My Best Friend is a Femboy

My Best Friend is a Femboy by Hourglass_Twin_Erotica,Hourglass_Twin_Erotica I met my best friend when I was only five years old. Myself and Ash were in the same reception class and while I don’t remember it all these years later, my mum always tells me that when she came to pick me up that day, we walked out of the school doors hand in hand, already the best of friends. Maybe it was an early sign of what was to come for us later in life, but no-one could have predicted it back then, least of all me.

Over the years we got closer and closer, a shared love of comic books and sports bonding us until the point that we were virtually brothers. Ash had a troubled home life with an absentee father and an on again, off again alcoholic mother meaning that he spent as much time in my house as he did his own. My parents treated him like a second son, ensuring he was well fed and taken care of, even when his biological parents were unable to. At first we had to share a bed if he needed to stay the night and it wasn’t uncommon for us to wake up cuddled next to each other for warmth, especially during the winter months when the windows would ice over in the mornings. Most guys would find it weird being so physically close to their friend, but for us it was totally normal and I can still recall the nights I held him close in my arms as he cried after being screamed at or flat out abandoned for days at a time by his mum. He told me I made him feel safe and loved in a way that she never could, something that brought tears to my eyes and that fills me with an immense sense of pride to this day.

As we entered our teenage years, we became the targets of school bullies who loved throwing homophobic slurs at us and claiming that we were secretly a couple. Of course it wasn’t true and we largely ignored it, but I could tell that it upset Ash a lot more than myself. I didn’t think much of it at the time, he’d always been a sensitive guy and so it was what I would expect from him, nothing out of the ordinary or peculiar by and stretch. Being a teenager is hard enough without worrying about being insulted and harassed every day, so it was a real rough time for both of us and it brought us even closer than before. We were both overjoyed when we finished our exams so that we could move onto college, safely away from the boys that had spent years victimizing us as they went straight into work, or onto benefits as we continued our education. Life got easier as we studied for our A Levels and we remained as close as ever. When selecting Universities, we made sure to pick the same ones so we wouldn’t be separated and even managed to arrange to live together in the same flat, just the two of us, which was when things started to change.

It was fair to say we both grew into different people over the years, Ash becoming borderline obsessed with anime whereas computer programming became my own personal passion, but these differing interests didn’t drive a wedge between us, in fact, they only made us closer. We would snuggle up on the sofa to watch whichever show had captured his interest that week and he would always keep me well supplied with drinks and snacks when I was knee deep in a coding session. It was the perfect living arrangement, but it couldn’t go smoothly forever as one fateful day, Ash’s laptop suddenly stopped working without warning. He walked into the living room looking distraught, tears forming in the corner of his eyes as his lip trembled. With his family being so poor, his second hand laptop had been a gift from my family a few years earlier, something he relied on for his studies as well as watching his precious anime and the thought of it being broken had scared the hell out of him. “Bruce, please, can you fix it?” he pleaded with those big adorable brown eyes of his staring up at me, all his hopes riding on the one person that had never let him down.

“Let me take a look,” I replied, taking it from him and opening the lid to take a quick look. “I have a lecture in a few minutes, but I can try and see if I can fix it when I get back?” I offered hopefully.

“Oh my god Bruce, thank you so much!’ he exclaimed as a tear rolled down his cheek, quickly wiping it away so he could give me a huge hug as I stood up to meet him. He held me tightly, his small frame against my much more muscular body, skinny arms wrapped around my waist, face buried in my chest as I stroked his hair softly. As much as we had changed in terms of our personalities, we had also changed physically too, him remaining slender and petite while I had grown taller and broader which was only emphasized further when I’d started weightlifting a couple of years earlier. I told him not to worry about the laptop and after grabbing my bag and jacket, I said goodbye before heading out for my day of studies.

