Are You on the Naughty List?

A gay story: Are You on the Naughty List? Authors notes: I wrote this a year or two ago. It was three or four little parts and had little or no sexual content. The characters in the story have all turned 18 years of age recently and are ready for this years crop of naughty boys, to serve in a sinister Christmas eve world. I have a couple of others festive stories that I intend to publish in the next 6 weeks or so)

(rev: Nov 23)

Are you on the naughty list?

There are myths and legends that date back centuries. Stories of old when the north is covered in snow and the temperature drops, magic happens. Small children are showered with toys and candy. Dolls houses for the girls and racing cars for the boys. The halls are decked with holly and candlelight, beautiful ribbons, and stockings too. Songs of the season out in full swing.

There are other stories. Darker ones, about naughty boys. We all have heard them. Receiving coal instead of candy. Receiving lashes of the slippers instead of kisses under the mistletoe. They say that there are some truths in the myths. Some things are far more distorted.

Andrew was eighteen in the summer. He had a misplaced childhood. Always getting into trouble. Causing trouble. He was a bad boy for sure. He had a troubled mind and soul. Each year he tried harder, each year he failed. He laid in bed on Christmas eve, as was the rest of the family, his two sisters and his parents. He enjoyed Christmas.

His parents always said how much he changed round this time of year. He was sound asleep. Naked as the day he was born. His body was ripped from the parkour free running he did and working out in the gym. His cock was over eight inches and pulsing all of the time. His thoughts in sleep mode were always filthy. His little slit was always leaking a clear fluid when he slept. He had a bubble butt and beautiful lips. His face was almost angelic, although even devils look like Angels when they are sleeping.

The room suddenly became cold, he instantly pulled more covers over himself. A beautiful feeling filled the air. Full of warmth, despite being cold. The magic was happening. Bells jingling said all that needed to be said. Rooms full of gifts. The magic had arrived.

At the door of the ‘sleeping angels’ room stood a distinguished old man in a red suit with trimmings of white. A beard of thick white hair, a hat covering his head. He looked down at the boy, knowing it would happen the moment he left the house. It was the boy’s time. The boy’s year. He was truly on the naughty list. He had eighteen years to get it right. He hadn’t. The old man knew that Andrew would be collected soon.

The white man vanished and all you could hear was more bells jingling.

“HO! HO! HO!”

The boy’s room was iced cold. Bitterness swept the room. He reached over for the sheets, but they were ripped away. Landed on the ground somewhere. The boy continued to sleep. Little was he aware that a porthole had opened in his room. Little was he aware that the trade for all the presents was that all bad boys go through the dimension. Little did he know that he had his soul marked as bad.

A huge muscular man appeared through the porthole. He also had a white beard and yet looked more sinister. He wore black leather trimmed with white. Buckles and chains adorned the supernatural being. He reached over to the naked boy, yanked him by the balls onto the ground in front of him. The boy had a rude awakening. Not before the old man clipped a one-inch-thick collar round the boy’s neck.

‘I do like it when these boys sleep naked,’ the old man thought to himself, looking over the naturally smooth body of the newest of his boys. It made his job far much easier. Naturally the boy’s cock was hard. Probably from the dream he was having. It was about eight inches. The old man smirked knowing that it wouldn’t be that size for long. The boy was more awake.

“Hello boy. I collect naughty boys like you!” the old man said laughing. The boy looked puzzled, yet the man didn’t need him to speak. Instead, he pulled the boys head forward by the hair and attached a leather strap over his head, inserting a large round o-ring into the boys’ mouth. “I am taking you to serve as a slave in my world.”

He twisted the boy round to see a strangers body in his own bed, a boy as young as himself.

“This sweet boy will turn into the image of you by morning light and live as you. He is a good boy who lost his fight for life. He will live as you and improve of the disaster of your life.”

The old man knew it was hard for the newly enslaved to take in. It added to the fun of what was rolling out before them.

