My First Year with Austin Ch. 18

A gay story: My First Year with Austin Ch. 18 This story is a sequel to My First Year in College and My First Year in Prison.

Tyler is finally ready to commit to a serious relationship when he moves in with his former College crush, Austin. After years of entertaining the idea, it is time for those two to figure it out: is their relationship meant to last?

This story is entirely fictional and all characters featured are above 18.


[Warning: this chapter is a heavy one, if you have read the rest of the trilogy, you know that chapter 18 is always pretty dramatic…]


Chapter 18: Danger in the club

You know how, sometimes, you make the tiniest mistake and it has the most devastating consequences. That sucks, right?

Well, some other times, you make a big old mistake and it turns out to be the best thing that could have happened.

Me releasing a video of Sergio getting steamy, and very naughty, with two proper pornstars in the shower turned out to be the best marketing operation of the year!


Believe me, I was, and we all were, freaking out when we realized that the complete version of the video had leaked everywhere online.

The wonderful, — and terrifying –, thing about the Internet is that despite all the time and efforts spent into figuring out what may become viral, the thing that does get millions of views always seems to come as a surprise.

For weeks, we had been carefully thinking about a time, a place, a caption, to share each of Ralph’s videos on social media in the best possible way. It did work. We had discovered some patterns, some efficient ways to make his content reach a larger audience, but nothing we had ever published had gone viral so quickly.

Sergio rubbing his ass cheeks against two XXL cocks, getting stroked by Carlos, or caressing Ralph, became an instant sensation.

I mean, how could it not be? The three studs were hot as fuck and the video was at this perfect point between genuine amateurish guys horsing around and professional adult performers following a juicy script.

The appetizing meal made of three leaking monster cocks helped too, I suppose.

The problem was, Sergio had made no announcement whatsoever about joining an adult platform and the content was way more explicit that what we had anticipated for his debut.

This video was meant to be the cherry on the cake after we would have teased the public about it for weeks… More importantly, it was supposed to be accessible for paying subscribers only!

Fuck my life, this was my first day managing Sergio, and I had created chaos already!

Even Allison who was really not the type to get straddled by anything called Sergio. I heard her yelling over the phone.

Shit, shit, shit…

“What the hell, babe? Why am I getting screenshots of you getting sandwiched between two huge guys, stark naked and hard? I thought you were going to see Tyler to discuss your options! Damn it, Sergio, I’m getting another message right now, that dude is stroking your dick… Wait… Is that… Is that Carlos?!”

“I bet you would recognize him, right?!”

Sergio tried to deflect the conversation towards Allison’s past.

We had learned, — although, it had never been made clear -, that Carlos and Allison did have a one-time thing during a party a few years back.

She hung up the phone for sole response.

I felt awful. Truly, I wanted to disappear from the apartment. I had been so damn stupid. How could I have gotten “saving a video” and “posting a video” wrong?! I guess the blood was fulling my dick instead of my brain…

“Man, I’m so, so, so, so, sorry. This was not supposed to get out this way! I feel terrible, Sergio. We’ll figure something out, I…”

Sergio sighed.

“What’s done is done. You think there’s any chance to make it go away if we remove your post now?”

I was still getting a constant stream of notifications. I thought it was better to be honest. The video had been shared (and probably downloaded and screen-grabbed) too much to stop that train.

“I don’t think so, Sergio… I’m really sorry, it’s like it has instantly become viral. This is the type of things we cannot control.”

“Well, this is great, no? This is why we wanted? For it to become viral?” Ralph shrugged his shoulders.

He did not see the problem. I wish I was as carefree.

Sergio was pacing around the apartment, trying to calm his nerves.

“I have to call Allison back. She’s mad because I have broken our rules. We can do pretty much whatever we want but we need to give the other one a heads-up and she did not get one here…”

“Please, let me talk to her.” I spoke. “This is fully my responsibility. I’ll explain this to her.”

“Nah. You’ve done enough already. I’ll take care of this.”

Sergio went to Ralph’s bedroom to have some intimacy. My stomach was hurting from the stress and the guilt. Ralph was scrolling through his feeds, impressed with the stats.

“The only thing missing is a link to Carlos and I’s pages, the video is booming, dude. Sergio is a bit freaked out, that’s too bad, but look at the numbers of mentions and of views! I’ve never seen anything like it. We’re freaking stars!”

“I wish Sergio was seeing it this way…”

“Make him see it, then. Stop feeling bad and work this out!” Ralph told me.