Returning to the flat in the late afternoon, I found it empty and after grabbing myself a drink and some food, I turned my attention to his broken electronic device. The first thing I tried was plugging in the charger, quickly confirming the problem was power related as the charging light didn’t come on. Retrieving my set of tiny screwdrivers I used on my PC set-up from their place in my bedside table, I took to work loosening all the screws to take a look under the hood. My initial suspicions were correct, the fixings holding the battery in place had come loose and after some quick twists with the phillips head to get the connections back in place I was ready to reaffix the back of the machine and see if my handiwork was a success. Upon plugging in the charger, the little orange light on the side lit up and I was able to power on the machine, smiling to myself, satisfied at a job well done. Fixing techy things was one of my favorite things to do and I was usually tinkering away with something, so this was less of a chore and something I reveled in. I knew Ash would be so happy and relieved when he got home, but as it booted up to check there were no other issues with the laptop a sudden, strange temptation overtook me.

Without even thinking I opened the internet browser and a message popped up. “Do you want to restore your last session?” My finger hovered over the trackpad for a second, debating what I should do. It would be an invasion of privacy to do this, but it was Ash, my best friend. There were no secrets between us and whatever he had been browsing before the issue would probably be completely innocent. Throwing caution to the wind, I pressed downwards and several tabs suddenly appeared, each loading one by one via our cheap, slow as fuck student WiFi. The first one was what I had expected, the anime streaming page he used to watch his shows, but as I clicked through each of the open windows, things got more and more surprising. A lingerie website? Maybe he’d met a girl and he hadn’t told me? But why would he keep a girlfriend a secret? It didn’t make any sense. The next tab was some kind of comic strip with a main character that bore a striking resemblance to Ash. In the panels he was debating what to wear for some kind of date, choosing through a selection of stiletto heels before applying some makeup. The next several tabs were all from a porn website, one I had frequented numerous times myself and I once again hesitated before opening them. Hadn’t I already gone far enough? A little curious voice in the back of my head told me no. I needed to know what he’d been looking at. Loading up the first page, I realized that I’d never seen this type of adult content before, it was femboy porn, each and every tab. Pretty, effeminate guys dressed up like girls, wearing makeup and sporting various shades of brightly coloured hair, stroking their throbbing cocks, giving soft, wet blowjobs and getting their arses pounded as they moaned and whined pathetically.

I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach, my mind starting to put the pieces together, but I still didn’t want to accept the reality that was staring me in the face. Only one tab left and as I opened it, I was relieved to see that it was a blog of some kind. It looked pretty innocuous at first glance, but as I started reading through the most recent posts, the truth about my best friend slapped me in the face like a freight train. Ash… is a Femboy. The blog detailed his daily musings about his life and it appeared that there was no subject he didn’t cover, but the central theme was the same throughout. He talked about outfits he wanted to try, experiences he wanted to have and how he feared what would happen if those he loved found out his dirty little secret. Well, unbeknownst to him, that exact scenario had just happened.

I was still reeling from this discovery when I heard the key turning in the lock and there was only one person it could be. I froze, instantly locking up and unable to react, sitting dumbly on the sofa, laptop open in front of me as Ash stepped inside, dropping his bag on the floor before looking over at me, a huge smile on his face as he saw his computer up and running. He bounded over towards me, “oh my god Bruce, you’re a lifesaver…,” he said before trailing off as his eyes fixed on the screen. All the color drained from his face as he saw what I was looking at. His secret life had been exposed and the look of pure fear that spread across his visage broke my heart. “I…, I can explain…,” he started to say as we both stared at each other, scarcely blinking as time stood still, seconds dragging like hours, trapping us in this horrible moment.

“It’s o… okay,” I finally managed to croak out, throat dry, heart pounding as I could see Ash bordering on a full blown panic attack as he trembled where he stood. He’d suffered with them all his life and I was an expert on how to deal with them by this point. I finally snapped out of my stupor, standing up to wrap my arm around him and bringing Ash down to sit on the sofa with me. His breathing was rapid and erratic, this was an especially bad one and so I clutched him to my chest and gently whispered to him, helping him calm his breathing as I felt his small body shaking like a leaf against mine.

