Prison Guard Spirals Out of Control Ch. 04

A gay story: Prison Guard Spirals Out of Control Ch. 04 Warning: This story contains racial slang that could be deemed offensive by some people. If that type of language offends you I recommend not reading.

Chapter 4

I can’t lie, I was nervous to go into work tonight. First, I had to see Mike, I wasn’t sure how he would act around me. Part of me was worried that he would try to flex in front of the other guards and in doing so slip up about me. He wasn’t the brightest bulb in the bunch, he could get all cocky and start bragging about how he dominated this girl (meaning me) and then not realize he divulged who the other person was without thinking. However, he was always bashing the gays and if he got a blowjob from a dude he’ll be a small step from being called gay himself. So I didn’t think he would come out right and tell everyone because frankly it doesn’t put him in the best light either.

Then there was how to handle Marcus, earlier I had come to the conclusion that I will sever ties with him and Yolanda. But honestly I wasn’t sure how that would go down. I know I had an awesome orgasm while thinking of Marcus dominating and fucking me but I had to leave it as just that, a fantasy in my head. I was just worried when I ran into him, what would he say? But if I stopped coming to see him would he start telling everyone about me? He wouldn’t have any proof of course but often when there’s smoke there’s fire and in this case there would be some truth to it. This was definitely a delicate situation that I had to navigate.

I sat in my car while conjuring up enough courage to head into work. Then I see Mike pull up in his truck, he pulls in right next to me and looks over at me and winks. Oh fuck, this is going to start before I even get out of my car. I give him a head nod and pretend to be looking for something in my glove box. I was hoping he would just head on in without me but I wasn’t that lucky.

Mike gets out of his truck and comes alongside my driver’s side door, he signals for me to roll down my window. I really didn’t have a choice, I needed to keep him in check so compliance was my only option.

“Hey, what’s up Mike?” I say trying to act nonchalant.

“What’s up bitch, miss me?” He says.

“Mike, we can’t do this here, people may hear or see us,” I explained.

“It sure looked like you loved sucking my dick? You probably went home and rubbed one out reliving the experience. All you fags are the same.”

“Please Mike, can we just keep this between us?”

“Okay, but remember what I told you, I expect you to suck my dick anytime I tell you to, so I want you at my house immediately after work. Plus, my apartment needs some cleaning,” he chuckles as he walks away.

Whew, at least he’s gone and sounded like he will keep it between us as long as I go to his apartment after work to give him a blowjob. Actually, that sounded like a good idea, I feel my dick get hard just from the thought of dropping to my knees to give my Master head. Crap, I can’t think of him that way or I’ll never get through my shift if every time I see him the first thing that pops into my head is he’s my master and I wanted to suck his dick.

Surprisingly Mike was cool in the building, he was acting like we were close friends joking around with me. I knew it was all an act but for the sake of our secret it was a perfect front. The first half of the shift I was fortunate not to have to patrol in Marcus’s or Yolanda’s tier. But after my lunch break I noticed that would change and I would be patrolling in their area. I could only hope that by that time they were both asleep.

After lunch I head out on my rounds, as I approach Yolanda’s cell all seems quiet. I passed by her cell and took a casual look inside, she was asleep, thank god. I double back to head to the next level where Marcus’s cell was, I could only wish for the same result. This time my luck has run out, I could hear Marcus talking with his neighbor, then I could see the kites they were passing back and forth as I approached. Normally a guard would confiscate any notes (or kites) that were being passed around as usually that form of communication was about nefarious activities. But the last thing I wanted was to confront Marcus, I knew I was still in a vulnerable state, I just needed to put some distance between him and I.

I pick up my pace and intentionally walk louder than normal, he wouldn’t know which guard was coming so my hope was he would quickly jump back into his rack and pretend to be asleep. We all knew the game, inmates and guards both played it. We sometimes would act like we didn’t know what was going on but we did. The inmates did the same thing, they knew we saw them doing stuff but we were smart enough to pick our battles.

