Adam's New Beginning Pt. 03

A gay story: Adam's New Beginning Pt. 03 “He did WHAT?!” Max’s voice echoed through our apartment and I could see the anger bubbling up inside them as they paced back and forth in the small kitchen.

Sitting at the small table, I buried my face in my hands in shame. Max continued.

“Adam. This isn’t a joke. This is sexual harassment! By your boss’ boss! Do you realize how fucked up that is? It’s absolutely-” Max stopped pacing and looked over at me. “You have to report him.”

I lifted my head. “To who? And for what? It’s not like I stopped him…”

“That doesn’t matter! He exercised his position of authority over you to get you into a vulnerable position! And offered you some sort of incentive!” Max’s voice was louder than it had ever been.

“It’s not like that. He never made me feel like I had to do it. He just, he has this effect on me. I completely forget who I am…” I put my face back in my hands.

“Adam. I don’t care. You’re going to report him and he’s going to get fired.” Max sat down at the table.

I looked up again. Max’s expression was unwavering. I opened my mouth to speak but stopped myself. I didn’t know what to say. How was I supposed to express that I wanted everything that happened with Michael? I hadn’t told Max that I came in my pants just from feeling his thick cock pulse against my face. The scent of him had put me in a trance. He really did have an effect on me. They way his eyes bore into me like he was peering into my soul and truly seeing me. I would do anything for him. My cock was getting hard again just at the thought.

“Adam.” Max broke me away from my daydream. “This isn’t okay.”

I sighed and looked down to avoid eye contact. “I- I wanted it, Max. I wanted it so badly. And I wanted so much more…” My face was bright red in embarrassment. I closed my eyes.

“Adam, if you’re just looking for hot sex, you won’t have trouble-”

“It’s not just sex!” I cut Max off abruptly. “I want him to want me. I want him. He…he makes me feel breathless. Like he sees me.”

Max stared at me with a sort of pitying but understanding look. Finally, they sighed and reached over the small table to place a hand on mine. “Look, I won’t stop you from living your life, but please be careful. He sounds like a prick.”

My lips parted almost instinctively to protest but Max raised their hand to stop me.

“You don’t have to defend him. Just be careful.”

I sighed and looked down as Max headed off to bed. Max had always been the voice of reason. Somewhere deep down inside myself, I knew they were right. Michael is a prick. He’s married. He’s my boss’ boss. He made a move on me at work. His eyes pierced through me. His hand felt so strong and powerful on my leg. His cock felt so big and heavy as it pushed against-

I groaned shook my head to clear my thoughts. I was infatuated with Michael and there was no changing that. Maybe it was the breakup. Maybe it was the law school rejection letters. Maybe it was just feeling seen. Maybe it was all of the above. I didn’t even care if he could help me get into law school or introduce me to the ‘right’ people. I just wanted him to look at me again. Touch me. Press himself and his heat against me. Let me smell him. Taste him. Take him.

As I sank into my bed without bothering to shower, I swallowed the hard truth. I was ready to fling myself head first into this toxic train wreck with Michael.


I arrived at work the following day with my heart in my throat. Michael had dominated my thoughts for the last 12 hours and I was about to see him again. Except, I didn’t. The door to his office was closed when I arrived and remained shut through lunch.

The stream of questions inside my head made it difficult to work. Was he avoiding me? Was he ashamed of what we had done? Was I relieved? Was I disappointed? Was it possible to be both?

I was staring mindlessly at my computer in the afternoon when I overheard Lindsay and the CEO of AdVent chatting as they walked past my desk.

“Michael is at off-site client meetings through the day, but we have a meeting around 4:30 so you should sit in and we can talk logistics.” The CEO, Drew as he preferred to be called by the staff, was a bit of an enigma. I didn’t know much about him beyond his name, title, and the fact that he had celebrated his 60th birthday last year. I had never said a word to the man.

Lindsay beamed in response, “Absolutely, I’ll be there.”

The conversation faded at that point as they walked past me, but I had caught the most important piece of information. Michael wasn’t avoiding me, it seemed. But I still didn’t know whether I was relieved or disappointed at not seeing him today. I’m not even sure what I was expecting. A repeat encounter? A frank conversation about what happened? I suppose it’s the confusion that drove me to make a decision.