It took almost ten minutes, but once he had calmed down and the attack had passed, we talked for a long time, late into the night as the sun set outside. He explained how he had always known there was something different about him, but that it was only once he’d left his home and moved into the flat with me that he’d properly been able to explore those feelings. He’d found a community of similar people online and realized that his more feminine side wasn’t anything to be ashamed or embarrassed of. Over time, he had started to experiment, buying some skirts, growing out his hair, but he still wasn’t ready to confide in me about it. Tears were shed by both of us and by the time we both went to bed, I promised him that I still loved him and just needed some time to process things. We both went to our separate bedrooms, sharing a tight embrace before saying goodnight and closing our doors behind us. I tossed and turned in bed for hours until I finally managed to get to sleep, my dreams continuing my inner turmoil throughout the night as my brain tried to process what I had discovered.

We didn’t see each other until the next evening and I could tell how anxious he was as soon as I entered the flat. He was sitting on the sofa, instantly pausing the anime he was watching to turn and look at me. He was wearing a little crop top that I hadn’t seen him in before, showing off his slender midriff and where it widened out into his hips. His skin looked soft and smooth and he already seemed more comfortable being his truer self, which made me smile, the relief immediately obvious on his face at seeing a positive reaction. We talked some more and I explained that I was fine with everything that he had told me and that he should feel able to be himself while we were at home. He was overjoyed, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me repeatedly on the cheek as his happiness overflowed. It was nice seeing him back to his usual self again and from that day forward, our home life changed drastically.

He would spend his time out of the flat in “boy mode,” looking no different to any other young man on campus, but when he returned home, he shed his costume like a caterpillar escaping from its chrysalis, turning into the beautiful butterfly that he was always supposed to be. He would close all the curtains, before going to his room, applying his makeup, fixing his hair and getting into his femme attire. At first it was subtle. A cute little crop top or corset before progressing onto skirts and fishnet tights. I couldn’t deny he looked good in them and sometimes it was hard for me to remember he was the same boy I’d grown up with. It was wonderful getting to see him like this, a flower in full bloom, beautiful and confident. Joy radiated from him and while the first few days were awkward for us both, we quickly slipped into a routine and eventually it felt entirely normal for him to be dressed like the cute little femboy he was whenever we were at home.

A few months later, things had reached a happy status quo when one day, without any warning whatsoever he came out of his bedroom in an outfit I’d never seen before and my jaw damn near hit the floor the second I laid eyes on him. He looked shy and flustered standing there in a black lace bra, panties, stockings and suspenders, hands covering his crotch as he entered the room, unable to make eye contact with me. I did my best not to ogle him as I chopped some vegetables on the kitchen counter so I could make us our evening meal, but it was hard to resist looking. I’d recently encouraged him to start working out with me and he’d clearly been working on making his body more feminine. His arse looked peachy and jiggly, his arms and legs looking a little more filled out, thighs soft and inviting with a hint of chubbiness that was irresistible. He took a seat on the sofa and turned on the television as we exchanged nervous glances at each other from across the room, both too afraid to say anything. Eventually he got up to grab a drink from the fridge, forcing him to stand right beside me. My eyes burned into the knife as I chopped an onion, every fiber of my being burning to look at him but doing my best to resist. He shouldn’t look so good dressed in women’s underwear, but I couldn’t deny that he suited it, especially as the look was accentuated with his long blonde hair tied in a pair of cute pigtails and soft makeup that showed off his feminine features.

