Mr. Koch

A gay story: Mr. Koch Here’s my set-up: my name is Caleb, and at the time of this story, I was just 18 years old, a few months out of high school, waiting for the first semester of university to start in a few weeks. I was the recipient of a partial track & field scholarship at my soon-to-be university and I had the body to match: young and lithe and toned and healthy. People who have seen pictures of me from that time in my life say that I looked like a young Chris Evans with dirty blonde hair. I had already moved from my house to a ridiculously small apartment near my university. In the three weeks I had before university started, I spent my time running around the park and familiarizing myself with my new surroundings.

I was running intervals in the park before lunch on a Saturday the first time I saw Mr. Koch. He stood out from among the other walkers, runners, bicyclists, and dog-walkers for two reasons. The first reason was he was movie-star level good looking, drawing looks from a couple of women chatting on benches in the park. He closely resembled Luca Argentero. (If you like your men hot, Italian, and silver-daddy-ish, then it doesn’t get better. Take a second a look him up. It’s worth your time. This story will be here waiting for you when you get back.) The second reason was his attire: it looked really weird to me. He was running along the same ovoid path around the park that I was, and I had lapped him several times already during my interval sprints already. He was running too, but he wasn’t wearing anything like I or the other runners in the park were wearing. I was just in running shoes, running shorts, and a breathable running shirt. He was in some kind of skin tight form-revealing one-piece with a zipper in the middle of his chest and stomach that covered his muscular biceps and stretched all the way down to his knees, doing a great job of outlining his tight ass along the way.

I was so surprised at his form-fitting outfit that I mustered the courage to call out to him.

“Hey!” I screamed, running up behind him again.

He turned his head to look at me, making eye contact, and slowed down to let me catch up with him. His one-day unshaven scruff was flecked with grey. His hair was peppered through with silver at odd intervals. His amazingly avuncular and handsome face smiled welcomingly to me, waiting for me to say something.

“Sorry to bother you,” I said, making sure my preamble was polite.

He just titled his head slightly and waited for me to continue. We were now jogging next to each other.

“Can I ask what you’re wearing? I’ve never seen that before,” I asked him, one of my fingers pointing at what I thought was maybe some kind of running leotard.

“Oh this? This is a triathlon suit,” he replied, smiling widely, slightly pulling on the collar of his triathlon suit and then letting it go. The fabric snapped back to reveal his muscled chest again below the form fitting textile.

“Oh,” I said. I knew what the triathlon was but I didn’t know it had its own sportswear associated with it.

“You new here? I haven’t seen you running around the park before,” he asked me, still smiling his smile, his voice a friendly singsong of contagious excitement.

“Yeah, I moved here just last week,” I answered, myself breaking into a smile as well.

“Oh, so you just got here! Let me welcome you then! I’m Emmanuel Koch. You can call me Mr. Koch,” he said.

“Your name is Mr. Cock?” I parroted right back a lot louder than necessary, genuinely surprised that someone with that last name survived alive through elementary school, much less to adulthood.

“K. O. C. H,” he retorted immediately, slowly enunciating each letter.

“Oh. Sorry,” I said.

“You were thinking it was something else, weren’t you?” he questioned playfully, a wide smile spreading across his lips, revealing a set of perfectly white teeth.

He finally slowed to a stop and turned to face me. I stopped right in front of him. Wow, he’s tall was the first thing I thought.

“No. No, of course not,” I said, rolling my eyes playfully, giggling a little.

“Oh it’s okay. No reason to be embarrassed. A lot of the young guys that I tend to meet are interested in my last name,” he stated, still smiling, joking through my lack of homophonous imagination.

I laughed at his joke, not really thinking through the implications of it at first. But then I started to wonder was this guy hitting on me? He was twice my age at least. He could be as old as my dad. And sure, he was very good looking but I wasn’t into men.

“Oh. Oh. I’m not. Yeah, I’m not,” I mustered a lame response to his previous innuendo.

“Ah oh well. My mistake,” Mr. Koch said, smiling again, extending his hand to shake mine.

“No. Sorry. It’s just…I’m not interested…in your last name,” I said as I took his hand to shake, my face now flushed with red embarrassment.

He had a strong grip. My eyes darted to his arm. I noticed his biceps. They were large. They were outlined by the triathlon suit. Mr. Koch must work out a lot, and not just on the muscle groups required by the triathlon.

We stood there shaking hands for a lot longer than was socially acceptable. I started to smile embarrassingly. I was even shivering a little even though it was a warm day for reasons that I didn’t yet intuit. He just continued to look at me, smiling.

“How about I change subjects?” he asked, giggling, clearly enjoying the predicament that his phrasing put me in.

“Oh yes please,” I said, clearly embarrassed.

“How about some coffee? I always enjoy new people,” he asked me.

“Oh that would be great,” I replied immediately. But after a second, I started to wonder why he hadn’t put another verb or something after “enjoy.”

He slowly released my hand from our shake, but his fingers slowly traced along my fingers as he did so. I didn’t understand why, but that felt nice.

We started walking toward what I thought would be one of the many coffee shops in this university town. We chatted the whole time. Mr. Koch was super interesting! He graduated from the university that I was about to start at! He was an airline pilot. He was an Air Force veteran. He was quite the sportsman too. He was a mountaineer as well as a triathlete! His marathon time was faster than mine and I was fast, already sub-3! He was married. His wife was an airline stewardess, but their schedules meant that they were at home together for maybe one week each month. She was away on a flight to Tokyo at the moment.

He suddenly stopped in front of a two story Victorian townhouse, an architecture that was very common among the houses around the more than century old university. It was at least another block to the closest coffee shop.

“Here we are,” he announced, one of his muscular arms beckoning me up the steps to the entrance.

It dawned on me suddenly. He didn’t want to get some coffee at a coffee shop. He wanted to get me inside his house.

“Oh, I thought we were going to a coffee place,” I said, staring up at the stylish two floor Victorian longhouse in front of me.

“My kitchen is a great coffee place. I make great coffee,” he replied.

He waited to gauge my reaction.

“Alright,” said my mouth while my brain said something else entirely.

