Four Friends Ch. 03

A gay story: Four Friends Ch. 03 I opened my eyes to morning light filtering into the hotel bedroom. Bruce’s white noise machine was still putting forth its synthesized ocean noises. I reached over and turned the volume down, yawned and stretched.

Next to me Charlie was still asleep, as were Bruce and Lloyd in the other bed. I looked at the clock. Seven-thirty. Kind of early for a Saturday morning.

My bladder was full, so I got out of bed, being careful not to wake Lloyd’s partner, and tiptoed toward the bathroom. As I passed the other bed I looked at Bruce. He seemed so peaceful lying there, his muscular shoulders and the swell of his chest visible above the covers, that I smiled despite myself. I thought about what I had overheard last night, he and Lloyd making love while they thought Charlie and I were sleeping. Would I say anything to him about it? I couldn’t make up my mind.

I shut the bathroom door as quietly as I could and let my morning flood loose into the toilet. I decided I might as well go ahead and shower since I was dressed for it. I flushed, stepped into the tub, and turned on a warm spray.

I had shampooed my hair and gotten up a good head of lather when the bathroom door opened. I looked around the shower curtain and saw that it was Bruce.

“Good morning,” he said. “Sorry to bust in, but I really have to pee.”

“Fine, go ahead,” I said, trying to sound normal, which proved difficult. I’d always loved the way Bruce looked just after he woke. There was something endearing and sexy about seeing a man so put together during the day with his hair sticking up, his face dark with stubble and his eyes heavy with sleep. Right now my affection was clouded by the knowledge of what he had done last night. Not for the first time since we’d all gotten together I felt an ache in my chest, love and pain in equal parts.

I ducked back under the spray and went back to rubbing my scalp, listening to the sound of his pissing, then the toilet flushing. Then, to my surprise, Bruce stuck his head in.

“Could I join you?”

My heart leaped. “Sure.” We hadn’t showered together in private in goodness knows how long. Bruce stepped in and stood before me, smiling, still looking sleepy.

“I’ll be done in a minute,” I said, hurrying to rinse off.

“Let me help.” Before I could reply or protest he stepped forward, turned me around and began to massage my scalp, pouring handfuls of warm water over my head. I had to admit it felt good.

“This is nice,” Bruce said. “We haven’t done this in a while.”

“No, we haven’t.” My body was responding to his touch, almost against my will.

By now the shampoo was out of my hair. Bruce stepped closer and put his arms around me. I stiffened, prepared to resist. He spoke softly into my ear.

“I have a confession to make. Promise you won’t be mad?”

“What?” Despite the sensual situation we were in, naked and embracing under the shower, every muscle in my body was tense.

“Well–Lloyd and I did it again last night, while you guys were asleep.”

Relief flooded into me. He wasn’t going to hide what had happened. I didn’t let on that I already knew, though. I turned and looked at him, keeping my voice even.

“Wasn’t that against the rules?”

Bruce’s shoulders sagged. “I know. I woke up and his hands were all over me. I went along because I didn’t want to make a scene and wake everyone else up. You’ve got to believe me.”

“Well,” I said, “Lloyd’s pretty persuasive.” I thought of the massage he had given me that had ended in his plowing my ass, and blushed.

“So you’re not mad?”

I shook my head. “No.”

My partner heaved a sigh and gathered me into his arms. “Thank goodness. I felt so bad when I got up. I had to come in and talk to you.”

I leaned my head against his broad chest, the hair on it matted down by the water. This was a very different Bruce than the one that had ordered me out of the house the night of Richard’s party. Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing for him to face his own vulnerability. “I’m glad you did.”

“Well, I owe you big time,” Bruce said. He smirked and grasped my cock. “I could pay you back right now, if you want.”

I laughed. “I’m tempted, but we shouldn’t hog the shower.” I got out and reached for a towel on the wall rack. “There’s one thing you can do for me, though. Actually, two things.”

“Sure, what?”

I paused and stuck my head back in. “Be nice to Charlie. He’s a little shy about all this, as you can probably tell.”

Bruce nodded as he soaped himself. “You were sweet to him last night.”

“And the other thing.” I leaned close and gave his long, soft cock a squeeze. “I want you to fuck Lloyd.”

Bruce looked astonished, then broke into a grin. “Turnabout’s fair play, is that it?”

“Something like that. Charlie says Lloyd wants you but he’s scared. He needs to get over that.”

Bruce chuckled. “You all are bad. Okay, I’ll do it. But I’d rather do it with you.” He fixed me with his dark eyes, which were smoldering in a way I hadn’t seen in a long time. My breath began to come faster and I felt the blood rush both to my face and cock. Bruce’s cock was stiffening and rising too, I noted.