After retrieving a beverage he made his way back to the sofa and I found myself involuntarily looking over my shoulder, staring at his arse as he walked. His panties had ridden up a little, pushing up both of his cheeks as they shook and jiggled with every step. Between his legs I could see a cute little bulge where his balls were nestled up against the fabric and I couldn’t look away. I was pulled out of my fervent ogling when he turned around the arm of the sofa, his eyes seconds away from facing me and catching me leering at him, my head quickly snapping back to the task at hand. Shaking myself to try and clear my thoughts, I resumed my chopping until our dinner was ready to go into the oven. Turning around I saw that Ash was still sitting on the sofa, eyes focused on the screen as he absentmindedly twirled one of his pigtails with his fingers. I could see how red his cheeks still were and I debated going into my bedroom to avoid what was sure to be an awkward interaction, but I stopped myself. Putting myself in his shoes for a second, I realized that I was the only person he could be himself around. He was probably waiting for some kind of positive affirmation from his childhood best friend. As tough as this might be, I would be a coward if I didn’t walk over there and sit down next to him.

Taking a deep breath, I walked across the room, Ash shuffling along the sofa to give me room, being careful to make sure that he didn’t accidentally expose himself as he moved. I took my place next to him as we both sat, as stiff as statues, a rising tension in the air with each passing moment of silence. “So, new outfit?” I asked, immediately regretting the stupidity of my question, resisting the urge to facepalm myself.

“Yeah…, I thought I’d try something a bit more…, provocative, you know?” Ash explained before silence once again fell between us. God this was so awkward, I could barely handle the tension as we continued to glance at each other. I swore it felt like Ash was inching closer to me, but it was probably all just in my head. He cleared his throat before speaking again. “So, what do you think of it then?” he asked with a shaky voice.

I swallowed hard, an audible gulp sound breaking the quiet before I spoke, “yeah, it looks really nice, you suit it. Very sexy.” I couldn’t look at him, staring at the television instead and hoping the sofa would somehow swallow me up and remove me from this situation, but the furniture stubbornly refused to devour me and so I soldiered on as best I could.

“Thanks Bruce, that means a lot to me,” Ash said candidly, reaching out to squeeze my hand, which just about made me jump out of my skin as I turned to look at him, our eyes meeting before I looked downwards. My eyes stopped at his crotch, which was no longer covered by his hands and there was no denying the small bulge hidden behind his panties. My best friend was sitting next to me wearing womens underwear and he was rock hard. I felt Ash withdraw his hand from mine and realized that he’d also looked downwards and noticed where I was looking. His cheeks were burning red with embarrassment and as we looked at each other my eyes returned to his barely contained boner. Before I realized what I was saying, a masculine defense mechanism kicked in, one that I’d relied on back when I was a teenager when I needed to try and deflect.

“Wow, your cock is so small,” I said before clasping my hand to my mouth. Ash had opened himself up to me, allowing me into an incredibly vulnerable part of his life and I’d just insulted him in an incredibly embarrassing moment. I couldn’t believe how much of a moron I was, but there was something even more unbelievable waiting for me once I looked at him again. I was expecting to see pain, humiliation and possibly even tears but instead I only saw arousal. He’d liked what I’d said? What the fuck was happening? Before I could think anymore Ash was leaning forwards and his lips were against mine. My mind told me to push him away, to be disgusted, but I wasn’t. As I felt his small body against mine, his soft lips meeting with my own, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. It felt like the floodgates had opened, years of friendship and repressed feelings being realized in one confusing, beautiful, intoxicating moment.

I could hear him moaning softly as we made out on the sofa, he sounded so feminine, felt so good and in short order it wasn’t only Ash who’s member was throbbing and swollen. He turned his body so that he could climb onto my lap, my hands grabbing his peachy arse, the feeling of his lace underwear on my palms, Ash whining gently as I groped him. “Fuck Bruce,” he whispered in between kisses, “I’ve wanted this for so long…”

“You have?” I asked, still trying to process what was happening. Ash only nodded shyly in response, moving a strand of hair from out of his eyes, smudged lipstick from our kissing matching his red cheeks. He looked so cute and vulnerable, I’d never seen him like this before, but I could definitely get used to it.

