Gary Goes Gay On Nude Day

A gay story: Gary Goes Gay On Nude Day Gay man finally steps out of the closet on Nude Day.

Gary and Eddie are best friends and have been best friends, since forever. Somewhere along the way of their friendship journey, Gary fell in love with Eddie. Tired of hiding who he was and how he felt, he hoped to use Nude Day, as his personal pretense, to show his true feelings for his best friend, figuratively and literally.

Gary always looked at his friend, of course, they were best buddies. Never looking at him in the way he looked at him now, however, it was as if he was seeing him for the very first time. More gazing at him than looking at him, he had love in his eyes and hopefulness in his heart. He looked at Eddie in the same way that Eddie looked at Stephanie, whenever he unexpectedly happened to see her.

“Isn’t she beautiful, Gary? You’d never know she had two children with that hot body.”

“Forget her, Eddie. It’s time to move forward with your life. She’s married.”

Stephanie was Eddie’s unrequited love. Even though, she’s since married with kids and no longer available and interested in having a relationship with anyone other than her husband and children, he still longs for her. Never able to tell her how he felt about her, pining away after this one woman for years, ever since high school, and rejecting all others for the love of her, she doesn’t even know he exists. Now, it’s too late.

After watching the way that Eddie acted over Stephanie, Gary didn’t want that to be his fate. Tired of longing after Eddie in the way that Eddie moped around over Stephanie, he no longer wanted to harbor secret feelings of how he felt about his friend. He needed to tell him how he felt now for fear of regretting his indecision later, in the way that Eddie did with Stephanie. He needed to know if Eddie was harboring the same feelings for him, as he had for Eddie. With Eddie saddened by not taking a chance on love with Stephanie, Gary didn’t want that to be his reality, too, by not taking a chance on love with Eddie.

Actually, what did he have to lose? In retrospect, when he thought about it, regrettably, he had a lot to lose. He could ruin the close relationship he’s had with Eddie, since forever. With his heart broken, he could lose his best friend. Then again, he could gain a lover, the love of his life. It could be the worst and the saddest day of his life or the best and the happiest day of his life. Still, considering how strongly he felt about his friend, he loved him, he really did, and he felt it was more than a gamble; it was a risk worth taking.

He felt, no doubt, the same way that Eddie felt about cars. Eddie was a regular car buff and would sell his soul to own a select few automobiles. The kind of car one would mortgage one’s house or pimp out one’s mother to own, Gary looked at Eddie in the same way that Eddie looked at that shiny, black, custom Mustang Shelby Cobra on the dealership showroom floor that they saw last month.

“Gary! Come here. Look at this car. Oh, my God. I’ve never seen anything like it. Look at it. It’s gorgeous. I don’t care what it takes, I’m gonna buy it. I have to own it. I love it.”

Eddie talked about buying it, selling everything he had to own it, that is, until the reality of the $90,000 sticker shock drained the color from his face and dashed his hope of ever owning such a car. He figured the car cost half that, maybe even as much as $60,000. He never thought the Mustang would cost more than a Corvette and as much as a Mercedes. Why so much money for a Ford?

“Eddie, I think you’d better look at the sticker price first, before you write a deposit check.”

“Holy shit! Ninety frigging thousand dollars? Are they kidding me? That’s a rip off. For what? A Ford? Gees, Gary.”

Much in the way that Eddie has a long list of friendship qualities and admirable attributes necessary to have maintained their close friendship for so long, so did the Mustang have a long list of custom options. Recaro seats, special paint, 20″ one of a kind custom wheels, beefed up suspension, Brembo brakes, navigation system, custom stereo, it was all there. The car had a full list of options that filled two pasted to the passenger side window pages.

In the end, it was still just a Ford, albeit a Mustang Shelby Cobra and, in the end, this was still good, old Eddie, his best friend. Even after Gary confessed that he was gay and, even after confessing his love for his friend, in the end, he was still Gary, albeit now gay, love sick Gary. He wondered if rejected by Eddie, if he’d treat Eddie differently or if Eddie would treat him differently. He wondered if their friendship survived, how it would change?

Would his friend reject him, as he did the car, just because of the low rent name and the exorbitant sticker price, without even taking a look inside and taking it out for a ride? Just as he had made up his mind about the car, would he make his mind up about him, too, without looking inside of Gary and taking him for a spin first? Or would it be more complicated and emotionally charged than that? Was Gary setting himself up to go for a walk in a mine field?

Would Eddie be angry? Would he meet him halfway? Would he allow Gary to experiment his new sexual orientation with him, first, before rejecting him or would he close his closet door and close his eyes to Gary, as a lover and as a friend? Gary worried his coming out now was premature, but he was 25-years-old and he wanted to get on with his life with or without his friend.

“He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me…”

So much like picking the pedals off a flower, Gary needed to know, if Eddie shared his closeted feelings.

