What Show was Playing?

A gay story: What Show was Playing? The room was dark with lights lining the rows of seats, like fire flies marching. I picked my spot, way in the back. I never usually like to sit next to anyone during a film. The screen lit up with a bright flicker and the previews began. There couldn’t have been twenty people in the entire place. That is why I was put off when you walked down the aisle and sat next to me. I was wondering what the hell your problem was. Not only did you needlessly come in to my personal space but you were so big and burly. Your beefy body barely fit in the seat. You politely said hi and asked me if the seat was taken, I almost stood up immediately to find another place but something froze me in my place. You thanked me when you sat down, then asked me if I would like some of your popcorn. I declined but noticed the buttery residue left on your mouth, glistening in the modest light. You drew your tongue out to catch is saltiness. I watched awestruck by the size of your tongue. I noticed you staring at my gaze, a little gleam showed in your eyes. I had never been transfixed by another man before and was perplexed why I was enslaved at your site. You were not the best looking guy I had ever seen, not even close. You were more ordinary than anything, like an orange in a basket of oranges, not very distinguished. But still I was ensnared by something in you. You just smiled then winked at me and started to watch the movie.

I am not really sure what movie it was anymore, I had a hard time concentrating on the screen, my thirst to watch you over powered my attentiveness to the show. I looked you completely over, from head to toe. Your large muscled arms, painted in tattoos. Your proud chest was sticking out as if you were to receive a medal. My eyes traveled over your waist and down to your package, a small gasp escaped my mouth when I noticed the size of your bulge. Either you packed yourself to enhance your manhood or you were truly huge. You pushed your hips upward when you noticed my stare, causing your confined cock to look even larger. I couldn’t believe I was starting to get aroused at the sight. This was insane; I had never been turned on by a member of my sex before. What was happening to me?

You slid your hand over your phallus, a moan abandoned my lips. You bent your head and whispered in my ear, telling me that you knew I was hot. Then I felt as your hand as it caressed my thigh, shivers traveled down my spine, ending at my tightening balls. My hardness now matched yours, and you reached for it, tracing an outline over my pants. My heart raced as I experienced feelings never felt. Slowly you looked around and noticed nobody watching us. I had a feeling it didn’t matter if someone was, your deed was going to be done. I felt as you pulled my zipper down and unbuttoned my jeans, my cock sprang out and slapped against my stomach. Your grip so firm but gentle, it felt as if it was my hand that was gripping it. You knew all of my spots as you glided over my already leaking prick.

I followed your lead and did the same to you, freeing your monstrous snake. It was so thick I could barely get my hand around it. I could feel every time your heart beat, its pulse racing through your veins. I was shocked that your heart raced as fast as mine. I would have thought with your brazen move that you would be calmer than you were. Your pre-liquid apparent at your tip, was oozing its stickiness. You whispered in my ear again telling me how much you wanted to taste me. I am unsure of crossing that barrier, but wanting it so much. I told you please, please do what you wish. You dropped your head down to my lap, not an easy task with the size you possess, and engulfed my cock deep into your throat. A more intensely satisfying moment I have never felt, your velvet lips worked magic. You quickened your sucking as you noticed my breath increase, you knew I was close to that thrilling moment and went for it with gusto. I felt my nuts tingle, like a tongue that has licked a battery, aware my juice would soon travel its familiar path. I gave a slight cry to warn you of the event. You didn’t care; you were hungry for the sustenance. I could no longer hold on and my mind went blank and I felt a shudder through my body as I exploded deep in your mouth. You did not spit my seed out but kept suckling like it was your last drink. The cum was so intense I felt exhausted from its magnitude.

You looked up at me and smiled, you sensed my satisfaction. Next you sat up and reached for my head, bringing it down to your rod. You speared my mouth with your sword, my mouth barely allowing its entrance. I felt as if I swallowed a zucchini, you left me sparse space to even breathe. I felt your hand on my head forcing yourself deeper and deeper into my throat. I thought I might gag but no cough came as I accepted your cock. Your hips began to thrust upward matching your hands on my head as they continued to push down. This was no longer a blow job but a mouth rape. A rape that I wanted, a taste I found I needed. I had to know what your cum would taste like. The feeling of your hard but soft flesh in my throat made me harden again. You increased your pressures, now fucking my mouth with exuberance. I could hear your throated moans and waited for your prize. Then your lava detonated in my mouth, rope after rope hit my tonsils. I tried to savor each swallow but was unsuccessful keeping all your goop in my orifice.

The credits were rolling as we buttoned our pants; you looked at me and said thanks. Then you left just as you walked in, confident and sturdy. I didn’t even get your name.

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