Vortex Quest Bk. 06 Ch. 11

A gay story: Vortex Quest Bk. 06 Ch. 11 == VORTEX QUEST 6-11 ==


The dead volcano was of the classic, “steep mountain with a hole down the middle” variety. The fertile land around it was mostly autumnal-colored forest, coral-like undergrowth creeping up the mountainside.

A few hamlets at the rim hoped to take advantage of temporal fluctuations and speed up food growth without getting torn apart by temporal tides. Risky business.

The Sneak Attack sank into the volcano from above, cloaked in a vision of perfect reflection. Nothing gave away her presence.

Which was also a problem.

Xane was at the helm, carefully executing Chay’s orders as the leader leaned forward between the bow arches and stared down.

The Ghoul had layered the volcano shaft with strips of time fuckery only Chrono-Sight could reveal. Lowering the ship was like threading it between massive spider webs, except touching the webs would rapidly age the ship’s planks by a century or toss it back into the past and also the webs were invisible. And of course the ship was nearly invisible, too.

“Starboard, six Bnr’ess,” Chay said and waved that way. “Thirty degrees right, then tip her gently forward.”

Xane let the levers crunch into their positions.

Marcus came in from behind. “Lots of juice left in the vision gem, but the generator is running out.”

“Almost through,” Chay said. “Get ready.”

Marcus pissed without so much as turning aside. Xane pissed, too, careful to redirect the splattering from the console.

Goro entered, Diego riding him as a backpack.

The pantheon was naked. Anything on their person made it harder to anchor in the present, so they made due with their cock cages.

“Okay,” Xane said. “On course. Any last hints?”

Chay put the psychometric-lens over his left eye. “It’s down there. It won’t *have been* there once the fight starts. Time Ghouls have about a minute in reserve when at rest, so the fight’ll start a minute *before* we attack. Less if we’re lucky. We need to hit hard enough to make it waste the full minute.”

“Time is such bullshit,” Marcus mumbled.

“After that,” Chay said, “we’re down to the two-ish second skips we prepared for. Plus whatever the Ghoul has set up. Doesn’t *look* like there’s strands at the bottom of this hole but stay aware. Don’t stand on those bone piles.”

Goro glanced down into the shaft where silver sparkled at the walls. “Where are the demigods we’re doing this time-prison-break for?”

Chay didn’t point at anything. “These shiny orbs are something like spider cocoons. They’re in one of them, trapped in time. We’ll have to break open a bunch, I guess. Maybe I can figure it out from up close.”

Diego hopped off Goro’s back. “We’re ready.”

“Okay,” Chay said. “Xee, turn our baby around.”


Shapeless like the flow of time, barely solid enough to be a living creature. The amorphous quadrupedal beast slumbered, a shimmer in the air the size of a mansion, resting on black ground. A gentle aurora running along the volcano shaft provided illumination, occasionally setting off a glint in the temporal fabric of the cocoons stashed along the walls.

The Ghoul’s sense were turned inward in peaceful dormancy.

Then an object nearly as big as itself crashed right into it. A sharp tip of wood and iron, full weight bearing down. The Ghoul was torn apart, time-energy and guts splattering as its immaterial bones were ground to paste under the weight of the assault.

Tension uncoiled. The Ghoul spent its Large Leap for a minute past-ward and rushed aside. There wasn’t anything coming its senses could detect. Concerning.

Eventually, the timeline caught up and the assaulting projectile hit empty rock as it appeared from nowhere mid-crash, the Ghoul safely out of the way.

It had been one of the flying vessels the Linears used — that much the Ghoul’s intellect recognized. The cover of gray smoke hanging in the air and expanding was a stranger phenomenon. A cloud this far down?

A blinding beam. Again the Ghoul was ripped through. A leap. The beam came from the smoke. And it followed to the new position. Another Leap, now a mere half second. The Ghoul barely avoided getting sliced.

It ran as it kept leaping, zig-zagging through time and space, faster than the beam could reacquire. The beam died. Bipedal Linears dropped from the smoke.

The Ghoul roared into the continuum, summoning its defenses.


Goro waited for instructions.

Pumped up and ready to come down on wherever Chay pointed, he strained his Chrono-Sight to catch the Ghoul’s maneuvers in the wake of the Doom Pipe’s beam.

