ratted on us all that time we were at the landfill.”

“I’m not surprised. They do that thing, when they communicate with their brains. Apparently, it works over large distances, too. For all that’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“Ah, don’t sweat it. I dragged you two into it, and your boyfriend even took Kyle out of the garbage for me. I can’t ask for more, given their nature. By the way, have you heard them talking between them, like before?”

“Like in my dream that maybe wasn’t a dream? No. But it keeps bugging me, you know? I mean, I felt tempted to tell Marn about it, and then, I don’t know, I changed my mind. Wait, do you think someone’s manipulating my mind?”

Riordan had done nothing to lead Tasha to that kind of conclusion. “I don’t know, man. But maybe you should talk to Xer. Something tells me he’s the one who might know something about it.”

Tasha nodded, absent-mindedly, and then, they both turned their attention to what was happening behind the glass. A human male, a very pretty one, the kind Riordan had noticed to be everywhere as the favorite choice for Xenos, walked in, supported by his owner. He was all naked, but his large belly obscured the sight of his genitals, and he was moving with difficulty.

His owner helped him submerge into a transparent bath filled with a liquid that seemed like water, but it had to be seth. The bearer groaned and hiked up his legs, exposing not only his cock and balls, but also his ass. The snakeman accompanying him whispered something in his ear and then kissed him, while one of his hands moved between the bearer’s legs and stroked his cock until he made him squirt.

After that, he put his hand lower and began to finger the entrance. The blond bearer was keeping his head hanging over the edge of the bath tub and was now softly panting.

“So far, so good,” Riordan whispered to Tasha. “Why do they say that it hurts?”

Tasha shrugged. “I was warned, too. It might have something to do with how large the egg gets.”

The bearer giving birth in front of them had an abnormally large belly, without a doubt. But it couldn’t all of it be just the egg, right? He turned his attention to what was happening in front of his eyes. The bearer’s body tensed and he spread his legs wider. At the same time, his ass was stretching, and there seemed to be something peeking out, the top of a creamy white shell.

“Wow, it looks like it’s starting already,” he commented.

“Xer cared to told me, after asking around, that, at first, bearers feel like they have the best sex ever. As the egg begins to move, not so much.”

“That boy is really into this pregnancy stuff.”

“You have no idea. Marn keeps scolding him to see about his studies, but he’s constantly in my room, checking on the egg or fucking me.” Tasha shook his head. “His father says that he’s getting too attached, and I don’t disagree.”

“What about you? Are you getting attached, too?”

Tasha didn’t reply. Instead, his eyes moved back to the bearer giving birth. Now, the snakeman had wrapped part of his tail around his human’s abdomen, and it looked like he was doing that to help push the egg downwards.

The first scream pierced the air, taking them by surprise. Riordan first covered his ears, but quickly looked to understand what was going on. Now, the bearer’s ass was stretched to the size of basketball, but still they couldn’t see more than just the top of that creamy white shell. “What the hell?” he murmured. “That thing is huge.” He watched with growing terror as the Xeno was helping out the human by holding his legs, and using his tail to push the egg down, but it looked like there was only this much stretching that body could do.

The snakeman kissed his bearer and fed him some seth. There were soft murmurs of pleading from the human, followed soon by another piercing scream.

“I think it’s coming out,” Tasha said and moved closer to the glass.

Riordan followed, just as fascinated by the whole thing as his friend. The pretty doll that must have chosen to become a bearer without realizing what it would mean to him, had his face wet with tears, and the Xeno was dripping seth directly on his tongue from the above. “Fuck, it looks like not even the seth can do it for him anymore. Why aren’t they giving us C-sections again?”

“Because they don’t want us cut and sewn back in, probably,” Tasha replied and he was now glued to the glass wall, watching intently. “Marred prostitutes might not sell well.”

“That’s true. But what about those doing clerk work? It’s not like that matters.”

Both he and Tasha started when the bearer’s body tensed again, overwhelmed by spasms. The egg appeared to be halfway through, but things didn’t look too good for the bearer. The Xeno was kissing him, most probably giving him more seth, but he seemed unresponsive. Then, as if he was electrocuted, he convulsed again, and more of the egg emerged. The Xeno hurried to the side and put his hands into the bathwater. He was holding the egg, but there was still work for the bearer to do, it seemed. Riordan clenched his fists tightly. The warning was good, but wasn’t Xana afraid that witnessing a thing like that would make him chicken? Not that he had anything to do even if he got scared. Anyway he looked at things, he was bound to go through the same pains as the bearer he was looking at.

“Poor thing,” Tasha murmured. “Just look at him.”

Riordan stared, too. He was drawn to that enlarged opening, incapable of tearing his eyes away. The snakeman wrapped his tail tightly around the human again, and this time, the egg finally slid down, right into the Xeno’s hands. The human bearer seemed to be gone to the world, and his owner’s attention was no longer on him.

He and Tasha watched as the snakeman lifted the egg, which was, indeed, an enormous thing. He looked like a proud father, Riordan thought, but the following moment, he gasped in disbelief as the Xeno dropped the egg from a considerable height, letting it crash against the granite floor. “What the fuck?” he shouted.

His shock was short-lived, because the egg burst open at one end and from it emerged a Xenolite. His father offered his arm and the Xenolite quickly wrapped around it.

“That must be their equivalent for slapping the baby’s bottom to hear him cry,” Tasha said.

The snakeman moved close to the glass and presented Riordan and Tasha his offspring. It all happened quickly, because the Xeno turned on his heel and left the room. The human bearer was still in the bathtub, looking as gone to the world, with no one around to tend to him.

“I’ll be fucking damned,” Riordan whispered. “What’s going to happen to him?”

“Do you mean, the bearer? He’s pretty enough for whoring, I suppose,” Tasha said, seemingly just in shock as him.

“Is he never going to even see that baby he carried inside him?”

Tasha covered his eyes for a moment, and Riordan wondered if his friend was about to start crying. But the redhead appeared to have gotten his bearings back because he took Riordan’s hand. “Let’s get out of here.”



@geemeedee – excellent question! Actually, that’s one part of the plot…

@cannd – You’re right, I haven’t mention the duration of the pregnancy. Because the story is going to get really wild, some factors will influence this part, too. And while I’m usually again spoilers, I will say that Riordan will give birth in rather extreme conditions.

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