Ashley’s Awakening Part 5 – Epilogue (Finale) by ghostwritten

Ashley’s Awakening Part 5 – Epilogue (Finale) by ghostwritten

Discover the thrilling finale of 'Ashley’s Awakening Part 5 – Epilogue,' a captivating ghostwritten gay erotic sex story. Dive into the irresistible climax and emotional twists that seal Ashley’s journey. Don’t miss this steamy conclusion filled with passion and allure!<br/>

*** Author’s Note: The characters were created by Rydeordie467 for Downtown with No Money Part 1 for another site. Everything in this chapter is completely my own work. I am a new writer and would love feedback, good or bad. Thank you.***

Thank you everyone who read through the full series, I appreciate your time and I hope you enjoyed it.

“Why are you making me go to law school? I don’t want to be a lawyer.”

“Honey please, we know what’s best for you. You’ll love being a lawyer. There’s no future in being an office manager or some corporate stooge.”

“It should be my choice what I want to do with my life, Mom.”

“Not when we are paying for it, kiddo. Do as we say, and you won’t have to worry about student debt. That should be a business decision you can understand.”

“I hate this! Let me be my own person!’ Ashley stormed out of the room. Fights like these were a daily occurrence now. Ashley pushing for her own life and choice, and her parents fighting to hang on to their control of her. They tried bargaining that if she went to law school, she could live in a dorm, but it would have to be a women’s only dorm with a curfew. Ashley was not having any of that.

The end of the school year was quickly approaching, and Ashley still hadn’t decided what she wanted to do. She had been accepted into both school programs; she got acceptances to everywhere she applied. The deadline was in a couple of weeks as well as graduation. Ashley had exams as well, but she didn’t really worry about those too much, she studied when she was home and knew the material flawlessly. Nikki was not in the same boat, she had to study relentlessly for her good grades. Nikki got accepted into a community college to become a Veterinary Technician.

The two girls had barely spent any time together since the night of prom two weeks ago. Any of her other friends she had were no help, they just said to do what her parents wanted without even thinking about it. No good argument other than money.

Nikki knew the whole story, the lack of independence, and the control on her that their money would possess. It was a bargain she didn’t think she could sign on to. She now has tasted freedom and drank independence; she was not ready to lose that again. But she also couldn’t afford school on her own. Sure, she could get a job and file for student loans but that would put her in debt for decades.

Then there was Scott and Rick. She was still doing work for them, filing forms, organizing trips, and now buying supplies like lights and wardrobe. They always offered to pay her, but she always refused out of pride. They were her friends and she just wanted to help them out because they helped her discover herself. The only curious thing was Scott asking for permission to show more of her pictures to someone, she just didn’t know who or why. She had agreed, mainly because she trusted them, but she wondered what was going on with that.

She only was able to interact with both of them online recently, mainly to help with their work. They were back on the road for another photoshoot in Los Angeles, and then another in New York. They seemed to be more in demand of late, which she was happy for. They were both very talented photographers and knew how to get what they wanted from their subjects.

Just as Ashley was starting to calm down, her parents entered her room.

“Don’t you dare storm off like that young lady. We are finishing our conversation,” her father said.

“What’s left to discuss, you’ve chosen my life for me. Up until this year, I’ve done everything you’ve asked. I’ve barely had a life, outside of cheerleading, and that’s only because you used to be one.” Ashley was quite mad now.

“We’ve done everything we can to make sure you have the best life possible,” replied her mom, “I’d have killed for the things you have when I was your age.”

“But that’s you, what you want. I don’t what those things. You still see me as a little girl but I’m not. I’m an adult deciding my future, and it is MY future.”

“If you accept the business program, you won’t see a dime from us in support.” Her father barked.

“That’s fine with me. If I have to sell my body on the streets, I’ll do it just to be free of both of you.” Ashley said, grabbing her purse and pushing past them.

“Where do you think you’re going, Missy?”

“Anywhere I damned well please, Mother.” Ashley walked down the stairs and out the door. She didn’t really know what to do now. She had to go somewhere so she headed for Nikki’s.


After she rang the doorbell, Nikki answered quickly, “What the hell is going on? Your mom called me saying you took off; said you were being irrational. That I should call her if you showed up.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t take it anymore. They weren’t listening to me; they just want me to their 8-year-old girl and obey their every command. I can’t do it anymore. I won’t let them run my future like they ran my last 18 years.”

“Sounds like you finally snapped,” Nikki said, giving her friend a hug and leading her to her room, “So what are you going to do?”

“I’ve decided to accept the invitation to the business program. Mom and Dad won’t pay anything, so I’ll have to get a loan or something. I don’t want any of their money anymore. I’ll get a job flipping burgers, cleaning toilets, or stripping, I don’t care but they can’t control me anymore.”

“You know you can’t just run away from them though; you have to live somewhere till you start college.”

“I know, I just needed to get out of there for a while. I would move out if I could afford it, but I can’t even afford the schooling that got me in this fight.”

“How much do you have saved?” Nikki asked.

“Not much, my parents wouldn’t let me work and control my bank account, so none.” Ashley thought for a second, “Well, there is the $3000 in cash I have left from Rick and Scott hidden in my room.”

“You know they’d pay you for the work you do around the studio. They’ve offered it numerous times.”

“I know, truthfully, I never even asked what they were offering. At the time I didn’t need to worry about making $10 an hour or whatever for filing stuff.”

“Well, I know you don’t want to, but maybe have that conversation with them. I’m sure they’d help you out, you know they love you.”

“I know, that’s one of the reasons I always said no. We’re friends who also happen to have sex, and I don’t want to complicate it any more than it already is.” Ashley stopped, and evaluated her current position, “I guess I’ll see about what they would pay, I’m going to need a job or five. What about you?”

“My parents are helping me with some of my costs but I’m going to have to get a job this summer. Maybe a pet store or something, I’ll have to see what I can find.”

The two girls chatted for over an hour, talking about what their next year was going to be like. It would be difficult since they were going to different schools, but at least they were in the same city. Just a few buses or a cab ride away, and they could hang out. But still, the mood was slightly somber at that realization. They agreed that they would try to find a place to live together in second year once they both tried living in campus residence for a year. It was important to try to meet new people too, and that was a way to do that.

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