As the workday came to a close, I stayed at my desk and pretended to work. It wasn’t exactly pretending. I did have the whole day’s worth of work to catch up on and I needed to get Lindsay’s files wrapped up before Friday. The work was a better explanation than the truth. I was desperate to see Michael and hoped I would run into him after his meeting with Lindsay and Drew.

It was around 6:00PM when I realized I had lost track of time while writing. I poked my head up from my desk and looked around. The office was deserted. Lindsay’s office door was closed too, which only happened when she left for the day. I sighed and shook my head. So much for my plan. At least I had managed to get some work done.

I shut down my computer and grabbed my bag. This time, I knew how I was feeling. The disappointment was clear in my body language as I made my way through the office towards the main stairwell. Head down, shoulders slumped, sour expression plastered on my face. What was happening to me?

I didn’t get a chance to answer that question as I caught a glimpse of Michael’s office door. It was swung open. The amount of excitement that immediately surged through my body was embarrassing. I glanced around before slowly walking over to the office. But it was empty. The lights were still on but the computer was off, the desk was tidied, and there was no sign of Michael.

I sighed and leaned against the doorframe for a moment before reaching over to turn out the light. Before I could reach it, a deep voice rang out behind me.

“Looking for something?”

I spun around quickly to find Michael walking towards his office. “Uh…I… The lights were on…” I stammered.

Michael chuckled as he made his way over to me. He looked painfully handsome. He was wearing dark blue dress pants, a white shirt, and a charcoal grey tie that he had loosened slightly. When he got to the door, I immediately stepped aside to let him in.

“The lights, huh?” He grinned. He walked over to his desk to grab his suit jacket. He checked the time on his watch and pulled the jacket on. His broad-shouldered frame filled it out very nicely. Then he grabbed a small notepad from his desk drawer and scribbled a few notes. When he noticed me in the doorway, he said “I’ll turn ’em off, don’t worry.”

“Oh.” I mumbled. His tone was dismissive and his attention was already back to the notepad. But I couldn’t bring myself to move. Maybe it was pride, maybe it was desperation. But after a long day of thinking about nothing but Michael, I was not about to be dismissed.

Eventually he set his pen down and looked back at me, flashing me another grin.

“I promise I’ll turn them off. I’m just heading out now.” He straightened his suit jacket and grabbed his briefcase from under the desk. He made his way to the door and flicked the light switch before grinning at me again. Standing in the doorway, he looked massive.

“See? Off.” He said, almost taunting me.

I couldn’t bring myself to move. Was he just going to pretend that nothing happened yesterday? I stared up at him in frustration and disbelief. His next words caught me off guard.

“Unless you didn’t stop by just for the lights?” He raised an eyebrow. His eyes locked with mine and I felt myself slip into the green sea of his irises. Just as he had flipped the light switch, it was as if he flipped on the magnetic charm that disarmed me so effortlessly.

I couldn’t verbalize a response so I just shook my head, still looking up at him. I wasn’t sure what else to do. Michael nodded and smiled softly. He leaned forward until his lips were just an inch or so from my left ear.

“Maybe you missed me?” His words were barely a whisper but they sent a tingling signal to every nerve in my damn body. He stayed close and waited for a response. So I nodded silently as I closed my eyes. I could smell his cologne from here and I instinctively inhaled deeply.

“I didn’t hear you. Did you miss me, Adam?” His voice was slightly louder now. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He wore a stern expression that confused me slightly, but I knew he was waiting for a response.

“Y-yes.” I croaked. My throat was suddenly very dry.

“How much did you miss me, Adam?” I could feel his hot breath against my neck just under my ear. In that moment, all I wanted was for him to kiss me there. But his lips stayed just out of reach. “Did you think about me all night? About my bulge against your face? About how you blew your load just from that?”

I made a sound that could best be described as half-whimper, half-moan. A sound I never even knew I was capable of making. My body reacted to Michael without any thought. My cock was already hard in my briefs, aching to relive yesterday’s orgasm. My heart was racing in anticipation.

Michael reached out and took my left hand, slowly bringing it towards to his bulge. He firmly pressed my hand against his growing package. Even through his suit pants, I could feel its heat. My knees weakened and I closed my hand around his bulge instinctively, holding it in my hand almost for support.

