Steadily Shown His Place Ch. 06

A gay story: Steadily Shown His Place Ch. 06 This will likely be the last installment of this story. The events I describe here may be the end of the 5 year arrangement between Jim and me, though on more than one occasion I have tried to quit seeing him and failed, so I guess we will see. We may yet see another chapter.

For those of you who have not read previous chapters, the very briefest of summaries is this…Jim is a very well endowed guy in his mid-30’s. He works a series of hourly jobs, isn’t in great shape, and likes to smoke weed rather than work. But, his cock is a full 8″, and is as thick as a can of Red Bull. Sexually he is a genetic freak of nature, he can easily cum 5-6 times in a marathon sex session, can last forever as he pounds away, and doesn’t even soften between orgasms. On top of that, he can do all of this a couple of times a day, and never get enough. Simply stated, no exaggeration, if a woman ends up in his bed she is ruined for other guys. He is sweet and caring with women. But with guys it is another story. With guys he is a hard core humiliation Dom. He is highly skilled at using his huge cock to reduce men to drooling cock slaves, then forcing them to do anything and everything he asks.

I am a very successful international executive. I fly all over the world and live what many would consider the good life. I live in a beautiful home, drive a gorgeous BMW, eat at all the best restaurants and have a wine collection that totals hundreds of bottles. Tall, thin, good looking and very fit…a former marathon runner. But…I am cursed with a very, very small cock…almost 4″, well 3 ¾” when fully hard. And I crave really big cocks, which is nearly impossible to get when you are cursed down there yourself. At this point I would suggest you read the previous chapters, but bottom line is I have been meeting Jim regularly for about 5 years, doing anything he tells me to do (including only calling him Mr. Smith) and paying him $50 for the privilege of servicing him.

It had been about three weeks since I had seen Jim last, he requires a minimum of a monthly visit or I have to pay his fee for that month anyway. The day before I had felt the familiar urgent need, and he permitted me to schedule a time. Our session had been fairly typical of sessions over the years. Jim greeted me with a warm handshake and I handed him his iced coffee and condoms in both our sizes. We chatted briefly just inside the front door as he watched me strip down and fold my clothes neatly on to a chair. My cock was about three quarters erect as I undressed; a requirement of Jim’s when I arrive as a show of respect. Jim never shows any sign of noticing my jutting cock, but I know he checks. As I followed him to his back bedroom/ computer room Jim gestured to the cleaning supplies that were stacked on the floor in his bathroom. ‘Come in and let me know when you are done’ was all he said, and since he often made me clean his bathroom when I arrived I couldn’t really pretend I didn’t get his meaning.

Jim’s bathroom is generally disgustingly dirty; I am convinced he allows it to get that way intentionally knowing I have to clean it. I am sure he doesn’t do any kind of cleaning at all between my monthly visits. So the work is hard and disgusting, and there is something deeply degrading about being naked and on your knees scrubbing floors and toilets and bathtubs. But I set to the task with an efficiency of having done it many times, the only sign that I minded was my cock shrinking to its totally flaccid state. After about 35 minutes of steady hard work I had it done to a true shine, my knees and back aching from the effort and a sheen of sweat had covered my upper body. I walked in to the back bedroom to find Jim texting and emailing, presumably with some of his collection of very busty regular FWB’s who line up to get in his bed.

‘The bathroom is ready for you to inspect Mr. Smith’ I mumbled with my eyes downcast. The shame of doing the cleaning is tolerable, but his insistence that I ask him to inspect my work has always been hard to swallow. Jim ignored me for a good three minutes as he continued to type and chuckle, finally signing off and looking up. I knew better than to repeat myself while standing and waiting, I knew he expected me to just wait.

Jim got up from his chair and brushed past me to the bathroom. I followed closely behind to hear his verdict. About half the times Jim will insist there is some small flaw in my cleaning and direct me to come get him when I have it done right. But today he took it a step further. Jim glanced around the spotless tile and porcelain, then bent over and lifted the seat of the toilet. He angled himself back to me, fumbled a bit at his belt, and then the unmistakable sound of urination in to the toilet began. After a long steady leak Jim finished, put everything away and turned to the sink to wash. Only now did he turn and speak to me. ‘Why don’t you rescrub the toilet and sink, then wash up and come in.’

I seethed at this intentional humiliation, he couldn’t even bother to flush, but said nothing and set to cleaning the splattered toilet and sink again.

When I was finally done to Mr. Smith’s satisfaction I was permitted to come in to the bedroom and begin servicing him.