This time as I approached I wasn’t going to look into the cell, I figured the faster I walked would be the faster I got past. So far so good, I could no longer hear him and I assumed he was fake sleeping in his bed. Just as I get past his cell I exhale a sigh of relief. Then I hear his voice,

“Hey bitch, where have you been?”

I stopped in my tracks, I didn’t want to turn around but it was clear who he was talking to. I hesitate for a moment and then I turn to look at him. He has his jumpsuit halfway off and his cock is hanging out with his hand stroking it. My eyes immediately darted down to his cock, man it was big. Even in the dim lighting it was very noticeable. I quickly think of something to say.

“I was off yesterday, and I’m behind on my rounds so I’ll swing by later, okay?” I ask like I was seeking his permission to carry on.

“It don’t work like that bitch, get over here…NOW!” He says in a raised voice that could easily be heard by anyone not asleep.

In an effort to get him to lower his voice I walked closer thinking it would not require him to talk so loud.

“That’s it baby girl, come to daddy.”

“Marcus, that ain’t gonna happen, I need this job, there’s no more daddy anymore.”

He leans in as if he wants to whisper something, I naturally move in closer to hear what he has to say as the last thing I wanted was our conversation to be overheard. Just as I lean in to listen I feel him grab my wrist, I get too close, he slowly brings my hand to his cock.

“Remember what I told you, you’re my property now bitch, and you will do what your told, understand me faggot?”

And just like that I was drawn in, I felt my hand open up and grab ahold of his cock. It feels so good in my hand, it’s warm and smooth, and BIG. God I wanted it so bad. My dick was getting hard just from holding it. I slowly start to stoke it just as Marcus releases my wrist. I could pull away, and just beeline it out of here, afterall he’s locked in the cell and wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. But we both knew I wasn’t going anywhere. I looked up into his eyes, he had a grin of victory and a body of a god.

“That’s right sissy, I knew you couldn’t resist this cock. Don’t let me hear that nonsense again, understand?”

Quietly and reluctantly I hear myself say, “Yes Daddy”.

“And just for that shit you just tried to pull I’m going to have to punish you. What do you think that punishment should be?” He asks.

Maybe I thought this is what he wanted to hear or, more than likely, it was probably what I wanted to happen.

“A spanking daddy?” I say soft and meek just like a girl.

“Yea, I think that’s a great idea, little sissies like you need your daddy to bend you over his knee to give you a good spanking every once in a while. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, daddy.”

My dick is at full mast now and I’m still stroking his cock as my breathing gets shallow. I felt like I was gonna cum without even touching myself, I was SO turned on! The more he degraded me the more excited and submissive I would get. I didn’t understand that, the old me would fire back at anyone who challenged me, but not anymore, I was loving the abuse.

“Now open my door and come on in for that spanking baby girl. You know you want it.”

With my free hand I reach for my keys to open the cell door. I slide it open and duck inside while switching his dick to my other hand in order not to miss this beautiful cock. He guides me to his rack, he sits down pulling me to his lap in the process. I still manage to hang onto his cock this whole time and continue to stroke it like it was a treasure I didn’t want to let go of.

I feel so small sitting on his lap, and that says a lot as I’m not a small guy myself. But there was this level of comfort and security sitting there with his arm around me. I know that probably sounds weird because I’m the actual security in this place but at that moment I knew he was in charge. Just as I’m relaxing and starting to enjoy sitting there stroking his cock while in his arms he barks out,

“Now stand up, pull down your pants and get over my knee bitch.”

I’m a little startled by his abruptness but I do as I’m told, I unbuckle my pants and they slide down my hairless legs exposing my new yellow panties.

“Ah…good girl, you have your panties on today like you were told to do, at least you didn’t forget all your orders.”

He starts running his hands up and down my legs and ass.

“You even shaved for me, you are learning to be quite the sissy. I have big plans for you.”

His hand was strong but gentle as he slid it up and down my leg over the crack of my ass. I could feel the goosebumps on my legs just from him touching me. It was exciting me and I involuntarily started grinding my hips into his thighs as my cock can’t get enough.

“Yes daddy. Do you like it that I shaved for you?”