I looked at the phone.

The thing had definitely taken off and the video was shared on mainstream gossip websites and medias, sometimes with some form of censorship and sometimes in its raw unedited version.

There were headlines about “influencers Sergio and Allison in crisis!”

Although there were tons of people shocked or outraged, or most likely, pretending to be shocked or outraged, there were many who were asking for the damn links to “check those guys out.”

I wished we could have contacted Carlos to help us out but he was in the plane so we could not reach him. Between us, he was the real (and only) pro a this. I started to think that I had gone way over my head with considering this as my actual job.

Ralph was right though. This was exactly what we were aiming for originally. A viral video to get the best visibility, to make a big splash.

*Ok, focus Tyler*

I had been through way worse in my life. I could, and I would, turn this around.

When Sergio came back in the living room, my attitude was totally different. I was a porn manager God damn it, and this was my first crisis to solve!

“Is Allison, okay?” I asked Sergio.

“She is. We’ll talk when I’ll get home. She was wondering what was coming next.”

“We own it.” I spoke.

“What do you mean?”

“You own it! We use that video as the launching event we were looking for. Let’s be real, man, those outlets had not shared a single piece of article on you or Allison for years! Well, they have now. You’ve got the public watching!”

“Media has talked about us last year, when we got married…” Sergio mumbled.

“Look, we did not think it would happen this way, but here we are! You need to capitalize on that. You respond to all solicitations, you give interviews, you say that the critics are rooted in homophobia and that sexuality should not be anything people should be ashamed of. You spin this in the best possible light!”

Ralph started clapping and cheering me up. What a goofy, stupid, wise and great friend he was!

I continued my speech.

“You say that you have always respected sex workers and that you were testing things out with a couple friends of yours. What is wrong with that? You say that it was not thought through but given the interest of the people, you’re actually considering opening an x-rated page! You freaking own the fact that you are willing to sell sex!”

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Ralph concluded, grabbing another beer.

I was nervous about Sergio’s reaction.

“You’re right.” He ended-up saying. “That’s what I’ve just told Allison too. I had made my decision anyway. It’s messy because we had an entire communication plan ahead of us but maybe you’re right. Maybe it could work even better.”

“It looks like what is happening now is exceeding all expectations regarding our communication plan.”

I was relieved that Sergio was still good with his initial decision. Okay, he was not as excited as Ralph but he seemed fine.

Honestly, I was confident his page would be a success either way. The dude was stunning and he had already a very large number of followers on social media.

“I guess part of me still feels weird about having such an explicit video online but if Carlos and Ralph are fine with it, I’m on board, we capitalize on it.” He stated.

The night which followed was one of the longest of my life. Allison even came by at Ralph’s apartment which became the headquarters for spinning this thing around and making sure to maximize the benefits from the unplanned exposure.

Allison was still on the fence but she was a good sport about it and she was especially very cool with me.

I have to give it to her; I had just exposed her husband to the world in the most outrageous way and she was the one talking most of the backlash online. Another proof that women have it harder than men on the Internet…

I guess that she was prepared though. Allison had been involved in scandalous news on her own before, including cheating and sex scandals on reality-tv.

Besides, she was considering opening her own X-rated page so seeing how her husband was handling the pressure of having his private parts discussed on many threads and forums online was sort of a test drive for her.

Carlos got on the line once he had landed in New-York City.

Just like Ralph, he was mostly happy to be featured on a video which had broken the porn blogs and forums to reach the mainstream media’s space.

The dude was preparing for his first triple penetration — how the fuck was he going to manage taking that many cocks in his Latino hairy ass, that was a damn mistery -, so a softcore scene with an ex-convict and a Z-List Instagram celebrity leaking was pretty dull in comparison.

I set up various pages on X-rated platforms for Sergio, and we picked the first content to post there from the video that Ralph and Sergio had shot before Carlos even came around that afternoon.

Allison took part in the selection.

“That’s hot, with the oil all over your body.” She commented.

Sergio kissed her as a thank you. Lewdly, with a lot of tongue. Damn, those two would never change, no matter the circumstances!

We did not sleep much as there were a lot of things to do.

Correction, we did not sleep at all.

We pretty much did in one night what we had intended to put in place during the course of the next two weeks.

When the morning came, I was fucking happy with the progress made. Sergio had several interviews laid out and we had prepared his answers to present this leak as a body positive and sexual liberation experience, rather than a shameful one.

His pages were ready to be monetized and I had added tags and links to the original video I had posted to make sure everyone would get the memo.

