Everyone's on a Scale, A Bi Wet Dream

A gay story: Everyone's on a Scale, A Bi Wet Dream Shaun wasn’t old but he wasn’t young either. He was the team boss of a work crew who worked in a hostile environment. It was dusty, hot and remote. Shaun was a problem solver who was always out in the field keeping his crew supplied, happy and working. Shaun still found time to exercise daily and he was in excellent physical shape. He was a small light but muscled and fit man, he had to be, to endure the climate and workload.

Shaun only saw his wife for two weeks every two months, but his kids were grown up and Shaun was not ready to retire just yet. His wife found the situation very agreeable, or maybe it was just the decent salary which kept her satisfied. Anyway Shaun enjoyed the male bonding and bonhomie that working with his crew brought him. It was rather like his old army days.

Shaun had joined literotica , an erotic story and conversation website to satisfy his still strong libido. One day out of boredom he began reading a thread called ‘Men spanking men. Shaun found himself becoming intrigued by the postings, he could feel a stirring in his underpants as he read each new post in the thread. How could this be? Shaun was straight and was only interested in women.

Shaun lurked in the background avidly reading each new post. He eventually worked up the courage to post himself admitting to people on the thread that he found the idea of being spanked by an older man quite erotic. Many other posters told him this was OK and many other straight men had similar feelings. Shaun still felt conflicted and felt like he was betraying his wife even thinking about this fantasy.

One day Shaun was feeling particularly horny because in the tight living conditions, he hadn’t had a chance to masturbate for almost a week. Eventually his room mate said he had to go away on a job for twenty four hours and Shaun felt a sigh of relief as he planned to masturbate in peace when his roommate was gone.

After dinner Shaun hit the Gym, had a shower and retired to bed. He decided he would read literotica and soon found himself gravitating towards the ‘Men spanking men’ thread. An older man had posted about how straight guys needed to be spanked but didn’t realise it. Shaun realised his manhood was hard as he read the graphic details of what this man liked doing to other men. Shaun reached down into his tight boxers and caressed his shaved hard cock. Sean always kept his armpits and genitals shaved while working in a hot country, mainly for hygiene reasons.

It felt so wrong to actually be caressing himself while reading this posters graphic accounts of real spanking sessions. There were even photos of men’s reddened bottoms after receiving a firm spanking. The poster told how he liked to restrain men as he spanked them. This was the final straw that caused Shaun to reach into his underpants while lying in bed, and begin to masturbate while thinking of this being done to him.

Eventually Shaun threw back the covers and slowly pulled down his underpants thinking of the poster doing this to him while he was bent over and restrained. He left his guilt behind and began to imagine the soft slaps on his underpants first, gradually becoming harder until the poster reached between his legs and felt his embarrassing hardness inside his tight white cotton underpants. Shaun imagined his face burning with embarrassment a the poster knowing exactly what Shaun was feeling and desiring, teased him. Then Shaun imagined the poster telling him that his pants were coming off and he imagined the hands pulling his cotton pants all the way down to his ankles. Shaun was surprised at how quickly he was going to cum while masturbating to this new taboo fantasy.

Shaun then imagined the poster reaching into a black leather bag and taking our a leather paddle. He would bring it around to Shaun’s face and tell him what he was about to receive and then slowly walk to Shaun’s rear and without warning ……. A sharp crack and the leather strap would crack down causing Shaun to cry out in shock, humiliation and pain. That was the final straw.

