Theo Ch. 01: Bottom Roommate

A gay story: Theo Ch. 01: Bottom Roommate Twisted Tales

Bottom Roommate

Theo I

When Theo first decided to move to London he was afraid, he had never been that far away from, or his family. However, he knew it was time to branch out.

Then when he got headhunted by Chippingham Accounts for such a great job there was no way he could say no.

He was sad to say bye to his brother and his “Twisted” gang. But he knew he was only a few hours’ drive away and could see them all the time.

One of the things he was looking forward to was meeting new people. All of his so called mates were his rugby team, which he actually hated because they bullied his little brother. Theo tried to get them to stop but they didn’t have enough respect to ever stop.

He also looked forward to meeting new girls, back home he had no interest in the girls there. They were all so immature and swooned over all the rugby lads.

Theo knew he was pretty attractive, he was tall and muscular, short brown hair and a shaved face. He just never cared enough to flirt or try and get girls, but now he was in a new city he was adamant on getting a girlfriend.

He had met his new roommate on a chat room for people finding others to live with. They spoke for a while online, Theo knew his name was “Alex” and he was some sort of computer genius. In face the company that Alex worked for, Enquire IT, did all the IT work for the company Theo was starting at.

Theo moved into the apartment, but Alex wouldn’t be there for another 2 weeks. Giving him time to get used to living there.

To be honest, Theo was bored at first. With no mates there he stayed in every night on his own. He chatted to a couple of girls on dating apps but never met up with any of them, they never seemed to get his attention.

When he had a call off his new roommate to ask if he could help carry some bags upstairs, Theo was thrilled to have someone to hang out with. He ran down in his jogging bottoms and hoody and saw Alex for the first time.

He was the same age as Theo, 20, but he looked younger. He was only 5 foot 9 at the most and a skinny lad. At least it will be like living with Jacob, he thought.

“Theo?” Alex asked when he walked outside.

“Yes, Alex I assume?” Theo replied and shook his hand. He felt huge next to this smaller man but took an instant liking to him.

“Yeah, thanks for helping me bring this up.” Alex said back with a smile.

Alex had short brown hair and a geekish face, but he looked friendly enough. I suppose I could help him carry stuff, considering I’m twice his size!

“No problem,” Theo said and grabbed one bag then saw a box underneath it, “What’s that?” He asked.

“My gaming computer.” Alex replied, almost nervous, as though he just got caught watching porn. He was probably nervous about being thought of as a nerd.

“Buzzing, I have one too but that looks a lot better.” Theo told him and Alex’s face lit up.

“You game?” He asked and they both started to walk to the stairs.

“Yeah, always have,” Theo told him, “Why, don’t I seem like a gamer?”

“You just seem more… sporty.” Alex said with a little laugh.

“You’ve seen Henry Cavill right?” Theo joked, “You can be sporty and into gaming.”

“Very true.” Alex said.

An hour later they had brought all of Alex’s things to the apartment and he had packed way.

Theo was sat watching TV when Alex came in and sat next to him. Theo couldn’t explain it, but he felt sort of relaxed around Alex, a feeling he wasn’t used to with strangers.

“So, how’s the new job going?” Alex asked.

Theo remembered that he told Alex about work, they both wanted to make sure the other could afford the rent each month.

“Yeah good, how’s your job?” Theo asked him.

“Good, I just get to type in a computer all day, it’s the dream.” Alex said back.

“Not too much human interaction then?” Theo questions.

“Oh god no,” Alex quickly replied, “The less human contact the better.”

He seems like one of those computer geniuses that would rather talk to a machine than a person, Theo though, not that that was a problem.

“So, you’re from around here then?” Theo asked him after watching TV for a while in silence.

“Yeah, only fifteen minutes away,” Alex opened up, “But I thought it was time to get away from the parents’ house.”

“I know that feeling,” Theo told him, “What’s it like for girls around here?”

Truthfully, as soon as Theo said that he felt like an idiot. Maybe he just wanted to seem cool to his new roommate.

“Oh… erm, I don’t know.” Alex suddenly said and nervously looked to the ground.

Ah shit, he probably is terrible with girls and now I’ve pointed it out! Great start Theo!

“That’s fine,” Theo replied, wanting to ease Alex, “It’s not like I get any girls anyway.”

“I’m gay.” Alex suddenly blurted out and Theo sat back in shock of the outburst.

“Oh, right.” Theo told him, definitely not expecting that.

“I just…. Hope that’s not a problem.” Alex whispered.

He was obviously anxious about saying it, Theo assumed he probably got picked on for being gay and he worried this “jock” would pick on him as well.

So, Theo tapped his shoulder.

“No problem at all, you do you man.” Theo told him, hoping to make him feel better.

“T-thanks,” Alex stuttered out, “That’s one of the reasons I moved out, my dad doesn’t agree with it.”

Sounds like an arsehole.

“Well, I have no issue with it, so don’t worry about that.” Theo said and squeezed Alex’s shoulder in a friendly way.

Theo thought it was strange that Alex wouldn’t have said anything about it earlier if it was such a big deal for him, but at the same time he knew he couldn’t relate with being afraid of always telling people he was gay.

It wasn’t until an hour later that Alex spoke again.

“Want to watch a film?” He asked.

“Definitely, but I’m a bit of a movie geek, there probably isn’t a lot I haven’t seen.” Theo said, having loved films since he can remember.

“Really?” Alex asked, his eyes lit up, “Me too.”

“Great, what do you want to watch?” Theo asked him.