I sauntered up the stairs to the door of his house, Mr. Koch a few steps behind me. I stood next to the door, and Mr. Koch pulled out a key from a pocket and unlocked the door. He opened the door and I stepped through.

There were a gaggle of shoes circled around the entrance area, as if the shoes were all getting ready to walk out en-masse in protest of their working conditions. Most of the shoes were dress shoes and womens’ shoes.

I continued to look down at the fleet of shoes until Mr. Koch explained it.

“These are mostly my wife’s. In her country, people take their shoes off before they go into the house,” he said, starting to remove his running sneakers from one of his feet.

“Go ahead and take them off,” Mr. Koch added, pulling one shoe off his feet, and then the other.

“My shoes?” I inquired.

“Well, it’s just the two of us so you can take off anything you want, but yes please take off your shoes,” he said jokingly, beaming his welcoming smile again.

I giggled and smiled at that. What the hell was I doing?

As I was pulling my tight running shoes off, Mr. Koch walked barefoot to the next room, which I could see was a kitchen from where I was standing.

I took off my socks and tucked them into my shoes by the entrance and then skipped off to the kitchen. Why did I skip? I barely made any noise at all bounding along the tiled floor.

Mr. Koch was already working an impressive machine in front of him, his back to me. The machine was belching steam at odd intervals and making steampunk noises. I again noticed his muscled butt and sculpted back through his form-fitting and revealing triathlon suit.

“How do you like it?” Mr. Koch asked me suddenly, his gaze still on the marvelous contraption in front of him.

“Hm?” I asked him back, not comprehending.

“Hot and wild or slow and flavorful?” he said, turning his upper body around to look at me, smiling again.

God he had a great smile. It was beckoning. It was welcoming. It was friendly. You instantly wanted to be around this guy.

“The coffee?” I retorted, my tone somewhat quizzical.

“Oh yes definitely the coffee,” Mr. Koch replied, turning his upper body to look at me again as he spoke, smiling again and winking at me once.

Okay. He was hitting on me. I needed to shut this down before he did or said anything he might regret. After all, I wasn’t into men. Even one as attractive as him. Even one with a perfectly athletic body like him. Even one who was suggesting interest right back at me. Even one who was a lot older than I was. Even. Even. Even.

But I didn’t.

I didn’t.

“Oh, uh, I…uh, any way I can get both in my coffee?” I replied, the speed in my voice raising as I approached the end of my sentence. I was suddenly getting nervous. I was also flirting. Why?

“I like a guy who likes it both ways, Caleb! I think you’re gonna like my coffee!” Mr. Koch retorted nearly instantaneously, smiling widely before turning his attention back to his ancient coffee maker.

I laughed at his barely concealed innuendo, and then walked over beside him next to his coffee machine, which was now seeping brown liquid into two small cups.

And then I saw its outline. Again, a triathlon suit is form fitting and form revealing. I could see Mr. Koch had an erection already. And he was large. Very large. The triathlon suit was doing its best trying to contain him but it was obvious when I came to stand by him that his cock was very very very large.

I stood there stupidly, staring at his concealed package.

If Mr. Koch noticed me staring as his gift, he didn’t show it. (He noticed.) He just withdrew the two cups of coffee, turned to face me directly, and extended one hand with a coffee cup to me, beckoning me to take it.

“Your house looks amazing,” I said, taking the cup, which was hot, and took a sip of the brown liquid with swirls of white circling in a vortex on the surface.

“Thanks. You wanna tour? I can show you upstairs, if you want,” he asked, also taking a sip of his coffee.

I needed to shut this down. I knew I shouldn’t be getting this guy’s hopes up. He had a wife. I had a girlfriend. I knew that I should just say thanks and then leave.

“Oh okay, thanks,” I said. At least I got to the saying thanks part.

Mr. Koch grinned and took the coffee cup from me and placed it on the kitchen table next to us. He beckoned me to follow him. We wound around the corner of the kitchen to a set of stairs going up, and I followed him up. I watched his muscled butt compress and decompress as he took steps up to the second floor. Why was I looking at his ass so intently?

As we walked into the hallway above the stairs, Mr. Koch pointed out that two of the doors along the hallway led to either his son’s or daughter’s old rooms. He said that his daughter had moved out three years ago and his son last year to attend university in another city. We walked past several closed doors to the end of the hallway and through an open door to his and his wife’s bedroom. There was a huge king size bed with large bed poles at each edge in the middle of the room next to a large window, which allowed bright sunlight rays to flood the room. The bedspread clearly revealed that his wife was the one doing the decorating, as the whole bed screamed “honeymoon”. The sepia colored bedspread, the numerous heart shaped pillows, and the dainty white lace on the edges of the bed suggested that Mr. Koch’s wife loved this bed.

That’s when I noticed the ceiling mirror above the bed. Oh god. Mr. Koch and his wife installed a king size bed length mirror on the ceiling right over their domicile.

While I was looking at the ceiling mirror, Mr. Koch stepped over to the nightstand next to the bed and opened a drawer. He deftly pulled a clear plastic bottle filled with something that looked kind of like water and calmly tossed it on the bedspread while walking back to where I was standing at the edge of the bed.

“Wow. Your bed is very…uh,” I said.

“Feminine? Yeah. That’s Tera for you,” Mr. Koch interrupted, mentioning his wife’s name for the first time. He stepped very close behind me and wrapped his arms around me, covering my chest.

“Oh. Um. I don’t know if I want to,” I mumbled, suddenly unsure. I could feel him behind me. He was bigger than me. I could feel his cock pushed against my ass through my running shorts and his triathlon suit. He was bigger than me. I could feel his hot breath against my neck. He was bigger than me. My hands came up and wrapped around his arms that he had wrapped around my chest. He was bigger than me.

He kissed me from behind on my neck, just below my right ear. I could feel his one-day unshaven scruff rub against my skin.

I liked that. I started to get hard.

One of his hands wondered down my body to the edges of my running shirt while his other arm continued to hold my chest and my hands held onto his one arm on my chest and he continued to slowly kiss the nape of my neck and my cheek.