“We can stop if you want,” he murmured and I could see him withdrawing into himself as he questioned if he’d gone too far, pushed past the confines of our friendship and permanently damaged our relationship. I knew I had to act quickly, grabbing him by the hips and pushing him over on the sofa so I was on top of him. He squealed as I towered over him and there was that same look of arousal in his eyes as when I’d commented on the size of his member.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment “Why? Are you scared of what I’m going to do to you?” I whispered softly before leaning down to kiss his neck slowly and sensually.

“Fuckkkk,” I heard him hiss between gritted teeth as his cock dug against me. “You can do whatever you want to me Bruce,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me so he could bring me close, a sigh of contented happiness tumbling from his lips. Our cocks were squished against each other now and I could feel him gently rocking his hips to rub along my length as he smiled while looking up at me, almost inviting me to go further. I couldn’t explain why this was turning me on so much, but the sound of blood rushing in my ears and my cock being the hardest it had ever been told me that the reason didn’t matter.

“So do you like feeling that little shrimpdick pressed up against a real man’s cock?” I asked before I had a chance to catch myself, hoping that I’d read his reactions correctly and that he’d be aroused rather than offended. I had definitely been right as I felt him shiver underneath me, eyelids fluttering as he bit his lip with lust.

“Mmhmm,” he muttered while nodding enthusiastically, bucking his hips against me to apply more pressure onto his penis. I could feel how hard he was, every little twitch and throb radiating along my length. “Can I…?” he asked before trailing off and looking away shyly. I turned his face back to look at me, staring deep into his eyes.

“Hey, it’s me,” I said reassuringly, “you’re safe, tell me what you need.”

Ashs’ eyelashes fluttered and his eyes were momentarily filled with love before being overcome by arousal. “Can I…, suck your cock?” he asked softly, the crippling shyness he’d been afflicted with his whole life still affecting him, even now. God he looked cute and my cock throbbed as I heard his request. We’d already gone this far. It had been months since I’d had anyone else touch me down there and right now, as I looked at his lingerie and his pretty face, I knew there was only one answer I could give.

“Come with me,” I said firmly, standing up and offering him my hand, which he was quick to take. His sweet little cock had slid out of the side of his panties and there was a wet patch of pre-cum covering his tip. He was shaking gently, probably nervous and excited about what was to come and I led him towards his bedroom where he would be the most comfortable. Closing the door behind us I walked over to him, putting one hand on his hip and the other on his cheek. “It’s just you and me now, whatever happens stays between us, okay?” I explained softly, doing my best to comfort him and allay any potential fears he may still have. He nodded his understanding, biting the corner of his lip softly before glancing downwards. My trousers were completely tented and he licked his lips hungrily as he sank down onto his knees, looking up at me with those big, innocent green eyes of his. Hooking my fingers into the waistband of my trousers, I pulled them down, releasing my cock as it bounced and flexed in front of my childhood friend’s face. My cock was hardly a monster, but at just over six inches and thick, I’d had lots of nice comments from the few girls who’d seen it in the past and it was clear that my best friend was impressed.

He looked absolutely entranced, studying every inch of my penis, mapping out each individual vein as I throbbed with expectant need, waiting for him to give me some relief. “Have you done this before?” I asked as I placed my fingers on my length so I could pull back my foreskin and expose my swollen head, a strand of drool falling from Ash’s mouth as he started to salivate with anticipation.

“Only on one of my toys,” he admitted.

“Well, you’ve got the real thing now,” I said reassuringly, reaching down to take his hand and placing it on my cock. His small, soft hands felt incredible against my flesh and as he slowly started to stroke me I put my hand on his head, gently playing with his hair, the pretty blonde locks getting hooked between my fingers as I enjoyed the feeling of being stood over him. It was pretty obvious by now that my best friend was submissive and I was more than happy to take on the dominant role if it would make him feel good. There was still a small voice whispering in the back of my mind, asking what would happen to us once this was all over, but right now, I just didn’t care, despite how suddenly it had happened, this just felt right.

