Date Night – Paint Fight! by tobiallium

Date Night – Paint Fight! by tobiallium

Unleash your passion with our steamy gay erotic sex story, 'Date Night - Paint Fight!' Dive into a playful and heated encounter between two lovers that blends art, intimacy, and sizzling tension. Perfect for those seeking an adventurous twist on romance! Read more to feel the colors of desire!<br/> In the living room the couches were pushed off to the side, along with the coffee table and other end tables. The carpets were rolled up and replaced with dirty old sheets. Resting on those sheets were two canvas rested on easels and on a TV tray in between the two wooden stands were various different art supplies. Bottles of paint, two pallets and two mason jars filled with fresh water. Sun was leaking into the room, and a fresh breeze from the open windows. It was a bit too chilly to be outside to paint today but that wouldn’t stop Date Night at all.

Max was just wrapping their waist-apron to their body and taking a gander at the canvas they decided on taking over. He was sort of lost in his own thoughts while he waited for someone.

“Are you cheating already?” The second voiced teasingly.

“I- how the hell do you cheat at painting, Luca?”

Luca just shrugged, giving a blank face stare. Max stared back but it didn’t take him long to break into a grin and avert his gaze back to the canvas. He had no idea what he’d paint, he’s- in all honesty just staring at the canvas head empty style. Eventually he’d pick up a brush and his pallet, holding both in one hand as he loaded up his pallet with pigment. Luca would follow suit.

“I assume I don’t have to explain how Acrylic painting works,” Max glanced over to Luca to see him already going at the canvas. He gave a small ‘aight then’ with a chuckle but went on to mix a few of the pigments he had on the pallet to make a darker blue.

“If course I know how it works i’m the–”



“You heard me.”

Luca grinned, soon muttering “Yeah ’cause I’m the smartest man in the world”

Max’s eyes rolled and flicked paint at the taller male, giggling to himself. Luca looked down at where the paint landed, huffing in his joking offense. He had no other choice but to retaliate, taking his brush and scraping paint up onto it just to glob it across Max’s cheek.


“What? Payback.”

Max opened his mouth to speak but admitted his defeat silently– for only a moment though. He set his pallet down and dipped a paper towel in the on-hand water to wipe the paint off his cheek. He watched what his lover was starting off with, deciding he’d lay low on the future attack. Give him paint, or markers, it will end up on himself and or other people, it’s inevitable. Time went on, casual banter and the shorter males’ rather terrible version of dancing to music filled the silence.

Max’s painting was turning into an ocean setting, turquoise water crashing against rocks, lined with a blue horizon. Lucas painting would turn out to be focused upon a single tree in a field. The starts of a tire swing hanging from one branch, darker weighted lines putting emphasis on the grooves of the bark. Max would examine Luca’s painting, glancing at his own pallet and thinking of what color he could choose- which he opted for a darker blue. He picked up a thin bristled brush and coated the tip in blue paint, planting a small dot right on his canvas. Of course it was where blue already was because he didn’t want to entirely ruin a perfectly good piece.

Luca stared at the dot for a moment but only for a moment. He would immediately smear his brush across Max’s canvas. Max then smeared paint on his arm, it would go back and forth for a minute or two before Luca set his items down and hoisted the smaller man off his feet and plopping him on his back against the cushions of the couch. Max’s eyes widened and his face almost immediately went a shade of red. His body remained stiff from underneath Luca, his heart already pounding. Despite all that, Max wormed one arm free from his side and booped the other’s nose..leaving a dot of white. He grinned at his accomplishment but it was short lived. Luca grabbed Max’s wrists and held them down against his lap.

“Onn- hold onn-” Max protested. “On the couch??”

“I did say I wanted to fuck you on every surface of the house. Perfect time to start is a date night”

“That doesn’t sound physically pos-”

He was cut off by a kiss and his face only grew more red. He felt the butterflies in his stomach increase as the other male’s hand slowly lifted off a wrist and explored his thigh. Max shifted, his thigh muscles involuntarily twitching in response to Luca’s touch traveling farther up. It wasn’t long before they were undressed, one watching the other. The taller male would shift himself to loom over Max, one knee pressed into the couch and the other steadying himself on the floor. Luca’s hands would trail up his body, touching base on his arms and pushing them above his head, his fingers coiling around the others wrists to pin them in place.

Max felt exposed, but still let himself relax into it a bit. He put in some resistance against Luca, pulling his arms down against his lovers pressure as well as his body somewhat squirming underneath him. He was almost just barely able to wriggle his arms free before he felt a hand grip his neck. Max’s breath hitched, and he glanced towards Luca once more to see him lean in.

“Be a good boy, Maximus.” He warned.

Max felt a shiver race through his body, his neck was sensitive to touch but… he didn’t mind Luca doing whatever he wished with him. Luca had returned to his previous intentions and slid the hand against Max’s throat downward. He would shift how he propped himself on the couch as his hand traveled down the others body eventually landing at the elastic band of his boxers then slipped right past the band and down below his hips. Luca would look down at what he was doing for a moment but then returned to gauging a reaction out of Max– who was in all fairness a hot mess at this point.

Two fingers would begin to ever so lightly tease Max’s clit. It prompted a small squeak from the smaller male. He took his time making the other squirm underneath him, however with this process he was stroking his own length. Max made the occasional heavy exhale, not wanting to give him satisfaction yet. Luca would shift his position above Max, pulling the smaller males boxers down to his ankles, he’d lower himself, overing himself over the other, looking over at them first;

“Are you ready?” He’d ask, ensuring his partner was still on board.

“I. I am- yes-” Max fumbled over himself, but just nodded.

With double confirmation he wasted no time pushing his tip past the others lower lips, then slowly inched his way further into them until he was met with resistance. Max’s mouth was left agape, breathing in sharply at first, adjusting just a bit. Luca would lean back down now, lifting one of their legs over his shoulder and resting it there as soon as he started to reel back, not enough to pull out entirely before pushing himself back into them with force that shoved them backwards against the armrest of the couch. Max let out a gasp, the following exhale was a stifled moan. He wasn’t given enough time to breathe out before of course the next forceful thrust was greeting him.

Max’s head fell back limp against whatever was propping his head up, a pillow? The arm rest? He didn’t care anyway. Luca made his way closer to Max’s body to litter their skin with affection of a variety; kisses, bites, hickies. Their hands balled into fists, letting their arms slide down from above his head- however was stopped by the other, repinning their hands against the couch above them, holding them there now manually with one hand. Luca’s rhythm would get quicker and more aggressive. His hold on Max grew more restrictive- though the smaller male’s back would arch, their skin touching his as he had his way with him.

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