The session itself was pretty standard. As always it began with foot and leg massage, all a build up to having to spend a long time stroking the area around his crotch without permission to touch the huge hose outlined by his shorts as my throbbing cock drooled in to its condom. Eventually I always earn Jim pulling it out, and after some more groveling I am allowed to suck and slurp alternating between his monster shaft and balls. Nearly every session is two loads, Jim taking my ass with the first load, then after a brief condom change I have to give him a very long jaw and back breaking blowjob to completion.

So we had finished, and Jim was lying back contented from my hard work and his repeated orgasms. As usual I was sent for a warm washcloth and thoroughly cleaned him, disposed of his condom, then went to his kitchen and brought him a cold beer. At this point Jim is always fully dressed again, enjoying his beer, and likes to sit and chat about local sports and recent huge breasted women he has bedded. I am always naked, rock hard and aching to cum, and know I cannot so much as touch my throbbing cock in Jim’s home. So while Jim likes to chat, I can barely form a coherent sentence as my aching dick is the center of my world.

But today took a completely unprecedented and shocking turn in one simple question from Jim.

‘So Skip, are you seeing anyone?’

Jim had never once asked me about women in my life, other than very high level generalities about my history with women. So while he had insisted I tell him about my history of bra sizes I have managed to get on the floor (nothing bigger than B cup) he never asked about specific women. So his question was a shock, and temporarily took my attention from my throbbing balls, but all I could manage was a stunned grunt. ‘Huh?’

‘Are you seeing anyone? Is that too tough a question in the state you’re in?’ he snickered with an eye drop to my relentlessly hard cock.

Jim couldn’t possibly have known, but I was in the midst of a wonderful nascent relationship. But Jim couldn’t possibly have known that.

‘Uh yeah, sort of. Yeah I guess’ was all I could mumble. It all felt like a personal invasion, like a line had clearly been crossed and I suddenly desperately wanted to hurriedly dress and leave.

But Jim was oblivious to my discomfort, and pressed on. ‘So tell me about her. What’s her name, how long have you been seeing her, does she have big tits?’

Danielle and I had been seeing each other for almost six months. We met through a local singles board, connecting through our shared passion for liberal world politics, and bonding through our similar high energy sense of humor and love of playful debate. She was twelve years my junior but was unabashed admitting she preferred older men. She was a young attorney and smart as a whip. I was glad I had met her online, sight unseen, because her first impression is always her striking beauty, and it was her intelligence, sense of humor and energy that had attracted me. Danielle is tall, about 5’8″ with a thin athletic figure. She is an avid runner, and very fit. Her dark eastern European features are smoky and mysterious, with big brown eyes that are always ready to laugh. She loves good wine, and to be spoiled with fine dining. I was very, very smitten.

But the question was hanging out there, and it was honestly terribly uncomfortable to talk about something that felt so private while naked with a now sagging erection. My urgent need to relieve my balls had evaporated. So I answered Jim, but honestly have no idea what I said. I babbled something about her being young and pretty and an attorney. About not seeing each other as often as we would like with busy professional lives in the past six months.

‘Sounds great Skip, but answer the question, does she have big tits?’ Jim has always been pretty one dimensional about women, and can be very, very selective, so his focus on bra size was not surprising.

I delayed and stammered, but eventually had no choice but to answer. ‘Well, uh, well, not real big, um not really. They’re about the right size I guess.’ By now I was completely limp with my shriveled cock barely able to hold on to its condom.

Jim laughed loudly. ‘What the hell is about the right size? What does that mean? How small are they, give me a cup size.’ Jim smelled blood, and was clearly enjoying himself.

I felt trapped and literally naked and saw no way to avoid the question. The truth was that Danielle had the figure that is stereotypical of women runners…long legged, lean and fit, but with very little in the bustline. And there was no dancing around it. ‘Uh, well I don’t know. About an A cup I guess.’ Normally an articulate and confident speaker, Jim had reduced me to incoherence.

But now Jim suddenly broke in to an evil grin. He clearly knew it was time to go for the jugular, and was cherishing the moment. ‘You’ve never seen them have you. Six months of dating and you have never gotten her bra off have you? ‘ Jim knew the answer, and was delighted.