The two of them then stayed up watching a film they had both seen but both loved. They pretty much spoke about the film the whole way through and Theo was thankful that he knew they were going to get on well.

When they both went to bed, Theo considered watching porn with his headphones in but didn’t want to risk Alex catching him on their first night in the apartment and decided against it.

The next morning Theo didn’t see Alex before he went to work. The whole day he was actually looking forward to getting home and hanging out with him more.

When Theo got back, Alex was already in and playing games in his room.

“Hi mate, how was your day?” Theo asked him as he went to the fridge.

“Good, how was yours?” Alex replied and entered the kitchen as well.

I think I’m gonna be pretty happy here, Theo thought.

“Good, what you playing?” Theo asked him and pulled out a can of pop.

“Just some fighting game,” Alex replied, “do you… want to go a bar, I know one nearby?”

Theo was surprised with Alex’s request, thinking that Alex would much rather sit in on his own, but he wasn’t about to turn down an opportunity to get to be better friends with his roommate.

“Sounds good, I’ll just shower then get dressed.” Theo told him.

“Do you mind if I shower first?” Alex asked, they only had one bathroom and Alex strook Theo has a person who was obsessed with cleanliness.

“No problem, give me a shout when you’re done.” Theo said and then went to his room.

Theo watched random clips on his phone until he heard the shower turn off and Alex leave the bathroom. Before Alex shouted to Theo, Theo left his room and bumped into him.

Alex was just in a towel wrapped around his waist and Theo saw his body for the first time. He was thin, kind of pale and not a single hair on his body. The strange this was, Theo caught himself almost staring at Alex’s body.

“Oh… sorry.” Alex nervously said.

“No worries,” Theo replied, “I didn’t wait for you to shout.”

“It’s okay, showers all yours.” Alex stuttered out and then rushed down the hall.

Theo found himself watching Alex walk away, why am I staring at him? That’s weird.

The even weirder part, when Theo got undressed for a shower he realised he was fully hard. It must’ve been not having a wank the night before.

He quickly got washed, got changed and met Alex in the living room.

Alex was in jeans and a smart buttoned shirt, way too smart for just a bar but Theo didn’t want to make him feel silly.

“Ready?” Theo asked.

“Ready.” Alex replied like a happy puppy.

Theo assumed that Alex didn’t have many mates to go to bars with, so he probably loved the opportunity to go with him.

It was only a 5 minute walk to the bar, although it was already pitched black and freezing. They got in and Theo ordered a beer, he was embarrassed when he had to order a pink gin for Alex, but he did it anyway.

“Here you go,” Theo said, putting the drinks down and sitting at the table with Alex, “Nice place.”

“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to come.” Alex replied, a huge smile never left his face, except for when he sipped his pink drink.

Theo kept glancing at Alex, something about his just had Theo intrigued. It was definitely a new feeling for him, one that seemed to keep his cock hard anyway.

“Your parents did take you coming out well then?” Theo blurted out, you fucking idiot! He thought as soon as he said it, “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” Alex said, putting him a bit at ease, “but no, they did not. My dad pretty much refused to believe it.”

“What a dick,” Theo then blurted out again, “Sorry, don’t know what’s wrong with me, can’t seem to keep my mouth closed.”

“It’s alright, he is a dick.” Alex then joked back.

Theo was curious about Alex, being from a smaller town he never had any interaction with a gay person. Well, at least no one that was openly gay.

“Hey, thanks,” Alex then said, “for being so cool with it.”

“Don’t thank me, only arseholes have a problem with it.” Theo told him and patted his shoulder again, this time his hand lingered a minute.

When he pulled away Theo had a strange feeling, like butterflies, why am I so hard? I need a wank!

They stayed and chatted for a few hours, had a couple more drinks. Theo learnt that Alex literally was a genius with computers. Theo thought he was good but half the stuff Alex was saying went over his head, especially after some alcohol.

It was nearly 10pm when they decided they had to get back, considering they both had work the next day.

“See you tomorrow.” Alex said as he went to his room.

When Theo lay down he felt… different.

His cock was still rock hard and without even thinking he undid his jeans and grabbed hold of his 6 inch, thick cock and started to wank.

He closed his eyes and started to think of Harriet, the last girl he had sex with. He imagined her as she bounced on his cock but for some reason, it wasn’t working.

Then, a flash of Alex’s smooth, slim body came to his head. What the fuck?! Theo thought, he had never once thought of a man in a sexual way, but his cock got harder than ever.

Theo blamed it on the alcohol, but with his lowered inhibitions, he continued to stroke his hard cock. Except, when thoughts of Alex came to his head he let them stay.

His cock was leaking precum into his hand as he thought of Alex in just his towel. Then the thought of Alex’s towel dropping.

“Oooh.” Theo moaned out loud.

He wondered what it was like to get a blowjob from a guy. Which led him to picture Alex on his bed, his soft lips wrapped around his cock.

Theo wanked faster and faster at the thought of Alex sucking his dick like a pro, he imagined Alex’s tongue running all over his head and shaft until finally…. He fired cum all over his stomach.

Well… that was different.

Theo cleaned himself up and drifted easily to sleep.

The next morning, he brushed off the fact that he wanked over his male roommate as a drunken mistake. Then, he went to work as normal.

On his lunch break he had a call from his brother, Jacob. They hadn’t spoken since he was dumped by Bridgette but Theo didn’t want to make him upset by speaking about it.

They just had a friendly catch up, Theo was surprised with how well Jacob seemed. He then thought he should check in with Bridgette some time.

