Dan’s New Boss

A gay story: Dan’s New Boss

As they were wrapping up their weekly floor walk in the furniture and home department, Dan saw Jason stride towards the lift at the end of the sales floor, ready to return to his office on the top floor. Being his fourth round with Jason since he joined the team, Dan was bracing himself for yet another round of endless criticisms without a single word of praise.

Tracy, Dan’s colleague, appeared by his side and took one glance at his exasperated expression before asking, “What’s his latest issue now?”

Dan turned to Tracy and replied in a hushed voice, careful not to alert Jason who was still waiting for the lift, “Where do I even begin? He’s unhappy with the lighting display, the styling of the new Italian couches, and even the boldness of the ticketing. I swear I’m going to lose it with that man.”

Shaking her head sympathetically, Tracy remarked, “I know, but you have to admit, he’s quite the looker.”

Dan couldn’t deny it. He couldn’t help but let his gaze linger on Jason, who had just stepped into the lift, unaware of being the subject of their conversation.

As the elevator doors closed, Dan reluctantly admitted that Jason had a lot going for him. He was handsome, with perfectly styled dark hair and captivating dark eyes framed by long lashes. His toned physique and tanned skin were a testament to his dedication to fitness. And let’s not forget his impeccable fashion sense, with every piece of designer clothing perfectly tailored to show off his broad shoulders, defined waist, and toned legs. It was just a shame that he was such a difficult person to work with.

Ever since he joined the team, Jason had taken a dislike to Dan and barely spoke to him outside of work-related matters. And to make matters worse, he had a high-maintenance girlfriend who had followed him here and landed a job in the store, meaning she was always around. Tracy gave Dan’s shoulder a comforting pat, understanding the struggle he faced with Jason.

“Never mind, tomorrow will be a better day.”

Dan certainly hoped so, because he loved his job as sales manager and he’d got on really well with Joe, the previous head of department, till he retired six weeks ago. Over the years he’d started travelling with Joe on buying trips and they worked well together. Although he’d been offered the position, he preferred being out on the sales floor, talking to the customers.

Then along came Jason, who clearly wanted to make his mark although at 30, he was nearly 20 years younger than Dan.

Ah well, hopefully things would settle down.

Next day, Dan was summoned to the top floor to see Mike Wood, General Manager and one of the owners of the store.

“Come in, Dan and sit down.”

After offering coffee, Mike got straight to the point.

“As you know, buying season is coming up and I want you to go with Jason on the trip.”

Dan had assumed that he wouldn’t be going this year and he certainly wasn’t looking forward to spending time away with someone who barely spoke to him.

“How does Jason feel about that?” he asked.

Mike gave almost a smile.

“I know you two don’t have the best relationship yet, but he’s okay with it. He’s not really familiar with what our customers buy and I’ve told him that nobody knows what sells better than you. You never know, you might get to know each other better.”

Dan had the impression that Mike hadn’t given Jason much choice, so agreed to go.

Two weeks later, Dan and Jason were on the evening flight and by the time they reached the hotel it was quite late.

There hadn’t been any conversation on the journey, Jason had spent much of the flight on his laptop, checking and rechecking spreadsheets, so when he suggested an early night, Dan was happy to go along with it. Anyway, tomorrow would be a busy day.

Dan let Jason use the bathroom first and when it was his turn, he could hear Jason on the phone in the bedroom. He came out to find Jason relaxing on his bed, dressed only in his tiny black briefs, which was distracting to say the least. By the conversation, he was talking to his girlfriend, Charlotte and was idly stroking his smooth, tanned chest as he spoke.

Dan carried on getting ready for bed but a couple of times, he was sure that Jason’s eyes were on him, while he continued to whisper sweet nothings to his girlfriend. Dan didn’t mind being looked at, he kept himself in shape at the gym and at 48 he thought he looked better than a lot of guys his age. He had dark chest hair that continued in a line down his stomach, disappearing inside his waistband and hairy legs and forearms, but apart from that his body was smooth and showed off his muscles.

Dan normally slept naked, even when he shared with Joe in the past, but he was a bit unsure with Jason so he kept his briefs on till he was sitting on the far side of the bed, then slipped them off, before sliding under the duvet.

Jason soon finished his conversation and had the grace to apologise.

“Sorry, Charlotte always likes to talk last thing when I’m away.”

Dan replied that it wasn’t a problem and they settled down.

Dan was an early riser in the morning and by the time Jason woke, he had showered, shaved and dressed

He watched Jason walk towards the bathroom, rubbing sleep from his eyes and admired that peach of an arse covered in thin cotton fabric, making his cock give a little twitch.

After breakfast, they made an early start to the exhibition. Morning was spent checking out the different stands, then after lunch, they split up, Jason to an appointment with a bed manufacturer and Dan to a lighting supplier.

As he stepped on to the stand, Dan was pleased to see Robert, who he’d known for a few years and who he’d fucked on occasion, when the opportunity arose.

After a warm greeting, Robert said

“I hear that Jason Grant is your new buyer. How is he getting on?”

Dan wanted to be diplomatic, because Robert was a terrible gossip

“Oh it’s early days. He’s only been with us for a month.”

Robert winked

“Have you had him yet?”

Dan was surprised

“But he has a girlfriend.”

This made Robert laugh

“Ah yes, the lovely Charlotte, but she doesn’t know that he likes to take it up the arse. ”

This was news to Dan, as every time he saw Jason and Charlotte together, they were all over each other, so he just said

“Well, Jason and I don’t really socialise or anything.”

Robert’s eyes dropped to Dan’s crotch

“Just give him a flash of the python between your legs and he’ll come running. I’ve heard he likes big cocks.”

Dan felt himself flush. Robert always referred to Dan’s cock as the python. He knew he was well above average, his thick cock hanging almost six inches soft, but reaching an impressive nine inches erect. Robert had begged for it the first time he saw it.

” Well he’s not the only one who likes a big cock inside him, is he, Robert?”

giving him a look, which made Robert laugh.

They got down to business and after he placed an order for lighting, Dan caught up with Jason on the Sofa Italia stand. Jason seemed a bit confused with all the different leathers and options, so Dan quietly guided him through everything, without making it obvious, so that Jason still felt he was in charge. By the end of the day, they’d ordered four new sets of furniture and set off back to the hotel.

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