In the Service to Father Micheal Ch. 01

I whisper, “Yes Father, Sorry Father!”

“I didn’t hear you, boy!”


All the other boys are looking at me except the naked boy who emptied our suitcases. He is just kneeling on the ground with his head down. I am drawn to that boy and feel like I want to be like him! Now my dick is rock hard, pointing straight out in front of me.

Pointing to the boy, Father Micheal says, “That boy is doing as he is ordered to do by me. Now crawl to those worthless belongings.”

Humiliated deeply and ashamed of myself, I crawl to my belongings scattered on the ground.

“Boy, pick up those worthless things and throw them away. You may walk but pick up each item separately and throw it away in the appropriate recycling bin. Boys like you do not need any of those items. They are useless for what your purpose is meant to be. Those items will be donated to boys who will need them more than you!”

I feel all eyes on me as I throw away each piece of my clothing, books, sunglasses, and even my portable gaming devices. Tears start to form in my eyes as I drop each item into the appropriate bin. It’s like my life is being taken from me! I bought most of these things with money from mowing lawns, shoveling driveways, and doing other manual jobs around my neighborhood. It was a lot of hard work! I was proud of being able to have them since my parents wouldn’t give me anything. My dad told me I had to work hard to get by in the world. When I am done, I kneel in front of Father Micheal again. I just thought it was the right thing to do.

Father Micheal then said the same thing to all the other boys. They all throw away their most personal items. I hear some of them crying and others just pissed. But what could we do? After all, we are naked and locked behind a steel wall. Plus, Father Micheal is very intimidating. He is 6 ft 2 in tall and seems very muscular under his tight clothing. After all the boys are done they follow my lead and kneel in a line in front of Father Micheal.

Then we all hear clothes being removed. We look up in awe as Father Micheal starts to strip as well. He hands each piece of clothing to the boy who was waiting for us when we exited the van. Once Father Micheal is naked, the boy with his clothes rushes to the van and folds them nicely, setting them on the front seat. When he is done he rushes back and kneels behind Father Micheal, facing us.

Father Micheal starts to pace in front of us. We all look up at the NOW naked father with our mouths open and eyes wide. I have never seen a naked man up close like this. His half-hard cock is bouncing in front of him as he paces close to our faces. We turn our heads back and forth as he paces. I unconsciously lick my lips. I see all the boys doing the same. I now understand they are just as gay as I am. They most likely feel weak in front of Father Micheal as I do.

“Boys, this place is a nudist community. Everyone, including me, are naked at all times. The church is here to give spiritual guidance to the community. In turn for the community’s support of the church, you boys will serve the church, the community, and myself however I demand. I will explain each assignment to each of you when it is necessary. I feel so warm and happy watching Father’s cock at eye level.

I am broken out of my trance when Father Micheal says, “Boys, do you understand what I am telling you?”

Each boy whispers, “Yes Father.”

“I can’t hear you!”

We all yell out at the same time, “YES FATHER!”

“Good boys!”

Father Micheal then addresses the boy behind him, “Bring me the collars.”

The boy behind Father Micheal runs to the back of the van and pulls outs another suitcase. It looks heavy. The boy rolls it over to Father Micheal and opens it for him.

We look at the case. Inside are circular white collars. They don’t look like any collars an altar boy would wear during church service. So, I am confused why they would weigh so much. Then I notice the boy has the same white collar around his neck. I am so used to alter boys with white collars that I didn’t notice it before. The boy hands Father one of the collars. It looks strange. It doesn’t seem to be made of cloth. It is ridged in Father Micheal’s hand. He walks up to me and stares down at me. I look up at him with nervousness and excitement. What is he going to do with the collar in his hand? I am then surprised when he opens it up. There seems to be a hinge in the collar that opens each half of the collar. He then lowers it to my neck. I swallow hard! Father raps the collar around my neck and closes it with a click!

“OH SHIT!,” I think.

Then Father lets go of the collar. It is heavy as it drops on my shoulders. Father does the same to all the boys.

I think, ‘Fuck what the hell is that around my neck!’

Once all the boys have been collared, Father Micheal addresses us.

“Boys, those are your alter boy collars. They will remain on for as long as you are staying in the service of this community! Let me be perfectly clear! Those collars track your every move. I can track you down wherever in the community or anywhere in the world. You see there are eSim cellular chips in them. In addition, they can only be removed by me!”

Father looks each one of us in the eye and we know he is telling us the truth. He just locked metal collars around our necks! Like we are his slaves! Fuck my dick gets even harder feeling the heavy metal resting on my shoulders. It will be a constant reminder that we are now in the service of the church and Father Micheal.

“Furthermore, if you try to leave the walls of this community then the collar will provide a powerful electric shock! Trust me the shock will drop you to your knees and wish you were never born! In addition, any tampering with the collar will cause it to shock you as well!”

We all are surprised with our mouths agape and eyes wide as the implications dawn in our minds. We cannot leave! We are trapped and there is not a thing we can do about it. No one is going to be looking for us. Our parents think we are being converted to nice “straight boys”! They will cover for the church. So, we are basically slaves to the church and Father Micheal. As I think about this my dick starts leaking, dripping precum on the ground. I glance in my peripheral vision to see several other boys leaking too. Why is the thought of being a slave make me so dam horny! It cannot be normal. Is this what the church does with deviant perverts, make them slaves! Seeing the other boys leaking, I think at least I am with others that feel the same way!

“Good, I see most of you boys enjoy the thought of being collared and in the service of the church. Each of you will be trained to serve men! You see most of the men in this community are either homosexuals or bi-sexual. So, you boys will be serving the community in many different ways.”

Father Micheal walks up to each one of us and pisses in our faces. I am shocked again! I have to close my eyes and close mouth tightly to keep the piss from stinging my eyes and getting in my mouth. I definitely don’t want to taste Father’s piss! After the last boy is pissed on, Father Micheal stands in front of us.

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