Maybe Eddie didn’t share his feelings. Maybe he wasn’t gay. Maybe Gary was setting himself up to have his heart broken. Maybe all his consternation would be a mute point because their friendship would be over or a new and exciting sexual relationship would begin. A 50/50 chance, with a lot to lose and so much to gain, was it was worth the risk? Gary thought it was because he had a hunch that his friend was hiding as deep in the closet as he had been.

The heart pounding and pulse racing feelings that he had for his friend was the same feelings that Eddie had, no doubt, the first time they went to Fenway Park to see the Red Sox play the Yankees. Only, it was a bittersweet memory, when the Red Sox lost a twilight doubleheader to the dreaded Bronx Bombers. With the games lasting so long, too long, drinking one too many beers and eating one too many hot dogs, that was still, by far, one of the best times of their lives. A dream day come true, they were giddy with excitement and they never laughed as much.

“Gary, do you believe this? I’ve died and gone to Heaven. I can’t believe I’m sitting here. I can’t believe it. This is a dream come true.”

It was a spectacular day, their special day that they still wax on about today, years later. Winning the seats on a radio sports talk show, they were treated like celebrities, given a personal, private tour of the ballpark, before the game, and each received an autographed ball, a hat, a bat, and a team jacket. Surely, that would have been enough, but then they met the manager, Terry Francona, and even got the autographs of several of the newly acquired players.

The best part of the day was hanging out in the locker room and sitting in the dugout during the doubleheader, before going up to the radio booth to meet the announcers, then Sean McDonough and Jerry Remy, and put on camera as contest winners. Red Sox fans all their lives, having grown up in Boston, bean town, it was a dream come true. Wanting to recapture those moments, when they were both so excited, Gary hoped this confession would free them of their secrets and excite them with the possibilities of living life together as a committed couple.

Filled with hopeful expectation and romantic anticipation, star struck and on Cloud 9, that’s the way that Gary looked at Eddie now, in the same way that Eddie viewed the Red Sox team then. Only, filled with a feeling of foreboding trepidation, there was a dark cloud of anxiety on Gary’s horizon that was laden with the glimpse of misery that he could have, should his friend reject him as a lover. He knew he was walking a dangerous path filled with obstacles of morality planted there by strangers, family, friends, and even his religion.

As a gay man, a leper within his own family and among his straight friends, if he stepped out of the closet now and admitted that he was gay, a sexual choice that was still frowned upon and looked upon, as if there was something wrong with him, his life would change forever. Never could he go back to just being Gary without having the attribute of gay preceding his name. He’d forever be gay Gary. He’d be the nameless, faceless gay guy. Safe to leave him caring for your drunk and naked girlfriend, he’d be the gay friend you’d want to take shopping with you or ask a question of that you’d never dare ask one of your straight friends.

“Is it wrong to tell a woman that I love her, while she’s blowing me? If I wait until after she’s blown me, I’d never say it. What’s the protocol on that, Gary.”

“Ideally, Eddie, you should have told her that you love her before she blew you.”

“Yeah, well, if I did that, Gary, there’d be no need for her to blow me at all, would there?”

“You have a point there, Eddie.”

No doubt, he’d be an outcast, never again able to harness those feelings of friendship, warmth, and love that he had, before confessing to his friend that he was gay. Or was he imagining all of that? What did it matter if he was gay? Would that matter so much to Eddie, if his best friend was a gay man?

Would everything remain the same and the only thing changing was his personal sexual orientation? Even if Eddie wasn’t gay, why couldn’t they still be friends? Why should that have to change, along with his sexual orientation? It isn’t as if he was choosing to fight with the North, while Eddie decided to fight with the South, during the Civil War. This isn’t death, it’s life. This isn’t war, it’s love.

Yet, other than what it mattered to Eddie, why should it matter to anyone else? He was still the same Gary on the inside. On the flip side, once he stepped out of his protective closet, he’d make new friends, gay friends to replace those straight friends, who’d surely write him off and judge him, just by his sexual orientation and nothing more. Truly, if that’s the case, then they were never his friends anyway and he’s better off without them. Good riddance to them.

After all, when it came right down to it, Eddie was the only one who mattered. Yet, Gary feared that Eddie may spurn his sexual advances. What if he doesn’t want to deepen the friendship, especially sexually, than it was now? No pun intended.

What if he doesn’t want to come out of the closet? What if he misread Eddie and he wasn’t even gay? What if, what if, what if, it was the what if’s that made him so indecisive and that made him question his decision to step out of the closet. It was his real fear of losing his best friend that made him think twice about revealing his love for his friend.

Maybe the truth would be too much for Eddie to handle. Maybe it was enough for Eddie to learn that Gary was gay without revealing that he was in love with him, too. Baby steps. One step at a time. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Yet, Gary couldn’t do one without the other. Certainly, if he told him he was gay, he’d also tell him that he was in love with him. Naked by the truth of telling his best friend, someone he has known his entire life, he couldn’t hide the real reason why he was stepping out of the closet. All of this sudden purging was not so much to proclaim openly that he was gay, but to find out if Eddie loved him, too.