Danielle and I had an intense connection from the day we first met. Our long dinners, bottles of wine and spirited debates over candlelight quickly led to touching and tenderness. But it never quite led to intimacy. Busy lives, early morning flights, buzzing blackberrys always seemed to interfere. But finally, just the weekend before our schedules suddenly seemed to have finally parted, and Danielle arrived at my condo to spend a Saturday night making dinner over a bottle of fabulous Pinot Noir. I was certain that the evening would finally end with her in my bed. Jazz played, wine and risotto satisfied. Kitchen clean up, and a second bottle of wine had us laughing, touching, and finally and leaning against the kitchen counter passionately kissing. Our midsections were pressed together, making no secret of my arousal. My hand slid up her side to toward her clothed breast, only to encounter a firmly placed elbow. Danielle’s hand slid up to my chin and gently pushed me back with her index finger.

‘I’m not ready’ was all she said. I looked puzzled, so she continued. ‘I don’t know why, but I’m not quite ready, I hope you can understand’.

What choice did I have…chivalry mandates graciousness and I complied. But I am guessing the blue balls were a major part of what had me emailing Jim with urgency two days later.

‘No’ I mumbled to Jim.

‘No what ‘ he demanded in obvious glee. ‘Have you seen her boobs or not?’

‘No, I haven’t seen her breasts’ I admitted in shame.

Jim knew there was more fun to be had. ‘And you haven’t fucked her?’

I just shook my head, I couldn’t answer.

‘Not even a hand job?’ Jim pushed on in apparent glee and I just shook my head again.

‘You are pathetic Skip, I’m telling you I could fuck this chick on a first date. You know it’s true too.’

Jim seemed quite pleased with himself and I didn’t debate his meaningless boast, so I thought I might finally be able to escape. But rather than getting permission to get dressed and go Jim let me know he was nowhere near done. ‘Skip, get me another beer, I want to hear more about this chick.’

I tried to protest. ‘Mr. Smith, can’t I just go.’ I was a little stunned I had actually said that, Jim had always demanded complete obedience, but he let me off the hook.

‘Just get me a beer and kneel on the floor, we have more talking to do.’ I scampered off to get his beer. My shrunken cock could no longer hold its condom, so I deposited it in the trash with its load of pre-cum. I brought Jim his beer, and kneeled on his hardwood floor.

Jim appeared to be in deep thought, not usually his natural state. ‘Skip, I want to meet this chick.’

I looked horrified, I sensed he was actually serious, and was speechless.

Jim pushed on. ‘Here is what I am thinking. I’m thinking the three of us are going out for drinks. You can choose the place, some place with some nice booths where we can all sit nice and cozy. Some place where she will be comfortable.’

I was in shock, he clearly wasn’t joking, though I hoped at any moment he would laugh it all off. He didn’t.

‘I want you to tell her everything before we meet. I want her to know you have been my cock bitch for the last five years. Tell her you pay me for it. Tell her EVERYTHING.’ Jim drew out the last sentence as his vision of the evening took hold.

‘Jim, you can’t make me do this. I can’t, there’s no way she will do it.’ I blurted out.

Jim’s face turned dark. ‘What did you call me?’ he snapped.

I realized my error, and correcting it reconfirmed my momentarily forgotten role. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry Mr. Smith. But I can’t tell her, please don’t make me do this.’

Jim got up and moved to his computer. He talked quietly as he tapped and clicked. ‘Skip, you are going to do this. You are going to figure out how to tell her everything and still get her to come for a nice evening with the two of us. And I know what you are thinking. You are thinking it’s probably worth me cutting you off so you don’t have to do this.’ Jim’s back was to me as he sat at his keyboard, and I was kneeling on my aching knees staring at the floor. And yes, that was exactly what I was thinking. But as usual Jim was several steps ahead of me. ‘You are going to do this because if you don’t the world will know what a faggot ass cocksucker you are.’ Jim rolled away from his keyboard, revealing his monitor and there on the screen was a huge, close up, crystal clear picture of my naked form. My tiny cock was rock hard, and my mouth was wrapped around the enormous head of Jim’s cock. My face was very clearly visible, front and center. Only Jim’s cock and balls were visible.. I was red from the exertion, and the size comparison of our packages was if anything exaggerated by the angle.

My jaw dropped, I couldn’t speak. But Jim continued.

‘There are a couple more where this came from, though this might be the best one. Laura took them with her camera phone one day, they came out pretty good.’ Jim laughed heartily, I couldn’t tell if he was laughing at my situation, or my reaction…I just didn’t know. Jim confessed he had never imagined using his stash of pictures for blackmail, but ‘life takes unexpected turns’ as he put it. And he was clearly enjoying it.

With nothing more to be said, we both knew I had to do what he asked, Jim’s sly smile returned. He reached down and slid down his gym shorts revealing a nearly full hard on. He had never been shy about saying how much he enjoyed power over other men, so his erection was not surprising. ‘Ok, get over here and take care of this.’ It was the first time I felt like I was being forced to submit to another man against my will.