I liked that. I started to get harder. I moaned involuntarily for the first time.

Both of his hands moved to grasp my shirt and pulled it up over my head while I turned around, now bare chested. He leaned in to kiss me on the lips, his arms wrapping around my back and my hands on his chest.

I was kissing a hot older man. This man was old enough to be my dad and his tongue slipped from between his lips and into my mouth.

I liked that. I started to get even harder.

He interrupted our kiss, stepped one step back from me, and unzipped the top half of his triathlon suit down, revealing his shaved and muscled chest, his tight abdomen. He rolled his muscled arms out of his suit. The top half of his suit hung around his waist like a bath towel.

He took a step back toward me, one hand wrapping around the back of my neck and the other hand going to my waist. My hands went to his waist, touching his triathlon suit that was still half on. He drew me into his warm body and our bare chests nudged against each other for the first time. He again kissed me, tongued me.

I liked that. I was completely hard at this point.

Then I felt him pull my running shorts down. I wasn’t wearing anything under my shorts because the running shorts had thin underwear built in. I was suddenly hard and naked in front of him, my arms around his shoulders, slowly stepping out of my running shorts as he pulled them off me, as we continued to make out.

One of his hands ripped off the lower half of his triathlon suit. When they say that triathletes are very good at transitioning from one set of sports equipment to another and thus are able to take clothes off quickly, they weren’t kidding. He was fast, stepping out of his triathlon suit in one practiced motion, revealing himself to me.

He was huge. Oh my god he was huge and girthy and throbbing. One of my hands involuntarily darted to cover my mouth because I was so surprised. He was porno-big. He was horny as all hell and his fuckrod was pointed right at me.

Oh god. He was gonna fuck me. This guy was way stronger and bigger than I was and he was gonna fuck me. I’d never done anything with a guy but I could already feel his hunger in the way he was kissing me. He wanted me and he wanted me bad and he wanted me now.

Mr. Koch stepped back toward me, again embracing me with both of his arms wrapped around my shoulders. Our cocks came into direct contact for the first time, sabering against each other as he closed the distance between us. Intuiting my sudden nervousness, Mr. Koch whispered to me between hot and wet kisses.

“I’ll make this very good for you,” he said, whispering into my ear as he slowly nudged me closer to the bedside.

“I’ve never done anything,” I whispered right back between hot kisses and soft caresses, hoping that he would understand what I was trying to say. His hands were snaking along my back and butt as he kissed me on my neck and shoulders.

“I know,” he whispered back into my ear again between further kisses and caresses along my body. His hands were now slowly snaking along my shoulders, my chest, and my hard nipples. His fingers were colder than my skin and his movements left goosebumps in their wake.

“I don’t know what to do,” I whispered again between hot breaths and kisses, again hoping that he would understand. He was kissing me so much that I could only muster single sentences of thought before his lips were back on me. Even though he was going slowly, I was harder and hornier than I’d ever been before.

“I know,” he whispered back.

I was letting him take control. I’d never done this before. When I was with a woman, I was the one directing events, leading her, but now this hot sexy man who was old enough to be my father was getting me to submit. I’d never given up control like this before. It was scary and intoxicating and sexy and wonderful and all sorts of contradictory emotions all at the same time. My skin prickled excitedly every time he touched me. I was rock hard against his gentle caresses.

He slowly strolled us back against one of the bedposts. My back was against a bedpost that was taller than me. Its old and cold wooden frame sent shivers through me upon first contact. Mr. Koch, still slowly and purposefully kissing and tonguing my mouth, reached for my upper arms and brought his hands down to my wrists. He stopped kissing me and withdrew his face from mine. I took quick horny breaths during the respite. His grip on my wrists increased and he pulled my arms up over my head and positioned my hands against the bedpost behind me. I was stretched out naked against the bedpost, my hands holding the top of the bedpost, one of my feet on the floor and the other rested against the lower part of the bed frame behind me.

His hands still slowly caressing my body around my waist, he took a step back from me. The best word I can think of for what he did next was “behold” me. He looked at me fully, examining all the details of my young, slim, naked and hard body. His eyes wondered all over me, and he smiled, his visage revealing that he liked what he saw.

“You’ve got a great body, Caleb, so good, I love it” Mr. Koch said, showering me with compliments.

“Thank you,” I replied instantly, and for reasons that I didn’t really understand, I started crying a little right then and there. Little tears seeped down my cheeks, but I kept my hands gripped on the bedpost above and behind my head like he had molded me into that position.

He stepped forward instantly, our thighs back in contact, our rock hard dicks swording against each other again, his larger one heavy and girthy against mine. One of his hands slowly folded over one of my wet cheeks, and his face bore down on mine again for another kiss. He kissed me for a good long time, his tongue slowly dancing against my tongue in my mouth. His arms wrapped around my back and caressed up and down along my shoulders to my ass.

“Are you nervous?” Mr. Koch asked me between kisses, both of his hands now kneading my ass cheeks with powerful fingers.

“Yes,” I replied weakly between light kisses, my head spinning with the realization that I was making out with a sexy man old enough to be my dad. What did that say about me?

A few seconds of silence permeated the room as he continued to slowly make out with me, with my hands still above and behind me, gripping the bedpost that towered over me.

“The first time can be very intense. But I’ll make you feel very good, okay?” Mr. Koch stated and then leaned in to kiss me again, his hands caressing along my chest in waves and his fingers lightly pinching my nipples.

“Yes sir,” I replied in whisper after the kiss.

Why did I just call him “Sir”? What in the hetero was happening to me? I was letting this hot older guy do what he wanted to me. And I was into it. Very. Very into it.

He retracted his face from mine, separating our kiss. He was smiling widely, revealing the white teeth behind his confident grin.

“‘Sir’, eh? Oh, I like that,” Mr. Koch said, continuing to smile down at me, one of his hands suddenly on my cheek, his thumb at the edge of my mouth, his other hand tracing along one of my shoulders down to one of my biceps.

He smiled and approached up close to me again, our bodies back in hot contact. His massive fuckrod again wrestled against mine, and now our precum glistened along our lengths and splayed against our thighs that were grinding against each other.