The Nine Inches King had gained 12.700 new followers during the night.

Initially, Allison was supposed to post something on her Instagram but ultimately, we decided that “people do love the drama” and that it was better to have Sergio answering first, then, to advertise the opening of the page, and only afterwards, share Allison’s reactions…

Let the public anticipate her first words and refresh her social media pages to check if she was breaking-up with her husband.

“OMG. Sergio’s video on your feed! Ty…! Why are you turning my neighbour into a pornstar?!”

That was a text from Austin early in the morning.

A second text followed about two minutes later. He had thought it through.

“Happy to note that you have not gone in front of the camera yourself. I miss your little bum very much but I prefer to picture it in my memories rather than seeing it on my screen.”

That made me smile. This text was a good way to tell me that he was worried I would do porn myself, but also, that he missed me.

To be fair, I was missing him too.

A lot. Especially in moments like this. Austin was a pro at calming me down when I was stressing out.

The last couple of months without him had been very busy, but I was becoming increasingly aware that I had kept myself occupied precisely as a way to avoid thinking about how much I wanted to go back with Austin.

The worst part was that I could not share any of my doubts with Janice as she was still very committed to “our pact” of staying on our grounds. No talk to Richard or Austin. Ever. “They did not deserve us.”

Once again, those were two completely different stories, but I could not be mad at Janice for acting like this. It was comforting to think that we were in this together. Even for me.

I was trying to encourage Janice to date around which she did a bit, but she did not seem to catch any interesting guy in the pool of dating apps. I did not either. Jasper’s situation had kind of made me even more unsure of dating someone new.

Consequently, I was spending my days, and most of my nights, looking at, editing, or sharing porn content online while my own sexual activity was limited to my right hand.

Great healthy lifestyle… I know.

The week which followed the shooting of the videos with Ralph, Carlos, and Sergio and the content leaking online was another very busy one which culminated with the organization of a big party at the Man Cave on Saturday night.

It was Sergio’s idea as a way to celebrate the grand opening of his X-rated platforms.

Jasper and I were distant with one another, but there was no tension nor bad blood between us. He had been the one telling me that the Man Cave would be the perfect place to host. Ralph was now a superstar there and he would of course be a guest of honour to Sergio’s party.

I went with Janice as my plus-one.

“Such a great opportunity for me to meet more gay men!” She said sarcastically.

“Well, it’s not like you’re doing so good with straight men anyway.” I snapped back.

She made a face and we got in.

Abrozio, my previous employer, was happy to see me and I was glad to see most of my former colleagues, all of them bartending shirtless for this big occasion. I introduced them to Janice and I said hi to Jasper.

Overall, the party was great. It contained the perfect number of hot guys wandering around with their male tits out, many good-spirited people dancing to dated popstars’ songs, and just a little bit too much of drinking.

Allison and Sergio were giving a semi-dance / semi-strip show on the stage, – not pornographic but almost -, and Ralph soon joined them. As you can imagine, his own show was down right pornographic.

Janice pretended not to look but she was clearly mesmerized by the Nine Inches King flopping his notorious junks around. When Sergio knelt down and pretended to be about to suck him, the audience became insane.

Allison did get down from the stage at this particular moment.

She was fine; we did have a good laugh about it and we took several shots with Janice and Allison.

That was for the first half of the party though. The second half of the evening was rather… bloody.

But we will get there.

I was chatting with Allison and De Pronto, – it was the first time I was meeting with the famous photographer in person -, when I turned around and I saw “him” walking in the bar.

Who’s him, you ask? Austin, of course.

He was wearing a very fitting light-grey shirt and a fancy pair of black pants. Those were new, I knew his wardrobe too well not to notice.

He looked stunning as per usual. Maybe even more than usual. His hair had grown a little and were getting a bit curly. His piercing blue eyes could be seen from the other side of the bar. And his smile… God…

Every time I was seeing that man, I was remembering why I had been so obsessed with him back in freshman year of college.

I mean, I still was.

It was surreal to see Austin at this kind of events, at the Man Cave, but then, I realized he was Sergio’s friend before I even met our neighbour. Obviously, Austin had been invited to the big party.

Fuck, though. I was too drunk to talk with him!

I would fall back in his arms, for sure.

Unless, Austin did not want me to…

Maybe he would meet someone there. My stomach hurt at the thought.

I glanced at him, he was hugging Jasper and then waving at Sergio who was having a drink at the bar. Ralph was still on the stage, stark naked and hard as a rock. I felt myself boiling with jealousy.

