Dana & Stuart Ch. 02

A gay story: Dana & Stuart Ch. 02 The day before Stuart had to leave on his trip was very mundane and rather boring. He spent most of the day packing. Dana had left earlier in the day. She went to her office to work on some last minute case details. He knew the divorce case she was working on would consume her time. He knew how she got when she was working on her cases. Then again she knew how important his work was. And the convention he had to go to would define a good portion of the upcoming quarter would like.

Dana didn’t get home until nine. He’d fallen asleep by the time she got home. His flight was scheduled for seven in the morning. He hated early flights, but they were a fact of his business life. He always had a hard time sleeping the nights before flights. He was somewhat excited of the prospect of flying and what the next day would bring. He was briefly awoken as Dana got into bed with him.

“Sorry,” Dana said as she got into bed with him.

“It’s fine,” he said in a low tone, “what time is it?”

“Twelve thirty,” she replied as she turned away from him.

“Okay,” he replied as he fell back to sleep.

“HUH,” Stuart exclaimed as he sat up in bed.

He looked over to the clock and noticed it was five thirty. He’d over slept just a bit, but he was prepared. He noticed the alarm clock wasn’t set and he’d somehow woken up on his own. He quietly walked out of bed and walked to the shower. He turned the water on and quickly got in. He was halfway done with the shower when he noticed the anal-plug in the soap dish.

“God,” he said out loud in a low voice.

He starred at it for a few seconds. He reached over and picked it up. He looked over the small thing. He couldn’t believe that this little thing caused a horrible mishap the night before. He placed it back in the dish and finished his shower. He quickly got dressed and kissed Dana on the cheek as she slept and walked out. He drove to the airport, parked in long-term parking and checked into his flight.

He was able to get some sleep on the plane. But it was terrible sleep. Visions of the night before kept haunting his sleep. That and something he said to her. He said he’d never done that with a woman before. He had experimented with toys like that before, in college, with a man. That wasn’t all he’d done with a man.

He was glad to have finally landed. Even though it was a business trip he was hoping to have some time away from his work and relax. Tennessee was a world away from California, almost alien to him. He checked into his room at the Hilton and called Dana. She didn’t answer her phone. He figured she was busy. The convention started the next day at a convention center across the street. He decided to go downstairs to the hotel bar around seven.

The bar was pretty quiet and he found a seat right at the bar. The woman bartender took his order. He began to watch the TVs in the bar. Nothing good was on, mostly sports, Stuart never liked sports, and he didn’t understand how people could watch them. He looked over and saw that someone pulled up next to him. Stuart looked over and noticed a familiar man sat next to him.

“Stuart,” the man said as he slid up next to him.

“Yes,” he said as he picked up his beer.

“How are you,” he asked as the man put his hand on Stuart’s thigh.

“Peter,” Stuart said in a nervous tone.

“Are you here for the convention,” Peter asked.

“Yes,” he replied.

“As am I,” Peter said as the bartender came back with his drink.

“Good,” Stuart said as he looked away towards the TV.

“How long has it been,” Peter asked as he ran hand closer to Stuart’s crotch.

“A long time,” Stuart said.

“How are things with Dana,” he asked.


“We should do something tonight,” Peter smiled before taking a big gulp from his drink.

“No,” Stuart said, “I can’t do that anymore.”

“Oh,” he smiled, “I think we can. What room are you in?”

“I can’t tell you,” Stuart replied.

“I can always ask the front desk,” Peter smirked.

“Don’t,” Stuart pleaded as Peter gripped Stuart’s crotch.

“Even better,” Peter said as he took his hand off Stuart’s crotch.

“What,” Stuart asked.

Peter reached into his pocket and pulled out two room cards. He put one on the bar.

“Room 714,” he said as he stood up, “I’ll see you tonight.”

Stuart decided against going to Peter’s room. He had to let it go. He couldn’t live with himself if he did. As the week progressed Stuart avoided Peter’s bizarre advances. He wanted nothing to do with the man. He attended the conference and all his required meetings. Peter was only in a few of his meetings. Luckily Peter didn’t make any advances during the meetings. Stuart was happy when the week came to the end. He couldn’t wait to come home to Dana.

The night before he had to leave Peter was in his room.

“The fuck,” Stuart said in disbelief as he saw Peter naked on his bed.

“Hello,” Peter replied while standing up.

“Get out of here,” Stuart demanded.

“I like it here,” Peter laughed as he walked up to him.

“Please,” Stuart said as he pushed Peter off of him.

“You know you want it.”



“Get out!”

“One last time,” Peter said as he got on the bed.

“I can’t,” Stuart said in a nervous tone.

Peter got on all fours on the bed and propped his ass in the air. Stuart became erect and looked at his old friend on the bed. But in his mind he knew he couldn’t do it. He knew he couldn’t break the bond that he had with Dana.

“Pound my ass,” Stuart said as he grabbed his penis.

Stuart walked up to the bed and positioned himself behind Peter.

“Yes,” Peter said as he felt Stuart’s hand run down his back.

“No,” Stuart said as he wrapped his arms around Peter and picked him off the bed.

“The fuck,” Peter said as he was lifted off the bed.

“I don’t care,” Stuart said as he grabbed Peter’s robe and threw it at him, “this is over. College is over and whatever we did is history.”

Peter put the robe on and began to walk out.

“You’ll,” Peter started as he looked back at Stuart.

“Goodbye,” Stuart said in an angry tone as Peter walked out.

When the door shut Stuart locked the deadbolt and put the security chain in place. He brushed out the bed where Peter was knelt over. He turned the TV on and sat on the bed. He was glad that Peter was gone and couldn’t wait to see Dana

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