“You will,” I said. “We’ll settle up once this weekend’s over.” I gave him a quick kiss, then hitched my towel around my waist. “I’d better get out of here before they start pounding on the door.”

When I walked out into the bedroom, Lloyd was lying in bed awake, while Charlie was just beginning to stir. He smiled when he saw me.

“Good morning.”

“Hey,” I replied. “Sorry we’re taking so long. Bruce ought to be out in a minute.”

“It’s okay,” Lloyd said. He winked. “I thought maybe you two were having a little morning fun in there.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Oh, no. That’s against the rules, right? No hiding away or sneaking around behind people’s backs.” He had the grace to look a little guilty at that one.

“Well,” Lloyd said, recovering, “Once Charlie and I get showered we could have a little mixed doubles. What do you think?”

“To tell the truth, Lloyd, I could use a cup of coffee and some breakfast. It must have been all that activity last night, but I’m starving.”

“Hear, hear,” said Charlie from the other bed.

Lloyd sniffed. “You guys are no fun.”

I shrugged and smiled. In a few minutes we heard the water stop. Bruce came out, rubbing his hair with a towel. He had shaved in the shower.

“Morning. What’s going on?”

“These gentlemen,” Lloyd said in an aggrieved tone, “Would rather feed their faces than play.”

“Well,” Bruce said, “I was thinking I was kind of hungry myself.”

Lloyd tossed the covers aside and stood up. I pretended not to see the discarded rubber lying on the sheet before he quickly replaced the blanket.

“Well, since I seem to be outnumbered, I’ll get ready. Charlie, you want to join me?”

“In a minute.” Lloyd shut the bathroom door. Charlie threw back his covers and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Bruce sat next to him and draped an arm around his shoulder. “How’re you doing this morning?”

Lloyd’s partner suddenly looked a lot more awake. “Great,” he said, his voice a bit breathless. I’d always known Charlie held Bruce in awe. I could understand–I’d felt that way myself.

“So, how are we going to get your man to open his little rosebud for us, Charlie?”

Charlie turned beet red. I cracked up. “What’s this ‘little rosebud’ shit?”

Bruce looked at me with mock indignation. “I was referring to a very private part of Mr. Kothman’s anatomy. Please be respectful.”

“Oh my god.” I was in hysterics and it proved contagious. The three of us took a minute to calm down. Finally Bruce said, “Seriously, Charlie, do you think we can get Lloyd to play bottom? I mean, I get the idea so far that’s not his thing.”

Charlie nodded. “I think he’ll do it for you, Bruce. When he was talking to me about this weekend he kept mentioning your–cock.” His voice fell on the last word. “He said I’d love it, that he’d even thought about taking it himself but he didn’t know if he could.” He blushed. “I’m sorry, Bruce. That wasn’t a hint.”

Bruce shook his head and smiled. “We’ll get to that. We just need to get him into a situation where he’ll have to put his money where his mouth is.”

Charlie’s eyes brightened. “You know he brought toys, right?” We nodded. “I think he has his leather handcuffs. Maybe we could get him to demonstrate them or something.”

Bruce’s eyes gleamed. “Take him prisoner.”

Charlie said, “He might go for it. Lloyd’s always wanted to try bondage scenes. That’s why he bought the cuffs and other stuff. I wouldn’t do it. I’ve never been into that.”

My partner laughed. “Charlie, you just might change your mind.”

“I’d better get in there. He’ll wonder what’s going on.” Charlie got up and walked toward the bathroom. When he disappeared inside Bruce turned to me.

“You know, he’s actually kind of cute. Nice smile. Nice butt too.”

I clicked my tongue in mock annoyance. “It’s Lloyd’s butt we’re after, in case you forgot.”

Bruce’s eyes twinkled. “So maybe I’ll have both, since I can’t have yours.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the bed with him. “You’re a tough nut to crack.” He rolled on top of me and planted a kiss on my lips.

“Damn right,” I said.

“But worth it,” he murmured, nuzzling my cheeks. “Ouch. You’re like sandpaper.”

“That’s right, I forgot to shave. I’d better do that as soon as they’re out.”

Bruce sighed. “Four guys sharing one bathroom is a drag. Next time we’ll have to get a place with two.”

“Next time?” I raised my eyebrows.

Bruce smiled and didn’t answer.

We may have been two gay couples in the middle of a weekend of sexual experimentation, but nobody would have guessed it seeing us eating together a while later. We decided on a venerable old place down the street from the hotel that served up huge portions of classic American breakfasts. Once we had sat down in one of the narrow wooden booths and ordered up plates of eggs and pancakes (Bruce was sensible and had oatmeal), we looked to all the world like four ordinary men on a joint business trip, or maybe in town for the weekend to catch a University sporting event.