While he kissed me, his hands caressed up along the lengths of my arms until his hands found my hands at the edge of the bed post. His fingers curled between my fingers and we were both stretched out. He was so much bigger than me though. His smells began to permeate my nose as he basically kissed me and slowly dry-humped me against the bedpost for a minute or two. He smelled like a gym workout and aftershave and a hiking trail after the rain and a conditioner bottle. My senses were dialed to eleven as Mr. Koch made out with me and I didn’t really understand what I was perceiving. All I really understood at that moment was that I wanted this man to fuck me and fuck me hard and fuck me long.

“I’m gonna take you to bed now, okay?” Mr. Koch said, not really a question, his hands on my shoulders while he said it, his eyes staring into mine, awaiting my response.

“Yes sir,” I replied after a few horny gulps of air, my nervousness spiking all the way down to my pulmonary system.

He smiled widely and then fell us onto the end of the bed, his body on top of mine. He crawled and I scurried a little more into the middle of the bed between kisses. His massive cock lathered precum across my navel. I again noticed the mirror on the ceiling above the bed, but it was occluded once Mr. Koch laid on top of me and began to kiss me again. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he bore down on me for a kiss. The precum between our grinding thighs was making us very wet while our bodies snaked against each other as we made out on his and his wife’s bed like two horny vipers.

Suddenly he stopped kissing me and leaned up. He looked directly in my eyes. I was in a trace-like state as he crawled back on all fours to above my legs and then pulled my lower legs apart, taking position between my legs.

He was silent the whole time but continued to stare right into my eyes, gauging my reaction. He was on his knees between my legs. I was on my back. He began to lift my legs up and then pulled my upper legs toward him, dragging my body down the bed close to him.

God he was strong. He had no problem moving me into position at all.

The hamstrings of my lower legs were against his chest. My ankles were in his hands. His massive manrammer was wet and hard and huge and hot and nestled right against my now very exposed ass. My arms were splayed out above my head in L-shaped angles.

He put my legs on his shoulders and my feet were next to his ears. He leaned down against my legs and this had the effect of bending my ass up and out toward him. I could feel his huge fucking fuckrod angle hard against my ass, some of his precum wetting my crack. His warm and wet fuckrod snaked between my asscheeks.

I was in a horny daze. I simultaneously didn’t know what he was going to do to me and knew that I wanted him to fuck me. All I can remember about that moment, when he finally had my legs over his shoulders, my pucker in position for his invasion, his wet fuckrod ready at my opening, was “wow he’s so good looking.”

He broke eye contact for a second and looked around his bed for something for a few seconds. He soon found it: the clear liquid dispenser bottle filled with some kind of clear liquid that he’d tossed on the bed earlier. The bottle disappeared behind my legs and I couldn’t see it anymore.

He restarted eye contact. He was staring right at me. I was splayed out below him in a very subordinate position, breathing heavily. I don’t know why, but I put one of my fingers in my mouth, almost biting and sucking my own finger. I was nervous. I’d never done anything with a man. I’d never really thought about it. Now this hot silver daddy that is just met was about to take my ass. And I wasn’t scared. But I was scared. I wanted him in me and I didn’t.

The silence in the bedroom was interrupted by Mr. Koch.

“I wanna fuck you now,” Mr. Koch stated, the sounds of him lathering his massive cock with slippery lube simultaneously sloppy and sexy. I could see one of his shoulders move from my position but one of his hands was furiously slicking up his cock with lube to fuck me.

“Yes sir,” I said, starting to cry a little again, equal parts fear and horniness wrestling in my heart. I suddenly felt a wetness on my ass as Mr. Koch dumped a load of motion lotion onto my ass and began to finger it in circles around my pucker. I’d never been touched by anyone there before and I shivered in vulnerable delight against his circumambulating fingers. Soon one of his fingers penetrated me and I moaned loudly, my neck and head angling back into the bedspread in physical response to his entry.

Up until now I had just been breathing heavily and kissing. But now I was moaning as Mr. Koch fingered my ass full of lube. The wetness and the coldness filled my cavity. Soon a second finger joined the first inside me, stretching me out. I expected some pain but none came. My ass was taking this sexy older man’s manual administrations and my hole was getting looser and wetter with each slow thrust of his digits inside me. With my legs still on his shoulders, Mr. Koch leaned over me, one of his arms holding up his body above me while his other hand worked my ass open and wet.

It felt good. Wow. Wow. I liked this. I liked his fingers in my ass. I liked his fingers in my ass. The implications were struggling against my horny mind but I liked fingers in my ass. It didn’t hurt. It just felt good to have a man finger me in and out, in and out. The copious precum seeping out of my dick wetted my abdomen.

He continued to stare right at my face, continuing to gauge my reaction to my preparation for my bottoming.

I watched the mirror on the ceiling as Mr. Koch prepared my ass for his invasion. A third finger slid into my ass and for the first time I felt truly stretched. It wasn’t painful but it was getting close. He applied more lube to his hand and his dick and my ass as his fingers throbbed into my hole and my fingers throbbed into my mouth. I couldn’t see any of this in the ceiling mirror but I could see his arm thrust into my body, eliciting pleasure from my extremities and moans from my mouth. To stop myself from moaning uncontrollably, I started sucking on one of my own fingers up to the knuckle.

I was getting uncontrollably horny. There was something sexually intoxicating about watching myself in the mirror, like watching my own live-porno. Mr. Koch put a fourth finger into my ass and stretched me. My whole body froze up for a second. Now it was somewhat unpleasant. Not cry out levels but it was very close to painful. I winced, closing my eyes tightly, the last digit of my index finger barely in my mouth.

“God you’re sexy when you do that,” Mr. Koch showered encouragement on me, smiling widely again. I didn’t know if he was referring to me sucking my own finger in my mouth or me wincing or me freezing up.

I was extremely hard. One of my hands sidled down to my dick. I started to jerk myself because he was making me so horny and because his fingers in my ass felt so good and I just wanted to start fucking already and I couldn’t wait and I had no patience.