Chay’s fog grew tendrils, refracting and breaking where they met ethereal Ghoul skin. “Can *not* puppet it.”

Goro flexed his muscles and catapulted himself into battle. He rained onto the barely visible beast.

A sense of movement in all directions hit him. He steeled his chronopsychic focal-juncture, like the serpentine bird lady had taught them. Like burying his heels in sand, but the sand was the present and his heels were… also the present. They had never found a great metaphor.

His hit landed… on air.

The Ghoul had ‘teleported’ away by side stepping two seconds earlier. Another jump, another escape. Goro kept the creature occupied, waiting for orders that still didn’t come.

“It’s summoning,” Chay shouted.

“Where?” Xane asked.


The ground was littered with bleached bones. Shimmer surrounded them as they rose and flesh grew on them.

Chimeras big and small rose, resurrected by being dragged back to a time before their death.

Goro switched track and attacked the abominations instead. Slime-filled heads exploded, guts gushed, bones cracked. It didn’t matter. The damage was undone within seconds.

Marcus appeared beside him, burning chops eviscerating a few monster faces. “Keep going,” the animus-fighter said and arched his spine as he flew over a reptilian skull he had just ripped apart.

“They heal,” Goro said.

“No, they get rewound. There’s only so much time stored up in them. Chay said.”

Goro sent his bodyweight into a red-furred Godzilla. “Did he say *how much* time?”

Marcus managed to shrug while digging his hands into the eye sockets of two separate porcupine-chimpanzees, eye balls popping with steam.

The Doom Pipe fired in the background, washing out the area with blinding light. Goro’s eyes healed in microseconds. A path had been carved through the resurrected menagerie but the damage rewound within moments.

“Goro,” Chay’s voice said. A nearby monster that was just a ball of tentacles attacked another chimera — puppeteered.

The leader dropped beside the berserker, riding in a ward-bowl. Diego held him stable by the waist.

“Leave the small fry to us,” Chay commanded. “Corner the Ghoul. Drive it into a position where rewinding two seconds won’t move it out of the beam-fucked area.”

Goro looked up at the nebulous gray blob. With each second, a purple thaum-bolt zoomed from a different place and ripped chaos into a monster.

“Where’s Xee?”

“Hiding in my fog. He should have a shot from anywhere. Don’t worry.”

Goro grunted a goodbye and aimed for the spot where the Ghoul stood, as evidenced by a house-sized flicker in the air and the crunching chimera-meat underneath its four shapeless legs.

Hitting it wasn’t on the table, but he could prance around in a semi-circle, force it back, step by step, toward the closest corner.

He calmed his breath and heart-beat, entering a focus state like the mark of the warrior had “taught” him. Eyes on the Ghoul, legs ready to snap him into either direction with superhuman speed, Chrono-Sight to follow the creature’s motions, present-anchoring to evade the waves of weaponized seconds.

The plan failed – Goro got jerked through time.

If it hadn’t been for the training with both snake cunts, he wouldn’t even have noticed. He simply got reset two seconds, his anchoring overturned by colossal time-force. But he could tell the Ghoul was strategically shoving him into the past to create openings for it to escape.

He was always significantly too late to land a hit, the Ghoul always ahead on maneuvers, even while evading Xane’s assaults and navigating Diego’s fields. Bolts landed on barren rock, wards wrapped around air.

A foot touched down on Goro’s head. With a twirl, a demigod landed before him.

“Trade me,” Marcus said. “Bosses orders.”

Goro gave a grunted acknowledgement and flew backward to ram his back into whatever random fox-frog-mantis chimera was closest.

Chay was holding his own. Invisible when he wanted to be, he left the immortal beasts to swipe aimlessly while he landed divinely empowered kicks where they hurt the most. The tentacle puppet from earlier followed him like a trained pet and kept his rear safe.

“Good work,” Goro said, earning a wide grin.

“Means a lot,” Chay said, causing a weird hot glowing sensations in Goro’s chest.

Diego beside him let his Tinder Whip snap at a bipedal bear-snail, ripping smoldering zigzags into its fur. “Not causing much damage, though, so not eating up much rewind.” He created a ward shield and pushed the abomination back. “Mostly keeping them busy.”

“On it,” Goro said.