Of course, anyone getting a little closer would have noticed that we were in better shape and more carefully groomed than most guys our age. Still closer, and our conversation would have been a dead giveaway.

“You got us all tickets to Carmina Burana at the Performing Arts Center this afternoon? I don’t believe it,” I exclaimed.

“Lloyd, you’ve got to let us pay you for ours,” Bruce said.

Lloyd smiled and shook his head. “We’re splitting the cost of the hotel, right? This is my treat. I’m in charge of the entertainment this weekend.” He winked. “In more ways than one.” He took a bite of his omelet. “So enjoy the ballet. It’s on me.”

“Well, thanks,” said Bruce. “The local paper’s been in a tizzy about the amount of male flesh exposed onstage. I can hardly wait.”

He was sitting across from me on the inside of the booth, next to Charlie. Lloyd was next to me and opposite his partner. Charlie was digging at his pancakes when suddenly he stopped in mid-bite. His eyebrows shot up and a grunt of surprise issued from his throat.

“Are you okay, Charlie?” Lloyd asked.

Charlie swallowed, nodding. “Sure. I just thought–”


“Nothing.” He went back to eating. I watched, a bit puzzled by this exchange. A few moments later I heard Lloyd’s partner draw in his breath. His eyes grew wide. Without moving a muscle in his face I saw him shoot a rapid sidelong glance at Bruce.

Intrigued, I turned my attention to my own partner, who was eating his oats. He avoided my attempts to catch his eye. I noticed that the hand not holding his spoon was nowhere to be seen.

I began to get the picture. I suppressed a smile and decided to join the fun. Underneath the table I pulled my right foot out of the slip-on loafer it was wearing, all the while engaging Lloyd in casual conversation. Without breaking my rhythm for an instant I raised my stocking foot toward Bruce, aiming between his legs. The next moment it found its target. He jumped in his seat and shot me a dirty look. I raised my eyebrows at him with elaborate casualness as I moved my toes, massaging his swelling crotch through the fabric of his slacks.

Bruce’s hand took hold of my wayward foot and caressed it. Then he let go, and I sensed his fingers lowering his zipper. As soon as he had it down I wiggled my toes through the opening. My partner helped me by working his underwear down so that my foot was in direct contact with his hard cock. By now Bruce’s breath was coming noticeably faster. His hand gave my foot a last squeeze, then went back to working on Charlie’s crotch.

All this time Lloyd was chatting and eating, oblivious to the shenanigans that were going on around him.

“Well,” he said, “I for one am glad that they show it all onstage now. Why should sex be just sneaking around in the dark? What fun is that?”

A strangled sound came from Bruce. He began to cough, and picked up his glass of water.

“Sorry, I choked, or something,” he explained.

“I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” Charlie announced. He slipped out of his seat and walked toward the restrooms. I noticed that he was hunched over, as if ashamed of his height.

I waited a decent interval then said to Lloyd, “I need to get out too.”

“The bladder brigade,” Lloyd remarked as he got out and I slid past him.

“Yeah, right.” I hurried after Charlie. Since I hadn’t been receiving direct stimulation, my bulge wasn’t as prominent as his probably had been. All the same, I didn’t particularly want the whole dining room to notice.

I got to the men’s room door, pushed it open and walked in. Charlie was standing at one of the two urinals. He looked up as I walked in, a mixture of glee and embarrassment in his smile.

Pretending I had no idea of what had just been going on I stepped up to the other urinal on his right. “Really had to go, eh?”

“Um, yeah.” I glanced over at him. His hips were so close to the porcelain I could barely see his front side, but in the shadows I could see his erection jutting out from his fly.

“Charlie,” I began, but before I could rag on him a giggle burst from his pursed lips.

I sighed in mock reproach. “Can’t take you anywhere.”

“It’s your boyfriend’s fault, giving me a hand job right there under the table,” he protested. “If I hadn’t gotten up and come in here when I did, I would’ve blown my load in public.”

“I thought that’s what was going on. We were playing a little footsie ourselves.”

“How the hell can I go back out there looking like this?”

“Well,” I said, pausing for effect. “I could take care of it.”

“What?” Charlie hissed. “Here?”

“Like you said, you can’t go back looking like that.” I reached my left hand over and took hold of his cock. “It’ll only take a minute.”

“Oh, Jesus, if someone walks in…” Charlie’s voice trailed off into heavy breathing as I coated his shaft with his precum. Jacking someone off left-handed wasn’t the easiest way to do it but I managed to get a rhythm going. Sure enough, it was probably less than a minute later when Charlie’s chest heaved and his dick came to life, pulsing out its load in thick white spurts onto the porcelain.