That night, Theo was coming out of the shower with just the towel around his waist when he bumped into Alex. Alex wasn’t in when he was home so Theo nearly jumped out of his skin when they barged into each other.

In his total shock, the towel dropped to the ground and Theo’s semi hard, freshly shaven cock was swinging free.

“Shit, sorry man.” Theo said and quickly bent down to pick his towel up.

When he looked back up Alex’s face was red and flustered, he definitely just saw my dick.

“N-no, sorry I should’ve been watching where I was going.” Alex stuttered out, that was when Theo realised Alex’s eyes were looking at his body.

“I erm, will just go get changed.” Theo replied and awkwardly walked past Alex and to his own room.

Oh god, he was just staring at me. This is getting a little weird.

Theo panicked that their situation as roommates could go badly, he liked Alex, but he didn’t want anything to ruin it.

For the next week it was a little awkward in the apartment, Theo was saw Alex was staring at him occasionally and truthfully, Theo was glancing at Alex every now and again.

That was when it happened again, Theo was in his bed, alone. He closed his eyes and once again try to think about Harriet whilst he stroked his already hard cock. He kept wanking thinking of her big tits, her curvy arse as she rode him… but then, Alex flashed into his head again.

What the fuck?! Theo thought, I’m not drunk this time, what’s wrong with me?

Although he wasn’t drunk, Theo couldn’t seem to stop himself from picturing Alex. He just imagined what it would be like to see his lips around his cock, to have this younger man bobbing up and down on his shaft until he came down his throat. That was when Theo came again.

Okay, this needs to stop, Theo thought as he cleaned himself up.

He managed to go a few days without wanking but it seemed every time he got horny the only thing he could imagine was Alex. Which at the time felt great, but as soon as he came he would scold himself for having those thoughts.

He never gave any indication to Alex that something was going on, but he started to wonder if Alex was having those same thoughts about him. The way he occasionally stared at Theo, his eyes would something glance down at his crotch, then Theo would do the same to Alex.

The longer this went on, the more Theo thought that Alex wanted him. Do I want Alex? No, I can’t, I like girls. He knew his dad was old fashioned and would never allow it.

One week later and it was getting painful for Theo to not wank without thinking of Alex. His mind was a mess and so were his feelings. Alex was becoming a very close friend, every night they hung out, played games or watched films. He couldn’t believe how much they actually had in common.

On one Thursday, Theo had gone three days without a wank, he wanted to try and force these gay thoughts out of his head and the only way he knew how was to not wank at all.

He lay on his bed, horny as fuck when he tried to distract himself by calling his friend Kieron, they hadn’t spoken for a while and he wanted to check in.

“Hi mate, everything okay?” Kieron asked when he answered the phone, he sounded a little out of breath.

“Yeah good, just checking in, have you been running?” Theo asked him.

“No, why?” Kieron replied but something was off with his voice, something Theo couldn’t work out.

“You sounded out of breath, how’s everything going over there?” Theo asked, sat on his bed after work.

“All good, all good.” Keiron replied, it seemed he wasn’t in the mood for a long conversation.

“Good, have you spoke to Jacob lately?” Theo asked.

“Yeah,” Kieron quickly replied, “I’m just in the middle of something, can I call you back?”

“Yeah sure, speak soon.” Theo said and put the phone down, that was weird.

The distraction definitely did not help and Theo was still horny as fuck. He needed something to help him out, right, I need a cold shower. That should do it.

Alex was out so he knew there wouldn’t be any question as to why he was having a shower so late. Once the ice cold water hit his skin his body jerked in reaction. Slowly, his cock finally started to go down, thank fuck!

He closed his eyes and started to wash himself as all of his hairs were standing on edge from the cold water.

As Theo rubbed his body, he ran soap around his cock and balls but that only proved to bring life back to it. Without even realising it, Theo was rubbing his cock as it grew in his hand. His eyes remained closed and he started to imagine Alex was in there with him, rubbing his cock. Oh god…. That feels so good.

He started to moan a little as he wanked a little faster… and faster… and faster.

Then he felt his balls tighten up and he got himself to the brink of cumming. No! Stop! What are you doing?!

Theo let go of his cock and looked down at it, rock hard. Why can’t I stop thinking about him?

The cold shower obviously wasn’t working so after he washed the soap off he got out and dried himself with a towel.

I need to get back into the gym, he thought, already noticing his muscles going smaller since he stopped playing rugby when he looked at himself in the mirror.

He wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom, there was still water dripping down his face and body when yet again, he bounced into Alex. This time, he managed to keep the towel on though.

“A-alex,” Theo nervously said, barely able to look at him, I was just about to cum thinking of you, “Sorry, I… didn’t see you.”

Alex’s eyes were all over Theo, from his abs to his arms and finally landing on his face. He didn’t speak, he just had some sort of animalistic look.

Before Theo could react, Alex leant forward, stood up onto his tip toes and pressed his lips against Theo’s. They were so soft, so delicate, like a woman’s lips.

There was a tingle that went through Theo’s body, another man was kissing him, but his body instantly reacted with pure pleasure.

His head was spinning, he actually couldn’t believe he was getting kissed by Alex. However, he didn’t stop it… he didn’t want to stop it. Without realising what he was doing, Theo felt himself kiss Alex back. Their lips pressed together then Alex moved closer and his smaller, warm hands grabbed onto Theo’s body cold body.

When Theo felt Alex’s mouth open, he opened his own and their tongues gently ran against each other.