“Here we go,” Ash muttered, more to himself than anything, licking my head before taking me into his mouth, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he tasted a man for the first time. His movements were exploratory and uncertain at first, but he quickly found his stride, sliding up and down my prick and alternating with slow, sensual licks along my length and even sucking my balls, feeling the weight of them against his face before taking them into his eager mouth. I had never seen him look so happy, pure bliss written across his face as his little penis throbbed between his legs. He barely looked away from me, the intense eye contact only making this shared experience more intimate and euphoric. He tried taking me into his throat and at first he struggled, gagging as tears filled up in his eyes, but he was determined and after sucking in some air, he went right back to the task until he was comfortable taking me to the hilt. The sweet, innocent boy I had known had been replaced, now between my legs was a sexy little femboy slut, addicted to pleasuring cock and we were both loving every second. I could feel myself getting closer and closer, but I knew that a blowjob wasn’t enough to sate my desires. I needed more.

Stepping backwards, my cock slid out of his mouth, gleaming from the coating of my best friends spit a look of sadness in his eyes thanks to his cock drunk state. I offered him my hand again and helped him up before grabbing a generous handful of each of his curvy arsecheeks, picking him up as he wrapped his legs around my waist and arms around my back as he snuggled against my neck. He didn’t resist for a second and I carried him over to the bed, placing him down on his back gently. At this point, words were no longer needed and after I pulled off my trousers, I towered over him, looking down at his soft body. He knew what I wanted, quickly reaching over to the bedside table to open a drawer and pull out a bottle of lube which was sitting beside two dildo’s of differing sizes, a cock ring and masturbator. He’d obviously been exploring his sexuality alone for some time and the idea that in the past he’d been playing with his little cock or stretching his arse mere meters away from me was hot as fuck. He tipped the bottle upside down to pour some lube onto my cock before rubbing it along my length, the cool gel making me shiver as goosebumps formed on my skin. Lying back down on the bed, he pulled his panties to the side, placing a scoop of the lubricant onto his puckered little hole and spreading it all over, ready to be fucked for the first time.

Climbing onto the bed, I took up position between his legs, the tip of my cock hovering close to his entrance as I looked at him to make sure he was ready. Gently taking my hand, he squeezed to let me know he was ready. Pressing my cock against his entrance, I felt the resistance of his virgin ring, Ash’s eyes clamping shut as he did his best to relax in preparation of being split open for the first time. I was so conflicted, desperate to be inside him, but not wanting to hurt him and so I took things slowly, pressing a little harder each time until finally my head slipped inside him. We both moaned in unison, my mouth lowering to his so that we could kiss softly, sharing this moment together and knowing there was no turning back. Sitting inside him, I could feel his muscles clamping around me, the nerve endings in my head firing and sending pleasure along my shaft, through my body and up to my brain. I wasn’t even fully inside of him yet and still, this was the most pleasure I’d ever felt. Our lips parted, a string of saliva hanging between us as Ash placed his hands behind my head, keeping me close as I pushed deeper.

His moans were like a beautiful orchestra playing, each whimper and whine like music to my ears as I inched further inside his hole, going as slow as I could to spare him any pain. My brain was screaming at me to pound him, but 15 years of friendship overcame this primal instinct and within a few minutes, my balls finally came to rest against his arse. Ash’s cheeks were red, brow sweaty, chest heaving, his bra slipping out of position to show off his hard little nipples, eyes fluttering as he felt a real cock inside him for the first time. “Thank y…, you,” he whispered softly. He sounded so sincere and the smile on his face felt better than any physical sensation ever could. I’d given him something he had clearly wanted for a long time and fulfilling his deepest desire was like crack to me. I still didn’t know if this would be the last time we’d do this, but right now, this moment was all that mattered. “P… please B… Bruce, fuck me!” he begged. Those words were like showing a red rag to a bull, all the patience and restraint I’d shown up til now thrown to the wind as I finally let the logical part of my brain switch off and allowed my primal urges to take over.