“Good boy,” I whispered.

“Oh shit,” he breathed, his eyelids fluttering. As soon as his ejaculation subsided he zipped himself back into his trousers and flushed. He walked over to the sink beside us and started to wash his hands.

“Hand me a paper towel, would you?” I said to him. Some of his cum was sticking to my hand.

He pulled one from the dispenser and handed it to me. “Are we lunatics or what?”

“Yeah. Fun, isn’t it?” I winked at him as I wiped myself off.

He smiled back, shaking his head. “Guess so, as long as we don’t get arrested. See you back in there.”

He turned toward the door, then recoiled, startled, as it opened in his face. It was Bruce. He stopped and looked at us with an accusing expression. I was amused to note that his fly was bulging as well. He must have had quite a time stuffing his hardon back into his pants.

“Too late,” I said. “I jacked Charlie off.”

“You shitheads,” he said, grinning. “Lloyd’s royally peeved that we didn’t include him. He’s back there at the table, pouting.”

“Serves him right for plugging you on the sly last night,” I said. I turned to Charlie, who looked like he didn’t know whether to laugh or run for his life. “Don’t worry,” I told him, “We’re not really going to kill each other.”

“If you say so,” he replied, still looking a bit uncertain.

“Well, kids,” Bruce said, “Go back to the table and calm him down. I’ve got to tinkle.”

“Yeah, right,” I teased. “No jacking off. Save it for tonight.”

“Yes, sir,” he replied with mock deference, as he stepped up to the urinal.

Sure enough, Lloyd was sitting at the table when Charlie and I returned, drumming his fingers on the wood and looking distinctly bent out of shape.

“Not very nice of you all to leave me out of your little party,” he said.

I decided to let that pass, even though I was itching to point out that Lloyd hadn’t invited us to his little party late last night. I’d get my revenge before the day was out.

“Sorry, Lloyd. We got carried away. Must be the sexually charged atmosphere you create wherever you go.”

At that he looked a bit mollified. “I got the check. What shall we do between now and the show?”

“Well,” said Bruce, who had just come back, “Gene and I are going to run home and change. We didn’t bring good clothes since we didn’t know you had gotten the tickets.”

“Then we thought we might do some shopping,” I added. “I never realized it, but there are some great stores downtown. It’s funny what you don’t do when you actually live in a place.”

Lloyd sighed. “Gentlemen, gentlemen. Clothes, shopping. May I remind you why we planned this weekend together?”

I sat down next to him, letting my body contact his. I put my hand on his thigh and squeezed. In a low voice I said, “We haven’t forgotten. Think about how riled up we’re going to be after we’ve seen those hot dancers this afternoon. I know why you got those tickets.”

Lloyd looked into my eyes, smiled and licked his lips. “Pre-dinner cocktails back in the room, right after the show.”

When we got back to the room after the ballet the light was beginning to fade. As soon as we were all inside, we started to strip. The secretive groping and teasing we had engaged in at breakfast, and the sight of numerous muscular and scantily clad bodies onstage at the show, had gotten us turned on enough that I knew this was going to be interesting.

As I threw my clothes off I noted with amusement that Charlie wasn’t the least reluctant about getting naked, in contrast to last night. When Bruce lowered his dress slacks the front of his light blue bikinis was stained with precum from his cock bulging inside. Before he could finish undressing Lloyd’s partner was on his knees in front of him, pulling my partner’s rod out and swallowing it like an expert. His shirt open and his pants down around his ankles, Bruce watched as his cock slid in and out of Charlie’s eager mouth, his hand on the bobbing head in front of him.

I tore my gaze away from that hot sight long enough to eye Lloyd. He had peeled down to his underwear of choice that day, a jockstrap, whose elastic pouch at the moment was barely concealing the swollen contents inside.

“Leave that thing on and come in the bedroom,” I told him. “Those two are doing fine without us,” I added, nodding at the others.

Bruce raised his head and grinned. “We’ll be in after a while,” he said.

Lloyd turned and headed for the bedroom. I followed him, feasting my eyes on the sight of his pale, dimpled butt framed in triangles by the straps of his jock. As much as I wanted to see Bruce’s monster invading that ass, I knew I wanted it for myself just as much.

As Lloyd got to the nearest bed I shut the door behind us and encircled him from behind with my arms, crossing them over his chest and tickling his nipples with my thumbs. He moaned and let his head fall back onto my shoulder.

“Mm, that’s nice.”

I thrust a tongue into his ear. “You’re telling me. You look so fucking hot in that thing. It might as well have ‘rim me’ written on the waistband.”

“So do it.”

I pushed him toward the bed. “On your knees.”