“Mmmm.” Alex moaned into Theo’s mouth.

The sound of a man moaning as they kissed brought Theo a bit back into reality. He finally opened his eyes and looked at Alex, their bodies firmly pressed against each other.

We’re kissing, is this wrong?

“Alex… I… I don’t know.” Theo whispered.

“I thought… you wanted me to.” Alex whispered, his hands still on Theo’s body.

Oh god, what do I do? I’ve been fantasising about this for ages, fuck it! Theo was too horny to care, he decided he would just deal with the repercussions another day.

Just like that, Theo pressed his lips against Alex’s and this time he started the kissing. They quickly started to passionately make out in the hallway. Theo’s hands then moved to Alex’s face and held him as their tongues danced along each other.

“Oh god… I’m so glad… I’ve wanted you since we first met.” Alex said between kisses.

“Mmmm, oh Alex.” Theo moaned as Alex’s hands ran all over his body.

Theo couldn’t explain it but making out with Alex had him more turned on than any girl he had ever been with. There was something about him that made his body tingle with excitement just from his touch.

Then when Alex’s hands moved to Theo’s towel he panicked a little and jumped slightly back.

“What’s wrong?” Alex whispered.

“I… I’ve never been with a guy before.” Theo whispered, almost as if he was embarrassed.

“Don’t worry,” Alex said with a smile, “You don’t need to do anything.” It was a confident side Theo had never seen in Alex, but suddenly he undid Theo’s towel and it dropped to the floor, revealing Theo’s fully hard cock.

He watched as if it was in slow motion as Alex’s fingers wrapped around Theo’s shaft, he instantly let out a loud, shocked moan.

“Oh god…. Alex.” Theo looked at Alex smiling back at him. He very slowly stroked Theo’s cock and Theo couldn’t hold it in. He moaned one more time and then pressed his tongue back into Alex’s mouth.

They stayed in the hall, passionately making out as Alex slowly wanked Theo’s cock. His precum was already covering Alex’s hand.

He had done something like this many times before with girls, but none of those times felt as good as this.

“Come with me.” Alex whispered, he let go of Theo’s cock but held his hand instead.

As they walked towards Alex’s room, Theo couldn’t believe what was going on, am I really doing this? With Alex? Is this real?

Alex seemed to take control of the situation, he guided Theo to the bed and gently sat him down so his legs were spread and his cock was straight up.

His tongue pressed inside Theo’s mouth again for a minute or two before he broke it.

“Just enjoy, I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Alex whispered.

“Ooooh god.” Theo moaned when he felt Alex’s lips and tongue press against his neck.

This younger, skinnier man was hitting all the right spots for Theo and has his cock twitching. Alex kissed every inch of Theo’s neck… then his chest… then his abs. Until he was on his knees between Theo’s legs.

He watched Alex’s thin fingers wrap around his painfully hard shaft, just like he had fantasised about.

Theo stared at Alex’s thin, feminine like face as it was inches from his cock. His small hand was stroking Theo’s cock up and down, forcing more precum to pour out of him.

Alex moved down slightly and his tongue left his mouth. His soft, warm, wet tongue pressed against the bottom of Theo’s painfully hard cock and slowly ran all the way up his shaft, flicking his head at the end. Then Alex planted a loving kiss on the side of the dick.

“Ooooh god.” Theo moaned, he knows exactly what he’s doing.

Alex kept slowly licking and kissing up and down Theo’s cock, as if teasing him over and over. Theo’s dick was twitching with every touch and his body shivered with pleasure.

“I love this dick.” Alex whispered and looked up at Theo.

“I think it loves you too.” Theo moaned out, still in disbelief this was actually happening.

“Well, you’re going to love this.” Alex said with a confident grin before opening his mouth and wrapping his soft lips around Theo’s cock.

“Hooolllyy fuck!” Theo let out a loud, heavy moan, it had been so long since he had gotten a blowjob and Alex’s mouth felt fucking perfect!

His mouth was like a suction cup around the thick cock and his tongue masterfully massages Theo’s head.

“Mmmmm!” Alex moaned loudly, making Theo’s cock vibrate in his mouth.

He was so slowly moving his mouth up and down, only taking a few inches at a time.

Theo had gotten many blowjobs before of women, but they always seemed to just do it to please him. With Alex it was as though he really enjoyed doing it, which just made it feel better for Theo.

Alex was lovingly bobbing up and down on Theo’s cock, who just watched in amazement. His dick was twitching in the smaller man’s mouth and he was unable to stop moans leaving his mouth.

“That’s… so good.” Theo moaned out.

“Mmmm.” Alex moaned again.

For a few minutes Theo just watched as his friend and roommate sucked his dick and he loved every fucking second of it.

Then Alex lifted his head up, leaving Theo’s cock for the first time since it entered his mouth. Alex spat down onto the head and used his right hand to spread it around the entire dick. Then he moved down and lightly pressed his wet tongue against Theo’s smooth balls as he kept wanking his shaft.

“Fuucckk me! That’s fucking amazing!” Theo moaned.

Alex’s tongue was making Theo’s balls tingle, it was fucking fantastic!!

His spit covered tongue massaged every inch of the smooth balls, gently sucking them into his mouth and making Theo’s legs spasm in pleasure.

“Hoow are you dooinnng that?” Theo moaned even louder.

Alex let out a little girlish giggle and looked up at him, spit covering his lips.

“Good so far?” He asked.

“Fucking amazing!” Theo said, any arguments about doing this were completely gone and he was totally lost in the moment.