“No, no, not yet,” Mr. Koch stated somewhat coldly and very loudly and then the hand that he had been using to finger my ass with lube darted down to the wrist of my hand that I was using to jerk myself. He forcibly removed my hand from my dick and held it down against the bedspread next to me. The lube on his fingers spread against my fingers as he wove his fingers into mine.

I must have looked confused, but he instantly tried to explain himself.

“We cum together, okay? I know you’re close already, but don’t be selfish,” Mr. Koch said, staring into my eyes, his visage somewhat annoyed for the first time that I had ever seen. This was my first encounter with gay daddy sexual etiquette: don’t cum until Daddy lets you.

Mr. Koch’s arm that he had been using to hold up his body above me reached out to my other hand and his fingers snaked out into the fingers of my other hand, interlacing between them. He held my hands behind and above my head, pinning me into position and also ensuring that I wasn’t going to jerk myself off before my deep deep fucking had even really began. His strong arms pinned my hands against the softness of the bedspread.

“Yes sir,” I replied to Mr. Koch’s admonition. God I wanted to fuck. God I wanted to cum. God I wanted him to go ahead and just fuck the shit out of me. I opened my eyes and saw the mirror on the ceiling again. It was me staring back at me. That young man in the mirror was about to get fucked like he had never been fucked before. My instant thought was “sexy”. I was splayed on my back on the bed, my legs on both shoulders of this sexy man who was getting me ready for a deep deep dicking.

I should have…done something. I don’t know what. But I was so horny at that moment. This sexy older man that I barely knew was preparing my ass for a manfuck. And I loved it and I wanted it and I wanted it bad. I’d never before been in the position of the one who didn’t decide when the sex began, and it was making me horny beyond belief.

“FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME PLEASSSSSSSSE!” I screamed to Mr. Koch while using my legs against his shoulders as leverage to nudge my ass against his huge dick several times. I could feel it poke against my asscheeks with each movement.

Mr. Koch had prepared my ass, which was now stretched open and wet. If I was ever going to be ready to get fucked by a man, it was now. The lube was cold and wet and seeping down my ass to my thighs and onto the bedspread. His cock was already hot and hard, waiting at my entrance, like a cannon ready to go off.

I was watching Mr. Koch go to work in the mirror on the ceiling as he just aimed his cock directly at my asshole. His hands were still holding my hands down against the bedspread, his fingers weaved into mine. In the mirror, I could see the muscles on Mr. Koch’s back and ass flex as he penetrated me for the first time.

His cock head slid into me, helped by the copious lube, past my sphincter. My anus wrapped tightly around his extremity tightly. I moaned loudly in pleasure and pain as he made me his. I winced and closed my eyes, biting my lower lip, turning my head sideways. A little tear escaped one of my eyes again. His hands continued to hold my hands down, pinning me in position.

I turned my head to look at Mr. Koch’s face and saw something that I hadn’t seen before. Up until now Mr. Koch had been all confidence and all control. But as he slid the first part of his cock into my ass, his face contorted into what I can only describe as bliss. He wasn’t moaning but he was clearly enjoying the first stages of fucking me.

My ass stretched again to absorb the girth of his warrior’s helmet. Four fingering my ass hadn’t been enough to expand it for Mr. Koch’s full enormity. It began to hurt. My hands gripped against his hands, but i still couldnt move and my neck angled back into the bedspread in response. My eyes winced closed and my mouth opened agape as I moaned through the pain emanating from my bowels.

He let go of my hands and they shot up to his chest, my fingers covering his nipples, trying to push him back, trying to prevent him from going further into me. He leaned back, holding himself up with one hand for a second, and then both his hands grabbed on ankles around his neck again.

“Shh…shhh…it’ll pass…it’ll pass…” he whispered, holding my legs up at his shoulders, making sure it was difficult for me to move out of my subordinate position. If I’d squirmed around at that moment, I might have hurt myself. Thinking back, I’m glad that he pinned me there, that he knew what he was doing. Mr. Koch knew how to fuck an ass.

I waited. I winced against fresh pins of pain. His dick was so big that it was tearing my ass. It hurt a lot. A lot. Tears welled up in my eyes again and trickled down my cheek as I beared it. I breathed heavily in multiple doses of air as my hands gripped against his muscled chest.

At the same time, I was so hard.

After a while, I don’t know how long, I didn’t want to wince and push anymore. Mr. Koch poured more lube onto the portion of his massive penetrator that wasn’t already inside me, and then he pushed himself into me some more.

I moaned for him, my hands no longer gripping his chest and more just touching his nipples. I looked into his eyes.

“There you go. There you go. You’re doing great, Caleb. You’re doing great,” Mr. Koch said, slowly and concerningly, his hands still holding my ankles against his neck as he pushed more into me.

“Yes sir,” I replied weakly, smiling widely, trying to be good for him.

“Good. Good. Good boy,” Mr. Koch said, smiling widely, for the first time designating our age difference. And thats when it clicked for me. That’s what I wanted and what I was attracted to. A daddy. Someone who would show me what to do, guidance for my transition.

Mr. Koch leaned down on me again and let go of my ankles. As he bore down on me from above, the arms that he had been using to pin my legs against his shoulders wrapped around under me and swept up behind my back. My legs naturally wrapped around his butt and locked together around him. His body collapsed onto mine, and his the fingers of both of his hands snaked between the fingers of my hands again, once again pinning my arms above and behind my head on the bed.

Now I was in the ultimate position for fucking. His cock was already inside me up to its head and now he had all the leverage he needed to penetrate me even more. Soon I could feel his waist push slowly forward, thrusting his cock further into me, while his strong manly arms pinned me down by my hands, holding me in place. My mouth was open widely and my breathing was heavy as he entered me slowly but surely. His mouth was an inch away from mine and I could feel his hot breath on my face as he pushed into me and he could feel my breath on his face as I moaned louder in direct correlation to how much he was going inside me.