Shaun looked down at himself, the bed clothes were thrown back. His light white underwear were wrapped around one knee. His shaved manhood was rigid and leaking pre cum. His tight abbs were rigid with excitement and he had unknowingly lifted his pelvis off the mattress like a wanton hussy. Then he exploded and spurts of his thick creamy load shot on to his chest and tummy. It went on for quite a few spurts until eventually it subsided into a gentle ooze still leaking from his manhood. He looked down at himself, he was absolutely destroyed with cum pouring off his tummy onto his sheets as he leaned over to get the tissues. He realised then, he had crossed a line, he had masturbated for the first time, while thinking of another man spanking him. He didn’t feel any guilt, he just felt a deep relief and satisfaction as he wanked his softening cock to release the final parts of his load feeling lovely tremors of pleasure. He used his underpants to clean up the excess cum, changed his sheets and showered again. Shaun went back to bed the and fell into a deep restful sleep.

About a week later, Shaun was dealing with a particularly stressful workload which was affecting his sleep due mainly to phone calls coming in during the night. He finally got a day off and he asked Jack the medic for something to help him sleep. Jack gave him two tablets but warned him that some people were affected by sleep paralysis and even nightmares when they took these tablets. Shaun was never affected by medication so he took the tablets. And as usual that night Shaun retired to bed after a shower.

He was lying in bed wearing only white briefs when he remembered to take his meds. He turned off his phone, took the two tablets with some water and drifted off into blissful sleep. Sometime later, Shaun awoke, he was drifting in a black void of complete nothingness. He began to become scared and he scanned the void for help. Away off in the distance Shaun saw a tiny glimmer of light and Shaun made his way towards it simply by using his will power.

Finally Shaun arrived at the light, within it he could see a door so he entered. “The prisoner has arrived,” a man wearing legal robes declared. Shaun looked around his surroundings and realised he was now standing in the dock inside a court setting. The judge was a stern man wearing a black gown and wig like those worn in the UK’s courts. Shaun realised he recognised him, he was the poster in the ‘Men spanking Men’ thread that Shaun had fantasised about and masturbated to. He was the man who had explained in detail how he had spanked many men.

The other black clad man declared that he would put forward the case for the prosecution. “How does the defendant plead?” he asked while looking over at Shaun in the dock. Shaun looked around for his defence but there was none. Eventually he stuttered, “Not Guilty,” he didn’t even know what he was charged with.

The prosecutor detailed how Shaun was guilty of ‘Hypocrisy and Denial’. “The defendant claims to be a straight man, but he has masturbated to a bisexual spanking fantasy,” he declared. “He became erect and came hard covering his body and sheets in his excitement on Tuesday last week, he is still reading accounts of Men who engage in this activity.”

The Judge looked sternly at Shaun, “What do you have to say in your defence?” Shaun’s face reddened and his cheeks burned with embarrassment. He believed he was still straight but had simply explored a bisexual fantasy. He hadn’t really let a strict older man spank him in real life. He cursed himself because the thought of this fantasy was beginning to make him hard. He looked down at himself and he was wearing a skin-tight pair of white prison leggings which left nothing to the imagination. He couldn’t remember how he had got here wearing these almost see through clothes. He appeared to be wearing a pair of briefs below them, with a lacy type band bearing the marking ‘Guilty,’ in pink text. On his upper body he was wearing a tight white tee shirt bearing the logo ‘Prisoner,’ in grey text. He stuttered a quick and stumbling reply, “Judge, I did do all that but it was only in fantasy, I never intended to do it in real life.”

The prosecutor smiled, “An admission of guilt, your Honour. I rest my case.” Shaun didn’t like the way the case was going. He made to speak but the judge glared at him and spoke sternly, “Be silent or you will be held in contempt.” He want on to say that as it was a first offence Shaun would be punished in the judges quarters and it would be expunged from his criminal record after three years.

Shaun suddenly found himself standing in a huge office with no one else around. He looked at the furnishings and noticed the Judges gown and wig hanging on the wall. He also noticed a waist high leather contraption with some sort of manacles attached that seemed to be some type of adjustable desk. He stood in perfect silence wondering what was to come.