One mania-warrior fist blow broke the neck of a hammerhead-shark looking freak. It dropped dramatically and took two beasts down with it. Using the force of his swing, Goro tossed himself into the bear-snail and made it fall backward, its shell cracking. Just as it rewound, he stepped on it, again and again.

“You think,” Goro said between stomps, “Marcus’ll have more luck?”

“Yeah,” Chay said. “I figured out ‘time slipping’ when I watched you. The Ghoul is too strong to stay present-anchored but you can ‘ride’ the time wave’s echo to get those two seconds forward again.”

Goro kept the bear-snail’s head constantly crushed between his thighs, breaking the skull over and over with light flexing. “Uh… not to sound like a meathead but… can you break that down for me?”

The others leapt over a mini-hydra. Chay brought his fists down, Diego’s whip tied three necks together and let the serpent flesh smolder.

“Buddy,” Chay said, breathing hard and grinning, “you always sound like a meathead. But yeah, look at what our Marky-boy is doing.”


Being a beautiful, naked freestyle-dervish with limbs aflame never got old.

Marcus flew and glided and hopped and lashed out with his white-burning blows. The total lack of clothing made his balls and aegis tug lightly with every flip and spin but he was in his element, drawing spirals of white after his hands like comets, stretching his reach to fence the Ghoul in.

Naturally, the time fucker jittered across the battlefield in two second intervals.

Both Marcus and the Ghoul were on the defensive. The monster tried to stop him so the demigod had to leave enough space to evade within a two second window. Meanwhile the animus-fighter was trying to box the creature into a corner even as he kept distance.

Marcus was winning.

Hit over and over by a shift two seconds into the past, he did as Chay had hastily taught him. Let the wave wash over you, shoving you through time, then grip the echo with your focal-junction as it washes backwards aaaand swing around.

Disorienting as balls but getting tossed through time was really just a random teleport and his animus-powered senses adapted well.

The Ghoul roared in an impossible way — the beginning and ending cut off, lost in rewind.

It rushed at a wall, away from Marcus. Resurrecting chimeras crumbled back to aged bones. Was this victory?

“Fuck yeah,” Marcus shouted, tossing his fire-fists forward just to make a point. “Don’t mess with me you bitch cun-”

The Doom Pipe’s beam ripped into the warm air with the light of ten suns.

Backflipping to greater distance, meeting up with Chay again, Marcus let his eyes recover.

Cocoons were bursting along the wall, something amorphous and nearly invisible spilling out along with organic debris.

“We did it,” Diego said. “Everything’s exploding.”

“No,” Chay said, sounding disappointed and horrified. He had one eye closed, looking only with the psychometric lens. “It’s ripping the bags open on purpose. There’s something stored inside. Nothing living. Time? Shit, it stored time. Get anchored.”

Marcus dug his feet into the ground in horse stance as if bracing for a physical wave and focused. A cacophony of ether-temporal subharmonics washed over him, threatening to send different bits of him into different centuries.

It was beyond anything Gloomwhisp had ever thrown at them.

But the pantheon held.

“Was that it?” Goro asked. “Is it done?”

“That wasn’t an attack,” Chay said. “It recharged. Watch out!”

Lava. Or at least something sufficiently bright, liquid and heated to turn even a divinely powerful man into smoke. The Ghoul was summoning blobs from nothing.

“Superheated ectoplasm,” Chay said. “From when the volcano was still active a thousand years ago. Evade. I need to check on Xane.”

It hadn’t even occurred to Marcus that the wizard hadn’t known to brace himself. But Chay was already getting tossed into his clouds by Goro’s hand and lava blobs were incoming.

A ward appeared around them. The first lava ball impacted, big as a fridge. The ward shattered and was instantly replaced by a new one inches behind it that caught the splatter.

More blobs rained from the ceiling, appearing out of nowhere from a millennium in the past.

“Get to cover,” Diego shouted and started hopping across bone piles. He kept his force fields angled and rounded so the splashes weren’t fully impacting, instead redirected.

Marcus tried to swipe a claw of whitefire at the rain. It was too liquid at this temperature, like slicing through water. Better than nothing.

The trio of Marcus, Diego and Goro closed in on the wreckage of the Sneak Attack, when the Ghoul appeared right in front of them. Rather, it had altered the past to have been there since two seconds ago but who had time for semantics?

