Amsterdam Weekend Ch. 02: Tom's Story

A gay story: Amsterdam Weekend Ch. 02: Tom's Story My name is Tom and this is my story, of my first visit to Amsterdam; it all started at our usual Friday night pub meet in the centre of Manchester. I always looked forward to it as the guys there treated me as an equal.

The usual heated discussion had started. This time was what we would do if we could get away together for a weekend. I said; let’s all go to Amsterdam, my friend Paul could fix it as he is a travel agent. They all said yes; in the end only six of us went.

We all agreed who would share rooms. I was nominated to share with Charles; didn’t really know him, he was in some sort of engineering management job. Bit butch in build and mannerisms; seemed ok.

Friday arrived we all met at Manchester airport and boarded the afternoon flight to Schiphol; it was a good flight. When we arrived at Amsterdam Centraal station, we all walked to Dam Square, which only took 15 minutes or so. Our hotel was just off Dam Square, we found it ok, looked good; we all checked in without any problems. We had booked three double rooms, they were all presentable but the guys were unhappy about sharing a double bed together. Didn’t bother me; I shared with my boyfriend Paul.

I was sent down to reception to see if they were any other single bedded rooms available. I asked the manager; sorry we are full; no single bedded rooms, no call for it we normally have two guys sharing a bed. I reported back; they were not happy but I couldn’t do anything about it. I was to share with Charles and I was ok about it. Anyway I don’t think they would tell anyone about it back in Manchester. Not that that would have bothered me.

We all went out together, toured the red light areas and did the usual things tourists do. We visited a hemp café; never did that before; liked their coffee. We were all relaxed when we left, coffee does that for me. Tom found a bar with a; on the floor sex show; never seen guys do that together before, the beers helped relax us too. It was about two in the morning when we left the bar and headed back to our hotel.

We went straight to our rooms as their bar was shut by this time. I got undressed; told Charles that I normally sleep naked; would that be a problem? Charles was actually quite a nice looking guy, nice toned and well sculptured body. Very well endowed too, I could see it bulging through his revealing, tanga cut, underwear. I thought a pop out was possible; nice.

We both lay on the bed, back to back, touching I could feel Charles as I settled in. He turned and embraced me I could then feel him pull off his underwear. Then sliding his well-endowed erection between my buttocks. Then nothing; he was asleep and snoring, latent effect of the traveling and drinks. O’well fuck me; or not, as they say.

I woke in the morning alone; my back was wet with sweat. Charles came in from having a shower; said nothing, I got up and went for a shower too.

We all went down stairs for breakfast. The hotel manager came over and asked if we had a good night’s sleep and were the beds comfortable enough for us. Yes was the answer. He smiled. I returned to my marmalade and toast.

We had already planned out what we were going to do; I was going to see the Ann Franks, the Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum paintings; four were going to a football match; not my thing. Charles was going to tour the red like district, in the daylight this time. Plan was we would all meet back at our hotel; if we didn’t get lucky. I least I had a plan B too.

I got on a tram to take me to the first museum, after walking round the museum for a couple of hours I went to its café for a coffee and cake. As I was sitting at one of their long bench tables a young women came and sat opposite me. I am not adverse to women just prefer men.

She had blond hair, like me but a lot longer, petite with a nice bust, revealing itself under her blouse with hard nipples protruding. She was an art student and her name was Simone; I told her I worked in an exclusive art dealer’s office in Manchester and had been to Art College too. She asked where Manchester was, so I told her. She was here on a Saturday as she worked in Amsterdam on weekend nights.

I asked her what she did; she was a prostitute, it helped fund her studies. Don’t know why but I asked; what she charged; €100 for an evening together or €200 for all night at her place. Adding that it was a good rate; can pay by credit card and much cheaper than a regular prostitute. We agreed on €150 for all night at her place and I would take her for a meal first.

We then completed our tour of the museums, with my personal tour guide; she certainly knew her art. We went for a meal in a nearby club bar that she liked and seemed to be known there. The service was mainly by shemales. This was also where I could pay with my credit card for her. My company flexible friend did the deed. My boss let me do this in consideration for my extramural services with him.

We went to her small but comfortable flat nearby; she stripped off ready for me as I did for her. I was utterly surprise when I saw she had a cock; nice size too. Her body was beautiful, wonderfully toned and sculptured. Simone said she thought I knew because of the club bar being serviced by people like her.

She took me by her hand and led me to her big bed, put her finger to my mouth and said it’s that time. We started to fondle each other; she kissed me and put her tongue in my mouth, the French way, and rubbed it around seductively.

I reached down to fondle hers as she did my cock; electrifying. I could feel my insides move, cum starting to ease out; I could feel it, as hers started to ease out onto my hand. I really wanted her. Lifted her legs onto my shoulders and enthusiastically started to enter her; didn’t need any oils as we both had each other’s cum on us. And had already eased each other during our fondling.