Three inches of cock in my ass brought loud moans from me. I started trying to angle my ass better for his slow thrusting as I moaned loudly. Our lips were maybe one inch apart as we both moaned from Mr. Koch’s efforts to conquer my ass. And conquering it, he was. Four inches in brought Mr. Koch’s first loud moans as well. He liked my ass. He loved how tight I was around him. He loved how good my virgin ass was making him feel. Five inches inside me marked the advent of our first mutual and simultaneous loud moans. We were in heat; I couldn’t believe how good this felt; he couldn’t believe how good this felt. There was a spot in my ass that his humongous member kept sliding across as he pushed into me that felt wonderful beyond words. Each thrust brought an even girthier portion of his mantaker into pressured contact against this spot, eliciting even louder moans from me, a young man who was around the same age as his son.

As I contemplated for a second the fact that Mr. Koch was fucking someone young enough to be son, he slid his sixth inch into my bowels. I moaned louder in relation to how much of himself he buried into me.

Seven inches into my ass brought me to new sexual heights as my fingers gripped his fingers still holding me down. My legs gripped against his hips as he pushed further into me. I turned my head sideways and continued to moan through my deep deep dicking. He wasn’t slowing down and he still had a while to go.

He lodged eight inches of manmeat into me and then nine inches into my ass finished off my anal virginity. I could feel his tightening balls finally smack against my perineum with the final thrust into my depths. It had taken Mr. Koch about ten minutes to lodge himself fully into me without doing a ton of damage, and I had moaned all the way through it all, my throat somewhat horse and my mouth somewhat dry by this point. Mr. Koch had completely manalized me. His face was one inch away from mine, smiling widely, proud of his newest conquest.

Here I was, on my back on the bed of a sexy older married man who I’d just met, his muscled sweaty body bearing down on me from above, his massive cock lodged all the way up my ass, me feeling his girthy manhood stretch my asshole to the border of pain, his arms holding me by my hands so as better to leverage his body weight to fuck me, and my legs locked at my ankles around his hips. And here I thought that the most important decision that I was going to make today was croissants or blueberry muffins for breakfast.

I looked up at the ceiling again, at the mirror arrayed above me to view myself getting fucked by this hot fuckboat captain. I barely recognized myself in the scene. I could see my head, my mouth agape, breathing heavily, my hair in disarray. I could see some of my legs wrapped around his waist and the fingers in my hands interlaced with his fingers as his hands continued to hold me down.

I could see Mr. Koch’s muscled back and ass flex as he withdrew from my ass while also holding me in place with his powerful arms. He slowly withdrew from me, eliciting more moans of pleasure from me, and then he slowly pushed himself right back into me up to his balls again. He was taking my ass. He was taking it slowly but he was surely taking it, slow egress followed by slow ingress back inside me. I loved watching the muscles on his back and butt in the mirror compress and decompress as he pushed into me and pulled out of me. When he pushed inside me, his massive boyfucker slid past my prostate, filling me with tingles of goodness, and I moaned for him each time he filled my insides up with his manhood.

The next few minutes were spent like this, with Mr. Koch slowly fucking my ass with the full extent of his massive cock. He slowly pulled himself out of me up to his tip and then slowly pushed himself back into me up to the hilt, going a little faster each time that he was almost all the way in to create a sexy somantic impact, vibrating my ass with each plunge into my depths. I moaned every time he filled me up, the cacophony of my moaning becoming louder and louder every time he manalized me with all of his girthy manness. He never pistoned into me, he never tried to hurt me, and he always assessed whether I was enjoying what he was doing to me. He correctly assessed that I enjoyed what he was doing quite a bit based on all the moaning I was doing and how hard I continued to be throughout my ass fucking.

“Okay, you’re ready,” Mr. Koch suddenly announced, letting go of my hands and reaching back to my legs again.

“I’m ready?” I parroted, not sure what he meant. He was already the first man to fuck me. I was ready for what? He grabbed my ankles from around my waist and repositioned his body so that he could fold my legs up above his shoulders again.

“Yeah, now I’m gonna fuck you to the best orgasm you’ve ever had,” Mr. Koch said, his cock halfway buried in my ass, his cocky smile radiating confidence that he could go exactly what he said he was going to do.

Now Mr. Koch was essentially in a pilates straight plank position above me, but instead of hands on the ground, his hands pushed down on the backside of my knees, pinning my legs to my chest. My ass was bent up at a perfect angle to take his massive behemoth in my depths even more. He balanced his body against mine by holding his back straight, his toes holding up his body from one side and his hands holding down the back of knees holding up his body from the other side.

“Your ass is so good. So good. I love it. I love it,” Mr. Koch rattled off slowly, clearly starting to tire, perspiration beginning to seep down the sides of his neck and drip down onto my chest and pinned legs. He croned his neck and head back upward to the ceiling for a few seconds and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations that my tight ass was giving his huge dick as he plunged into me again and again and again in slow sensual strokes.

He opened his eyes while his head was still tilted back and beheld his handy-work: there was a very young man under him on his bed, moaning like a complete slut in time with his thrusts. He’d turned this young into his fucktoy, and it only took him about thirty minutes after first meeting him. He was in his late forties, but he could still bed college students when his wife was out of town. He especially loved fucking the guys and turning them into cock-sluts. He smiled with pride at himself in the mirror, staring at himself and his newest conquest.

Then Mr. Koch returned his attention to Caleb below him, trying to stare down right into his eyes. He knew the power of gaze during fucking. There was real power in eye contact. But Mr. Koch might have been too good at what he was doing. Caleb’s eyes were closed tightly shut, his head titled sideways against the bedspread that was scrumpling up below him, his mouth agape, the finger of one of his hands in his mouth up to the knuckle, a little drool now seeping out from one side of his mouth, moaning loudly in time with each of his magnificent thrusts into this young man’s ass. Caleb’s ass had never been fucked before, so it was tight around him, a wonderful feeling of slippery frisson and pressure undulating through his dick each time he took him. Each time Mr. Koch pistoned strongly into Caleb’s ass, sending fwapping sounds reverberating through the bedroom, Caleb moaned loudly like a whore in time with each thrust.

Mr. Koch was getting close. There was something about the tempo of how Caleb moaned in response to his thrusts over and over again, and the way that Caleb had one of his fingers sexily in his mouth, his need to suck something while in coital ecstasy obvious, and the tightness of Caleb’s ass around his cock when he was inside him, and Caleb’s delectably cute and young face that was sending him to the edge of orgasm.