I left Jim’s that afternoon in shock, but had already begun to piece together a plan that had a small sliver of a chance of working, of maybe somehow letting me keep my relationship with Danielle while doing as Jim demanded. It all came from a tiny window of insight to Danielle’s darker side from an evening about six weeks before.

I had asked Danielle to come to a political fundraiser with me…I kidded her that all the movers and shakers would be there and I needed serious liberal eye candy on my arm. She punched me in the arm, but clearly looked forward to a lavish night at a spare no expense event in at the estate of a local philanthropist. Not to mention a chance to meet all of the most important Democrats in the state. I picked her up that evening, and she slid in to my BMW looking sensational in a basic black cocktail dress and pair of heels that pushed her to about 5’11”. Eye candy accomplished, and she knew it. We pulled up to the front door of a lavish, but still tasteful 19th century home, and Danielle had heads swiveling as we made our way in. The home was gorgeous, the flowing wine was unaffordable, and the food was sensational. And the guest list was even more impressive. We mingled, we toured the grounds, I introduced her to people she had only read about. And of course I handed in a pledge card, so they got theirs…

I ran in to an old friend and his stunning wife Lori. Lori is a gorgeous brunette, model thin with huge breasts that are rumored to be completely real. He and I got talking in animated fashion about our golf games, some of it was actually true. The women were hitting it off almost instantly, and were sharing wine fueled giggles about other guests. At one point out of the corner of my eye I saw Lori looking around furtively, then leaning to Danielle’s ear and whispering. Danielle smiled, hesitated, and then nodded like she was thrilled to be a little naughty. The two girls scampered off together toward the open back patio doors with their glasses of wine. On the patio they moved to the stone railing where Lori greeted a friend. The friend laughed, and handed Lori a pack of Marlboro Lights and a lighter. Lori and Danielle each took one, then Lori extended the lighter and gave Danielle a light. Danielle was at an angle to me, but the plume she blew skyward confirmed she was sneaking a smoke with new found friend. Danielle had never said anything about smoking to me, but I was not concerned with a social cigarette, and In fact felt my cock twitched as I watched her inhale in her dazzling dress and heels. The whole scene was so sexy, and her practiced mannered made it clear it wasn’t her first social cigarette. Just as my buddy and I were winding down our golf talk the girls were making their way back to us. Danielle took my arm and let the group know she enjoyed her new friend. There was a very feint smell of smoke surrounding her, and again I felt a significant twitch in my briefs.

Later that evening Danielle and I snuck off to a local 18th century tavern, the casual pub was a fun destination in our dark cocktail party attire. We sat at the end of the bar in the quiet pub and traded laughs with the buxom blonde barkeep. Danielle was comfortably buzzed, and ordered a dirty martini. She laughed as she told the bartender she liked them dirty and liked them big. The bartender didn’t miss a beat. ‘We all do honey, well at least the big part.’

Danielle raised her wine glass. ‘Isn’t that the truth.’

I looked at Danielle in mock horror.

‘What’ she said in feigned indignance. ‘C’mon you know that. There are lots of ways to make a woman feel good, but there is no substitute for size. Bigger is absolutely better.’ The bartender delivered Danielle’s martini, then Danielle picked back up where she left off. ‘Everyone always says size doesn’t matter, size doesn’t matter. Then you get your hands on a big one for the first time and say…someone lied to me’

I pretended to be unaffected by Danielle’s sudden wonton praise of well hung men, but my confined cock was painfully hard. Mercifully the topic faded away, but the provocative topics had not ended. Danielle and I ended up talking about our common struggle to work during a mid-afternoon lull, and she described the strong urge to put aside whatever contract she was reading at about three and start surfing celebrity gossip sites. Innocently I asked what celebrities she most enjoyed following through the media’s eye and without a second’s hesitation she said ‘The woman I would leave any man for…Angelina Jolie.’

Danielle took a leisurely sip of her martini, as if she was oblivious to bombshell she had dropped.

So I bit. ‘So you are attracted to women?’

‘Sometimes.’ She said. ‘But I would say my first choice would be guys 90% of the time, but when I find that 10%…wow.’

I tried to keep my composure, but it was getting very difficult. ‘So you have actually been with women?’

Danielle still seemed completely unfazed. ‘Sure, but only a couple of times. I have no gaydar, so if I don’t just fall in to it, it isn’t going to happen.’

She took a long sip of her drink. ‘What about you?’

At first I had trouble processing that she had actually asked me the question, so I half sincerely sent it back. ‘What about me what?’