He grabbed Alex’s face and leant down, shoving his tongue into Alex’s spit filled mouth. Passionately making out, Theo didn’t care that Alex’s tongue was just over his cock and balls, he was too fucking horny.

“Mmmm!” Theo moaned into Alex’s mouth as Alex kept wanking his spit covered cock.

“Now,” Alex said breaking the kiss, “Sit back, I’ve wanted to taste your cum for ever.”

“You’re fucking perfect.” Theo said with a little laugh, then rested back on his hands.

Alex went straight back to wrapping his lips around Theo’s cock and bobbing up and down, but this time he was on a mission.

He wasn’t slowly sucking Theo’s dick, he was bobbing up and down like a slut hungry for his cum.

“Oh fuck… yes!” Theo moaned as Alex was taking his cock deeper and deeper.

Theo couldn’t believe it and nearly bellowed out a loud moan when Alex seemed to open his mouth wider and take Theo’s entire cock, balls deep down his throat.

“FUUUCCKK MEEEE!!” Theo roared out, no girl ever had been able to deep throat him fully and it felt fucking unbelievable!

“Glllllggg!!” Alex groaned as he held the entire cock down his throat.

Theo could feel the mass amount of spit that covered his cock as Alex went back to hungrily bobbing up and down. His balls started to tighten and he knew he was about to cum and cum had.

“Alex…” He panted out, “I’m about to cum!”

“Mmmm!” Alex moaned back, hungry for Theo to fill his mouth up.

“Oh fuck… oh fuck…” Theo moaned until it finally hit him, “I’m fuuuucckkinng ccuuumminnnggg!!”

It felt like his balls unloaded an unnatural amount of cum as he kept firing load after load into Alex’s mouth. He didn’t miss any and swallowed down every last fucking drop.

Rope after rope of cum left Theo’s dick, making his entire body twitch and spams. His moaning filled the room and Alex kept bobbing up and down like a cum hungry slut.

“Holy shit… fucking hell… that was fucking amazing.” Theo panted out as he slowly came down from by far, the best orgasm of his life.

“Mmmmm.” Alex moaned as he kept lovingly bobbing up and down Theo’s dick, getting every last drop of cum as he slowly went softer in Alex’s mouth.

When Alex finally brought his mouth away Theo could stop himself from flopping down onto Alex’s bed and panted for air.

“How was that?” Alex asked, remaining on his knees.

“So. Good.” Theo panted out.

Then he felt Alex move onto the bed next to him, his hands wrapped around Theo’s body as though cuddling him. That was when Theo realised he was completely naked and Alex was fully dressed. Also, since his horny high had come down he started to feel a little awkward about what happened.

“I erm… I don’t know if I can do the same to you.” Theo stuttered out.

“It’s okay,” Alex said and then kissed Theo’s cheek, “you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

God, he’s so nice, I can’t just leave him like that after what he did to me. But can I really suck a dick? I don’t want to, I don’t think.

Then Theo felt what he worked out was Alex’s very hard cock press against his side. He wanted to thank Alex and only thought of one way.

“Maybe I could…” Theo said, turned to his side and put his hand on the outside of Alex’s jeans against his cock, “wank you off?”

“Only if you want to?” Alex whispered.

Do I want to? Theo questioned, but he had made up his mind.

He slowly unbuttoned Alex’s jeans and reached his hand in to grab his surprisingly big cock. It wasn’t as big as Theo’s, maybe 5 inches. He was rock hard and leaking precum.

Theo wrapped his fingers around Alex’s shaft and slowly moved his hand up and down. I’m wanking another man’s cock, I can’t believe this is real.

“Is this alright?” Theo whispered.

It was an awkward angle, both on their sides looking at each other but Theo did his best to stroke Alex’s cock.

“That’s great.” Alex whispered, their faces only inches from each other.

Even after cumming and his horniness had died down, Theo felt some strange connection to Alex.

He wanked his cock a little faster and Alex was moaning lightly.

Then, Alex leant forward and kissed Theo again. Theo was more hesitant this time though. He could taste his own cum on Alex’s tongue and he suddenly found it a little strange to be kissing a man. Although he didn’t stop.

He kept wanking Alex’s cock as they soft made out. Alex’s tongue was gently and lovingly rubbing against Theo’s tongue. Their lips were constantly pressing against each other and Alex was moaning into Theo’s mouth.

The longer they kissed, the more into it Theo got. He wanked Alex’s dick faster, precum was covering his hand and their making out became more passionate.

“Wait.” Alex said broke the kiss and sat up.

“W-what are you doing?” Theo asked, wondering if he did something wrong. He had never wanked another man and worried he hurt him or something.

“Nothing, just taking my top off,” Alex said and pulled his shirt over his head, showing his thin frame that got Theo’s attention in the first place, “don’t want to get cum on my shirt.”

“Fair enough.” Theo said and then watched Alex lay down on his back.

Alex’s jeans were pulled down a little and Theo got his first look at his roommate’s cock. It was… beautiful. Smooth skin all over, hard and quite thick.

Theo reached and grabbed it again as Alex lay back. His hand moved up and down the hard cock and he switched from looking at Alex’s cock and Alex’s moaning face.

“Kiss me.” Alex whispered.

Theo moved up a little, his face now over Alex’s as he moved down and made out with him again as he wanked Alex’s dick.

“That feels so good.” Alex moaned into Theo’s mouth.

“G-good.” Theo nervously replied, his hand moving faster and faster.