Goro didn’t lose speed. He flew at the transparent shape’s middle — the closest things it had to a face — and brought a fist forward. The Ghoul reeled back from the impact and vanished.

“What happened?” Diego asked.

Marcus knew what he meant. The ‘vanishing’ had lacked the little outward echo that Chay had used to figure out time slipping. This time it had just popped out of existence.

Then I came rushing from behind. Marcus jumped up and rushed down on it like a fiery drill while the berserker rammed into it from below. Again, it vanished without a temporal trace.

“Shit, this is bad,” Marcus said and hurried back under Diego’s ward. The lava rain was beginning to leave puddles. They made it to the crash site where bent iron arches offered minor protection.

“What’s happening?” Diego asked. “Is it… learning?”

“It has friends,” Goro shouted.

A Ghoul rushed in from the left, another from the right. Diego shifted his ward to catch the brunt of the right one, Goro flew at the left and-

A bird-sized butterfly in gold and red dashed from the lava-rain perforated clouds.

Xane was okay. Marcus briefly had to hold back a breakdown. Destiny deserved a long and enthusiastic cocksucking for that favor.

“The Ghouls are echoes,” the butterfly broadcasted in Xane’s voice. “From past and future. They might stand out in the lens. Hold on while boss works something out.”

Just as the fake-Ghouls popped on Goro-impact, the butterfly slapped the lens onto Marcus’ face, tinting his world red as the rim spikes painlessly dug into his skin.

The outlines of living beings crowded his view. Ghoul after Ghoul paraded the perimeter of the wreckage.

“Diego,” Marcus said. “Get me up.”

The lean, tan, naked man nodded and formed his ward into a bubble just large enough to fit two men.

The Filipino and the South American crammed inside.

Diego got it a few feet off the ground. Goro gave it a kick from below and the duo was sent nearly to the fog cloud’s level.

Lava rain pummeled the ward, creating heated, red glowing regions along it.

Marcus strained to see any anomalies. Some Ghouls intersected, he discarded those. Which left about a dozen to examine.

They went down, crushing the Ghoul that had closed in on Goro in the wreck, popping it. The bubble squashed and bounced back, ninety percent as high as before.

“How do you time slip?” Diego asked. “Sorry, do you need to focus?”

“I don’t know,” Marcus said. “This is a Hail Mary anyway. Uh, I time slip by… When the Ghoul hit, it’s like a riptide in the ocean, you know? Impossible to fight. But the… normal tide exists in the same *physical* space, unlike the ocean, so you just need to swing your juncture’s focus around in time… and grab at where the other tide is in space… while you’re in the space where the time is… Fuck, this is pointless.”

“Sorry,” Diego said, aiming the descending bubble at the top of the wreck which was now very much on fire.

“No no,” Marcus said. “Looking for the real Ghoul is what’s pointless. This shit would give Einstein a headache, okay? You’re brilliant. I suck.”

Diego expanded the bubble into a shield above them and pulled Marcus in by the neck.

They collided into a kiss in the flickering of superheated plasma tapping on their ward and bouncing on flaming wood around them.

It was a tender kiss, almost chaste. Marcus wasn’t used to being handled delicately. He was struck by the all-consuming urge to ravage Diego with the force of a thousand orgasms all day long — but he had practice pushing through those feelings for a battle.

They jumped off the wreck as Diego’s ward shattered under the assaulting heat.

Goro was riding a Ghoul, squeezing its body between his pumped-up thighs as he brought his fists down. The creature popped as the duo landed.

The clouds above had consolidated. Now red rays were shining from the center, roaming the bottom of the volcano like searchlights.

They *were* searchlights. Some kind of thaum-trick Chay had figured out, that passed through Ghouls without refraction — except for one.

“The real time cunt,” Marcus said. “All the way by that cocoon drop.”

The Doom Pipe fired. Bone piles and rocks got scorched as Xane’s aim tracked the creature, duplicates popping in the beam’s wake. But it was futile. The real Ghoul skipped through time too fast.

And its shapeless limbs shredded yet more cocoons. Creatures frozen in time tumbled out, Kobolds frozen mid-scream, wounded chimeras frozen in a fight, motionless Hellions, all coated by something gooey that kept them in stasis.