Michael may have said something at this point but I didn’t hear it. All I could focus on was his heavy bulge in my hand. It felt big and…powerful? Was that even possible? Michael’s hand was still on my wrist, holding it gently. I felt him step backwards into his office and I followed, hand-first as if glued to his bulge. He released my wrist slowly and took another step back. I followed again as if on a leash attached to his bulge. He stepped back a third time and I followed obediently.

Once we were back inside his office, Michael reached over above my head and pushed the door shut loudly. I flinched in surprise and panic, pulling my hand away from him.

“Sorry. Sorry.” I looked up at Michael.

“It’s okay.” He smiled. He reached a hand up and gently ran his fingers through my hair. I noticed his other hand reach down and undo his belt. He unzipped his pants and pulled his shirt out of the waistband. He held my head in his hand, eyes staring into mine, and I felt a surge of confidence.

I brought my hands up to Michael’s chest. His pecs were well-defined and I rubbed my hands against them in slowly circles firmly. As I did this, Michael reached up and pulled his tie off in one quick motion before tossing it onto his desk. I slid my hands up his strong chest to the top-most button. My fingers fumbled in nervousness but I got it undone. I made my way down his shirt, unbuttoning slowly to reveal his body.

Once the final button was open, I pushed his shirt open to admire his chest. He still had his suit jacket on so it only opened so far, but it was more than enough. Each of his muscled pecs was covered in salt-and-pepper hairs, with a neat trail leading down past his navel. I sank my fingers into his chest hair, squeezing his pecs again. I rubbed my thumbs gently over each of his nipples. They hardened under my touch and I felt encouraged.

I started to lean forward, wanting to kiss one of his nipples and feel his hair against my face. But Michael’s hand returned to the back of my head, holding me in place. I looked up at him. Without a word, he applied pressure downwards. I felt him push me down to my knees and I complied willingly. Once again, I was face to face with Michael’s impressive bulge.

This time, I took my time to take in the sight of it. The size of his bulge was mesmerizing. His musk had already started to waft into my nostrils. I felt my mouth water. I needed to feel him again. I closed my eyes and leaned forward, remembering the sensations from yesterday. The way his cock rested against my face. The way it pulsed against my cheek. I needed that again.

But when my face made contact, it wasn’t with Michael’s bulge. I opened my eyes to find that Michael had pushed his briefs down. His cock had sprung up eagerly and left me buried in his balls. His musk was much stronger from the source, practically washing over me. It was intoxicating. I looked up and saw the imposing length of Michael’s uncut cock towering above me, curving upwards just slightly. Beyond his cock, I could see Michael smiling down at me.

“Looks like you missed me a lot…” His deep voice made his cock bob slightly and my eyes were fixed to it.

Michael tightened his grip on my hair and pushed me up, guiding my mouth up from his balls to the base of his shaft. Without thinking, I thrust my tongue out. I licked my way slowly up the underside of his long shaft, almost eight inches. When I reached the head, I couldn’t hold back. I dove in, wrapping my lips around his covered cockhead. I suckled on it a few times before teasing my tongue into his foreskin. I swirled my tongue around the inside edge to taste him. It was strong and unfamiliar but just as intoxicating as his musk.

Gingerly, I reached up and wrapped my hand around his shaft to slowly pull his foreskin back. I felt his mushroom head pop out of the foreskin as he deposited a thick wad of precum onto my tongue. It tasted sweeter than any I’ve had before. It was all the encouragement I needed. I continued a steady rhythm, sucking on just the head of his cock while also stroking the length of his shaft. Occasionally, I’d slip his foreskin down off the ridge of his cockhead again and pull my mouth off to give his precum coated slit a soft kiss. I was addicted to his cock and I wanted him to know.

Eventually, Michael pressed his hand on my head to urge me deeper along his cock. I was nervous at his length but I tried. I made it about halfway along his cock before I felt the head hit the back of my throat. As I tried to pull back, Michael held my head in place. My eyes widened and I looked up at him.

“Stay there, right there.” His tone and expression were commanding but calm. He held me in place and waited. I could feel his thick cock pulse and throb as my throat adjusted to the large invasion. Michael nodded and rubbed the back of my head approvingly.