By now the boy was totally awake. His eyes widen with fear, a few tears dampened his face. He could see his body shake in the mirror behind this strange figure. His cock hard. Throbbing almost. He was dribbling from his open mouth, and he was drooling onto his chest. He had no control. The man reached down with his nails that were long and pierced through his left nipple and then his right. He smiled at the boy and attached two rings through them with chains, along the chains where little bells. The old man reached to his balls and squeezed them hard. The boy’s face was covered in horror. This was always his favourite part. He watched the open mouth boy face as his balls began to shrink. His cock getting smaller. Slower from eight inch to seven, then six and down to five and four. The boy’s face was a perfect look of terror. His eyeballs were almost coming out of their sockets. All his hair had vanished on his body and his head hair was as short as his eyebrows. Shock froze him. This could not be real!

Suddenly the man yanked the chain and the boy spun round taking in one last look of his bed. There, laid a duplicate body of himself. None would know by the morning that his soul was no longer there. The magic took care of that. As the old man spun the boy around, he pulled on the chains making the boy scream into the o ring, The bells began to jingle. Whilst in a position facing the bed the old man forced a butt plug up the boy’s tight virgin hole. He screamed again. Soon he would get used to the invasion. Magic took care of his wrists and ankles securing him tightly. He began to shake with panic and fear. His tiny cock throbbed harder. He had no idea that the naughtier he had been had made his cock shrink so small. The man chuckled knowing what laid ahead of the boy.

It was time to go. The porthole opened again in front of the old man and his captive. He pulled on the boy, and they went to the location of where the sleigh was parked.

The cold was unbearable as they flew, at first for the very least. The magic this being had made it warm enough for the collection of boys not to suffer too much. He could feel his nipples being pulled hard and to his humiliation the bells were jangling though the air. The magic of the supernatural made the boy fly chained to the back of this man’s sleigh.

His mind named him bad Santa. The reality was that this supernatural being was actually ‘bad boy Santa’. The true Santa that visited bad boys after their eighteenth birthday.

To his horror he could feel the butt plug in his hole moving. Even though it was becoming loose he didn’t want it to fall out. Although in a way he wondered if that would be for the best. As they moved through the air it became almost impossible to keep inside. The plug fell out and went through the air. Bad Santa made it vanish into nothing, but a Christmas wish for some good gay boy somewhere.

This was so unfair. He wasn’t alone. Other eighteen-year-old boys were with him being pulled by the magical sleigh through this magical land. This was a part of this year’s crop of naughty boys maturing into adults. Little did they know the truth. In the land they were bound for they would serve as slaves to much older men. Doing their calling. Pleasuring their cocks with their mouths and rear holes. They would serve as house boys, piss holes, even ponies. They would be whipped and spanked almost every hour just for the fun of the inhabitants of this world. They would serve not only for their natural lives on earth but for eternity. They would never age as the years go by.

Trapped by magic forever. This was so unfair.

Andrew’s life had change in a blink of an eye. Only hours ago, he was the hot eighteen-year-old sports man laughing with his family and friends and now he was being whisked through the air through a different dimension and curling from one reality to another. He was tethered to the back of a sleigh, following true Santa round the earth. They were making callings on naughty boy’s homes and swapping their bad soles for good ones. The boys were tied together and rubbing up against each other. Their nipples clipped with rings and bells and were jingling about. He often wondered over the years what the second sound of bells was all about. Now he knew. He knew that there was a second Santa following the Santa most people of the planet were aware of. A more sinister one.

The sleigh itself stored the good soles and ‘Bad boy Santa’ sat, as he preferred to be called was up front steering a set of ten naked slave boys magically flying. Their cocks in small, yet heavy chastity cages. Nipples attached to chains that were weighed down with more jingling bells and butt plugs in the shape of reindeer tails. Although they were in sub-zero temperatures, they were still at regular body temperatures. The common theory was that it was all down to the magic of the ‘bad boy’ Santa’s sleigh.