The emerging stored time was going to help the Ghoul stay in the fight. But worse, it was pulling the cocoons apart, weaving and stretching strands of shiny silver.

The strands that ripped you through time. Those spider webs were solid enough to *touch* and no amount of present-anchoring was going to suffice.


Looking down from what was left of their cloud platform, the battlefield wasn’t in their favor.

A hail of boiling, glowing blobs from the volcano’s active days, numerous merging and time-leaping duplicate Ghouls, no valid target for the Doom Pipe and now also cocoon wrappings that shunted you into last century.

“Maybe,” Chay shouted at Xane, “maybe it’s time to consider retreat options. Shred the web strands above and make us a path.”

“I’ll try,” Xane said, carried between lava drops by his butterfly wings, the massive gun between his thighs. “A lot to keep an eye on, though.”

“I’m going down,” Chay said and turned his levitation upside down. He broke through the clouds like a smoke asteroid and stopped his fall inches above the ground.

Lava puddles weren’t growing. They tended to slip back into their own time after a while on the ground. Maybe something useful about that.

The Umbralist knew just what spots were in danger of getting hit from the subtle flashes and shadows alone, so he could rush across the bone pits without constantly looking up.

The Ghoul was tossing stretched silvery webs at Marcus like blankets as big as a house.

Chay extended Hole and rushed in. The Ghoul saw him coming and tried to push him two seconds back. Chay rode the wave into the present and continued.

The Doom Pipe fired at the Ghoul who had tossed cocoon matter. Time rippled and Chay anchored himself as he jumped over Marcus. Light and blindness.

The voidblade vanished the Ghoul silk like it was cutting air. Web-halves sailed to the sides of the demigods.

“Woah,” Marcus made. “Feel that?”

Chay did. Time was all around them. He didn’t dare touch the material, since his fingers might get thrown ten years back, but he could sense how much temporal energy was emanating from it.

“Gimmi that,” Chay said and plugged the lens off Marcus’ face. “Get to safety. I think this is too much for us and- shit!”

With the lens on his eyes he could see Goro and Diego hiding in the flaming wreck of the Sneak Attack. It was getting draped in webs. Each plank and bolt was getting ripped apart from temporal tidal forces, letting the webs sink through increasingly less debris.

Chay raced, slicing ahead of him to get through the errant strands now falling from above as Xane cut them away. His low hanging balls flopped around distractingly as Chay’s mighty legs powered his rush.

The fucking Ghoul was still tossing cocoon bits with its front limbs. Chay estimated that Goro and Diego were not in danger for another half minute. So he took a detour, Hole ahead of him.

The Ghoul saw him coming and time-jumped a few yard away. Chay continued to the unharmed cocoon behind it and gave it a needle-poke with the tip of Hole. Time flowed out like steam. Chay pushed away and drifted into the flow.

If he was right, the direction of the slip should be past-ward. And at the intensity of a just half an epitemporal fluxiod meeting with the angle of his intrachronocular spin…

Chay rode the wave five seconds into the past. Good enough.

He landed on the Ghoul his past self was just rushing. Past-Chay blinked from existence as the timeline caught up. But present-Chay was in place.

Hole dug into the creature’s spine and… passed straight through. The Umbralist’s fist impacted on the vaguely furry-smooth being as if there was no blade ahead of it.

The Ghoul leaped away and he dropped. Fuck. It was immune to the void.

He ran for the wreckage with the vague hope to teach Goro how to time slip like that.

Slicing webs away, he kept an eye on his friends. Marcus was doing okay avoiding the floating strands but could do little else. Xane was out of cloud cover, recharging the Doom Pipe between his legs with his balls aglow as they leaked thaum-power into the weapon.

The leader returned to observing the Ghoul. Where was the weakness? It recharged by breaking cocoons and pulling on their stored time. No way to keep it from breaking them or deny access. At least it had stopped making duplicates, since the original had to give itself away by breaking cocoons.

It didn’t have to evade the lava rain since it knew exactly where the drops were going to fall and luring it into the rain was pointless. It didn’t particularly fear fire. Goro would need to get multiple hits in and any attempt to corner it had failed.

The strands were an extra problem and they were starting to layer the floor. Few places were safe to still step on.

Under the blinding blink of another doom beam, Chay freed the demigods in the burning wreck.