“Did you know he would be here?” Janice asked me, almost angrily. “Austin?”

“No, I did not. And what does it change?”

“You know what we talked about; we should avoid risky situations like that. You know how they are, how they can make us hooked all over again.”

I was getting tired of this bullshit at this point. This had to come out.

“Janice, your fiancé lied about every aspect of his damn life before dating you, and then, while dating you. The day before your wedding, he tried to fuck me in exchange of my silence. He also almost drowned me in your bathtub. Stop trying to pin Austin as if he would be as bad as Richard, this is plainly ridiculous.”

“You know what else is ridiculous? That my best friend learned about my fiancé lying to my face, that he was stripping at the exact same bar you invited me in tonight, and that you still waited the very last minute before I got married to tell me about it! You love drama way too much, Ty.”

“Jan, come on… That’s not fair.”

She turned around and disappeared into a sea of bears taking most of the space on the dancefloor. They were only wearing jockstraps; it was quite a sight.

Just to be clear here, I am talking about hairy shirtless guys, not actual bears.

I was already regretting fighting with my best friend but eh, we had to argue at some point, right?

I was angry and frustrated in a bar so I did the only logical thing any human being could do, I ordered another drink.

Someone grabbed me from behind and kissed me on the cheek as I was sipping on my tequila.

“What did you think of the show?”

It was Ralph, sweaty, shirtless (but wearing some pants for freaking once!), and visibly excited about his performance on the stage. I had missed it but he had surely jizzed on the eager public watching him.

“It was amazing. As usual!”

“I think I was even better than usual!”


“Are you okay, dude? You should be over the moon; your two clients are doing great! A couple of guys already asked me who my manager was. We’re all getting rich!”

I smiled at Ralph.

“I am glad. And I’m fine. I just don’t think I’m gonna stay long tonight. Austin’s here. That’s weird.”

“Nope. Not an answer I can accept!”

He grabbed me with his huge freaking arms (how was it fucking fair that he was that big?) and he dragged me on the dancefloor. The bears moved aside for the Ralph’s show. I guessed I could take another shot and dance a little too!

It was all mindless fun until I turned around and I found myself face to face with Austin.

His shirt was sticking against his pecs, it had gotten wet because of the sweat. I had rarely ever seen him dance. He seemed a little drunk too. So close to me, his lips looked beautiful.

He told me something but the music was too loud and I could not hear a word. I did not ask him to repeat himself.

Austin put his hands on my shoulders and we started dancing together.

What was I doing? Who fucking cared?

I was drunk and happy.

That was one of those moments suspended in time.

I knew that I had my reasons to break-up with him when I did, but right now, leaving him seemed like the silliest thing I had ever done. Austin was gorgeous and he was kind. He was fit and he was smart. He was protective and he was tender. And damn it, he fucked me so good.

He was perfect for me.

We danced and our bodies got closer and closer. We were in the middle of the dancefloor, the Man Cave had rarely been that packed, but we were alone in this world.

A slower jam came along.

We were slow-dancing like an old married couple. Well, not so old, Austin was grabbing my ass lewdly; I was smelling him.

This time, I heard what he said.

“I only came here tonight for you, babe.”

I lost myself in his blue eyes.

He leaned over and we kissed.

Fuck the stupid pact we had made with Janice. Fuck overthinking everything. Fuck being miserable to stay on your damn grounds. Live a little. Live a lot, actually! Kiss the man you want to kiss, and say I love you to the person you love! Life is too short!

Despite everything which happened afterwards that same night, I never regretted kissing Austin in that moment.

It was a beautiful, long and intense kiss. The love we shared was freaking real and nobody in the room could deny this.

For once in my life, my brain, my heart and my guts were aligned. Austin had apologized, he had understood what he had done wrong. He had shown again and again that he was choosing me. That night, he had come to me. And as for me…. Well, I had loved him since the very beginning in our 403 dorm-room.

His tongue belonged in my mouth. His perfume belonged on my top. His hands belonged on my ass.

And talking about what belonged on, or rather in, my ass, I broke our passionate kiss only to drag him through the bar down to the restrooms. I had seen, and interrupted, many guys fucking in there while I was working at the Man Cave.

But now, I understood how they could not help themselves. I needed Austin. I needed his hard dick. Right there.

“I love you, Ty.” Austin said, kissing me again.

“I love you too.” I unzipped his fly and fished his hardening cock in his pants.