Bittersweet moments in their lives, as BFF’s, best friends forever, he hoped today wasn’t one of those rollercoaster moments, where his emotions went from adrenaline ecstatic with the thought of Eddie in his life, as his lover, to suicidal sad with their friendship over and ended forever. Yet, after having thought about it at long length, he had decided and chosen today, Nude Day, to not only tell his friend that he was gay but also to tell him that he was in love with him. He stopped for one last time to reconsider his decision, but he had a romantic fever, a hunger in the pit of his stomach that needed to be fed and Eddie was the only one who could satisfy his sexual appetite.

Selectively and monogamously gay, Gary had never been with a man. He didn’t have feelings for other men, at least, not in the way that he had feelings for Eddie. If Eddie wasn’t gay, too, if Eddie didn’t want him and rejected him, alone and abstaining from sex, he imagined living life as a reclusive hermit somewhere on a mountain top in a foreign land. Maybe he’d move to Texas, if Eddie turned him down. Texas was as foreign as he was willing to go.

“Where am I?”


“Texas? So, this is what Texas looks like, huh?”

“Where are you from city slicker?”


“I figured as much,” said the man adjusting up the brim of his cowboy hat before spitting on Gary’s shoe.

“Eww,” you just spit on me.

“Sorry, it’s just a bit of my chew. It will clean off real good and make your shoe look like new.”


Hoping he never had to travel to Texas to forget his friend, now taking in every detail of his face, his hair, and his hands, Gary studied him, as if memorizing what he looked like for the last time, in case it was. In fact, this could be the last time he ever saw his friend. With what he was about to do, Eddie could, conceivably, walk out the front door, never to return, and end their friendship forever. Filled with the vision of Eddie no longer in his life, filled with the vision of rodeos, real he men, and cowboys wearing leather spats, maybe Texas wouldn’t be so bad, after all.

With such grave ramifications, as serious consequences to his confession, Gary hoped he wouldn’t do that. It would break his heart not to have Eddie in his life. He couldn’t even imagine not having Eddie there to talk to about his day, about sports, and about the people, places, and memories they shared.

Again, maybe, he thought, he should reconsider and not reveal himself, just, yet. Maybe he should wait, until he knows, for sure, that Eddie is gay and shares the same feelings for him that he secretly has for Eddie. Maybe, maybe, maybe, if it wasn’t for the all ifs, then, certainly, it was all the maybes that made him crazy with angst and indecision.

Not sure what to expect, when he told Eddie the truth, he knew what he wished would happen but, realistically, stepping out of the closet was something that he needed and had to do, even if he was rejected by his friend and his hopes to be with Eddie were dashed. He hoped his friend would not only understand but also would accept and want him for who he was. Yet, tired of not giving in to his true feelings, he was tired of living a lie.

No matter if it was with Eddie, or with someone else, or with no one, and alone forever with his bad self, it was time that he showed his friend who he was, a gay man. It was time he told his friend how he felt about him. It was time he was open and honest. It was time.

“What time is it, Eddie?”

“It’s the same time it was five minutes ago, when you asked me what time it is. How come you don’t wear a watch?”

“I don’t like how it feels on my wrist. Besides, I can never find one I like. There are too many different watches from which to choose.”

Only, Gary didn’t need a watch to know that it was time to tell his friend that he was gay and to tell his friend that he was in love with him.

When Gary thought about it, he had always been gay. Always vehemently denying it, whenever accused or teased about being gay, he was now accepting that he was and taking pride in who he was. Not that he had feelings for other men and for anyone else, other than Eddie, only women did nothing for him. When his friends went crazy over movie stars, super models, Hooter women, and Sports Illustrated bikini babes, he always stayed in the background and smiled his indifference without comment. Women never did anything for him in the way that Eddie did.

“Gary, look at the tits on her,” said Eddie holding up Playboy magazine.

“Implants,” said Gary briefly glimpsing over, before returning to what he was doing.

“What about this woman,” said Eddie showing him a different photo of another woman. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

“Air brushing,” said Gary looking up and looking away to continue reading his book.

“Oh, yeah, how about this one,” said Eddie beaming a broad smile by the photo of the buxom blonde beauty he was holding up to show his friend.

“Makeup, lighting, and hair extensions,” said Gary looking up briefly from his page, before returning to his reading.

“Wow, really, no shit,” said Eddie, suddenly disenchanted with Playboy and abandoning the magazine for a recent issue of Sports Illustrated.

He never hit it off with any of the women he dated. He never felt anything, when he kissed them and touched them, he never felt the lust that other guys felt. If he felt anything, at all, he felt a disconnection. Oddly enough, the women he dated thought he was a perfect gentleman because he didn’t grope them and force himself upon them. Never did he reach inside a woman’s blouse and up under her bra, before putting a hand behind a woman’s head and gently nudge her to blow him.

“I like your shoes,” he said always noticing women’s shoes.