Goro was glistening with rivers of sweat, his hair in a bun. “Plan, boss?”

“Diego?” Chay asked. “Do your wards stop the strand effects?”

“No,” the warder said, wiping his face. He was sweat drenched, too. “They pop on touch. I could barely keep the fire out.”

“Fuck,” Chay said, eyes on the Ghoul to see any attack coming. It was still tossing the fucking webs everywhere, meticulously throwing them like blankets for a picnic. “Get to Marcus and… Wait, holy cumshot, I have an idea. Yeah, get to Marcus. And get *me* to Xane.”

Thrown high by Goro, the leader kept hovering at the level of his remaining clouds. “Xee! It can’t touch the webs everywhere.”

“What?” asked the winged gun-rider.

“It can only touch the corners,” Chay yelled. “Like a spider stepping only on the non-sticky parts of the web. The strands aren’t safe to touch for the *Ghoul* either. We can fuck that bitch to eternity and back.”

Xane shot a focused red beam from his finger. “Point me.”

Chay grabbed the wizard’s hand and started pointing at webs.


It was a mad plan but even if Diego hadn’t trusted the guy with the most amazing legs in the group, his choices were to die trying or just die. And he did trust Chay.

Goro, Marcus and Diego each had a pair of hands. Diego’s wards could act as crude grabbers in a pinch, too. The rest was Xane’s mage-hands.

They built a web of webs. A fence too dense for the Ghoul to slip through.

“Slow down,” Chay said as he dropped and added his hands to the work.

Diego’s heart was pounding out of his chest. The temporal energy seeping from the web he held required constant present-anchoring and he was the weakest in the pantheon when it came to that.

Chay seemed to realize that, helping with Diego’s web in particular. And shooting the warder a wink.

Breathing through the familiar and overwhelming urge to fuck Chay to pieces, Diego did his part of the job.

The fence closed off a quarter of the volcano’s bottom, stretched over the heads of the four grounded demigods to catch the lava drops. Mage-hands tugged on the corners wherever the strands threatened to touch the men.

They marched in, a wall of silvery time, too high for a mega-elephant like the Ghoul to jump over physically, tightly closed too many seconds ago to escape temporally.

It retreated to the rock wall and roared, pushing time at them in waves. Diego held. Everybody held. They were cornering the beast.

Blinding light.

One second, two, three, four. The lava rain stopped. Eight seconds of pure deletion until he Doom Pipe was empty.

“We… did it?” Marcus asked.

“Careful about dropping the webs,” Chay reminded.

Something moved. The air seemed to vibrate.

Xane landed, the gun smoking at the tip. “Guys? Something’s weird.”


“It’s exploding,” Chay realized. There was too much to do to waste time explaining. He used the lens to see into the cocoons as they began to unravel and frozen beings came to life.

“What’s exploding?” Xane asked, interrupted by everybody else also asking questions.

Chay used Hole to hack a web into a smaller shape. It started disintegrating by itself. Probably not more than a month’s energy or so left it in. He took the Doom Pipe from Xane’s hands and dropped it into the web-shred where it disappeared into the future.


“Time leaking everywhere,” Chay said. “Had to save the gun or the collector would have tried to fuck us over later. Ghoul’s death burst is probably gonna shove the volcano back to when it was active, at least partially.”

Several demigods started to talk.

“We’re about to burn,” Chay said. “Diego, bubble. Xane, buoyancy.”

The pantheon crammed into a sphere and a tiny hurricane sucked up atmosphere to raise the air pressure inside. All around them, bright, superheated plasma was pouring in from the past like a hundred floodgates had opened.

Time waves were hitting them. Cocoons unraveled and time-sludge evaporated. Victims of the Ghoul unfroze just to fall into the rapidly rising lava.

“Anchor the bubble!” Chay shouted over the general groaning. He was on all fours between Goro’s and Diego’s legs, his hands on the bubble to keep it in the present.

Glowing lava closed above them. The bubble gleamed with excess heat and shook as buoyancy propelled it upward.

It broke the surface like a rocket and dropped back down. Marcus screamed.

Bobbing on the surface, Chay saw how fast they were going up. Maybe they were even going to…

“We’ll hit the surface. It’s an eruption. Keep anchoring this bubble.”

“The heat,” Diego groaned.