Theo kept looking at Alex’s cock and then going back to kissing him, feeling like he was living in a dream.

“Oh Theo… I’m gonna cum soon.” Alex moaned out.

For some reason that he couldn’t explain, Theo wanted to watch Alex’s cock as he came. He wanted to see the cum fire from his head because of him.

“Good.” Theo whispered.

He looked down at Alex’s hard cock as his hand moved up and down, dragging the skin with him as he moved faster and faster.

“Oh yeah… oh Theo… I’m cumming… I’m cumming!” Alex panted out and then it happened.

Alex’s cock throbbed in Theo’s hand and he saw the first shot of cum fire out of his head and land onto his chest. Theo felt a few, warm drops land on his hand as he kept wanking Alex through his orgasm.

Alex’s body tensed up and he moaned louder and louder as he kept covering himself in cum.

It was so warm, so fucking hot! Theo couldn’t believe he had actually just made another man cum.

Eventually Alex’s moaning died down and his cock started to go soft in Theo’s hand.

“Oh Theo,” Alex panted. Theo looked at him then Alex leant up and kissed him again, “I should go clean this off.” He said.

“Oh right, yeah,” Theo nervously replied and released his cock, “I should probably get to bed.”

Alex’s face then turned from a smile to what looked like disappointment, did he think I was going to stay in here with him?

“Oh yeah, sure.” Alex said but didn’t move.

For a few seconds they both lay there in silence, staring at each other until Theo finally moved.

“I’ll erm, see you tomorrow.” He quickly said and then rushed back to his room and face planted his bed.

What the fuck?!! I just let him suck my dick! Then I wanked him off!! What am I doing?! I’m not gay, this isn’t me! But… it felt so fucking good! Oh for fuck sake, what am I going to do?!

It took a while but Theo eventually managed to drift off to sleep.

When Theo woke up he first thought it was a dream, but he quickly realised it wasn’t. Everything had happened and he had no idea how to handle it. Luckily he didn’t see Alex in the morning so he didn’t have to handle it.

The whole day he barely got any work done though, wondering what he should say or do.

When he got home Alex wasn’t there and Theo decided he needed more time so he went to the gym for a few hours to clear his head. Except that didn’t help, he had crossed a line with Alex and he didn’t know how to fix it, or even if he wanted to fix it.

Even by the time he got back after a two hour workout he was still confused, then when he saw Alex he felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest.

“H-hey.” He nervously said as Alex was sat watching TV.

“Hey, you’re late?” Alex said, his eyes seemed to light up when he saw Theo.

“Yeah, been the gym, you alright?” Theo asked, wondering if he should just act like nothing happened.

“Better now,” Alex said, then he stood up and walked over to Theo, “I’m glad you’re back.”

Alex’s hands reached for Theo and he clearly moved in to kiss him but Theo instinctively moved back.

“Alex I… I don’t know.” Theo said to him, but Alex’s hand remained on Theo’s waist.

“Don’t know what?” Alex asked.

“This, me and you,” Theo said and then stepped back so Alex’s hands fell back, “I… I’m not gay.”

“I’m not saying you are,” Alex said but didn’t move from where he stood, “did you not enjoy last night?”

Theo looked at Alex, he could see the confusion in his friends’ eyes but he just didn’t know what to do.

“I did, more than I expected,” Theo said then looked at the ground, unable to look Alex in the eye, “but this is messy.”

“Theo,” Alex said, his voice a little firmer, “I understand this is confusing for you and I don’t want to push you, I think you know where I stand. If you want to do it again, so do I.”

“But that could make our living arrangement, complicated.” Theo told him, not sure where he actually stands.

“I know, it is a big decision,” Alex said, “you can take all the time you need. Until you know, lets just pretend nothing happened.”

He then went back to the sofa and watched TV.

He’s so understanding, I suppose he probably went through this himself.

“Hey Alex,” Theo said, “thanks.”

“Nothing to thank me for.” Alex replied with a smile.

Theo made himself a quick dinner and went to his room, wanting to give himself somewhere quiet to think things through.

For the next week they acted like normal, like mates. However, Theo’s head was a mess. He was having constant sexual thoughts of Alex. He felt some sort of pull from Alex, a connection he had never felt before.

There were times he looked at Alex and thought, should I just kiss him? But he never got the bravery to.

There were also times when he thought to just end it completely and only stay as friends. He once even made that solid decision in his head, but when he went to speak nothing came out.

Theo’s head was torn in two and he didn’t know what to do.

When Theo had a wank the only thought he had was of Alex’s blowjob, it felt too perfect, he knew he wanted that again but he just didn’t know if he wanted the difficulties that came with it.

On day, after work, Theo was sat watching a film. His all time favourite film that he had never watched with Alex. Then, Alex came back from work. Theo looked at him and his head was still a mess.

Alex put his bag down then looked over at the TV.

“Yes, I love this film!” Alex said with pure glee in his voice.

“You do?” Theo asked, surprised because even none of the “Twisted” gang had seen this film.

“Yeah, it’s probably my favourite.” Alex said walking over to the sofa. He remained stood up and watched the film for a few seconds.

Theo couldn’t explain it, but something in his mind switched.

“Alex?” Theo said quietly.

When Alex turned his head, Theo stared into his eyes as he stood up and walked over to his roommate.

Without either of them saying a word, Alex must’ve known what the decision was, Theo took Alex’s face in his hand and lightly placed his lips against Alex’s.

For a few seconds their lips gently pressed against each other, both of their eyes closed until Theo moved back.