Mr. Koch said something to Caleb but he couldn’t hear it above the cocophony of all the sex.

“Hn, what?” I said, opening my eyes for the first time in a while, and again beholding this muscular fuckdaddy ravishing me like his personal slut, perspiration covering his body. My hands were free again and I reflexively placed them on his sweaty powerful shoulders, waiting for him to repeat himself.

“I said I’m close. Where do you want it?” Mr. Koch asked me, still pistoning into my now very loose asshole, the fwapping sounds reverberating loudly through the room as he pounded into me again and again with the amazing amount of stamina that only a triathlete could muster.

I didn’t understand what he was saying. I was still just moaning my way through my fucking, albeit not as loudly as before so that I could attempt to hear him.

“Wha?” was all I could manage at that moment. My brain had already turned over to full-sex-and-no-thinking mode a long time ago.

“Do you want it in your ass?” Mr. Koch screamed at me, not because he was angry but because he was clearly running out of time. I could feel his already massive cock engorge to an even larger size inside me. The feeling of this man stretching my ass returned.

Oh god. He wanted to cum in my ass and he was asking for permission and time was running out and I didn’t know what to say but I should say something but the dopamine rush was so intense and this man had made me so horny that I didn’t know what to do and I felt like a complete slut and I wanted it and he was fucking me so right.

“My ass! Yes! In my ass! In my ass!” I screamed right back at him through the throes of passion, drooling out one side of my mouth because I was in such ecstasy. Who the hell was talking right then? The perfect grades track & field scholarship winner from high school? Or some tawdry whore? My hands gripped the side of his face, one on each ear.

“I can’t hold it much longer,” he screamed quickly.

I just moaned and moaned and moaned and moaned in time with each of his steadily speeding up thrusts into my ass.

“Cum for me! Cum in me daddy! Cum in my ass! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” I started to scream incoherent sex talk, willing him to dump his seed inside me, screaming “daddy” in time with his powerful thrusts into my ass. If I was gonna get fucked, I wanted the full experience.

“Jerk yourself off! Jerk yourself off! It’ll be a hell of a cum!” Mr. Koch screamed down at me, the intense effort he was putting in delaying his orgasm obvious from his grimmaced visage.

But I still didn’t really hear him. I was in a bliss state. My hands just continued to hold his shoulders tightly, waiting for him to erupt inside me.

Mr. Koch was on the edge of orgasm as his partner wasn’t jerking himself off like he had just ordered him to.

“Rooster! Flares! Now! Now! Now!” Mr. Koch bellowed down at me very loudly. (Later I realized that of course a former military pilot might quote Top Gun 2 during sex…)

One of my hands darted down to my sex and I began to jerk off as this fuckboat sexcaptain continued to pound my ass in increasing periodicity. It didn’t take me long to get there. Mr. Koch had made be unbelievably horny well before, and he was fucking me unbelievably well. He was waiting for me too. Within a few seconds of being given permission to touch myself, I could feel the onset of orgasm rush in waves through my youthful body. My dick erupted in my furiously oscillating hand, my ass clenched down on Mr. Koch enough to squeeze him very tightly. As the first blast of my hot sticky cum erupted from my dick and my ass clenched down on Mr. Koch’s manrammer, orgasm began to wash over Mr. Koch as well. I was already moaning wantonly through the initial stages of orgasm and now Mr. Koch was moaning just as loudly as he started to cum in my ass. The simultaneous feeling of heaven-sent-orgasm combined with the pain of a massive daddydick engorging to maximum size inside my ass was inscrutable: wonderful and terrible at the same time and in equal parts. Mr. Koch rabbit punched into my ass in time with each of his spurts, loudly moaning in time with each, his body shivering in delight as he whitewashed the insides of a college student less than half his age with his spunk. I continued to jerk myself off below him, also moaning loudly enough to alert the neighbors.

As I was coming down from orgasm, I wrapped both of my arms around Mr. Koch’s shoulders, attempting to hug him, but Mr. Koch was still moaning and vigorously tapping my ass. He was still hard and lightly moaning through a post coital haze, pushing his cum deep into my ass.

For a minute or so, I waited for Mr. Koch to come down from orgasm. During my wait, he just continued to slide his still hard cock in and out of my now gaping ass in slow oscillations, his heavy breathing eventually slowing to barely audible breaths. He eventually collapsed onto me, smearing all of my cum between us like Oreo filling, his massive cock still in my ass, my legs still wrapped around his thighs.

It was all over in about twenty minutes. I went from a straight guy to a vocally moaning manalized ass-whore within the spate of time it usually took me to cook a pizza.

The lusty feelings and cloudy mental haze of orgasm dissipated slowly as I layed on my back on top of Mr. Koch’s bed, Mr. Koch still on top of me in a collapsed heap, my cum still lathered between us. I was still breathing heavily, coming down from orgasm. His cock was still inside me.

Mr. Koch rolled off and out of me slowly, laying next to me on his bed, still breathing heavily. He was a sweaty mess. I slowly wiped my fingers through the cum on my chest as the post-nut mental clarity dawned on me: a man had just fucked the shit out of me and I had spread my legs like a complete slut to let him do it.

As my fingers slowly slid through my own cum on my chest and abdomen, Mr. Koch got up from right next to me and walked to the adjoining bathroom. I watched him saunter away, his musclely nice butt flexing up and down in cycles as he walked. He soon returned to the bedside with a towel slung around his neck, his half-staff cock still massive and swaying lightly side to side as he came back. The perspiration across his body gave his toned and muscular body a nice sheen that reflected the sunlight streaming through the windows that we’d never bothered to occlude with the curtains. If the neighbors were watching, we’d just given them one hell of a show.

“Here you go,” Mr. Koch said, handing me the towel. He stood at the edge of the bed next to me, and I continued to stare at the half-erect behemoth cock that had just fucked me.

“Thanks,” I replied, taking the towel from him with one hand, and then got up off my back and on to my knees on his bed. I used the towel to wipe my own spunk off myself.