“On it,” Xane said and frosty blue pellets zipped from his chest, cooling the most damaged bubble spots.

With a deafening rumble, the volcano burst an ejaculation of bright, creamy plasma toward the miles-high ceiling.

They spun like a mad rollercoaster.

“Holy shiiii-” Xane shouted, thaum-lighting racing from his arms into the bubble walls.

Someone fell on Chay, Chay fell on someone. A tangle of muscular limbs and yelping faces and crushed balls.

“We’re out!” Chay yelled into the chaos. “Drop the ward.”

The demigods broke free and sailed with varying amounts of grace toward the rim of the volcano. Glowing ectoplasma was dripping in a few big syrup-like streams down the steep mountain, at the forests and fields below where a rain of burning web-pieces was ripping trees into past and future. The plasm rivers had cooled off but fires still spread.

The area was being evacuated. Commercial realm liners, freelance Griffnix riders and the Aeobolds of the E’lgaaa Scavenger Corps were as much helping as they were looting.

Five aegises gleamed as a Wretcher Fiend dashed overhead.

Chay let a pink puff waft into each godly crotch to spare them the attention as they dropped into the thickest part of the volcano’s rim, lava bubbling down on either side.

“That,” Marcus started, “was fucking awesome.” He high fived Diego, then aggressively kissed him, making them both fall over, though demigod powers caught them.

Goro and Xane stood with arms crossed and nodded at each other nonchalantly as their glutes quivered with a mage-dick ravaging.

Marcus tossed himself at Chay and licked his nipples while Xane came up behind and started caressing the leader’s neck.

“One second,” Chay said. “Not done yet.”

Cocoons bobbed at the surface of the volcano, spilling over the edges as they disintegrated. Some creatures broke free and flew or swam away, others got pulled down the plasma-fall, others yet were dead on arrival.

The crumbling cocoons let Chay see life force with the psychometric lens. Humanoid shapes.

“That one. Xee, get it out fast.”

A mage-hand dragged a car-sized web blob to the edge where it shredded apart on the rock. Six hunks in nothing but dick cages fell out, slick with temporal sludge.

They began to rise with weak groans, eyes slow to open.

Xane threw sparkles and confetti.

Before Chay could speak, the foreign pantheon vanished in heavenly radiance.

Marcus groaned. “Fuck, I really wanted a bigger orgy with some humans that aren’t half braindead. Where’d they go?”

“Called to the sky fucker instantly,” Chay said. “I guess their ticket home was, uh, overdue. Left souvenirs for our golden buddy, though.”

He pointed at the six aegises in the web rags. A mage-hand collected them into a heap next to Xane.

Chay looked at the abyssal landscape, devastated by the eruption, glowing with bright colors, circled by demons and other creatures.

When he turned back to his friends, Goro was drinking piss from Diego’s pink-fluff-covered dick, while Marcus tried to talk Diego into trying piss-drinking. Xane was squatting, his hole magically pounded.

The leader slapped his thighs for attention. “Guys? Maybe we should leave but my carnal craving is going to set in any minute, so we can have a *small* orgy right now. We’re done with this mission. And, I can’t believe I finally get to say that, but we have nothing else to do. Everything checked off. Vacation mode on.”

A Daemon’s voice rumbled through his body, the sex appeal hitting hard enough to briefly make him think his carnal craving curse had just begun.

“Are you my liberators?”

“Spoke too soon,” Goro mumbled with a smirk.

A nine foot tall, red muscle-demon flapped his wings as he approached, casting off the last scoops of Ghoul sludge. His ribbed double cocks slapped between his massive thighs. He awkwardly fumbled with his right horn which was missing the tip.

“Yeah,” Diego said. “We are. Which tells you we just took down a Ghoul, so don’t try anything.”

Goro pumped up his muscles, his chaotic hair halfway down his back making him look extra savage. Xane’s eyes were shining green, his mohawk aflame. Marcus was distracted drinking Xane’s piss at the same time.

The Daemon raised his hands. “I should thank you. I’m Lord Nma’Lkoth, unless my territory has already been carved up.”

“Buddy,” Chay said. “It’s been, like, at least a hundred Sphere-Arcs. You didn’t even show up in our Ghoul research.”

Nma’Lroth cursed creatively. Then he looked between the five men with pink fluff for crotches, thinking.