“Thank you,” she’d say always looking down at her feet to admire her own shoes, as if not remembering, which pair of shoes she was wearing.

“And your handbag is a great match,” he said giving her a soft but distant smile.

“Thanks, I got them both on sale,” she’d say giving him a look that showed she suddenly questioned his sexual orientation.

Perhaps, some of them suspected, but if they only knew he was gay, maybe they’d be insulted or maybe they’d understand. Maybe if he had shared his secret with a woman, he’d have someone to ask the advice he needed now to know about Eddie. Alone with his indecision, he didn’t know what to do. Was this the right time?

The only time he felt anything, was when he imagined Eddie blowing him, instead of his female date. He knew then and there that he harbored special feelings for his friend, feelings that he always feared revealing. Struggling to be a straight man in a world of football cheerleaders, Bud girls, Hooter women, Victoria Secrets models, and Sports Illustrated bathing suit babes, he tried getting into sexual relationships with women that never lasted. He had a difficult time mustering the excitement for a woman, when it was a man, specifically Eddie, that he wanted.

Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, he couldn’t even imagine how much he thought about his friend during the course of a day. Imagining Willie Nelson singing his famous song, You Are Always On My Mind, whenever he had a conscious thought, Eddie was always on his mind. His thoughts were all about Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. There was just something special about him that drove him crazy.

He had blue eyes and full lips like Diane Sawyer. Alone at night, while imagining Eddie instead of Diane Sawyer giving him the nightly news, he imagined kissing his lips, instead of her lips. Certainly, much younger than the news anchor, he didn’t understand why, maybe because their mannerisms were similar, but whenever he watched her talking on TV, he thought about Eddie and then later that night he dreamt of kissing him. Whenever he dreamt about kissing Eddie, when he woke up late at night alone in bed, he fondled himself, while thinking about Eddie stroking him and blowing him.

Eddie wasn’t movie star handsome, but he was certainly good looking enough. Growing up together in the same neighborhood and attending the same schools, they had been childhood best friends. Charmed by their pasts, their history preceded and interfered with their present and their dialogue was filled with all that they experienced, growing up together, as long time best friends.

They had a history and a bond that even brothers don’t always have. Sometimes they didn’t even have to speak their thoughts to understand what the other was thinking. The closest thing to twin brothers without even being related, neither one had a brother but both knew they could always rely on one another, whenever they needed a friend.

Gary couldn’t help but wonder if Eddie suspected that he had sexual feelings for him. He wondered if he suspected that he was gay. How could he not know he was gay? He knows everything else about him. Yet, he didn’t know if Eddie was gay. How could he not know that about him? He suspected he was. He hoped he was. Yet, he really didn’t know if he was or not.

Then, he wondered, can he be gay if he’s never experienced another man sexually? Maybe he wasn’t gay, after all. Maybe he was straight and just hasn’t found the one woman that makes him feel what a man should feel when with a woman. Maybe he was bi-sexual or bi-curious. Maybe he just loved his friend.

What is that called, when you just love one person, one guy, uni-gay, monogamously homosexual or just in love? As much as he couldn’t imagine being with a woman, he couldn’t imagine being with a man, other than Eddie. He didn’t want anyone else, if he couldn’t have Eddie.

Yet, only a gay man would feel the way he felt about Eddie. He’d do anything for his friend. He spent his days with thoughts of kissing him, touching him, and making love with him, so much that it hurt. Yeah, definitely, without doubt, there was no more hiding the fact that he was gay, especially when it came to thinking about Eddie.

There was no more hiding the fact that he wanted more from Eddie than just being his best friend. He wanted romance. He wanted fireworks. He wanted love.

They were both the same height, 5’9″, coincidentally, the same height as Diane Sawyer, tall for a woman but short for a man. Eddie was thinner, where Gary was huskier. Eddie had the hair and the hair color, Robert Redford streaky, lush blonde, that Gary wished he had. His hair color was another reason why he reminded him of Diane Sawyer. Gary’s hair was just chestnut brown and he had a receding hairline. He knew he’d be bald one day, just like his grandfather. Someone like Eddie would never be bald. He’d always have thick, lush, beautiful hair.

Gary had invited Eddie to his apartment on the pretense of hanging out, while thinking what to do later. There was nothing special about inviting Eddie to his apartment. He had been there a million times before, as Gary had been in Eddie’s apartment a million times before. Only, this time, he was hoping that they could celebrate National Nude Day, as a gay couple, instead of as just best, straight friends. It was then that he wondered why they never suggested living together. Maybe Eddie knew Gary was gay, which is why he never suggested moving in together.

“What can I get you? I have coffee, beer, soda, or water,” said Gary looking at his friend longer than he would have dared look at him before.

Every time he looked at him, he felt a softness in the pit of his stomach and a hunger that made him want to run to him and touch him, hold him, hug him, and kiss him.

“Actually, I could use a cup of coffee. I can’t wake up today for some reason,” said Eddie stretching, while yawning.