Lloyd obeyed. He clambered onto the mattress and knelt, head down. His ass was in the air, cheeks tensed and vulnerable, his cock and ball sack still imprisoned by the pouch of his jock. I spread his legs further apart so that the cleft between his cheeks opened, exposing the sparse, light brown hair in the crack that surrounded his small, tight, pink hole. I bent down, grabbed both cheeks under the straps of his jock and licked his butt just above his crack. I worked my way down until I felt my tongue reach the soft, velvety skin of his asshole. Lloyd was clean, but a faint, musky scent tickled my nostrils, a faint, bitter taste coated my tongue. It was the most secret place on a man’s body and the prospect of having it drove me wild.

“Oh, yeah, eat that hole,” Lloyd moaned.

I flicked my tongue rapidly over his anus and felt it twitch in response. Encouraged by his continuing noises of pleasure I shoved my tongue inside as hard as I could. This drew another loud moan from Lloyd, and his hand moved toward the pouch of his jockstrap to release his raging erection. I slapped it away, none too gently.

“What are you doing?” He tried to reach his cock again. This time I took hold of his wrist and pinned his hand to the mattress, my head still buried between his butt cheeks.

“You fucker,” Lloyd said. He tried to wriggle out of my grasp. I abandoned his ass and dove onto the bed atop his body, grabbing his body around the waist. In a few seconds we were in the middle of a real wrestling match, panting, grunting and laughing as we struggled on the bed. My cock was as hard as a rock and I could feel that his was too.

The door opened and Bruce and Charlie entered, both naked. “Whoa,” Bruce shouted as he saw us struggling. He and Charlie joined in the fray and in a short time we had our friend subdued and spread-eagled on his back on the bed. Charlie and I were holding one arm down apiece. Bruce had both Lloyd’s ankles in his hands and was standing by the bed, leaning down on them with his full weight. We were all panting and sweating, Lloyd’s chest heaving, the hair on it matted with sweat. He grinned upward at the three of us.

“All right, you got me. Now what are you going to do with me?”

“Hmm, let’s see,” said Bruce. “What do you think, Gene? Shouldn’t this homewrecker get a special punishment?”

“Damn right,” I said. “Did you say something about handcuffs, Charlie?”

“They’re in that box in the closet. I’ll get them.”

“Charlie, what’re you doing?” Lloyd protested.

“What does it look like? Helping tie you up.” He made sure to give me time to reach over and grab Lloyd’s other arm before he got up and went in the other room.

“Damn traitor,” Lloyd said. I was squatting behind him now on the bed, my hard dick just inches from his face. He raised his head and looked at Bruce. “So it’s gang up on Lloyd day, eh?” Despite his protests he wasn’t struggling very hard to get away any more. I also noted that his cock was still hard. By now his precum had pretty much soaked the pouch of his jockstrap.

“You might say it’s payback time, yeah,” my partner replied. At that moment Charlie came back in with the handcuffs, two black, thick leather bands lined with fleece and joined by a shiny chrome chain, very luxurious.

“Wow, deluxe model,” Bruce said. Charlie handed the restraints to me. I wrapped one around Lloyd’s right wrist and fastened the Velcro closure in place. Then I brought his arms together over his head and put the other cuff around his left wrist.

“Hold his arms,” I told Charlie, who obeyed, taking my place behind Lloyd. Bruce and I stood at the foot of the bed, looking at our prisoner, his arms pinioned, helpless to protect himself. Lloyd stared back at us, a mixture of anxiety and lust in his eyes. His nipples were erect and the head of his dick was peeking out of the top of his jock. He was turned on by this, no doubt about it.

Bruce went to the nightstand between the beds and picked up two condoms. Lloyd saw what he was doing and began to struggle, almost getting away from Charlie’s grasp.

“No way am I going to take that monster,” he protested, staring at Bruce’s organ, magnificent in full erection.

“I don’t see as how you have a choice, mister,” my partner said.

“Aw please, have a heart,” Lloyd begged. “I haven’t gotten fucked in god knows how long.”

“You should have thought of that before you fucked my man without my permission,” Bruce intoned, his voice deep and sinister. He tore open the wrapper and sheathed his cock, unrolling the latex over the shaft with deliberate slowness. I wondered how much of this was playacting.

“Okay, okay,” Lloyd said. “At least let Gene do it first. He’s not as big as you are.”

“What do you think, Gene?” Bruce asked.

I pretended to think it over. Finally I spoke.

“Give me one of those.”

I took the rubber and climbed onto the bed. After I put it on I greased my fingers with lube, raised Lloyd’s legs and poked one of my digits into his hole. It was tight. But not, I decided, so tight that he couldn’t take me. Or Bruce.

I got up on my haunches and positioned the head of my cock at his back entrance.