His approval sent me over the moon. I felt such a deep sense of pride that I tried taking more of his cock down my throat, only to gag at the first additional half-inch.

“Take it easy, that’s more than enough.” Michael said. His cock pulsed again and all I could do was moan around it. I looked up at him again. I wanted to please this man with every fibre of my being. So I reached up, using one hand to stroke the base of his shaft as I worked on slowly deep-throating the other half of his cock. I started picking up speed and I could hear Michael moaning audibly above me.

“Oh. Oh shit. That’s it. Fuck.”

The sounds of my mouth working eagerly on his wet cock had filled the office. I could feel him building up closer to the edge as his cock swelled in my hand and mouth.

“Fucking fuck!” His body tensed up.

Suddenly, he gripped my hair tight and pulled me back firmly off his cock. With his free hand, he start stroking his cock furiously above my face. His eyes closed and his face turned up to the ceiling. His pants and briefs rested on his muscular thighs, his hairy chest flexing from behind his open shirt as he worked on his cock. I was in absolute awe, spittle dripping down my chin as I watched this phenomenal man bring himself to orgasm above me.

His cock swelled to an impossible girth and Michael roared. I quickly closed my eyes and felt the first ropes of his hot, thick cum land on my forehead and nose. The third shot hit just under my left eye and more landed on my cheek. I felt Michael press the throbbing tip of his cock to my mouth and I parted my lips. He continued to deposit thick ropes of cum directly onto my tongue.

“Fuck.” He stroked his cock a few final times. I opened my eyes slowly and saw him looking down at me. I imagined I look a mess, face drenched in his cum with a pool of it on my tongue. Even in this moment, I felt the need to please him. So despite my better judgement, I swallowed his load. That elicited a soft chuckle from Michael and he gently rubbed the back of my head again.

“Such a good boy.” He smiled.

There was no way to predict the effect those words would have on me. I think Michael said them to be playful but they resonated deep within me in a way I didn’t think they would. I felt my cock pulse. I felt my hole twitch. Those words had sent pure pleasure through me. I needed to hear them again.

I reached up and swiped Michael’s cum from my face, depositing it on my tongue and swallowing eagerly. I must have looked desperate or eager or both because I think Michael understood what I was seeking.

“That’s a good boy. Eat my cum.” His deep voice sent a shiver through my body.

I couldn’t hold back. I needed more of his encouragement and approval. I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around the head of his cock again. I desperately milked his cock for any remaining drops of cum. With my left hand, I pulled my cock out of my pants and started stroking. I looked up at him in deep yearning. Michael grinned back.

“You want me to say it again?” He teased. I must have looked so desperate. Lips around his spent cock. Suckling for more cum. Stroking my own cock in lustful heat. He knew I was at his mercy. “I’m not sure I should…”

“MMm!” I half-moaned, half-whimpered on his cock. Michael chuckled. I wasn’t sure he was going to give me what I wanted. What I needed so desperately. Thankfully, he did.

“Such a good fuckin’ boy.”

My whole body tensed as I finally erupted. I felt every muscle in my body contract as my vision went blurry, my hips bucking as I blew my load over Michael’s dress shoes and office floor. His cock slipped from my mouth and I moaned through the last bit of my own orgasm. By the time I finished, my whole body was covered in sweat and I was panting.

Michael stepped away and grabbed several tissues from his desk. He handed them to me and I immediately started cleaning myself off. I also wiped my cum off of his shoes as he tucked his cock back into his pants and re-buttoned his shirt. I quickly put my cock away and zipped up as I stood. Still somehow eager to please, I stepped forward and helped button up Michael’s pants and secure his belt. He just chuckled and I’m not sure if it was in approval or not.

But before I stepped back, Michael pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. I felt myself melt into him for the brief moment that he held the kiss. My forehead burned when he pulled back.

“Dinner. Friday. My place.” He grabbed his tie and suitcase and was out the door as I tried to process what he said. My initial thought was pure excitement but it was quickly replaced by profound confusion.

“Aren’t you…married?!” I called out, but my throat was too hoarse to raise my voice and Michael was already gone.

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