“Say mister was-a-lord,” Marcus started. “Can you create signatures but leave them open, and maybe know how to cast the Drowning Destiny curse? Asking for a frien- oof.” Marcus jack-knived as Diego slammed the back of his foot into the animus-fighter’s abs.

Before the confused Daemon could respond, someone else dropped from the sky.

Shadowhand, the Drake and trusty messenger, let the four-armed Helping Bite climb off his back, then raised his tri-horned face.

Pie dashed from her ring and raced around between the demigods, spinning spirals around them like an overly ambitious boa constrictor made from air.

“Hey girl,” cooed multiple men.

“I’m glad to see you’re safe,” Shadowhand said. “You’ve always been useful.”

“Thanks,” Xane said with an eye roll. “Means a lot.”

“I bring news of the Long Shadow. Gallant’s informants saw him, making preparations to leave for a different realm.”

“Let me guess,” Chay interrupted. “We need to do a job for the Nephil before we get to hear this time critical intel.”

Shadowhand took a bow.

“Figures,” Goro said and slammed his fists together. “We’ll do it,” he added, with a consulting glance at Chay. “I want my revenge.”

“Right there with you,” Marcus said and gave the Japanese hunk a slap on the ass.

“Also,” Helping Bite said, raising two hands, “I was gaging interest for the wares you had left with me — haven’t sold anything yet, don’t worry — but I heard substantiated rumors that Kobolds from Jheyr’Udd have arrived and started asking for you lot.”

“Blood Feasters?” Chay asked.

“God-blood Feasters now,” the former pilot said. “They’re recruiting rapidly.”

“Well fuck,” Chay said. “And here I thought we’re getting a break.”

“Don’t pretend,” Xane said, his fingers sliding into Chay’s ass. “You love it.”

“Maybe I do,” Chay said and arched his back.

Not-lord Nma’Lroth stepped closer. “You’re not concerned about an entire alliance of clans coming after you? Are you that powerful?”

“Yeah,” Marcus said and let his white mohawk flicker with whitefire.

“Then I need to recruit you,” Nma’Lroth said. “Help me rebuild my name and dominion.”

“Okay,” Chay said with one hand on his forehead, Pie bouncing on his shoulder. “Let me make a list, first- oh.”

On the other side of the volcano, visible between small steam plumes, four demigods materialized.

“Looks like they had the same idea as us,” Xane said and let a butterfly materialize in his palm. “Do we say hi?”

A group of Wretchers descended rapidly and snapped green glowing collars onto the foreign demigods’ necks, then dragged the hunks up on chain leashes.

The demons took off, carrying the struggling humans beneath them along.

“What the fuck?” Chay said. “I wanted *a* mission, not a dozen. Anybody know where they’re taking them? No? Guess we chase aft- Fuck, craving curse.” He pointed at Nma’Lroth’s double cock. “You *better* give me one of those if you want our help, Daemon bitch. Cock! Now!”

Everybody collided.

Fists, cocks and muscles. Humans, lizards and a Daemon. The free-for-all fist and fuck festival took long enough for some of the circling scavengers to add themselves to the mix.


The carnal craving had taken forever to be sated but once it was gone, Chay didn’t change what he was doing — orally draining the cock of a red giant he had met minutes ago like the cum-hungry slut for beefy men he had become. Somebody’s fists were inside him, ripping him apart beyond mortal limits. Or, hell, it might as well have been somebody’s leg.

And so it went. They had a lot to do, but Chay was pretty sure there’d never be a shortage of adventure in the abyss.

There were always hunks in distress to save, dominions to reclaim, blood-feasters to battle and murder attempts to avenge.

So he let himself fall into the pile of gentle cuddles and divinely empowered ass-hammering and precious drops of nectar. Along with his three equally straight besties and the new, gay one who tied their relationships together so nicely.

He was on all fours on top of a fuming time volcano – on top of the *world* – getting a lifetime of orgasms crammed into his mind every second, rolling in the beefy arms of sweat slick gods as demonic sex juices dripped from his hole. And there’d always be more of that, too.


The End


I’m… finally done. Wow.

*Please* let me know your thoughts. It’s my longest work ever and I put silly amounts of time and effort in. It’s so hard to say goodbye to these boys, I hope the journey was worth it.

See you in another story.

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