‘Are you in to guys at all, have you ever been with guys?’ she asked.

I still was in shock, but was even more stunned when I heard myself actually answering the question. ‘Uh, well maybe a little.’ Even I didn’t understand my answer, but I knew I had just basically said some form of yes.

But Danielle didn’t press it. ‘Huh’ was all she said.

The night had been crazy. The opulence of the party, Danielle’s stunning dress and heels, and the wild sensual confessions in the pub. I don’t really know what happened from there, somehow I took Danielle home and got home much too late for my early trip to the airport.

So I left Jim’s house already thinking back to the night and the conversations in the pub. Hoping that my half hearted confession, and her lack of reaction, meant she would think this was all no big deal. It seemed like a long shot, but possible. And, perversely, hoping that her wanton rantings about well endowed men would make her curious enough to agree to come out for drinks. But mostly I kept cursing that Jim had those pictures, and my having no choice but to practically serve Danielle up on a silver platter.

The following day I called Jim, hoping he would tell me he was just busting on me. But he was thinking no such thing. In fact he was pushing for a commitment to make it happen before the weekend, giving me only a day or two to sit down with Danielle. I pleaded with him to call it off, but in fact he made it clear what this was all about if I had any doubts.

‘Skip, we both know I am going to be fucking her before the night is over. I’m going to get in one night what you couldn’t get in six months. By the time you finish telling her about my cock she won’t be able to get on her knees fast enough. And you won’t have any chance of getting it once I am done with her.’

I tried to reason with him that she really wasn’t his type, I really don’t even know what I said, but he cut me off.

‘I know she’s not my type. I can stand those skinny flat chested types. I’m just doing to this to fuck you over.’

In about his only act of mercy he did agree that I didn’t have to tell her that I pay him for it, and while I did have to tell Danielle how well endowed Jim was, he agreed that I didn’t have to tell her how small I was. However he was adamant that I tell her that it was strictly one way, that he never reciprocated. ‘Make sure she knows you are the one that’s a fag’ as he put it. Oh, and he made sure I knew that even in front of her it was still Mr. Smith to me, Jim to her.

I texted Danielle and invited her to dinner. Things had been a little awkward since the night at my place, I felt like something changed, but she happily agreed to dinner. She called and asked if anything was wrong. Said she heard something odd in my voice. But at 7:00, right on time as usual, she arrived at my door looking great in a pair of jeans and a cotton sweater that was flattering but didn’t call attention to her small bust.

A light dinner, a little bit of wine, and I dove in and started explaining there was this guy.

‘So the two of you have had a regular thing…like for a couple of years?’ Danielle asked without seeming panicked about it.

‘Yeah pretty much.’ I shrugged, trying to pretend to be nonchalant. ‘It’s not anything like real, I mean it’s just sexual I guess.’

Danielle sipped her wine, and actually seemed intrigued. ‘So how does this work, do you two just get each other off, is this oral, anal, just hand jobs….how does it work?’

Her nonchalance had me really off balance, and her blunt questions were stunningly direct, but I knew this is where I had to follow Jim’s rules. ‘No, it’s pretty much one way, well it’s all one way.’

I thought I was clear, but not even close. ‘All one way what, like you both only do oral, I don’t get it?’

I gulped. ‘No, I mean I get him off, but he doesn’t reciprocate.’

She seemed confused. ‘So is this oral, anal, handjobs…’

‘Well not really hand jobs, well actually never a handjob.’ I could feel myself sweating.

‘So its oral and anal, you give he gets…how do you decide which one?’ she asked, still pretty unfazed by it all.

‘Well, it’s usually both; he likes to get off both ways.’ I was getting calmer as Danielle was just going with the flow on this.

‘So he gets off twice when you meet, wow, guys who can cum twice are gifted. And you what, just jerk off or something’ she asked..

I have no idea why, but before I could stop myself I actually clarified. ‘Well its always twice, but sometimes more…’ I knew I had to answer the other question. ‘No, I don’t jerk off, I just leave after he is done.’

Denielle looked confused. ‘So you don’t get off at all? What guy has sex and does cum? I don’t get it, do you just leave with a hardon?’

At this point I actually blushed. ‘He prefers I don’t jerk off at his place, that I wait until later.’

Denielle actually chuckled….but continued. ‘So I don’t get it, why would you keep hooking up with a guy who you get off two, three, four times and he never gets you off?’

Confession time. ‘Because he is really big, he ummm, he is really well hung and that’s how he prefers it.’

Danielle broke in to a big grin. ‘So you’re a size queen too huh?’ She thought for a moment. ‘So how big is big?’