Suddenly the judge and the prosecutor walked in, the Judge was holding a leather bag. They were only wearing black tee shirts and tight black shorts. They had black crocs covering their bare feet. The Judge barked an order, “Commence Punishment,” and suddenly Shaun found himself strapped into the strange desk like contraption. His legs and arms were held in place by leather cuffs with buckles closed tight. His head was at forty five degrees, but his bottom was exposed, the leather also left his crotch area free, but his knees rested on leather padding and his feet were buckled tight.

The prosecutor walked over and started to pull Shaun’s tight white tee shirt upwards so he could admire Shaun’s excellent body. Shaun felt a thrill of fear and excitement at his touch. Shaun tried one last time to reason with them and said, “This is not legal.” That caused him to receive a sharp swat on his bottom that stung, even though he was still wearing his thin white leggings. “Ouch,” Shaun cried, which immediately resulted in five more sharp spanks. “Sorry sorry, I’ll be silent,” Shaun shouted in panic.

The judge simply said, “The prisoner will not speak unless spoken too.” He then looked at the prosecutor and said, “Peel down his leggings but leave his sheer briefs on. Shaun realised he was getting hard as the prosecutor slowly and appearing to take pleasure in the order, lowered Shaun’s thin white leggings. Shaun felt the prosecutor’s hand brush against his hard package and he noticed his brief’s felt like flimsy silk.

The judge now approached and said, “Allow me.” He cracked a stinging smack down upon Shaun’s silky sheer briefs. Then he moved his hand around to Shaun’s rock hard manhood and caressed it by rubbing the outline of his shaved cock and balls beneath his sheer white underwear. Shaun couldn’t help but groan in pleasure as he felt the sensation of the caress, and knowing that both these men were taking pleasure in his discomfort and pain. The judge turned to Shaun and said, I knew you were guilty.” Then he alternated between spanking Shaun’s silky white briefs and gently spanking his hard package beneath his underpants. Sean felt confused, embarrassed, sore, but extremely aroused. He realised they were correct, he was guilty and should be punished.

The judge reached into his bag and took out a riding crop, he flicked it against Shaun’s feminine sheer brief’s clad bottom working below to his swollen testicles and hard manhood which was now protruding out of Shaun’s flimsy underwear which couldn’t take the weight of his hard manhood. The judge continued to alternate between hard and soft flicks which were bringing Shaun towards a heavy and guilt confirming climax.

Then the judge ordered the prosecutor to slowly lower Shaun’s girlish and flimsy underwear as far as they could be lowered. Due to being restrained they could only be lowered to his knees, adding to Shaun’s humiliation but also secret pleasure. Shaun was not a hairy man, and any pubic hair was regularly shaved for heat and hygienic reasons. He felt the prosecutor copping a feel of his swollen balls and pre-cum leaking hard cock. Shaun felt a certain slutty pride when he heard the prosecutor gasp in pleasure as he admired Shaun’s exposed and vulnerable ass helplessly awaiting their pleasure.

The pride turned to immediate pain as the judge, apparently jealous of the prosecutor, whacked Shaun’s bottom hard causing him to howl in pain. “You little dirty slut,” the judge angrily declared, followed by more flogging of Shaun’s bottom and thighs. Shaun wailed in pain and tried to stand up from the punishment table, but he was held firm and had to take the sharp cracks until the judge’s anger subsided. His bottom was in agony and he was sure there must be marks left from the punishment.

He then heard the judge’s breathless voice tell the prosecutor to apply soothing cream. Then Shaun felt the prosecutor rubbing cooling soothing cream into his bottom, down his thighs and into all the other intimate places. Shaun groaned with pleasure as the prosecutor took time to rub cream into his swollen balls and rigid cock, he masturbated Shaun as he rubbed the soothing cream onto Shaun’s raging hardness. Then Shaun saw that the judge was removing his trousers and he was wearing a lacy pair of women’s panties over his impressive hard on. He came over and pressed his black lacy panties against Shaun’s bottom and Shaun could feel the heat of his hard erection beneath the flimsy material rubbing against his slippery cream covered back, thighs and bottom.

