Bookstore Tales

His fingers once again appeared at the hole, beckoning me to return my cock to him. But, almost unbeknownst to me, as he’d been cumming, I’d emptied my own load, without being touched, all over my jeans and the floor. My cock now hung drooping, wet, and satisfied. I fingered the streams of cum on my legs, curious whether it was mine or his. “I’m ok,” I mumbled through our three-inch opening. “I already came.”

With that he zipped up and left. As I sat there, bare assed on the metal chair, just as the money for the video finally ran out, I ran my tongue around the insides of my mouth. Little pockets of strange juices seeped out of from the corners of my gums. I could feel sticky spots on my beard where his cum was starting to dry. I pulled my jeans up, feeling the stickiness of my own cum on my legs, and left my booth.

I did it, didn’t I? I finally did it. I’m still not sure how I feel about it…or how I should feel about it. But, yeah. I’ve done it now. Is this the end of this path, or yet another stepping stone to something else? I guess I won’t know. At least ’til the next time.

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