Gary took the opportunity to stare at the bulge in Eddie’s pants, while Eddie had his eyes closed in a loud yawn. He’s seen his cock before, of course, at the gym and when they’ve had too much to drink and had no place else to pee but behind a tree. Yet, now that he’s allowed his true feelings to emerge from deep inside of him, he couldn’t wait to see his cock again.

It would be different seeing his cock, this time. It would be sexual now. And when he did finally see it, if he did see it, after all he was about to confess to his friend, it would be exciting this time.

“Yeah, maybe I’ll have a cup, too. I could use some caffeine, right about now,” said Gary, yawning, too, from watching Eddie yawn. “I have cookies. They may be a bit stale, but you can dunk them.”

“Cookies are good,” said Eddie picking up a recent Sports Illustrated magazine with Tiger on the cover. “I can’t imagine the women this guy has had. Those dozen or so women, who came forward, are only the tip of the iceberg, no doubt. If he’s best friends with those two horn balls, Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley, know you by your friends, then he’s been doing this for years.”

Know you by your friend. Gary couldn’t help but wonder, hope really, if Eddie was gay, too. Wow, wouldn’t that be perfect? What if, as he had been, Eddie was just too afraid to step out of the closet? What if he was just too afraid to admit it for fear of all the ramifications he’d have to put up with from friends and family? That would explain why he was still pining over Stephanie, using her as an excuse, a decoy and a cover, for not dating other women, in the way that Ashton Kutcher, no doubt, uses Demi Moore to hide the fact that he’s gay, no doubt.

Immediately, Gary took it a step further. What if, once he confessed his feelings for him, they lived happily ever after? He wouldn’t mind living in San Francisco, if that’s what it took to get away from their judgmental friends and family, who couldn’t possibly understand how they felt about one another. They’d be accepted there for who they were, two men who loved one another. Only, he was getting way ahead of himself.

In hindsight, deep down, he knew Eddie wasn’t gay. Eddie never looked at him in the way that he looked at Eddie now. He was always touching Eddie, touching his shoulder, his back, his arm, and his leg, not conspicuously, but enough for him to get a feel of his hard body. Now that he thought of it, Eddie never moved away from his touch and in the way that guys do, and he never called him gay for touching him. He wondered if he liked being touched by him, as much as he loved touching him.

Conversely, Eddie was a typical straight guy. Other than to slap someone on the butt, when playing touch football, he never touched another guy in an inappropriate way. He seldom touched Gary. Only, Eddie did hug him, when Gary’s Mom died and whenever he saw him after that, he always threw an arm around his shoulder, as would a big brother do to his little brother. Gary loved it when Eddie showed him that kind of special affection and attention, something that he never showed anyone else.

Gary made the coffee and arranged the cookies on a doily on a plate. Definitely doilies were gay and the fact that he had an entire collection of doilies in different colors and styles for each of the holidays, made him gay. Suddenly, he felt like Felix in the Odd Couple or, more appropriately, Will in Will and Grace. Then, he grabbed the tray from the pantry and put the two cups of coffee and cookies on that. Most guys would make two trips or allow their friend to serve himself. Yet, there he was acting too much like the hostess and housewife that he wanted to be to Eddie.

It occurred to him, that just the fact that he had doilies and a tray, a Japanese tray, at that, that he bought as a souvenir, along with a kimono, when he was in Japan, was more than a bit gay. He told himself he bought the kimono because it was his favorite color, green, and because it was beautiful. He figured he could display it on a wall, as a wall hanging, as he would a tapestry. Pretending he was a Geisha, he never told anyone that he enjoyed wearing the kimono around his apartment, when there was no one there to see.

The reason why he had invited Eddie here was to tell him who he was, a gay man, and to confess how he felt about him; he loved him. Suddenly, it was now or never. What the Hell it was Nude Day and on that pretense, in a bizarre and risky move, Gary removed all his clothes in the kitchen. Naked and a bit cold, he took a breath.

He couldn’t believe he was finally doing this. It took all the self-control he had not to get dressed again. This was it. This was the moment that he’d remember or regret for the rest of his life. He walked in the living room naked, while carrying the tray of coffees and cookies. Call it a sign, a signal, or the elephant in the room and the obvious proof of his sexual orientation, but it was more than telling that he had an erection.

Eddie looked at Gary’s cock before looking at him. With Eddie seated on the couch, Gary’s cock was at eye level and Eddie looked down at Gary’s cock again, before looking back up at his friend. So nervous and so excited that he was unable to breathe, Gary put down the tray on the coffee table in front of his friend, while waiting for Eddie to say something to lighten the moment.

“Gary? What the Hell are you doing? Are you nuts? Why are you naked? What are you gay?”

Eddie let out a nervous laugh. He looked at Gary’s cock again, before looking up and making eye contact with his friend.

Not expecting this reaction, an angry reaction, he figured Eddie would be angry being pulled out of the closet, a place he felt comfortable and was more than reluctant to leave. It was ironic that Eddie asked him, rhetorically, if he was gay. If only he knew he was gay, thought Gary, gay Gary.