‘About eight inches, about eight inches and really thick.’

Danielle let out a long low whistle, and was silent for a moment. ‘Yeah that qualifies as big. Bigger than anything I have ever seen. Big and can cum over and over…’ We just sat silently for a few minutes. ‘So you two are friends, or what ….’

‘Sort of, well I guess.’ I gulped but went for it. ‘He would like to meet you.’

I set up with Jim that we would meet two nights later at a local place, pretty casual place with some pool tables, but had the booths he had been so specific about. We agreed to meet at 8:00. I picked up Danielle at her place, and it was clear she had made an effort to look good. And she did….her jeans and a pair of sandals looked great, the whole look was casual but meant to impress. It was working. Surprisingly Danielle didn’t seem the least bit nervous, chattering away about a big project she was working on at work and asking about my trip planned for early the next week. It was a very short drive to the bar, and Danielle squeezed my arm on the way in.

Jim was already there, had claimed a booth, and was chatting with a chunky brunette with huge breasts. Jim was very casually dressed, an untucked polo shirt and jeans, he clearly didn’t feel he had to make an effort. Jim and the brunette obviously knew each other, I assumed she was one of Jim’s girls and couldn’t help but envy him getting play time with huge boobs like those. Jim glanced up, but finished his conversation with the young woman…her name was Marie, before he finally turned his attention to us as Marie left. Jim said very little, he just gave me a look that made it clear he expected me to make introductions. I quickly figured out why…having no choice I had to address him, but tried to do it casually so Danielle wouldn’t notice. ‘Mr. Smith, this is Danielle, Danielle this is Jim.’

Jim smiled and extended his hand to her. ‘You are even prettier than Skip described. So good to meet you.’ Jim then turned to me. ‘Skip, why don’t you get drinks for everyone, I already opened a tab for you.’ The inference was obvious, I’m sure Danielle caught it.

I turned to Danielle as she slid in to the booth. ‘Sauvignon Blanc for you?’ Danielle nodded. I then turned to Jim, but he didn’t say a word, and I noticed that though he said he opened a tab he didn’t have a drink. I later found out the tab he opened was to send drinks to his big titted friend and her similarly endowed companion that were sitting in another part of the bar. But Jim continued to just sit, forcing me to ask him. ‘What would you like to drink Mr. Smith?’ Danielle definitely noticed this time and gave me an odd look. Jim ordered a Sam Adams.

I made my way to the bar and waited a few minutes for a bartender to free up. I kept one eye on our booth, and Jim and Danielle were chatting and laughing quite comfortably already. By the time I brought the drinks back Danielle was telling funny stories from her sorority days, and had slid to the middle of the booth so she was sitting between Jim and me. The chatter and laughter kept up pretty easily, and Jim sent me back to the bar a couple more times over the next hour and a half. Danielle seemed to be clearly enjoying Jim’s company, though it seemed to me like she was pretty much carrying the conversation. She was always one to easily make connections with new people, but this seemed like record time even for her. Once or twice I found myself drawn in to the laughing and storytelling, but quickly caught myself and just focused on my Scotch. I didn’t want to appear sullen, but I didn’t want to make this any easier for him.

During each trip to the bar I tried to keep one eye on the two of them, but by the second round it was clear that Danielle was sending signals with some light accidental touching on the arm…no telling what signals she might be sending under the table. Danielle seemed to be enjoying the wine a bit more than I would have expected, and was very entertained by anything Jim contributed to the conversation. She had scooted over in the booth ever so slightly on several occasions to hear Jim better, and now was sitting quite close to him, and opposite me in the booth.

We had gone through three rounds of drinks and the conversation finally hit a bit of a lull. There was a brief awkward silence before Jim turned to me. ‘Skip, why don’t you go to the bar and settle the tab, then just wait there for a few minutes. I will let you know when you can come back.’

I looked at Danielle, but she didn’t respond. I found myself mumbling ‘Yes Mr. Smith’ and slid out of the booth. Danielle looked amused by my compliance to Jim’s direction. I got to the bar and signaled the bartender. She asked if wanted another round, but I told her just the check. When the bill came she told me about the round for the two girls, and combined with my Scotches the tab was a bit steep, but I paid it with a nice tip for her. Then, I just sat at the bar. I really didn’t know what to do and didn’t want to stare though I was waiting for some kind of signal. Jim and Danielle had turned in the booth to face each other a bit more and were in to a conversation. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the topic. Eventually they both nodded and smiled, then chatted a bit more and were laughing. Neither seemed concerned that I had been left hanging at the bar. I glanced at my watch, I couldn’t help thinking my watch was worth more than Jim’s car. It was about 10:15.