“Are you sure?” Alex asked, Theo could see the nerves in his eyes.

“I’m sure.” Theo whispered and smiled at him and Alex’s face lit up.

“About goddam time.” Alex said loudly then leant in and kissed Theo.

Theo and Alex made out as they embraced each other, Theo’s body was going into overdrive as they passionately kissed.

“Want to go to my room?” Alex said between kisses.

“Definitely.” Theo replied.

They walked hand in hand until the made it to Alex’s bedroom where they made out again. As they kissed Alex started to undress Theo. His shirt was pulled over his head and then Alex started to undo Theo’s jeans.

No longer confused, Theo started to undress Alex. He pulled Alex’s head over and then his trousers until the two were completely naked.

Theo’s body was firmly pressed against Alex, their cocks rested on the others body as their tongues ran against each other’s.

Alex then guided Theo until he was lay down on the bed. Alex was straddled on top of him, his tongue constantly in Theo’s mouth.

Eventually, Alex worked his magic by kissing and licking Theo’s neck, making his entire body tingle.

“Oh god… I love that.” Theo moaned.

Alex’s mouth kissed every inch of Theo’s body until his lips were gently pressed against Theo’s throbbing cock.

“Oooooh yes!” Theo moaned loudly when he watched Alex’s lips wrap around his cock, it felt even better than the first time.

His amazing, perfect roommate was lovingly bobbing up and down Theo’s cock. His tongue was massaging his head amazingly and Theo was writhing in pleasure.

“Fuck… that’s so good!” Theo moaned.

“Mmmm!” Alex moaned as he kept bobbing up and down Theo’s cock, his hand moved and massaged Theo’s balls as he sucked his dick.

Theo was gripping onto the sheets as Alex took his cock all the way down his throat again.

“Fuuuucckk!” Theo moaned, knowing he couldn’t last much longer from this, “Stop.” He panted.

“What’s wrong?” Alex asked as he looked up.

“I don’t want to cum too quickly.” Theo said with a smile.

Alex just smiled back and worked his way but up Theo’s body until they were sloppily kissing again.

Theo’s hands were all over Alex’s small, smooth body. He seemed to fit perfectly on top of Theo as they both moaned into the others mouth.

“Do you,” Alex moaned between kisses, “want to have sex?”

Theo looked at him, have sex with a man? He thought to himself, that can only feel better, right?

“Y-yes.” Theo almost nervously replied and Alex smiled back at him.

“Okay,” Alex said and then kissed him, “stay there.”

Theo just watched Alex’s smooth body as he jumped off the bed and rummaged in his bed side drawer. Theo was sure he spotted a dildo in there, but he wasn’t about to ask about it.

Alex then turned around with a tub of lube in his hands.

“Have you done anal before?” Alex asked as he straddled on top of Theo again.

“No, but I always wanted to.” Theo panted out, he couldn’t believe he was actually about to have sex with a man.

“Okay, I’ll start, you just lie back and enjoy.” Alex told him and then poured lube into his hand.

When Alex rubbed it into Theo’s cock the cold liquid made his hair stand on edge. Then he watched as Alex started to rub the lube behind his arse, presumable on his arsehole.

“Mmmm.” Alex moaned and Theo realised that he was fingering himself with the lube, “just making sure I’m ready, your cock is thick.”

“No problem.” Theo said with a smile.

After watching Alex finger himself for a minute or two, he sat up and held onto Theo’s lube covered cock.

Alex was squatting over Theo, his own hard cock hanging down as he lined Theo’s cock up with his arsehole.

This is fucking crazy! Theo thought.

He watched this smaller, feminine, smooth man put pressure down onto Theo’s cock. Then, Theo felt the head of his cock pop inside Alex.

“Oooohh fuuccckkk!” Alex moaned as his arsehole stretched and wrapped around Theo’s thick, hard cock.

“Fuuuck me! That’s so fucking tight!” Theo moaned out, it felt like Alex’s arsehole was gripping onto his cock.

“Tighter than any pussy hey?” Alex joked as he remained with just the head in his arse.

“So much better.” Theo moaned out.

His cock was throbbing inside of Alex, it was fucking amazing!

Alex was leaning back, his chest in the air and his feet either side of Theo as he started to push down onto the big, thick cock that stretched his arsehole.

“Fuuckking hell!” Theo moaned as the rim of Alex’s arsehole went deeper and deeper down his cock.

“Fuck, you’re so fucking thick!” Alex moaned as he took another inch, “You’re properly stretching me.”

Theo brought his hands up and grabbed Alex’s smooth thighs. He was only halfway inside Alex’s arsehole but his roommate started to slowly rock up and down. It was, by far, better than any girl Theo had fucked.

The tight, fucking arsehole was bouncing slowly up and down Theo’s cock. Taking a little bit more in every time.

“Oh god… yes.. so good!” Alex panted out, his own cock was pouring precum as it bounced up and down.

My cock is in a man!

Deeper and deeper, Theo’s cock disappeared into Alex’s arsehole until one last push.

“FUUUCCKK YEEESSS!” Alex moaned loudly when he finally took Theo’s cock balls deep inside of him.

“Fucking hell! That feels so good!” Theo moaned out.

Alex managed to move so he was on his knees, then leant forward and kissed Theo hard and passionately.

He kept Theo’s cock all the way in his arse as their tongues attached each other. It felt like his arsehole was clenching and twitching around Theo’s cock.

“I can’t believe… we’re having sex.” Theo moaned between kisses.

“Just wait until I start riding your thick cock properly.” Alex moaned.