We did not bother finding an empty cubicle. We were that horny. Or maybe that drunk. We started the action in the middle of the men public restrooms.

“You’re sure, here?”

“I’m freaking sure. Fuck me, Austin. You have no idea… I’ve been waiting for this for so fucking long.”

He kissed my neck.

“What’s that?”

I had a little scar. Remember the moment Richard and I fought in his bathtub and then I found myself lying on the grass of this place. I got that scar from that fight. I still have it by the way.


Austin was rubbing his cock against my ass. I slid down my pants to my knees. He only needed access to my ass after all.

Yes, we were naughty.

“Tell me, Ty. You did not have this mark before.”

“I told you when we saw each other last time… It was that asshole, Richard.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Just get your dick in my damn ass, Austin.” I laughed weirdly.

There were a time and a place to discuss heavy subjects!

I was bending over the sink at this point and I could see Austin behind me in the reflection of the mirror, looking both pissed at the scar he was noticing for the first time, and excited at the idea of penetrating my ass again.

“What did that guy do to you? I need to know, Ty. That’s bothering me, a lot.”

He spat on his uncut veiny cock and shoved it in my tight ass as he was talking. I had not been fucked in a while, not since Greece. Nicholas was hot but he was no Austin. I felt like my ass was opening up again, my rectum and prostate were waiting for their proper master.

Austin pushed his cock in.

“Tell me. What has Richard done?”

“He tried to drown me in the water of his bathtub and he was kind of strangling me at the same time. But I’m fine!”

I chuckled weirdly to try to make light of the situation.

Austin did not laugh. He started to fuck me harder, getting more of his thick cock inside my ass. That felt rough… and nice! I loved the feeling of getting filled by my man… Well, my ex… No… No way, Austin was still my man.

“That fucking bastard! Fuck that guy! How did he dare?! FUCK HIM!”

Nicely said from the man who was actually fucking me. Harder and harder.

“Hmmm… Austin…”

I started to jerking my dick off while he was pounding me.

“You should have… Hmmm, your ass babe… have told me before… I would have killed the guy! I’ll kill Richard!”

“Forget about Richard, Aust, just focus on my damn ass!”

I smiled at him through the mirror.

Austin looked pissed, still, but he did not mention Richard again. He did what he was told and he made sure to bang my ass properly.

Good boy.

“Is it good for you like this, babe?”

“Fuck yeah…”

He made more ample movements. I felt his dick finding its way deeper inside my anal cavity. There had been no foreplay — which was rare for Austin and I — but things were getting real slimy, real quick, with all the precum and spit.

Besides, with Austin, it was like my ass knew how to take his slab of meat naturally.

“Like that?”

“Yeah… Don’t stop… I’m gonna… Hummm…”

Jackpot. He hit my prostate!

“Deeper? You’re fucking loving this!”

“Yes… I do… Please…”

“I’ll wreck your tight ass, babe.”

“Please… Keep going…”

I was in Heaven. Meaning that I should have known that I was very close to Hell…

This was a quickie but certainly a great one. I felt Austin’s cock exploding in my ass and filling it with his creamy jizz when the door of the bathroom opened. Fuck. I was cumming too. A lot. All over the walls, the sinks and on the floor.

I turned my face while Austin was still buried balls deep inside me.

I saw the disappointed and disgusted face of Jasper.


Of all people, he had to be the one to witness that!

Jasper did not say anything but he left the room looking angrier than I had ever seen him. Austin was giggling now.

“Shit…” I mumbled.

“That’s fine, Jasper is a cheeky boy. He’ll understand!”

“He’s not. I mean, he is… But he… He sort of has a crush on me.”

I do not know why I had to say that. Austin’s face changed again.

“Come on, you’re trying me now! What the hell is this again?”

“This is not about you, Austin, and I told him I was not interested, but… That was still uncool for him to see that. Like… I feel bad for him.”

Austin pulled back his pants and looked at the floor.

“I thought that what we just did was pretty cool though.”

I smiled at him and rolled my eyes.

“You know what I mean. The getting caught by Jasper part was not very nice, the other part was pretty awesome.”

I walked towards the door because I wanted to go talk to Jasper quickly but Austin held me back.

“Ty, I did not want just to fuck you tonight. I… I want you back at the apartment, with me. I want you. I love you.”

He had teary eyes. I was very moved as well.

“I want to come back too.”

I looked at him intensely. I was being very serious, despite the drunkenness and the public sex.


“We’re just too good together not to give us a real chance.” I told him.