We were copulating together, don’t know for how long, didn’t care. Just didn’t want it to end. Then I started to feel that I couldn’t hold back. I started to pulsate, Simone started to hard breathe in harmony with each stroke, gradually getting louder. Until I let go; or explode; as I withdrew I could feel the squiring landing on me and Simone’s breasts. I started to lick it off her; first time I have tasted my own cum like that.

We laughed as we lay side by side recovering; she said in my ear my turn. Rolled over and ushered me into a doggy position, then entered me in one continuous movement. I felt it hit my prostrate, then she withdrew and touched it again very gently. Started her undulating within me, don’t know for how long but it seemed like for ever. I started to squirt pre-cum, then; I felt her unload within me. She withdrew and rolled alongside me, we both lay there embracing each other. We must have fallen asleep; I was awakened by some birds squawking or something.

We both got up and she ran us a bath, we both badly needed it. It was hot and southing, we washed each other; she had a very gentle touch. We got out and dried each other off, then sat at her table where we had breakfast together. I got dressed and left about an hour or so later. She was working that night and needed to get some rest.

I met with Charles as he had proposed in his text to me this morning checking to see if I was ok. I told him about Simone and last night.

He asked why I didn’t leave quickly when I realised; NO I didn’t want to. And what did you do then? Well I played with her cock as we kissed and; she started to play with mine, which was fantastic. Charles asked me how I felt about it, great as though I was floating on a cloud.

He asked me if I was worried that I might be gay. I said I am gay, didn’t you know that. That was why the guy’s pressured you into sharing with me. And sent me down to see the hotel manager, they knew I wouldn’t be convincing.

He also asked if I was not worried about catching anything from him / her. No I was on PrEP and got checked on a regular basis. She was on the same and also got checked, it was a requirement of her Sex Worker licence.

Charles; lost for words, then told me he was just like many other men experiencing bisexuality for the first time and my secret was safe with him. I told him, I was out and had been for several years. The guys in the pub all knew that and most of them were gay or bisexual too. Charles didn’t know what to say or do.

I suggested that I go and see if any of the museums were open and we could meet later if he liked. He said he wanted to go and see Stephan, I said who; he said I will tell you later. After he made a call to Stephan, I think, he said that he would meet us all at the bar we went to on the first night, the one with the floor show, about eight. We all met Charles there that night, but he said nothing about Stephan, I hadn’t mentioned Stephan to the other guys, only that he was going to do his own thing.

We talked a lot more and watched the floor show, but it wasn’t as good as the first night, the real thing was much better. We arrived back at our hotel about eleven; we all had a tiring day. I went for a shower, wondering what Charles would say about us sharing a bed together tonight.

I came back from my shower with only my towel on; it was one of those hotels where that was ok. I opened the door to our room; Charles was standing there with only his towel on. I thought he was going to have a shower. He undid his towel and let it drop on the floor, all I could see was the size of his boner, he came over to me undid my towel and let it drop. I could feel his boner press up between my legs and him; mines. He kissed me and said thanks for today you lifted a weight of my mind. He took me by the hand and led me to our bed. Plan B; yes bloody plan B.

We got up in the morning together, showered together, dressed together and went down stairs together for breakfast. The rest of the guys turned as we walked in, and started clapping. I was embarrassed, not by the clapping, but when Charles kissed me in front of them. The other guests started clapping too; including the manager.

We all went out that morning planning to meet at the airport for our flight to Manchester. I went to see Simone, to help her with her studies, which she was very, very grateful for. Charles went to see Stephen again, I think. The other guys went to see the floor show matinee. We all met at the airport on time for our flight.

When I went back to work the next morning, the boss called me into his office and said I better find another job. The credit card bill, which we get daily, showed up my payments to Simone. The MD’s wife found out about it, she was the Company Secretary, and the shit hit the fan, when she checked who else had similar expenses on their cards. The MD and my boss and several others did.

I was the sacrificial goat, but got a hell of a severance package and fantastic reference from the MD and my boss. About a month later I moved to Glasgow University as head of administration for the Art faculty. I had a hell of an interview with Gavin the Director of Art; he even took me out for a meal that evening then we went back to his apartment for a few drinks.

He asked me there what I thought about still life art modelling, told him I loved it, next best thing to sex; had me pose naked in his private studio for him. He thought my body was perfectly shaped, most effeminate and had a great skin tone. He then told me I had got the job and could start next month, and that he had a room to spare if I wanted some accommodation. Next morning he walked me from his apartment to Glasgow Central station where I caught my train back to Manchester.

The following weekend I helped Charles move to his new apartment in Plymouth, he was a bit concerned about the size of his mortgage but thought he could just about mange it. He put me up that night; I was his first guest. Plan C and D.

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