In the distance Andrew could see another sleigh, much prettier than the one he was attached to. With lighter colours and shiny lights. A bright red light at the front. The sleigh seemed to be taking off from the top of a large house. The sleigh that Andrew and the other bad boys were attached to then replaced the far prettier sleigh on the roof top. A port hole opened between themselves and the house. Bad Santa left the boys dangling from the side of the roof top. He knew that they were safe as he entered.

The bedroom was cold just like Andrews room was. Bad boy Santa could hear voices and he knew that was fine. He knew that he could use the memory dust if anyone saw him. He was aware that no human would remember seeing him in the morning. On the bed was a young man of about eighteen. He was on his hands and knees. Behind him was a blond boy of a similar age. He was slapping the other boy’s ass cheeks as he fucked his hole good and hard. Pulling his bitch boys hair back. The top guy was getting close. Bad Santa was waiting. He knew the boy was almost there. He was about to shoot when he pulled him off the boy. He quickly inserted a large dildo into the boy’s bum hole and threw him away like Christmas trash on boxing day. The blond fell onto the ground the other side of the room with no sound as the magic stifled that. As he did so bad Santa clicked his fingers and magically restrained the boy. Bad Santa pushed the boys head into the sheets so he couldn’t see his face. All the magic shocked the boy on the floor as he watched his lover being penetrated by bad Santa who began to morph into his very own body. At the same time, the boy shot a ruined orgasm of a watery liquid. The boy couldn’t do anything about it. He just moaned in frustration. Something he was going to have to get used to.

The oddest thing happened. The body of the boy that was fucking the boy on all fours separated himself from bad Santa. He pushed himself out of the boy and turned looking at the blond boy on the floor smiling with his dick hard. The resurrected boy fell on top of his new lover whilst shooting his first load of man juice up his new lover’s hole.

‘It is so good to be alive!’ was his first thought. Not knowing or understanding where that thought had come from.

Bad Santa used a stealthing spell so neither of them could see what was happening on the other side of the room. He walked over to the blond bad boy.

“Malc!” he said “You have just witnessed your body being taken over by a good boy, who will love your boyfriend with all his heart. I am going to take you away soon, to my world, in another dimension.” The boy protested. However, bad Santa was not interested in his silly outbursts and used all his strength and magic to make the boy kneel in front of him as an o ring was attached into his mouth, opening it up like Andrews was.

He could see bad Santa’s eight-inch hard cock in front of him, as the old man looked down at him. He forced his cock into the bad boy’s mouth at the same time as attaching a collar around his neck. He then pulled on the boy’s nipples as he enlarged them, he explained what was happening to him, as he had Andrew. Malc was more scared than Andrew was, yet Andrew was not sexually used in this way.

Bad Santa was close to coming when he pushed down on the boys’ nipples, piercing them through. The supernatural being whitewashed the boy’s tonsils as he attached the chains. Cum dripped from the boys o ringed lips.

“Come on boy. I have thirty minutes now before my next collection and I have time to get you bad boys back to my world for processing.”

They then completely vanished from the room and onto the sleigh back to the bad boy’s new home.

Ethan the young man on the bed swore he heard his boyfriend say three special words to him under his breath for the first time ever. Perhaps his friends were wrong about him, and he wasn’t such a bad boy, or perhaps love changes you.


The sleigh soon took off and straight away it picked up speed to pass through the two dimensions so far apart. The boys were icy, although they did not feel the cold due to the magic that surrounded them. The portals are usually in the extremes of the planets. North pole, South pole. However, this planet was different to most. It was always winter and unlike Narnia it was also always Christmas eve.

There was a simple reason for it.

The planet was connected to thousands of other planets and so everywhere had its own Christmas eve. Sometimes there were two places at the same time when it was the most special day of the year. The planet survived on one thing and one thing alone.


The magic that the inhabitants created because it was always Christmas eve. The presents were created by the magic and the bad boys from each planet made the magic last by making the men of the planet feel alive and able to create more of the same required magic.

