A Difficult Decision


A gay story: A Difficult Decision

As I stood on the quarterdeck, clutching my honorable discharge papers, a wave of emotions washed over me. Every word on the document was read and re-read, solidifying the reality that my time in the United States Navy had come to an end. With my dress blues on and my shoes gleaming, I made my way to the gangplank and offered a crisp salute to the Officer of the Deck and the American flag. As I descended to the pier, my sea bag slung over my shoulder, I couldn’t help but take one last look at the ship that had been my home for the past three years. We had been through battles together and emerged victorious. My heart swelled with pride for having served aboard her.

As I reached the shore, I spotted Pete waving to me from the hanger deck. He called out, suggesting we have one last drink at our favorite local bar before I left. Nodding in agreement, I replied that I would wait for him there.

Toting my sea bag, which held all my worldly possessions, I made my way to the bar just outside the base. As I walked in, a sense of déjà vu washed over me. The same bartender, the familiar baseball game playing on the TV. I placed my sea bag in the corner and took a seat at the bar. The bartender, recognizing me, asked if I wanted my usual Bud Light. I nodded, admitting that this was indeed my last drink here before being discharged from service.

He then asked if I was being transferred or discharged, eyeing my sea bag curiously. When I told him I was being discharged, he asked if I was heading home. I replied that I wasn’t sure yet, as I hadn’t made any travel plans. I mentioned considering staying with friends in San Francisco for some time, as I had grown fond of the city during my stint in the Navy.

The bartender, offering sage advice, told me not to make any hasty decisions, reminding me that I was still young with a whole life ahead of me. As I downed three beers, waiting for Pete to join me, my mind wandered. I began to have a silent conversation with myself, mulling over my options.

“What do you want to do?” I asked myself. “Your family wants you to come home, but you can’t stop thinking about cock. Is that really what you want?”

My attention was brought back to the bar by a commercial playing on the TV. A seductive woman in a red dress, revealing ample cleavage, appeared on the screen. Surprisingly, I found myself turned on by her. Confused and conflicted, I couldn’t shake the memory of having a man’s cock in my mouth and the intense pleasure it brought.

Before I could fully process my thoughts, Pete walked in and greeted me with a smile. “Hey short timer,” he said, “I was hoping you wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”

He ordered a couple of beers and, while we drank, the bartender went back to his ball game.

“So,” Pete asked, “made up your mind? Are you gonna visit our friends before you travel east?

“I want to,” I said, “but, I’m not sure it’s a good idea. I still like cunt you know.”

“So do I,” Pete said. “The way I got it figured, we didn’t leave one world and go into another. We just found another way to get off.”

“You know,” I said, “I didn’t think of it that way. You’re right. I guess we’re bisexual?”

“Yeah, whatever you want to call it, I like to suck cock and I love to eat cunt. If I’m a freak, then that’s what I am, but I’m gonna have fun doin’ it.”

“Let’s blow this joint and go to Oakland. There’s a lot of action there.

“I can’t go back to the ship tonight. I’m a civilian,” I said. “Where am I gonna sleep tonight, if I get any sleep that is.”

“I have an overnight liberty. Let’s get a hotel room. You can leave your sea bag there,” Pete suggested.

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed.

If you’ve ever been to Oakland California on a Saturday night you will understand what I mean when I say that it’s a party town. Pete and I drank a lot, danced a lot with some hot chicks and, did I say drank a lot?

It’s not unusual to see a drunken sailor or two wandering around the streets after the bars close, looking for a cab. We found one and staggered into our hotel room. We were both to drunk to even think of anything but sleep. We did a lot of that.

Morning came and the hangover came with it. I woke up first. Thankfully we had the foresight to pick up some beer before we got back to the hotel. There was a warm beer on the nightstand. Now, I don’t care what anyone says, a warm beer is the best thing for a hangover. I took a long swig, burped, and went back to sleep.

I was dreaming about an all male orgy where there were so many hard cocks; you couldn’t get away from them if you wanted to. When I opened my eyes I felt something hard, like a banana, pressing against my ass. Of course, I knew it wasn’t a banana. It was Pete’s hard cock. I immediately got hard. I backed up a bit so that his cock rubbed against my ass crease. It felt good. I reached around and wrapped my hand around it. He moaned. Slowly I stroked it back and forth, causing him to moan more. Then Pete’s hand reached around my hips and encircled my hard dick. He stroked me like I was stroking him. Damn! It felt good!

I turned and faced Pete. His eyes were closed. He was in ecstasy, so was I. Finally we were together. I held his cock and rubbed it against mine. His hand was on mine. Pete wasn’t circumcised and neither was I. I pushed his foreskin back, as he did mine. The heads of our cocks met. Then we both pulled our foreskins together and his covered the head of my cock, while mine covered his. There’s a name for this, but I can’t remember what it is.

We looked in each other’s eyes, while stroking each other. Here was a guy I spent three years with on the same ship. We saw each other every day, played cards, got drunk, even showered next to each other, and never thought it would come to this. I marveled at the warmness of his very hard, but pliable cock meat. I felt the veins running along the sides of it. I caressed the bulbous head and slid my finger along the little slit that his sperm would soon be shooting from. Pete changed positions and brought his head down to my pubic area. I found his beautiful cock very near my face. I continued to caress it as he did mine. I kissed it, licked it, ran my tongue up and down the shaft, and licked his balls, one by one and then both together. My mouth came up to the tender spot on the underside, very near the head. I licked him there. He groaned in encouragement. Then I felt Pete’s hot mouth as he took my cock. I returned the favor. His large cock slipped inside my eager mouth and I smelled his manly scent and tasted his wonderful meat. I could feel his eagerness. He could feel mine. We slowly and gently sucked on each other, relishing in the wonderful feeling. Pete is about seven and a half inches hard. I wanted to give him deep throat. Never having done it before, I wondered if I could. I let his cock slip farther into my mouth until I felt the spongy head as it reached the back of my throat. While caressing his large balls in both hands, I kind of pushed him into my throat. Pete let out a loud groan. His hands came around the back of my head. I kept his cock in my throat as long as I could and then backed off and gasped for air.


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