“Oooh fuck!” Theo roared out, he reached around and grabbed Alex’s firm arse cheeks.

It was by far the horniest Theo had ever been, grabbing a man’s arse as they fucked.

Alex then started to slowly rock up and down on Theo’s cock.

“Ooooh yeah! You’re so fucking tight!” Theo moaned.

He grabbed and squeezed Alex’s arse as he bounced faster up and down his cock. He gave him a quick spank, just like he would with a girl.

“Fuck yes!” Alex moaned, “This is so fucking good!”

Alex was properly bouncing up and down on Theo’s cock, taking him nearly all the way in and out before slapping himself fully down.

Both of them were moaning like wild animals.

Alex’s arsehole was perfectly wrapped around Theo’s cock as is slid up and down his hard pole, he was letting out high pitched moans as Theo grabbing and held his body.

Then, Theo couldn’t stop himself, he reached down and grabbed hold of Alex’s rock hard, leaking cock that was bouncing up and down.

“Oh fuck! Theo!” Alex moaned.

Alex leant up again, rested his hands onto Theo’s thighs as he bounced up and down.

Theo looked at his cock disappearing behind Alex and couldn’t believe how fucking good it felt as he wanked Alex’s hard cock.

Precum was flying all over Theo’s hand and stomach as Alex rode him.

“Oh fuck, Theo,” Alex moaned, “I’ll cum soon if you keep doing that.” He panted.

Theo just smiled and kept wanking him.

“You want to cum with my cock balls deep in your arsehole?” Theo moaned out, having always loved dirty talk.

“Yes!” Alex shouted out, “Make me fucking cum with your cock deep in my fucking arsehole!”

Faster and faster, Theo wanked Alex’s cock. Alex moaned even louder and then Theo felt Alex’s cock start to clench around his cock, somehow making it even tighter.

“I’m gonna cum…. I’m gonna fucking cum!” Alex moaned out as he kept firing his arsehole up and down Theo’s dick.

The tightness of Alex’s arsehole, his sexy moaning and having his rock hard cock in Theo’s hand sent Theo over the edge as well.

“So am I! Alex I’m gonna cum inside you!” Theo warned.

“Fucking do it!” Alex squealed back, never letting up on bouncing on the cock, “Fill my arsehole up with your fucking hot cum!”

“FUUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!” Theo roared out and his cock erupted deep in Alex’s bowels. The feel of his cum inside seemed to force Alex’s own orgasm.

“YYESS CUUMM INN MEEEE!!” Alex high pitch moan called out as both men came at the exact same time.

Theo, having the best orgasm of his life as Alex’s arsehole clenched and milked every last fucking drop of cum was moaning like an animal as Alex’s cock erupted and his hot, thick cum landed all over Theo’s chest and abs.

Both men panted and moaned as their orgasms never seemed to end. They were both in fucking heaven.

Alex kept slowly riding Theo’s cock, making sure to get every bit of cum from his balls as Theo slowed down wanking Alex.

Eventually, Theo’s softer cock slipped from Alex’s stretched arsehole and he leant down to kiss Theo passionately.

Unlike last time, Theo felt no awkwardness after cumming. He lovingly kissed Alex back as their naked, cum covered bodies pressed against each other.

They stayed like that for 10 or 15 minutes, kissing and holding each other until Alex broke the kiss.

“Are you going to stay in here tonight?” He asked Theo.

Theo could see the nervous look on his face that he was used to.

“Of course I am.” Theo told him with a smile and kissed him again.

First they both had to clean the cum off of their bodies and Alex cleaned his well fucked arsehole.

After that they got into bed together, Alex faced one way and Theo spooned his smaller body from behind.

Why does this feel so right, so natural? Theo thought, he had spooned women before but this just felt more natural. Where does this lead us though? I’m not gay, I think he knows that. This was just sex, right?


Paul was looking at himself in the mirror in the car, his short black hair was freshly trimmed, so was his grey beard.

“What time is your meeting?” His wife, Denise asked on the speaker phone.

“I’m just going in now.” He told her, making sure he looked ready for his meeting.

“Well good luck, when will you be back?” Denise asked him.

“I’m in a hotel tonight, then I’ll set off first thing tomorrow.” Paul told her, happy with his look.

“Good, our new friend is coming over on Tuesday.” Denise said in her seductive yet dominant voice.

“Oh,” Paul said with a smile, his cock twitched a little at the thought of watching Jacob suck a cock for his first time, “I wasn’t sure if he would come back.”

“I did, I could see it in his eyes.” Denise told him, she is always right.

“Well, I look forward to it,” Paul told her, “I need to get going, I’ll call you after I’m done.”

“Great, speak then, love you.” Denise replied.

“Love you too.” Paul said and put the phone down.

He got out of his car and entered into the office block. He was dressed in a blue suit and a white shirt. When he got into the building the receptionist walked him to the offices upstairs where he met a Keith Pritch, the owner.

“Paul Williams?” Keith asked. Keith was an older man, dressed in a brown, tweed suit.

“Indeed.” Paul said and shook his hand.

They had a quick little chat before going into the board room, Paul saw a few people in shirts and trousers working on the computers.

When they sat down, Paul had a glass of water in front of him and waited for Keith to start.

“So, Mr Williams,” Keith said, “Why is it your company wishes to purchase Chippingham Accounts?”

Paul smiled and looked at the owner, knowing that soon, Chippingham Accounts would be under Paul’s companies’ ownership.

“I have a short presentation.” Paul told him.

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