The Hunter

A gay story: The Hunter Having grown up in a rural setting, I instantly disliked the busy college life in a large city. Constant chatter and traffic noise made it difficult to concentrate and find a peaceful place to reflect on anything, let alone my schoolwork. But graduation had come months before, and with a year of labor under my belt, I was headed home; back to my roots and my grandfather’s farm. Grandpa was in a retirement village and I had made arrangements to purchase the homestead on a land contract. To say I was thrilled doesn’t come close to how I felt about being back in the open spaces where it was quiet and peaceful.

I had only been back a few weeks and still settling in when a burgundy 4×4 pulled in the lane and parked just outside of the kitchen door. The man who climbed out looked familiar, and I soon recognized him from high school. The quarterback of our football team his junior and senior years, he hadn’t changed very much. His brown hair was longer, just touching his shoulders, and his tanned arms bulged inside of his tight t-shirt. He walked toward the door and I stepped outside with a greeting, “Hey Brady! Is that you?” He smiled broadly and extended his hand, taking a firm grip on mine and laughlingly said, “Yea. How you been? I heard you were back in the area.”

I welcomed him inside where we sat at the kitchen table, talking about our high school days, teachers we despised and some of our conquests with our female classmates. As we talked, I couldn’t help but notice the scent his cologne and his bright white teeth gleaming against his tanned face. His pecs looked like they had been poured into his shirt; the same with his thighs fitting snuggly into his Levi jeans. My mind raced back six years to our high school: seeing him strut down the halls, hearing his deep but soft voice, and reliving the silence that fell across a room whenever he entered. He was very popular and respected, and perhaps the envy of every average guy there.

“Listen”, Brady said, leaning forward on his chair toward me. “I’ve been looking for some property to hunt this fall and wondered if you’d be interested in letting me hunt here. I always clean up after myself, and I have a great respect for nature and keeping things as natural as when I found them.” I thought for a moment, then answered, “That sounds like a good proposition. The back woods is secluded and full of rabbit and deer. Feel like taking a walk?” Brady smiled and nodded his head as we stood and started out the door.

The one mile walk across a field and down a shaded lane got us to the woods; totally unspoiled by progress, possibly looking just as it did fifty years ago. Brady chit chatted all the way, noticing signs of deer and groundhog. My mind was blank. I kept reliving visions from before, and began feeling something strange down deep inside. I know that I’m not gay, but I feel very attracted to him. I don’t know how to handle this. We reached the center of the woods and Brady leaned back against a fallen tree, taking in a deep breath of fresh, country air. He wasn’t aware, but this was one of my favorite spots, so quiet and secluded. We stood there a moment, just taking it all in.

Brady broke the silence. “You’re a lucky guy, having all this. Wish I had known you years ago, and maybe we could have hunted together.” “Yea,” I answered, “but you were always hanging out with the football jocks and cheerleaders.” We both laughed as Brady leaned down and picked up a stick, beginning to break it into smaller pieces. “You know,” I began mumbling, ” I kinda looked up to you, like admired you. You were first pick and pretty popular.” My eyes glanced down at his thighs and bulge in his jeans, then darted back to his face. Brady grinned slyly, just leaning there and listening. “Oh yea?”, he answered. “You admired me? Why? ‘Cause you heard I was hung?” Laughingly, I responded, ” Nooo, people looked up to you and wanted to be like you”. Brady looked puzzled and snorted,” Shit! I could bench my weight easily and keep up with the best of ’em, but I wasn’t smart like you. You’re the one that was envied; for your brains and……….” Brady paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “There was talk about you being a lady’s man and how you packed quite a package back then. And to be honest, I slipped a peak a couple times during showers, you know, to check out he competition.” He laughed out loud, then grew quiet as a look of seriousness came across his face.

I stood there dumbfounded not believing what I had heard. “Come on”, Brady said softly, snapping his head backward, “Let’s see it. I’ll show you mine.” He unzipped his fly and reached into the gap of his boxers, pulling out a thick, olive-skinned dick enshrouded by dark curly hair. I felt my face flush red and my mouth fell open seeing his hanging cock in the dim sunset. Gingerly, I stepped closer to him and unbuttoned my jeans and ran the zipper down. Reaching inside my briefs, I pushed the waistband down with the back of my hand, exposing my 7 inches and balls. Never taking my eyes off of his big cock, I slid up beside him, somewhat comparing the two from the same angle. I was in awe. He was perfect from head to toe. Brady spoke in a loud whisper,” You can touch it if you want to”.