We kissed again.

“Fuck, I’m so happy right now!” Austin shouted excitedly like a child.

“Ok then, let me just talk to Jasper. I should also find Janice. We argued earlier over… over a silly thing. And then… We can hang around some more. Deal?”

“Deal. I trust you.”

I left the restrooms alone with the idea of finding Jasper. I looked around but it was like he had vanished from the bar. Nobody could tell me where he went. After a couple of minutes, it was Ralph who found me instead.

Things got crazy really quick.

“Dude, have you seen who’s here?”

“We’ve already talked about Austin, man! And guess what we’ve just done in the…”

I had my cheeky smile on but Ralph was not kidding around. He looked grave.

“Not Austin, dummy! Janice’s ex-fiancé, Richard.”

My heart started racing.

“What? Where? Why is he here?!”

“I don’t know, maybe he has been invited by Abrozio, or maybe it was Janice who called him. She was weird about you and Austin.”

“Fuck, that’s not good. Not good at all! Ralph, I just told Austin that… I mean… Where is he? Where is Richard? Jan should not go back with him. She does not realize how bad he is…”

Ralph then told me the worst thing he could have said at this moment.

“He was talking with Jan earlier, but he just went to the men’s bathroom…”

I did not let Ralph finish his sentence as I immediately started to run towards the restroom. The music was still blasting. The guests were still dancing and drinking. I needed to push them away. People were laughing. As if it was all fine!

But I knew something bad was going to happen.

Something bad did happen.

When I opened the restroom’s door, everything was different from what it was just 120 seconds before.

Austin and Richard were both in there except that Richard was lying against the wall, trembling, looking pissed as fuck. Austin seemed ready to punch him. I had interrupted them in a middle of a fight.

“Austin, stop!” I yelled.

He turned around. He was shaking. Richard looked terrifying, like a different person.

What a freaking mess.

“He just said the most awful things about you, babe, I’m gonna beat the shit out of this motherfffff…”

Austin did not beat the shit out of anyone.

Out of nowhere, Richard pulled out a small knife from his pocket — tiny but fucking sharp -, and he stabbed my boyfriend’s back before my eyes.

It happened in a second.


I had an impulsive reaction.

I jumped. I did not have a plan. I had no idea of what I could do. Prison had not taught me how to fight, that was for sure. But I jumped because I could not see Austin and that knife so close to each other.

I got in between them before he could hurt him again.

Do you know what happens when you get yourself right in front of a man who is about to get stabbed?

You get stabbed yourself instead.

I felt the knife going through my side and I thought it would be the last thing I would ever feel in my life.

The blood squirting from my flesh seemed to be the wake-up call from his trance-like state for Richard.

He took a step back.

Janice’s ex-fiancé had blood all over his hands.

His. Austin’s. Mine. Who knew?

He took another step back and looked at the atrocity he had just done. Richard opened his mouth to say something but no sound came out. He started shaking uncontrollably, that lasted maybe five seconds before he ran away.

Things had escalated so quickly; I was in a clear state of shock.

Also, and maybe more to the point, I was dying. Bleeding out in the freaking Man Cave’s restroom!

Foolishly, I thought that the blood on his hands would at least prevent Janice from going back home with Richard tonight. As if the fact that he had stabbed two people in the men’s bathroom was not enough!

“Ty, are you ok? Are you good?”

I looked in the same mirror as before. How the hell were we just fucking there moments ago?! Austin was holding himself against a cubicle’s door, bleeding a little.

Or maybe, more than a little. He was not looking at me, trying to take care of his own injury. He did not know that I had gotten stabbed as well.

“Austin…” I managed to say.

I noticed more blood coming out of my mouth. That was not a good sign. I got really scared.

“I think I’m gonna need an ambulance.” He mumbled.

“Me too…”

Austin immediately looked right at me and he screamed. An awful gut-wrenching scream.

I had the bloody knife still halfway inside of me, on the side of my stomach.

Ralph got in the room at the same moment, in full panic mode. Things got fuzzy; I was losing touch with reality. I was in a horror movie. Austin held me. He was badly hurt himself but he held my shoulders.

“Should we take it out?” He asked Ralph.

I was confused. He was talking about the knife.

“No! Do not take it out. It would just be worse. Fuck. We need to bring him to the… Austin!”

Ralph was the one screaming now.

Austin fell on the floor. Maybe he was hurt even more than I thought.

I fell too.

That was a freaking bloody evening… And now what?

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