Then he SMACKS my ass hard and loud. I could hear it echo off the walls in the cell as my whole body tenses up from the force. This man was strong, this wasn’t a sexual spank, this was corporal punishment level spanking.

“I ask the questions, you shut the fuck up unless I ask you something. Tell me, what are you getting a spanking for?”

“Sorry daddy, I wasn’t really going to leave you, that was so stupid of me, I’m just worried about my job. Please forgive me.” I whimper but continue. “I’m being punished because I didn’t do exactly what my daddy told me and now I’m gonna get spanked for my bad behavior.”

“That’s right bitch, you belong to me now and when I tell you to do something you do it, understand?”

Before I could reply another hard SMACK hits my ass and a little yelp comes out of my mouth like a dog whimpering.

“Yes Daddy, I’ll be a good girl for you. I won’t misbehave again, I promise, please, please, please daddy don’t hit me again…” My voice trails off.

“Damn right you won’t,” as he lands another stinging blow to my ass.

As bad as it hurt, I really started to believe that I did deserve it, I tried to break it off with him and now I was being rightly punished for it. I could feel my thoughts changing in slow motion, it was like he was brainwashing me. With every SMACK on my ass I was becoming more docile and more submissive towards him. Instead of trying to get away from him, I now wanted to get closer to him. I wanted him to claim me, take me as his property for the whole prison to see who owned my ass.

At that moment I didn’t care who knew, I needed to be good for him and as strange as it sounds I wanted to serve this man. I needed someone in my life that would put me in my place. Someone to take control, and Marcus was just that person. I felt like a little schoolgirl falling in love with my first crush.

Have you heard of these women in abusive relationships, every time the cops are called they say things like…

“He didn’t do anything, it was me. Don’t take him to jail.”


“I provoked him, I was in the wrong and it’s my fault.”

When I would hear that I always wondered what kind of grip does the man have over the girl? They could have been beaten bloody but once the authorities arrived they were taking all the blame to protect their man. That always confused me…until now.

I was like one of those girls, I felt like I disappointed him and caused my daddy to get angry, it was my fault and I was sad that I caused this. I felt ashamed, I was not being a good girl for my daddy. How could I make it up to him and prove to him that I was his? I can’t believe how fucked up in my head was I getting.

Finally he stopped, I had tears rolling down my cheeks, my ass was on fire but my dick was rock hard. He lifts me up with ease and stands me in front of him. My head is tucked down in a sign of submission, he reaches up to lift my chin so I make eye contact with him.

“Drop down and start sucking slut, and don’t stop looking at me.”

I slowly drop to my knees without breaking eye contact. I fumble to find his cock with my hands to start stroking it again while keeping eyes on his. Then I guide his hard cock into my mouth while I see a smile of dominance cross his face, his latest conquest was submitting willingly and I was another slut in his stable.

I loved the smell, it was musky but it brought back memories of the other day when I first sucked his dick. I rubbed the head of his dick across my lips just to feel and adore it. I continued to tease myself with his head, slowly running it across my lips, it was exhilarating and I was so fucking turned on. I slowly slid it in and out of my mouth, I tried to savor it as much as I could. I wanted to just lick and suck it forever, it just felt and tasted so good. I loved worshiping his cock, it was so manly and powerful, I would have done anything to stay there forever, nothing else mattered.

I knew I had to get to work on sucking his cock, my man wanted a blowjob and I was there to give it to him. Did I just call him my man? What a girly thing to think, yet at this moment all I wanted to do was give him pleasure and be the best cocksucker I could be for my daddy. The law of Giving and Receiving now had meaning, by giving him a blowjob I was receiving sexual gratification, My gratification was simply coming from knowing I was pleasuring him, twisted, I know. But I was getting the better end of the deal in my opinion.

I could hear him moan, it was music to my ears knowing that I was doing a good job for my man. He deserved the best and that’s what I was striving to give him, the best blowjob. Then I feel his hands on my head, he controls the pace of my sucking, it was getting hard to breath but I knew better than to pull away, if I even could. I heard his breathing change and his balls tighten, I knew what was coming next…I could feel the first shot of cum hit the back of my throat like a cannon. Wave after wave of cum fills my mouth, this man had lots of cum to give. He cummed like a real man should, and he produced this tasty seed for sissies like me to savor. And that’s what I did, I tried to catch every drop, I was loving the taste in my mouth, it was heaven.