They always called one another gay, whenever they did something feminine. Definitely, coming out in the living room naked was a gay thing to do. No straight guy would ever do that. Definitely serving coffee on a tray he bought in Japan, along with doilies was gay. He’d save the kimono for later.

“It’s Nude Day and I wanted to celebrate,” said Gary raising his arms, arching his back, and twirling around like a prima ballerina to show all of his naked body to his friend. It was stupid, but he hoped that the sight of his naked body would not only excite him and entice him but also force Eddie out of the closet.

“Nude Day? Shit, I forgot. He looked at his watch. Fuck! We missed it.”

“Missed what?”

“Every Nude Day the students at the college do a nude run around the quad, before running around the track. There’s always a hot chick or two bouncing her big tits.”

Gary noted that Edward looked twice more at his cock. He didn’t stare; he just looked, before looking away. Did he like his cock or was he shocked or disgusted by Gary’s nudity? Was he aroused by seeing him naked? Getting naked was the precipice of him taking the first step out of the closet and who better to confess that he was gay, other than to his best friend. The tricky part would be telling him that he was in love with him.

Yet, when he thought about it, Eddie must know he’s gay. How could he not know? He was able to hide it from friends and family, but he suspected they all knew and he suspected they all talked about him behind his back.

He didn’t have a steady woman. Other than his mother and his sisters, he never had a special woman in his life. He always had a funny feeling that he wasn’t fooling anyone, not even fooling himself, certainly he wasn’t fooling his best friend, especially his best friend.

Gary grabbed a small towel and put it on the couch before sitting down.

“There’s something that I need to tell you, Eddie,” said Gary folding his hands in his lap, while sitting bolt upright, as if sitting on a pew in church and about to challenge the faith of someone by telling them that God doesn’t exist.

“What?” Eddie mindlessly dunked his cookie. “You’re right about these cookies, they are stale, but they’re good after dunking them.”

I’m gay.”


Eddie choked and spit out some coffee that he quickly wiped up with his napkin.

“Gay. I’m gay. I’m a gay man, Edward.”

“You are not. And since when do you call me Edward? Don’t call me that. I hate that name,” said Eddie looking over at his friend sitting there so stiff and proper. “Actually, you’re gay that you’re sitting there naked. That’s gay,” said Eddie with a laugh and looking at his friend and stealing another peek at his cock, “but you’re not really gay. You just think you are. You’re just horny is all. You need to get laid. We both need to get laid. Although, now that I think of it, you may be gay, after serving me cookies on these gay looking doilies. Even my mother doesn’t have doilies.”

“No, I am. I’m gay,” said Gary, suddenly feeling more confidently and comfortably determined, now that he’s already admitted his sexual preference and now that he was sitting there totally exposed, figuratively and literally. “And that’s not all.”

“Gees, you mean there’s more? You didn’t buy that Mustang Cobra we saw, did you? I’ll kill you if you did. I really wanted that car and I’m still thinking about how I could get it.”

Gary thought, if they were together, if they were a couple, they could afford to buy the car together. Yet, forgetting about the car, there was more pressing issues to discuss.

“I’m in love with you.”

“I love you, too, Gary,” said Eddie looking over at his friend and patting his naked knee, “but not in sexual way,” he said with a nervous laugh.

“I don’t believe you,” said Gary sitting even more upright and, with his chin raised as much as his determination to know the truth about Eddie’s sexual orientation. He remained steadfast to find out if Eddie was straight or gay and, more importantly, if Eddie loved him, too.

“What do you mean, you don’t believe me? You don’t believe that I love you or that I’m not gay?”

“I believe you love me, but I think you may be gay, too,” said Gary.

“Trust me, Gary, I’d know if I was gay,” said Eddie talking with his mouth full of cookie, while pointing a stiff and unyielding finger at his friend.

“Show me, then.”

“Show you what?” Eddie laughed at his friend, before looking away to take a sip of his coffee. “How can I show you that I’m not gay? Tell you what, get Stephanie to come over here and I’ll show you how gay I’m not. I love that woman. I’d bang her right now, if I could.”

“See? That’s what I mean. You’ve been pining over Stephanie for ten years and because of the excuse of her, you haven’t dated anyone else. Other than models you can’t have and celebrities you’ll never meet, you never talk about women, real women, and available women. I think you use Stephanie as a mask and as a way to show everyone that you like women, when you prefer men, namely me.”

“I dated plenty of women and I talk about a lot of women that aren’t models and celebrities all the time,” he said looking at his friend and studying him, before continuing. “Just because I don’t tell you everything, Gary–”

“Get naked,” said Gary staring down at the bulge in Eddie’s jeans.