“Be gentle,” Lloyd pleaded.

I shoved my hips forward so that my rod broke through and surged into him in one huge thrust. Lloyd screamed, as much as in surprise at being suddenly filled with cock as with actual pain. I knew I wasn’t big enough really to rupture him or anything, but it must have hurt some nonetheless. Charlie kept a tight grip on his arms as his body bucked and heaved under me.

I bent down, grabbed his face with both my hands and looked straight into his eyes. I got my lips down close to his ear so only he could hear what I was saying.

“That was for fucking Bruce last night when you thought I was asleep,” I said to him, in a low voice. His eyes widened in comprehension. After a moment he nodded, conceding defeat.

I felt a pang of remorse at having hurt him. “You want me to pull out?”

Silence. His eyes shifted away, then met mine again. “Fuck me.”

I grinned. “Take some deep breaths. You’ll get used to it. I’m just the warmup act, remember.”

Lloyd obeyed, while I held myself still. When I felt his ass muscles give a little bit I began to move, sliding in and out, at first slowly, then faster and faster. As I fucked him Lloyd’s eyes lost their focus and his breath began to come in shallow gasps.

“Not so bad, is it?” I asked. He shook his head and smiled.

“It’s great. Do it some more.”

“You got it,” I muttered. After a while I got too close to shooting and slowed down, then pulled out. Lloyd grunted as my cock popped out of his ass.

“Your turn,” I said to Bruce, peeling off my rubber.

“Please don’t do what he did to me.” There was genuine fear in Lloyd’s eyes.

Bruce smiled. “I’ll go easy.” He mounted the bed, grabbed Lloyd’s legs and hoisted them onto his shoulders. “Remember what Gene told you. Take deep breaths, relax.”

Lloyd’s chest moved as Bruce placed his thick meat against his loosened hole and began to push at it in gentle thrusts. After a few tries he stopped thrusting and began to exert a steady, gentle pressure. A groan issued from Lloyd’s throat, increasing in volume as more of my partner’s cock entered him. Then I saw the entire head of Bruce’s cock pop inside. Lloyd’s groan turned into a shout of combined pain and triumph.

“Jesus Christ you are so fucking big!” he gasped, his eyes staring upward, unseeing.

“You’re doing great,” Bruce told him. “Just relax. Relax. Oh yeah,” he crooned. “That’s my baby. So hot. So tight. Yeah.”

He sank in up to the hilt, his balls pressed against Lloyd’s stretched cheeks, and another wail filled the air.

“Oh, fuck!” Lloyd tossed his head from side to side, his eyes screwed shut, his teeth gritted.

“Yeah, you got it all, baby,” Bruce said. “How do you like it?”

“Damn,” Lloyd said.

Bruce began to thrust slowly in and out, still being careful. Charlie came around to one side of Lloyd’s head as Bruce continued to fuck, raising it and guiding his cock into Lloyd’s waiting mouth. I dared not touch myself, otherwise I would’ve blown right then and there as I saw them fill Lloyd up at both ends.

For the next few moments I watched Bruce’s massive piston ream our prisoner’s hole. Even after all these years as his partner I still was sore afterward when Bruce fucked me. Lloyd was going to remember this night for a while.

Lloyd turned to me. “You too. Get over here and give me that cock.”

I let him give me a few strokes with his mouth before pulling back. “Not yet. I don’t want to cum yet.”

“Suck mine,” Charlie said, forcing Lloyd’s head back toward his own prick and shoving it into his mouth.

We continued this way, Bruce plowing Lloyd’s ass while he nursed on one or another of two hard cocks ranged above his face. At one point I put on a new rubber and relieved Bruce for a while, then we switched off again. Before my partner took Lloyd’s ass for the second time he stripped him of his jockstrap. Lloyd’s cock sprang free, still leaking its apparently endless supply of precum. We hadn’t allowed him to touch himself this entire time, and maybe that was his worst punishment.

“Untie my hands,” he pleaded. “I’ve got to cum.”

Bruce shook his head with an evil grin. “No, sir. We decide when you can shoot.”

“Aw, c’mon. When?”

“Soon. Soon,” Bruce grunted, his face contorted into a grimace as he accelerated his pace. “Getting close, man… Oh yeah… going to fill you up… Oh yeah, yeah, YEAH!”

Triumphant, wordless shouts punctuated his last huge thrusts into the helpless body underneath him. Bruce raised his face in triumph to the ceiling, his eyes screwed shut, his mouth open. I knew his cock was delivering its load into the rubber deep inside Lloyd’s ass, and the thought sent me over the edge. With a shudder and a groan I leaned forward and blew my wad over Lloyd’s face in thick splashes. He stuck out his tongue to taste it, and to receive Charlie’s seed as well. We coated him in tandem with our hot cum.