He lets go of my head and I come up for air with a huge deep breath. I saw the look in his eyes of satisfaction, I did good. My usefulness to him is over and he tells me to get my shit on and get out. As I stood up to pull my pants back up I could see the stain and feel the cum in my panties, I had cummed without touching myself. It was only then that I could feel the pleasure running from my dick to my head. I was so engrossed with making sure my daddy got pleasure I didn’t even realize that I was getting it too. What a unique orgasm, it wasn’t like you feel when you blow your load, it was more subtle, a calming enjoyment feeling with all parts of my body firing off little electric tingling stimulations.

I hustle out of there not having a good sense of how long I was even in his cell. I didn’t hear my radio go off so they shouldn’t be looking for me, but then again, I was in a total aroused state of mind, I may not even have heard someone screaming in my ear.

As soon as I get back to the guard shack I go straight for the bathroom. I needed to clean myself up, I definitely didn’t want my cum to leak through my panties and to soak through my pants so anyone could see. I grabbed some toilet paper and started dampening up my panties and dick. To be safe I grabbed some more TP and folded it up and placed it strategically in my panties to block any more drips of semen. As I pulled up my pants I thought that folded TP was like a maxi-pad, I really was turning into a girl.

Finally the shift is over, as I was grabbing my stuff to head out when I heard Mike call out,

“You coming over to play GTA?”

Oh shit, I forgot I was supposed to go to Mike’s house after work. How was I gonna explain the cum stain on my panties? He would know I mess around with Yolanda or Marcus. I was starting to panic.

“Oh…um…sure Mike, look forward to it,” I stutter.

I needed to go home first to change my panties but he’s expecting me to be right over, how would I explain a 20 min gap? Then an excuse popped into my head, I think this will work because there’s an error of truth to it.

“Hey Mike, I need to swing by my house to get my wallet because I’m low on gas, I’ll meet you there.”

“Don’t worry man I’ll loan you a few bucks to put some gas in your car, you can pay me back tomorrow,” he offers.

Damn, he didn’t bite on that excuse…should I just go home anyway to change? Once I’m in my car there’s not much he can do to stop me. Then he breaks me out of my thoughts.

“Let’s go, I’ll lead,” he tells me.

“Okay…thanks.” I say without putting up an argument.

As I drove I was thinking of my game plan, I’m going to give him head and go home as quickly as I can. I was backing myself into a corner, I needed to decide to serve my master or be daddy’s little girl. I knew I couldn’t have both, for one thing, neither of them would allow it, and the other reason is I wouldn’t be able to keep up serving both.

As we pulled up Mike immediately jumped out of his truck and beckoned me to follow. I can’t resist the order as if programmed to do what he says I follow him inside. As we get to the door while unlocking it he asks,

“Did you buy yourself some new sexy outfits to wear?”

“Yes Master, I ordered them online yesterday. They should be here in a few days.”

“And the chastity cage?” He asks as he sees my hard on.

“Yes, I bought that too.”

“Let’s put that mouth to work first, then you can get to cleaning my place”

As soon as we are inside he immediately starts giving out orders,

“Get down on your knees where you belong like all faggots. Now unbuckle my pants and pull out my dick.”

I started following his orders, I was on autopilot not giving any thought to what I was doing, only just knowing that I needed to obey him.

I pulled out his cock and started licking the shaft…I couldn’t savor as much as Marcus’s cock as I wanted so I thought this was my chance. Mike didn’t care what I wanted, he wanted his cock sucked and forced his cock into my mouth. In less than 12 hours I had my second dick in my mouth, I really was a slut and a fag.

Mike’s dick tasted and smelled different from Marcus’s. Marcus had more of a manly smell while Mike smelled more like sweat. I continued to suck on his dick while in my head I was comparing the two. Mike had a slight edge on girth, but my daddy Marcus was longer by at least an inch. An inch doesn’t sound like a lot until you are trying to suck down to the guy’s balls.