“What? Get naked? You’re crazy. I’m not going to take my clothes off in front of you, Gary. Now, that’s gay,” said Eddie laughing but looking at Gary’s cock again. “Just because you’re acting gay sitting there naked, just because you have gay doilies,” said Eddie picking up a doily and waving it in Gary’s face, “doesn’t mean that I have to act gay, too, by getting naked. Besides how will me getting naked prove that I’m gay or not gay?”

“We’ll let your cock be the lie detector as proof, if you have feelings for me or not.”

“No. I’m not getting naked, Gary, so just get that off your mind. That would be just too weird.”

“Why not?”

“Because it would be really gay for two straight guys to be sitting in your living room naked.”

“I just told you I’m not straight. I’m gay,” said Gary looking at his friend and punching him softly in the shoulder. “C’mon, Eddie, it’s Nude Day, National Nude Day. I’m naked. Celebrate the nude holiday with me.”

“You’re not gay, Gary, you’re just weird,” said Eddie looking down at Gary’s cock, again.

“Not weird, just gay. See, I already have an erection thinking about you getting naked,” said Gary looking down at his cock, while holding his stiff cock out for his friend to see.”

Eddie looked at it, stared at it, actually, before looking away. He looked up at and made eye contact with his friend, before staring back down at Gary’s cock.

“I never knew you were circumcised.”

“You didn’t?” Gary held out his cock, again. “Aren’t you?”

“No,” said Eddie.

“Let me see.”

“No, I’m not going to show you my cock, Gary. That’s perverted.”

“It’s not perverted, if you’re gay, Eddie.”

“I told you that I’m not gay, Gary.”

“Prove it, then.”

“Okay,” said Eddie standing, but if you tell anyone that I took my clothes off and that we were in the same room naked that wasn’t a gym and didn’t have a shower stall, I’ll never speak to you again.”

“Deal,” said Gary, watching Eddie’s striptease show, while humming the music to the stripper’s song.

Sure enough, when Eddie removed his underwear, he had an erection, a major boner, and a real stiffy.

“Fuck,” said Eddie looking down at his cock.

“See? I told you that you were gay.”

“I’m not fucking gay, Gary. Okay? Knock it off with the gay shit. Having an erection doesn’t prove I’m gay. If anyone is gay in this room, it’s you and not me,” he said looking down at his cock and slapping it in his feigned effort to eradicate his erection. “I’m just horny is all. It’s been a while since I had sex.”

“How long?”

“I don’t know. It’s been a while. Okay?”

“Then, why do you have an erection,” said Gary. “You wouldn’t have an erection, if you were just horny. You’d definitely have an erection, if you were gay.”

“Yes, I would have an erection, just from being horny,” said Eddie, suddenly on the defense. “I get erections all the time, especially if I see a naked broad.”

“Or a naked man?”

“Fuck you, Gary. My having an erection has nothing whatsoever in seeing you naked and doesn’t prove that I’m gay.”

“I’ll prove it to you,” said Gary reaching his hand over and grabbing hold of Eddie’s cock.

“Hey, let go of my cock. Now, that’s really gay, Gary, you grabbing my cock like that. What the Hell has gotten into you?”

“I told you. I’m gay.”

Gary took Eddie’s hand and tried putting it on his cock, but Eddie pulled his hand away, before he could.

“Gees, Gary, don’t do that,” said Eddie stepping away from his friend. “You’re freaking me out. That’s just too gross.”

“The fact that I gave you an erection is conclusive proof that you’re a gay man, Eddie.”

“All it proves is that I’m horny,” said Eddie taking a towel from the laundry basket that was always in the dining room, much like a knickknack.

Gary was always doing laundry and cleaning up after himself. Except for the ever present laundry basket, the apartment was spotless. Eddie arranged the towel on the couch, before sitting next to his friend.

Gary looked at his friend surprised that he didn’t get dressed. Why didn’t he get dressed, he wondered? Why did he choose to stay naked? Maybe he was just as turned on as was Gary.

“Horny or gay,” said Gary. “I can prove you are one or the other.”

“How are you going to prove if I’m horny or gay, Gary, when I–” said Eddie, while watching his friend reaching over and taking hold of his cock, again. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to prove, conclusively, for once and for all, that you are as gay as I am,” said Gary embolden by his friend not getting dressed, staying naked, and not swatting his hand away. “I’m going to prove that you’ve been hiding in the closet, just like me, all this time. I’m going to prove that you love me and want me, as much as I love and want you.”

“Gary, I love you as a friend,” said Eddie, while watching Gary finger the head of his cock, before slowly stroke him. “Fuck, that feels good, really good, Gary. I’m so horny, but should we be doing this? This is so wrong,” said Eddie staring down at his cock, while watching his friend stroking him.

“Chalk it up to our personal and private Nude Day celebration. No one needs to know what we do behind closed doors,” said Gary, before leaning over Eddie’s lap to take his friend’s cock in his mouth.

“Jesus Christ, Gary. What the fuck? I can’t believe you’re fucking blowing me. Oh, my God,” said Eddie looking down at his friend. “That feels so fucking good.” He reached a hand around and ran his fingers through Gary’s hair. “Suck it, Gary. Suck my cock.”