The prosecutor also removed his trousers wearing only his black tee shirt, he was wearing no underwear and had quite a large cock and Shaun felt a chill of nervousness as he watched him masturbate it to its full size while leering at Shaun. The prosecutor lay down beneath the punishment bench and began to slowly masturbate both himself and Shaun, while Shaun felt the judge’s lacy black panties being peeled back to allow his cock escape his panties and rub across Shaun’s slick lotion covered ass and back.

The judge declared in an urgent breathless voice, that as Shaun was straight there was to be no penetration of him, but the teasing slut was to be covered in cum as a lesson to him for his arrogance and hypocrisy. Shaun knew it was so taboo but it felt so right. It was bizarre, a man was lying under the punishment table taking pleasure for himself and giving pleasure to Shaun also. Shaun was ecstatic at the feel of this powerful and stern Judge rubbing his panty covered cock against Shaun’s tight bottom and reddened cheeks.

The judge stood back and motioned the prosecutor over to kneel behind Shaun. The prosecutor then knelt behind Shaun and began to caress his cock against Shaun’s tight bottom, he began to masturbate quicker and quicker as he rubbed against Shaun’s bottom. Then he groaned, “It’s coming aaah aaah,” and then Shaun felt the prosecutor’s creamy hot load splash against his back and ass. The judge exclaimed “Very Nice when the prosecutor had finished depositing his creamy load on Shaun’s compact ass, then he smacked Shaun’s ass causing the sticky mess to splash and spread around his cheeks. Finally the he bent closer and slowly pulled back up Shaun’s tight white briefs over his messy bottom and erect manhood. Shaun actually felt a little disappointed as his hard shaved cock strained against the restrictive flimsy material. He needed relief as his manhood ached from the pressure of needing to come.

The judge then peeled back the lacy black panties he was wearing just enough so that his cock could glide against Shaun’s messy girlish briefs. Shaun could feel the Judge’s thick manhood rubbing against his briefs. Every so often the judge would give him a hard stinging slap on his sheer briefs and then alternate to caressing Shaun’s encased cock held in place by his briefs. Then Shaun felt the Judge’s thick cock slip between the leg elastic of his sheer white briefs. Using the sticky mess left by the prosecutor as lubrication, the Judge began to speed up his rubbing until it became full on masturbation between Shaun’s pert ass and his silky stained panties. Eventually the judges breathing became heavier and he began a low growling, Shaun braced himself for what he was about to receive. And then it came in a hot flood that even leaked down and around to Shaun’s cock and down onto his hairless swollen balls. The judge let out a gasping moan as he soaked Shaun beneath his flimsy briefs in What seemed like a continuous flood.

The judge then withdrew, swatting Shaun’s soaked briefs and ass as he withdrew his cock. He then sighed with satisfaction and spoke. “Admit it you enjoyed it, didn’t you? I’ll release your bonds when you admit the truth.”

Shaun wanted desperately to masturbate, he was ready to cum. His hard manhood needed to be released from being trapped inside his soaked briefs.

He gathered his courage and admitted, “Yes, I did.” He was instantly released from his bonds and he unabashedly reached for his hard straining cock. He immediately began to masturbate for the judge and prosecutor’s viewing pleasure. He closed his eyes and soon his cock started to erupt.

He opened his eyes to see the look of satisfaction and admiration from the judge and prosecutor, but all he saw was the blue light of the insect- electrocutor In his room. He was still cumming and it took a minute for Shaun to realise he had just had a wet dream for the first time in years. He had destroyed his underpants and sheets. When the climax subsided, Shaun had a moment of clarity, he had to finally admit to himself that he probably had some bisexual leanings. “I suppose everyone is on a scale, if they’re willing to admit it,” he thought to himself. Shaun had awoken something that had lain dormant his whole life. Shaun contemplated and realised this was a new beginning.

The End.

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