Without hesitation, I reached over and lifted it with my hand, letting my left arm hang limp. It was clammy and thick and grew stiffer as I wrapped my fingers around the veiny skin. Sliding my hand firmly to the tip, I pulled it down to the base, buried into his curly bush, and watching his cock swell and throb. I heard Brady exhale deeply and murmur, “Go ahead. Stroke me.” My eyes shifted from his manly meat up to his face as his shitty grin broadened. My hand instinctively slid up and down, the same way I did my own dick, lightly squeezing and giving a slight twist of my wrist, tightening my grip. Brady steadied himself by separating his feet just a bit and pushing his pelvis forward. “Yea, that feels good.” Brady sighed. Without realizing it, I had been leaning forward, possibly getting a closer look at his thick cock and engorged head. I felt his hand on my outer shoulder and he whispered, almost demandingly, ” Suck me………….come on, suck it.”

Without questioning, I bent my body in half, positioning my head at the end of his rigid pole and parted my lips, just covering the tip. His precum tasted salty, but sweet at the same time and his scent filled my nostrils. I slid my mouth down, covering his head and began sucking and moving my tongue back and forth over the tip. Brady’s head bent backward and I felt his body vibrate as he moaned,”Mmmm yes.” His hand tightened on my shoulder, squeezing into the joint as I kept my balance by placing my hand on the back of his thigh. His cock was hard and throbbing now as I slid my face down an inch or two, wetting his skin with my saliva. Surprisingly, it entered easily as it filled my mouth, gliding across my tongue and brushing the roof of my mouth.

Brady shifted his hips forward and then pulled back repeatedly and spoke defiantly, “Jesus. That’s so good. Don’t stop.” His grip tightened on my shoulder as he worked his cock back and forth into my mouth. I wanted to go down deeper, but was hesitant, not knowing if I could take it all or not. I kept sucking and drooling over his cock as I felt it become hotter and stiffer, gripping his thigh hard enough that my fingers left impressions through his jeans. His breathing became deeper and ragged, somewhat grunty as he pushed forward again and again, enjoying each moment. His movements became faster and more eager as I bobbed my head up and down feeling his swollen head just touching the back of my mouth. Brady put his hand on my forehead and pushed my head off of his dick then took his own cock into his fist, beating quickly as he gasped,” Fuck! I’m cumming”.

He shot his load through the air and across the woods floor, grunting and gasping; his head bent backward and eyes closed. I just stood there with my mouth open; enthralled by what I was seeing. We both stood in silence for what seemed like fifteen minutes, blushing and embarrassed but aroused at the same time. I tucked my dick into my briefs and zipped up and turned away from him, starting to walk to the edge of the woods. Brady followed me and soon was walking by my side as we reached the edge of the trees and began the walk up the lane. I broke the silence by saying,” I can keep a secret. No one will ever know.” Brady stopped in his tracks and looked at me questioning,” Are you serious?” I nodded yes.

Brady turned and began a quick pace toward the woods. “Come on.” he said demandingly. I had to take longer steps to keep up, and he stopped near a small grove of buckeye trees. Placing his hands on my shoulders, he backed me into the shadows, looked into my face for a quiet moment, then dropped to his knees. The thin light of sunset illuminated his shoulders and back as he unbuckled my belt and tugged my jeans and briefs down my thighs. I stood in the darkness, dazed by his actions, and overwhelmed by the feel of his hand on my half hard dick. He squeezed his hand around my growing cock and gave it several long deliberate strokes, then inhaled deeply, covering my head with his mouth. The warmth and wetness of his mouth made me grow quickly and the suction felt amazing. I stood there speechless as he slid his mouth up and down, swirling his tongue around me as he pulled back. It was obvious now that he had done this before and was sharing his experience with me. Although I didn’t notice, my breathing and moaning must have given him a clue because he pulled off of my cock and began jerking it fast and hard. I gasped and began ejaculating. Brady pointed the flow over his left shoulder and continued jerking until the last grunted drop was out, then he stood up. We remained there quietly without a word for another moment and I said the only thing I could think of, “Fuck”.

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