“See? I knew you were gay and I knew you’d love me giving you a blowjob,” said Gary removing Eddie’s cock from his mouth long enough to speak. Gary moved back the coffee table and fell between Eddie’s open legs. “I love sucking your cock, Eddie.”

“Gary, fuck, no, stop. Okay, this has gone far enough. This is wrong. This is so wrong. Gary, please. I’m not gay,” said Eddie feebly resisting.

“You are gay, Eddie. You’re cock is so hard that it’s pulsating in my mouth,” he said removing Eddie’s cock from his mouth to speak again, while stroking him, before filling his mouth again with Eddie’s stiff prick. “Cum in my mouth, Eddie. I want to taste you.”

Gary wrapped his tongue around Eddie’s cock, before flicking at the head of his big prick, while stroking him faster. He was really sucking his cock now. Moving his head up and down, he was making all those cock sucking sounds that guys love to hear, when they are getting a blowjob to prove to them that the person giving them a blowjob is just as excited as they are receiving a blowjob.

“I’ve had blowjobs before, but never like this, Gary, never like this. No one has every blown me like this. Your mouth and your tongue feels so good,” she Eddie, suddenly humping and fucking his friend’s mouth with his hips. “Don’t stop. I’m going to cum,” he said putting a hand behind Gary’s head. “Oh, my God! Blow me Gary. Fuck Gary, fuck!”

Eddie shot gobs of cum in Gary’s mouth and he swallowed every drop of his best friend. He stayed between Eddie’s legs, while licking, kissing, and fondling Eddie’s cock. Then, he sat on the couch next to his friend, while wiping off the cum that dripped on his lips and chin with a tissue. The two men sat on the couch without saying anything.

“I told you that you were gay,” said Gary finally, while looking over at his friend and taking his cock in his hand, again.

“That’s just proves I was horny, Gary,” said Eddie shooting an embarrassed look at his friend. “Damn, that was one Hell of a blowjob, though. That’s the blowjob that I always imagined Stephanie giving me, if I was ever with her.”

“Fuck you, Eddie. Stephanie my ass. You’re such an asshole,” said Gary letting go of Eddie’s cock. “Even after I sucked your cock, you’re still hiding in the closet and you’re still going on about Stephanie, a woman who you’ll never ever have. She doesn’t even know you exist.”

Gary grabbed Eddie’s hand by the wrist and put in on his cock. When Eddie immediately pulled his hand away, Gary grabbed his hand again and filled his friend’s hand with his stiff prick, while leaving his hand on top of Eddie’s hand to keep it there.

Eddie left it there, holding Gary’s cock without moving and without talking. Then, he touched the tip of his cock with his fingertips. Toying with Gary’s cock, while looking at his best friend, he slowly and intermittently stroked him, while looking down at Gary’s stiff prick. Gary leaned over and kissed Eddie’s lips and when he tried sticking his tongue in Eddie’s mouth, Eddie pulled away. Gary grabbed Eddie’s chin more forcefully and the two men kissed, French kissed, while Eddie stroked Gary’s cock.

“I feel like I’m giving myself a hand job,” said Eddie looking down at Gary’s stiff prick in his hand, as he slowly stroked him. “It feels so weird.”

“Blow me,” whispered Gary in Eddie’s ear, before filling Eddie’s ear with his warm, wet tongue.

“No. Fuck you. I’m not going to blow you.”

“Blow me, Eddie. I blew you.”

“I’m not going to blow you, Gary, just because you blew me.”

“Suck my cock, Eddie, just the one time to see if you’re gay or not, just as an experiment. Okay?”

“Gary, I don’t know. I never had a cock in my mouth before.”

“I didn’t either, until I had your cock in my mouth,” said Gary. “C’mon, blow me. I want to feel what it’s like to get a blowjob from you.”

Eddie slouched down, but was reluctant to take Gary’s cock in his mouth. He played with Gary’s cock, while staring at it. Gary put a gentle hand to the back of Eddie’s head and lightly pushed down on it.

“Don’t do that. I’m not ready,” he said looking up at his friend. “Now I know how a woman feels,” he said laughing.

Then, he did it. He lowered his head down to his lap and took Gary’s cock in his mouth and started blowing his friend. He was sucking Gary’s cock, while stroking him. He was blowing his best friend.

It didn’t take Gary long to explode his lust in Eddie’s mouth and Eddie swallowed all that his friend gave. They stayed like that, naked, while kissing, hugging, and fondling one another. After all these years, it took Nude Day for Gary and Eddie to emerge from the closet and profess their love for one another.

With the money they saved having only the one apartment, instead of two, they bought the Mustang Shelby Cobra, when Eddie moved in with Gary. They lived happily ever after as not only best friends forever but also as lovers. Yet, it’s Nude Day that they celebrate as not only their anniversary of stepping out of the closet but also as adding lovers to their best friend status.

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