Lloyd writhed in agony and ecstasy as he received our three loads. It was time to put him out of his misery. I grabbed his cock and began to jack it hard. In seconds his breath began to come in harsh gasps.

“I’m cumming.”

I bent and took him in my mouth just as he blew, feeling his cock pulsing as he filled me with his seed. Lloyd shouted and thrashed, his arms still pinned to the bed by Charlie. I let go of his cock, keeping his load, and moved up to his cum-splashed face. Lloyd’s eyes were shut, his face screwed in a grimace of ecstasy. His hands were clenching and unclenching in their restraints. He sensed me close to him and opened his eyes. As soon as his mouth opened in an “O” of surprise I descended on it, sealing my lips onto his and dumping what I had inside.

Caught by surprise, Lloyd struggled under me, muffled protests issuing from his throat, but I grabbed his head and held his face to mine, forcing him to swallow his own load. Then I let go and let him fall back onto the bed. Lloyd lay gasping, speechless, his cheeks splashed with my cum and Charlie’s, a little of his own dribbling down his chin.

I saw Bruce nod at Charlie. He ripped the Velcro free and released Lloyd’s wrists from the restraints. Bruce began to pull back slowly. Lloyd gave a last cry as the cock that had stretched his hole to the limit popped out of his ravaged ass. He lowered his legs to the bed with a sigh, his entire body free at last.

The three of us drew back, silent, watching Lloyd as he lay on the bed, eyes closed, chest still heaving from his exertions. I began to worry. Had we gotten carried away, been too rough? Taken out our own anger and frustrations on him? If so, this weekend might have ruined whatever friendship we had left.

After long moments, Lloyd opened his eyes. I held my breath.

He smiled. “That was amazing.”

I drew a sigh of relief. Bruce smiled, first at me, then at Lloyd. “You okay?” He was standing, hands on hips, his cock still impressive at half-mast, hooded with a full rubber. Most men would have looked ridiculous in that state. He looked damn hot.

“Well,” Lloyd said, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow, but right now I’m great.” He turned his cum-stained face up at his partner, kneeling near him. “You are such a fraud. Not into bondage scenes. What bullshit.”

Charlie was grinning from ear to ear. “Like Gene said, we’re all trying new things this weekend.”

I handed Lloyd a towel lying on a nearby chair so he could clean himself up. “Well, gentlemen,” he said as he wiped the cum off his face, “I think we can say this weekend has been a success, don’t you agree?”

I looked at Bruce. We smiled and nodded at each other.

“Right,” I said. There were still things that needed to be settled before we left, but they could wait. Right now it was time for dinner.

We tried a new Italian place that Richard had recommended to us. It was crowded and popular and we trooped to the bar to wait for a table. After a while Charlie excused himself and Bruce motioned Lloyd and me closer.

“Listen,” he said, “I want to ask you guys’ permission to break the rules.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Charlie and I want to spend some private time together tonight.”

Lloyd raised his eyebrows. “Why?”

Bruce said, “Charlie wants me, and I’m willing. But he’s too shy to do it in front of you guys, especially you, Lloyd.”

“He shouldn’t feel that way.”

“Maybe he shouldn’t, but he does. How about it?”

“I don’t have a problem with it,” I said. Lloyd was silent, then he shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

“Thanks,” Bruce said. “We’re not kicking you guys out. Just give us some time by ourselves in the bedroom after we get back.”

Despite his assent, Lloyd seem perturbed by Bruce’s request, and disappeared after dinner without saying where he was going. I stuck around for a few minutes, then said, “Well, enjoy yourselves. I’m going out for a while.” I left the room, planning to hang out in the lobby.

After fifteen minutes or so of looking at the human traffic and trying to read the paper, though, I got restless and decided to go out, maybe to a nearby bar. I reached in my pocket and found that, though I had my room key, I had forgotten my wallet. A curious feeling ran through me at the discovery that I would have to go back up to the room. I realized that I was struggling with the temptation to try and catch a glimpse of Bruce and Charlie in action.

I made my mind a perfect blank as I took the elevator up, got out at our floor and walked down the hallway. I put the key in the lock and opened the door slowly, making sure that it didn’t bang shut. The outer room of the suite was dark, but I saw a dim vertical stripe of light. The door to the bedroom was cracked open.

Almost of their own accord my feet moved across the carpet until I was at the bedroom door. My heart was pounding so hard I imagined that it might betray my presence to Bruce and Charlie. Trying to stifle even the sound of my breathing, I leaned forward and peered through the crack.