Our Bad Santa was one of seven that were brothers. All looking similar and all worked only one day a week to keep the magic alive.

The planet was covered in snow. Brightened by the colour of the white landscape and the colourful lights. Christmas trees on every street corner and everyone having a magical time. The boys were there to serve them. Millions of them. The men of the world never could die and never age over eighty. The population never depleted, just more slaves over time.

Bad Santa landed the sleigh in the middle of a snow filled field. It was a bumpy landing. The other men rushed over to see what the commotion was about. Suddenly as Bad Santa got off the sleigh and announced he had landed by mocking the real Santa with a loud “HO! HO! HO!”

He then went to the gathering crowd at the back, knowing full well what they were watching.

Malc was on the top of another boy. The rampant sex addict was humping away at one of the boys. It was all mischievously planned in the head of bad boy Santa. Everyone was jeering away. Bad boy Santa knew what he was doing. The boy below Malc was Andrew. The straight boy was being fucked by another boy for the first time ever. Unlike the other boys Bad Santa had not shrunk Malc’s cock. He knew the top boy would find a hole to fuck and he had. He was fucking the boy hard.

Bad Santa could not decide if to magically knot the boy on Andrew and make them rut like a dog and its bitch for hours or if he should wait till, he was close to Cumming and then ruin another orgasm like before.

All the old men started picking up all the boys and groping their bodies. They knew they all needed processing and allocating to either public duty or personal duty. Most of the men owned a dozen boys by now.

Bad boy Santa casted a spell to make Malc Knott to Andrew for the rest of the night. There is nothing sweeter than the moans of a bitch boy like Andrew. He then casted another spell that Bad boy Malc once he had creamed the boy’s hole, he would then shrink down so small no one would care about his dick ever again. Although for the rest of eternity every time Malc looked down at his pitiful cock he would burst into tears. The old men would laugh and mock him for this action too.

Bad boy Santa was soon on his way to collect more bad boys, to create more happiness and more magic. He was flying across into another dimension within minutes of first landing. His slave crew and sleigh moving across the most colourful night sky. The crew were a sight flying overhead of Christmas world like real Santa’s reindeer.

Everyone watched the boys fuck for a while. Rutting like wild animals. Andrew kept shooting a thin watery squirt of bad boy cum. He would never experience shooting a real man’s load ever again. Poor boy. His ass would be ploughed on every Christmas eve, which in this world was every night. He was now a slut for the dirty old men of this world.

A couple of the new slaves were put over the knees of some older men and spanked with their bare hands, whilst the men drunk eggnog and mulled wine. At one point two or three of the old men played jingle bells, using the new boys arse cheeks for instruments. All of the old men listened at the tune and laughed and cheered once they had finished. Their sinister actions made them happier and created more magic.

One slave boy was given a yellow collar as the duty was obvious to most. He was personally shocked when he began to understand the reason for a coloured collar. Many of the old men watched as the boy gulped down his first mouthful of old man piss. It was mentioned that he made the best urinal they had seen in a while.

Another was taken from behind by a large man as jolly as Father Christmas himself. He looked like he worked out too and his chest looked like women’s titties as he was fucked hard. The dirty pervert groped his entire body as he fucked the boy. The air was full of magic, enough to create the beautiful presents for the next Christmas in the universe. The boys face glowed red with embarrassment and some of the men mocked him, saying he looked like Rudolf. Some began to sing.

“Rudolph the red face faggot!” all of the men were laughing creating more magic.

The old man’s world council knew that there were many boys in the world that Bad Santa had been to who yearned to be turned into bad boys and yet they were far too old for the job opportunity. After a long and open debate, they decided to contact old father time and ask him if it was possible to reverse these boys age to the magical age of eighteen. When he was filled in why he soon agreed to it.

Soon willing boys like you can become bad boys.

Very soon, indeed. A weeks’ time to be precise.

Or maybe, you are on the naughty list anyway!

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