The room was silent for a minute or so as I cleaned myself of my own residue.

“Uh, I have to go,” I announced suddenly.

“Of course,” he replied instantly and not at all angrily, as if he had anticipated this might be my reaction.

I tried to step off his bed from my position on my knees, but I almost slipped upon my first step. Mr. Koch’s arm darted out and grabbed me by my armpit, stabilizing me, helping me literally and figuratively stand up to my first step.

“You okay there?” Mr. Koch asked me, letting go of my shoulder once I’d balanced myself.

“I have a girlfriend,” I announced again, not looking at him, my eyes wondering the room, looking for my running shorts. Where did he toss them when I let him undress me?

“Oh, congratulations,” Mr. Koch said in the same non-judgmental tone.

I didn’t say anything as I stepped over to where my running shorts and shirt were splayed on the floor and put them both on. Mr. Koch just watched me dress. He was still in his full hot nakedness, still somewhat hard.

“Uh…thank you for that?” I said suddenly, my intonation building upward weirdly at the end. My emotions were a blur at that moment. I didn’t know what I wanted once the sexual haze disappeared.

“Oh you’re very welcome,” Mr. Koch said, smiling widely, his arms folded around his chest, his huge half-erect cock that I had let him plunge into my ass more than a hundred times still hanging proudly.

As I stared at his cock, I had a sudden flashback to me on his bed, my legs in the air, me begging and screaming for him to fuck me.

“Thanks. Yeah. Thank you,” I babbled, my arms finally resting at my sides, not sure what to do.

Mr. Koch giggled and nodded a few times. He motioned for me to follow him downstairs, but I walked in front of him and he walked behind me, still naked and hot-daddyish and half erect.

I grabbed my running shoes with my socks inside them with one hand at the entrance and put my other hand on the doorknob. I pulled the doorknob to open the door and dash out into my sexual identity crisis, but the door was locked and I just pulled on the front door ineffectively a few times.

“It automatically locks. Let me,” Mr. Koch stated and then walked up behind me and undid the door locking mechanism for me and opened the door for me. How many metaphors was this guy going to represent for me?

I moved to dart out the door but Mr. Koch spoke again.

“Hey Caleb. Just a second, okay?”Mr. Koch said. He disappeared into his living room. I watched his awesome musclely naked butt, the one that had powered all that thrusting into my insides just a few minutes ago, disappear behind the wall separating the rooms.

I stood at the entrance, the front door slightly ajar, one of my hands still on the doorknob, waiting for him to do whatever he was going to do.

Mr. Koch returned from the adjoining room, a folded yellow piece of paper between his fingers. His massive half-hard staff swayed slightly in time with his gait.

“Here is my number,” he said, beckoning me to take the paper from between his two extended fingers.

I awkwardly took the paper from his fingers using the hand that was still holding my pair of running shoes, refusing to let my hand on the front door’s doorknob leave its current position.

“Caleb. If you want to, I’ll teach you everything. I’m a very good teacher,” Mr. Koch said, taking a step behind the front door so as to avoid anyone on the street outside seeing him naked once I opened the door to leave.

“Okay,” I stated, not really capable of understanding what he was saying, slowly taking the paper from between his fingers.

“Seriously. Once you’ve decided what you want to do, call me, okay? You’re very cute and I’m into you,” Mr. Koch said.

He leaned into me to kiss me one more time. I let him. He kissed me warmly on my lips. God he was a good kisser. He could kiss me forever.

“Okay,” I stated again, still holding the paper he’d just handed to me and my running shoes with an out stretched arm.

After a few more seconds of awkward silence, I finally began to turn around.

“Uhm, thanks again,” I said, finally turning around and sauntering off down the sidewalk.

I didn’t even wave goodbye or anything. I just walked away. I didn’t even realize that I was still barefoot until I had taken a few steps along the sidewalk. I quickly stuffed the yellow paper into one of my pockets and my feet into my running shoes without putting on my socks. I walked home. I couldn’t get over the lingering feeling in my ass. Every stride I took somehow reminded me of the feeling of having Mr. Koch inside me. My ass had just been stretched in a way that left a lasting impression and any movement of my lower limbs recalled the ecstasy of being reamed through and through by that sexy silver daddy.

As arrived at my apartment, I mulled what had just happened in my head. I’d just had sex with a man. I’d just had sex with a man that I met maybe an hour ago. I’d just had gay sex with a man that I met maybe an hour ago. I’d just had gay sex with a man that I met maybe an hour ago by bending over and letting him fuck my ass. I’d just had gay sex with a man that I met maybe a hour ago by bending over and letting him cum in my ass while my legs were in the air and I was moaning like a two-penny whore. His cum was still in my ass!

And I liked that.

I was still processing all these recursive thoughts in my head when took off my clothes again and threw them all in a heap into the laundry machine and then finally got into my own shower, trying to wash off all the sex and the sweat and the pheromones of that hot sexy dreamboat fuckcaptain. I even tried to finger his cum out of my ass while under the spray.

After my long shower, I tried to go to sleep, but it was still only a little past noon and it was impossible for me to enter slumber. I just tossed and turned on my bed as flashbacks to one hot scene after another with Mr. Koch paraded through my mind.

That was the best orgasm of my life. I’d never cum so hard. I liked Mr. Koch inside me. The feeling of his fingers interlaced with mine as he held me down and fucked me like a horny sailor still phased through my hands. I’d never moaned like that before, like a slut whore, as he pounded my ass for his and my pleasure. My ass still tingled pleasantly with the aftereffects of my deep deep dicking.

Then I suddenly remembered something important and my body jolted awake. I shot up naked in my bed and leaped to the bathroom where the laundry machines were. I pressed the STOP button and the machine thudded to a slow revolving stop. I yanked out my running shorts and checked the pocket. The yellow paper was still there, but wet and sinuous. I carefully opened the paper.

“Welcome to the club! Love Emmanuel, the man you just had sex with, XOXO (Phone number)” was scrawled along one corner of the paper in blue pen ink. I chortled once at the linguistic choices and then breathed a sigh of relief.

To be continued…

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