Finally Jim and Danielle slid out of the booth and made their way to my bar stool. Jim did all the talking with a very subtle look that made it clear he had won, and was enjoying doing this to me. ‘Danielle and I are going. You got the tab right?’ I could only nod, Danielle didn’t seem to notice the whole awkwardness of the situation and was quiet.. Jim knew I got the tab but was enjoying turning the knife in front of her.

He pushed on, if I didn’t think this could get any worse, it did. ‘I guess you drove Danielle, so you will need to come pick her up. Why don’t you come to my place about 1:00 and just wait in the car, one of us will text you when she is ready to leave. That’s ok with you, right?’ I couldn’t believe Jim was doing this to me, that he couldn’t even take her home himself and had actually thought out humiliating me by having me pick her up when he was done with her.

‘Yes Mr. Smith.’ Was all there was left to say.

Jim just stood and smiled silently for a long moment, letting me twist and suffer. ‘Ok Skip, well, see you in a few hours then…’ Jim said and he and Danielle turned and left. Watching them leave together was made me ache, I knew from experience what she was in for.

I stayed at the bar and had one more Scotch, I didn’t know what else to do. Finally I drove home, and put on the television, but I couldn’t tell you what I watched. The time crawled by, obviously all I could think about was Danielle naked at Jim’s place, just going crazy over his big cock, and him giving it to her over and over. After knowing Jim as long as I have I knew his motives for the night were only evil. Sure he wanted to get Danielle and humiliate me. But I somehow also knew he wanted to give her a night that left her incapable of being satisfied by other men…the size, the stamina, the ability to cum over and over. I knew this was all just an evil game to him.

I left my place about 12:30, a little angry that I had to pick her Danielle up, but in a way deeply curious about what kind of state she would be in coming out the door. The drive to Jim’s was only about 10 minutes, so I pulled in to his driveway a full 20 minutes early. I shut off the lights, I thought about leaving the radio on but somehow silence seemed more appropriate. The driveway was dark, the front porch light was off. There was some light coming from the front windows, but no real signs of life inside though I knew from experience the bedrooms were at the back of the house. I set my blackberry on the console and just waited.

Time passed as I stared at the house, looking for any sign they were finishing up their evening. I dared to think that maybe, just maybe, they had decided not to do anything and watched a movie or something. Seemed unlikely, but one can hope. One o’clock came and passed, and so did 1:15. Still no signs. I considered calling or texting, but really couldn’t decide which one to call or text and honestly didn’t dare. When 1:30 passed I couldn’t decide if I was angry or nervous or what I felt.

Finally after more than an hour, 1:48, my blackberry lit up and buzzed. I clicked the text folder and saw a text from Jim. I opened it, it was short, simple, and eliminated all doubts. ‘She is coming out, WELL FUCKED.’ I stared at the message, my feeling of total defeat now fully hit home. Because of that one picture on Jim’s hard drive he was able to orchestrate all of this.

The porch light came on and brought me back. I watched as the door opened and then the screen. Danielle was letting herself out. Somehow Jim not even showing her to the door confirmed my darkest thoughts…mission accomplished, he is done with her. Danielle stepped out on to the porch, and stopped. The porch was about 100 feet from the driveway and my car, but I could see her very clearly in the porch light. She stood on the porch and set her bag on the handrail. She extracted a pack of cigarettes from her bag, took out one and flicked her lighter. Even from the distance I could see her cheeks hollow deeply, then she tilted her head back and sent a large plume skyward. I am sure she wasn’t the first woman to come out that front door and badly need a smoke. She just stood for a moment staring off, oblivious to my sitting in the car, then raised her cigarette and inhaled once again to her toes. Finally she turned and took a few steps to the stairs. Danielle stopped at the top of the stairs and reached for the railing. With a firm grip she carefully began to step down, wincing as she gingerly eased herself down one step. She repeated the ritual again, wincing quite clearly, then stopped for another drag on her cigarette. Finally she felt up to tackling the two remaining stairs though the process was slow and clearly uncomfortable. Finally on the ground, she kind of shuffled slowly toward the car. At the passenger door she took one last deep inhale, crushed out her cigarette, and opened the car door. Unlike the beginning of the evening when she slid right in to the leather seats, this time Danielle used a slow process of handholds as she slowly lowered herself in to the car. When she was finally fully lowered in to her seat and the door was closed she out a long breath of relief. The lingering smell of smoke filled the car as I started the engine and backed out in silence. It was 2:03 on the car clock.