It didn’t take long for Mike to blow his load, his cum tasted courser and saltier than Marcus’s. I still tried to swallow as much as I could, but some did seep out and dribble down my chin. I wiped my finger across my chin to gather up the excess and stuck it in my mouth to suck on. I not only was a slut, but I was a cumslut.

“That’s good faggot, now get in there and start cleaning bitch.”

“Yes sir.”

Even though I wanted to get out of here and back to my home to regroup I knew Mike expected me to handle all the woman’s duties. I look around the kitchen, how the fuck did he get it this messy within 24 hours? I knew if I hustled I could have all this done in an hour.

“Get that uniform off, only real men can wear that, you’ll just need to clean in your panties you little pussy,” Mike shouts out.

My submissive side bubbles up and without thinking of the consequences I take off my clothes exposing my cum stained panties, Mike noticed right away..

“What the fuck did you do? Did you cum while at work? I bet you went to suck off one of those guys from the other night.”

“’s not like that, I just had an accident that’s all.”

“Bullshit, who did you suck off? If you lie to me I will beat you with a belt until you are bloody.”

I was scared, getting a hard spanking was one thing, but I wasn’t into belts or whips. That kind of corporal punishment didn’t excite me at all, it actually scared me.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that he trapped me and forced me to give him a blowjob” I lied.

“Who? Who forced you?” as Mike approached me with venom in his eyes.


“I’ll take care of that nigger tomorrow, but right now I’m gonna teach you a lesson for being such a faggotty slut.”

He pulls me to a chair sitting in his front room, then pushes me over the back cushion so my ass is in the air. Unlike Marcus, he pulled down my panties, I hope there aren’t marks from when I got the spanking from Marcus. Either there wasn’t any evidence of my punishment from Marcus or he was too focused on getting his licks in that he didn’t pay attention.

My ass was stinging, Mike’s smacks weren’t as hard as Marcus’s but with my panties down that pain was coming from the stinging of my skin.

“You fucking faggot, I can’t trust you to even go to work without sucking off every guy you see. I may have to put a leash on you to keep you in check. You are such a fucking whore, the only reason you should be touching anyone else is if I pimp you out. I’m your Master, you hear me?” He screams.

The pain was unbearable but the way my torso was bent over the chair I couldn’t catch my breath to answer. Mike took that as insubordination and continued to beat my ass.

“I’m soooorrry….please master stop, you are hurting me…pleeease!!” I am able to blurt out.

Probably from exhaustion but Mike finally stopped. He walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer. I laid there across his chair crying. I honestly don’t remember the last time I cried, that’s just not something you see grown men do.

Showing no love or compassion Mike went to sit back on the couch to watch TV and then yells to me,

“Stop your crying bitch, get in the kitchen where you belong and start cleaning.”

My ass was killing but I didn’t want to get him mad because I couldn’t take another beating like that. I managed to push myself up off the chair and head into the kitchen. I started washing dishes in my panties and in the other room sitting watching TV while drinking a beer was my coworker, the one that actually lived here. How quickly I fallen into being a submissive fag who loved being abused, I couldn’t process how it happend so fast.

This was beyond some sexual master / slave kink relationship, he was keeping me and treating me as an actual slave! Yet, even if I was truly a slave, I couldn’t deny that it excited me, to be treated like less than a human turned me on. And the more he treated me badly the more I wanted more. They call that a sadist, someone who enjoys the pain, but in my case it wasn’t physical pain I enjoyed, it was the mental one.

“Hey faggot, get me another beer.”

I quickly opened the refrigerator, but I didn’t see any more beer. I dreaded telling him for fear he would get pissed and take it out on me. But he was expecting a cold beer and there was none.

“Master, I’m sorry but you are out of beer,” not really sure why I was apologizing for him not having beer at his own apartment.

“Then go get me some you stupid bitch, do I need to think for you too?”