They were well into what they were doing. Bruce had Charlie on his back, his legs in the air, both of them naked. Charlie’s arms were around Bruce’s neck, their faces close as Bruce thrust into him again and again, his muscular, dimpled cheeks clenching with each downward stroke. As I watched their mouths met in a languid kiss.

I felt a stiffness tenting the front of my pants as I watched them make love. Bruce’s motions were gentle, tender, in contrast to the pounding he had given Lloyd. I saw Charlie’s head tossing from side to side, his mouth open in a smile of pleasure. I had felt a mixture of arousal and jealousy at the sight of Bruce and Lloyd together. Now I felt only affection and pride that my partner was giving Charlie his special time.

I gazed at my lover fucking my friend a moment longer, then found my wallet on the table and tiptoed out.

I didn’t get back from the bar until midnight. When I slipped into the bedroom Bruce and Charlie were asleep in each other’s arms. There was a dark shape in the other bed, and the sound of heavy breathing.

I took off my clothes in the dark and slipped under the covers next to Lloyd. I thought he was asleep until I felt his arms around me, drawing me close to him. I remembered him and Bruce the night before and stiffened, preparing to resist. A strong scent of alcohol hit my nostrils.

“I’m not going to do anything,” Lloyd whispered to me, “Except say I’m sorry.”

“About what?” I said, puzzled.

He sighed. “Sorry for everything. All the pain I’ve caused you, and Bruce, and Charlie.”

I wasn’t about to get into it right there. I patted him on the cheek. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. Go to sleep.”

I was afraid he was going to argue, but Lloyd released me and turned away. In a few moments his breathing evened out into a regular rasp again. He was asleep. I, on the other hand, lay staring up into the darkness for a long while.

The next morning we prepared to check out. It felt strange to have clothes on in the room–we had adhered to our ground rules pretty well on the whole. The four of us exchanged hugs all around, warm, prolonged embraces that felt curiously fraternal after the more intimate contact we’d had most of the past two days.

“Still friends?” Lloyd asked me as he squeezed me tight. He didn’t give any sign of remembering our whispered exchange in the dark.

“Of course,” I said, sounding more certain than I felt. It would take a while to figure out whether this experiment had worked or not. Still, at least we had tried it.

The door shut behind them, and Bruce and I turned to each other.

“Well, I guess we should clean up a bit,” I said.

“Why? The maids have seen condom wrappers before,” he said. There was a gleam in his eye that I recognized, even before he started to unbutton his shirt.

“Put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door. Checkout’s not until noon.”

I had seen Bruce naked all weekend, but as we kissed and embraced on the rumpled bed I felt as if I were seeing him with new eyes. The stabbing agony of his cock as it penetrated me had never flared with such intensity–the pleasure that followed had never filled me with such heat. I lay in his favorite position, bent double underneath him, my calves on his shoulders, and let him take me. After a while, though, I rose and pushed at his body until we changed places and he was lying on his back on the bed. I bent and licked his nipple, sending a shudder through him.

“I want what Lloyd got,” I told him, “Your ass.”

Bruce grinned up at me as he raised his legs and hooked them over my shoulders. “I want what Lloyd got,” he replied. “Your cock.”

I smiled at the man I loved, took hold of my organ and slipped it into his willing hole.


It’s been several years since that weekend in the hotel suite. We’ve never done it as a foursome again.

Bruce and I will celebrate our twentieth next year. We’re doing fine, I guess, much as always. Once in a great while, when it’s a special occasion or when we just need to blow off a little steam, we’ll spend a night at the local bathhouse, or we’ll invite someone back home with us. It’s always a guy we don’t know, and we never do it with anyone more than once.

Lloyd and Charlie aren’t together any more. About a year after our sex weekend they split up. I heard through the grapevine that Charlie threw Lloyd out, tired of his constant fucking around on the side. Since they were both our friends that put Bruce and me in the awkward position of having to choose between them. So, as it often turns out, we ended up seeing neither, which is too bad.

Sometimes we would run into Charlie and Lloyd separately, either at the bar or the coffeehouse. We’d chat and have a good time but it wasn’t like the old days. After a while Charlie found himself a new partner and dropped out of the scene. I haven’t met the guy but people say he’s very nice, and totally faithful to Charlie. I’m sure Charlie’s never tried the group thing again.

Lloyd, on the other hand, we see around quite a lot. He’s still working out and looking good, though he really ought to stop going to those tanning booths–he’s beginning to look a bit leathery. His boyfriends are always younger than he is and hot. They never seem to stay around for long.

Sometimes I miss the old closeness between Bruce and me, between the four of us. But you can’t look back. Life goes on and it’s okay. Like I said at the beginning, things are good, maybe even great. Just not the same.

Here’s to love and friendship, and most of all, change.


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