Once on the road, it didn’t take long for Danielle to speak, and her openness stunned me. In hindsight I think her total lack of any inhibition might be because she knew I had been in the same bedroom, on my knees in front of the same huge cock, but still…

‘Jim is a fucking machine’ she started. ‘He can just go and go and go, the guy can last forever, and can cum over and over with no break. He must have cum 6 times!’ She paused in silence for a moment. Then she started in a low voice just above a whisper. ‘He is superhuman, no guy can do that, 6 times with no down time.’ Again there was silence, I was just too stunned, and some combination of humiliated and embarrassed, to speak.

Danielle started up again. ‘My god, his cock is so fucking huge. I have seen ones almost as long, but it is so thick. The head on it is the size of small apple. I could just barely get it in my mouth.’ I couldn’t help it, at the mention of trying to get it in her mouth I groaned. Not that I hadn’t assumed she would suck it, but to hear her say it with such admiration and primitive lust was more than I could handle. I groaned, but my cock was stiffening uncomfortably and I didn’t dare try to adjust it.

Danielle heard the groan and turned slightly in her seat. Until now it was as if she was just talking to no one and anyone, but now she turned as if to speak to me for the first time. ‘I don’t need to tell you all of this.’ I thought for a brief moment she had felt a sudden need to show some sensitivity for my situation. But no. ‘You already know all of this better than I do.’

The drive to Danielle’s from Jim’s is about 25 minutes, it seemed liked days even at that hour on empty streets. She sat silently for a moment or two, I am sure processing all that had happened in the last couple of hours. Then turned to me and quietly delivered Jim’s final blow. ‘I think I understand your situation with Jim now, I really didn’t before. Jim told me you have a really small one. Now I get the whole one way, Mr. Smith thing.’

My defeat was total.

I dropped Danielle at her place…there was a quick goodnight kiss to her turned cheek and I watched her struggle to climb out of the car and shuffled to her door. I couldn’t bring myself to help her. As she moved slowly and gingerly to the door I glanced at my blackberry and saw I had another text from Jim. I opened it. ’34AA. They don’t do anything for me but you would have liked them.’


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That was pretty much it for Danielle and me. I made a half hearted attempt to get together about two weeks later, but we both knew it was too awkward to salvage it. I also knew that my attempts to bed her that had been futile before, now combined with full disclosure about my small cock had no chance. After about three weeks we just kind of stopped texting or calling, it was a relief to stop the awkwardness.

I continued to see Jim, I hated myself for asking to see him, but I just couldn’t help it. The tone of our meetings changed, he was even more superior to me than ever as he had so thoroughly demonstrated that he is much more of a man than me. About three months after ‘The Night’ I went over to see Jim in the late afternoon. Usual session…hand over the coffee and condoms, strip and scrub the bathroom, anal and oral. I did notice once or twice that Jim was checking his watch, but didn’t think too much of it. He didn’t seem interested in our normal post session chatter, and so hen he dismissed me I dressed carefully around my usual throbbing hard cock, paid him, and let myself out. I closed the door behind me, and as I started down the stairs a familiar car pulled in the driveway. It was Danielle. She was out of her car before she noticed me, and we both just stopped in a moment of incredible awkwardness standing in Jim’s front yard. She looked incredible. In her hand was a large cup of light iced coffee, and a small bag from a local store that I am certain held a box of Trojan Magnums.

There was really no denying what either of was there for. I didn’t know that she had, or was, seeing Jim again, but I wasn’t surprised. How could I be surprised. After a moment of awkwardness, Danielle broke the ice. ‘So’ she paused and her eyes dropped and locked on the impossible to miss tent in my slacks, ‘How was it? It looks like you enjoyed yourself.’

I couldn’t respond to that, and couldn’t figure out a way to hide my hard on, so I tried the only tact left to me, I tried to change the subject. ‘How have you been?’

Danielle just decided it was time to deal with it and blew past my question. ‘Look Skip, I’m really sorry, but you can’t blame me can you. Guys like Jim just don’t exist, it’s never been anywhere near that good with anyone else, not even close…’ She glanced at her watch. ‘Look, I gotta go, we can talk sometime, but Jim doesn’t like it if I am late. I’m sorry.’ She hurried past me up the stairs to the door where Jim was waiting to let her in. She went past him in the door…he stood in the doorway and gave me a wave, another gotcha kind of wave. I could see Danielle behind him inside the house hurriedly unbuttoning her blouse, presumably to be folded and put on the chair that had held my clothes only moments before.

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