Ash’s cute pigtails lay against the bedsheets and framed his face as he gripped onto my arms, fingernails digging in and coloring my flesh as I started to slowly fuck him. After a few strokes I increased the speed as I felt him loosening up for me, the slapping noises of my hips meeting his arse filling the room. What had previously been soft, feminine moans suddenly got louder and deeper as I used his arse, only stopping to pour more lube onto my prick occasionally as I railed him. It was so arousing seeing him like this, lost in a world of pleasure, clawing at me and the sheets as he took me again and again, even encouraging me to go harder and faster as we stared into each other’s eyes. His little cock was still hard, gently bouncing up and down against his waist as I fucked him and as his cries of pleasure reached a crescendo, it twitched and tensed, shooting cum up his stomach as he came hard for his best friend hands free.

As I felt myself nearing my own climax, his seed ran down along his skin, making his stomach slick and shiny and in between his moans of post orgasmic bliss, I scooped some up with my fingers and moved my hand up to his mouth. Opening his eyes, he looked down at the glob of his own jizz on my fingers and sucked it into his hungry mouth without hesitation, humming happily as he sucked on my digits. “Do you… like the t…, taste of your own cum my little slut?” I asked between thrusts and Ash emphatically confirmed that he did as the sounds of my cock sliding in and out of him continued to get louder by the second.

“P…, please, g… give me your cum,” he begged, eyes pleading, red in the face as he smiled up at me, adding one final word that pushed me over the edge, “…daddy.” Fuck. I grabbed his hips, pressing my lips to his as my cock erupted inside my best friend’s tight little hole, hot cum shooting deep inside as I moaned into his mouth, his legs hooked around my arse to hold me in place so he could feel every movement, every sensation of being filled for the first time. I’d never cum so hard in my entire life, his arse milking me of every last drop as I twitched and spasmed against his little body, our lips grappling as I sucked in air through my nose before finally collapsing on top of him. We lay there panting, wrapped up in each other’s bodies, cheek to cheek, closer than we had ever been before. Once I had regained my strength, I rolled off of him, my shrinking dick sliding out of his stretched hole as fresh, warm cum started to drip out of him, the white fluid a stark contrast to the black lace underwear that had been pulled aside and almost torn from his body during our lovemaking.

As we both lay there, staring at the ceiling, post-nut clarity hit both of us like a tonne of bricks, the fear of a ruined friendship overtaking us. I turned to look at Ash and saw the doubt in his eyes, the expectation of rejection that he was sure would come and it broke my heart into a million tiny pieces. Reaching over, I took his hand in mine, instantly letting him know that I didn’t regret it. I didn’t have the strength to speak, so this was the best I could do for now, but as Ash turned over to lay his head on my chest, I knew that as soon as I’d had a chance to recover, I wanted to do this again, and again, and again. Our eyes met and we kissed softly and delicately, just like lovers would.

“I’m sorry about the daddy stuff, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable,” Ash whispered softly, clearly still doubting himself even after my reassurances. I tipped his chin up to look deep into his eyes and whispered back, finally able to speak. “You don’t need to be sorry. I’ll be your daddy if you want Ash, now and always. I love you” A squeal of joy erupted from my best friend as he peppered my face in kisses before he settled down on my muscular chest, soothed by the sound of my heart beating and he fell asleep together in my arms, exhausted after a moment he’d waited his whole life for. As I lay there, alone with my thoughts, it felt as if it had always been our destinies to end up like this. Just before I passed out, a single thought ran through my head. My best friend is a femboy. Well, I guess now I should say my boyfriend is a femboy. I like the sound of that, and I’m pretty sure Ash will too. I’d have to ask him properly in the morning, but I already knew he would say yes. It might be hard to explain it to our families, the world might not accept us, but here, in our safe haven, while we are together, none of that matters. I smiled to myself as sleep overtook me, the rest of our lives together were just beginning and I couldn’t be happier.

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