“Yes sir”

I scramble to find my clothes, I quickly put them on and then realize, I really didn’t have my wallet with me, I have no money or any way of paying. I’m sure he was expecting me to pay, afterall, he was the master and I was his slave.

“Excuse me sir, I don’t have any money with me.”

“Did you really think I was going to give you a few dollars for gas that I offered back at work? You are dumb and gullible. Go home to get your wallet and then go to the store and buy me some beer. And while you’re out swing by McDonald’s to get me some food.”

“Yes master.”

As I drive back to my house I consider not going back. I was digging a deeper hole for myself by trying to juggle these two men. Something was gonna have to give, but I still didn’t know which scenario was worse. I knew either way there would be fallout, I guess I still wasn’t ready to face it. I got home and picked up my wallet, I raced to the liquor store to buy beer. Then I drove across town to be closer to his place to pick up food, afterall, a good slave would want to make sure it was hot for his master.

I felt like I made it back in really good time but as soon as I walked in Mike was complaining why it took me so long. I brought him his food and a beer. I ran back to the kitchen to get him a plate and napkin and put the beer into the fridge.

“Here’s a plate and napkin for your sir,” I say like a real maid, or more accurately, like a real slave they had in the south during the 1800’s.

Mike takes it from me but doesn’t turn away from the show he’s watching. I wasn’t expecting a thank you but that’s what I would have said. Maybe that’s another example why I’m such a pussy, I still would thank him after he beat me like he did. I finish cleaning the kitchen and ask what else he wants me to do.

“Go clean the toilet, I took a massive shit in there while you were gone,” he laughs at the thought of me going in to clean up after him.

I didn’t think twice, I was falling right back into my submissive ways and the way it makes me feel when he gets meaner and meaner. While I was on my knees scrubbing his toilet I could feel my dick get hard. It really couldn’t get much more demeaning than this. I was scrubbing the toilet of a guy that dropped a major deuce while wearing panties under my clothes and not to mention after sucking his dick earlier and then taking a major whooping. Do you know what my dick was doing this whole time as I replayed the events of the day? Yep, hard as a rock and I would just give about anything to beat off right now.

Eventually it was time for Mike to get some sleep for work, thankfully that meant I could leave and go home to sleep myself. We both had work that night so that didn’t leave much time.

After I got home I laid in bed, I was mad at myself for becoming such a pussy yet I still had a hard on when I thought of the past 24 hours. I had guilt for allowing myself to be controlled and shame overcame me. What if my family or friends ever found out? Would I ever date a girl again? Or was I going to be some faggot the rest of my life? I knew it wasn’t a choice, inside I knew what I was the moment I sucked Yolanda’s dick. I didn’t want to admit it to myself because even though society is more welcoming of gays there was still a sigma with being a fag.

Primal instinct took over, I pulled down my panties and grabbed my dick to start jerking off.

My true twisted fantasies start playing in my head as I try to think up a scene where I would cum the hardest. Then I remember something Mike said that at the time didn’t even register, he threatened to pimp me out. Fuck that was hot.

“Go up to room 23, knock on the door and ask for Scott. Once he lets you in make sure you get the money up front” Mike instructs me

“I’m not sure I want to do this.”

I feel the hard quick slap from Mike’s hand across my face.

“Did I ask you what you want? You belong to me and when I tell you to go give some guy a blowjob you do it. You don’t have any rights, you are like a dog and I’m your master. Get it?”

“Yes sir”

I flash forward to getting back into the truck, I’m pumping my dick as fast as possible now imagining how degrading this all is.

“You got my money bitch? And it better be $75 or I will beat you bloody!”

I handed Mike, my pimp, the $75, I knew better than to try to skim money from him.

We get back to Mike’s place where he checks his email to see if any other responses came from his post about men paying to get blowjobs from me.

“You are going to make me a lot of money slut, I got 3 more replies asking for “dates”. Get in the truck, we have more stops to make.”

The thought of Mike pimping me out and taking all the money was too much for me to handle as I exploded all over my chest and stomach. I was no better than a crack whore, actually I was worse as I technically had a choice…or did I?

—To be continued—

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