Family Beach Party Turns X Rated – Part 14

True gay sex stories: Family Beach Party Turns X Rated – Part 14

I put on my pants after taking a rag from Lenard and whipped my ass. Then I put on my shirt. Sandra was dressed when I looked up after buttoning my shirt. “Lets have a look at the museum guys.” Lenard said.

“Sounds good to me.” I looked over at Sandra. “How does it sound to you after that drug inspection?” I asked.

Sandra and I along with Alex, Troy, George and Lenard went inside the back door and walked up the flight of stairs to the second floor. We walked into a large room with old police uniforms and other old police items on the wall. To one end was a door. “I need to go to the ladies room and clean up. I am full of that doggy stuff.” Sandra said looking around the room.

“I’ll show you where it is Sandra.” Alex looked over at Sandra and smiled. “It’s down this way. I can help you clean up and find you something to change into at the same time. Just follow me. Troy I’ll need your help. This is going to be a big job. You don’t mind us helping your wife get cleaned up. Do you Greg” Alex asked. Alex and Troy walked toward the door at the end of the room followed by Sandra close behind them. Alex’s huge cock bobbed above his big low hanging balls. I believed Troys cock could have been an inch longer than Alex as his balls swung under his thick hard cock. They were still nude after Sandra accidentally ripped there uniform off him. He opened the door and pointed down the hall. “The ladies washroom is just around the corner, follow us Sandra.” Alex said as the door closed behind them. “There’s also clean uniforms we can put on as well.”

“Come with us George said as he went to the far door still nude because his uniform had been torn from him outside along with Lenard that were also nude. They went to different lockers and pulled out uniform pants and put them on and took me to the far end of the large room not far from the door leading to the washrooms. “You may find this interesting the old uniforms the police way back at the end of the seventeenth century.”

I went to the wall and looked at the old uniform with the brass buttons. I could hear some kind of thumping coming from the wall. “Oh yes thanks Alex and Troy for offering to clean me.” I heard Sandra moaning. “Those dogs really pumped me hard to looking for drugs Alex, Troy. Dig into me Alex and get all that stuff out of me.” Then I couldn’t hear here because she was moaning so load as if she had something in her mouth.

“I am bitch, I mean Sandra. I’ll dig in good and deep alright.” I heard Alex grunting.

“So am I Sandra. I believe that stuff went directly to your poor stomach. It’s a good thing I am cleaning you out from this end.” Troy moaned.

“Did you want a better look at the uniform Greg?” George asked. “You can reach up open the class container and take it off the wall for a better look if you wish.”

“Thank’s George.” I answered reaching up to grab a hold of the coat hanger the uniform was hanging from. I swear I felt the wall banging as I leaned against the wall.

“Oh yes deeper Alex. Pound it into me.” Sandra moaned over and over again as I pressed my ear against the wall. Then she was only moaning again as if her mouth was full again.

“I guess Alex and Troy are having a difficult time helping my wife cleaning up.” I said holding the uniform at arms length in front of me. “Wow this a great, the uniform is in good shape after all these years.”

“That’s because the uniform is contained in that air proof container. “Hold it up and have a good look.”

As I held it up I started to slip. “Just lean against the wall so you don’t fall.” Lenard said. “We don’t want you falling or anything like that.”

“Man your asshole is even full of that nasty dog stuff. I’ll clean it out for you Sandra.” Alex moaned. “How are you doing up there Troy.”

“This is hot. That’s all I have to say.” Troy groaned. I thought I also heard Sandra moaning as if she still had something in her mouth.

“Put the uniform back and I’ll show you some of the old equipment the fire department used in the late eighteen hundreds.” Lenard said leading me across the room showing me a bunch of axes and other equipment behind glass. I could still hear the pounding from the other room even across the room. “Oh yes take it all. You know you can Sandra.” I heard Troy groaning.

“I’m getting a good work out back here Troy.” Alex moaned as the far wall continued to vibrate as if someone was pounding on it.

“Well I have to say this is hot.” Troy moaned. “I haven’t had such a great time in a long time Alex.”

“Over here Greg and look at this stuff. It’s some pictures of fires that were in Vancouver’s past.” George said leading me to the next wall with photos covering it. I looked at the different photos with George and Lenard.

We were walking around a good ten to fifteen minutes before George said. “How about a beer, it’s getting kind of stuffy in here.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” I said sitting down on a stool against the wall where the uniforms were hanging. I could feel the wall shaking and Troy moaning loader than ever. “Oh yes, yes I’m close. I am so close.”

“You’re not the only one Troy.” I heard Alex moaning.

Then I heard Sandra moaning but her mouth must have still been full. The guys must have given her something to eat while they were busy cleaning her up. They sure must have been doing a good job all the grunting and moaning they were doing.

“Oh yes that does it Sandra. I did it.” Alex moaned.

“So did I.” Troy said.

“Thank you guys.” Sandra choked as if swallowing something. “That was good.”

I took another sip of my beer sitting back resting after the tour of the police museum. “This is quite the museum guys.” I said.

A few minutes past before the door opened from the washroom and out walked Alex and Troy in uniforms much like the ones they had been wearing when I first met them. How ever Sandra wasn’t with them. “I’m sorry Greg but we didn’t quite clean your wife totally I’m afraid we’ll have to call in the reserves. Go ahead Lenard and George have a go at her and make sure you clean her better than we did. She’s waiting for you guys.” Alex said with a big smile on his face his face covered in sweat and it was soaking through his uniform. Even his hair was damp.

“Yea but we gave it a good try didn’t we Alex.” Troy said smiling. Sweat was dripping down his forehead and his hair was damp.

“We sure do. How about we give you another tour of the station while George and Lenard have a go at your dear wife.” Alex said.

“We’ll try.” Lenard said placing his hand over his definite bulging crotch. “Come on George.”

“Okay Lenard. You don’t mind us helping your dear wife out do you Greg?” George asked.

“Not at all those dogs sure must have done a job on her with that stuff inside her. I know my ass is swimming with stuff myself when ever I walk.” I said and smiled.

“In that case maybe we can help you out while your wife’s in the back with George and Lenard.” Alex said as the back door closed behind Lenard and George.

“How if you couldn’t clean poor Sandra up?” I asked.

“Well this will only be between the three of us. Don’t tell your wife. We’ll have to try something different than the way we tried to help your wife.” Alex said and smiled.

“That’s right you will have to undress for one thing Greg. You do have a good body. Do you work out?” Troy asked.

I quickly undressed tossing my T-shirt and jeans on the chair I had been sitting in. I was surprised when Troy and Alex also took off their clothes. “Now are you serious about us cleaning you out Greg. If not we can stop right now. Also make sure you don’t tell your wife. She may not take kindly what we have in mind.”

“Yes I’m sure. My ass hole is itching with that dog stuff in my ass guys.” I answered.

“All right knee down on the carpet and stick your ass in the air so we can get started.” Alex said. “Go ahead Troy go behind Greg and do your thing. I’ll work from this end. You’ll have to open your mouth wide Greg.”

I had no idea what Troy was going to do behind me and what Alex could do with his clothes off in front of me.

Just then I felt a pair of hands on my hips. You have a nice pair of bubble butt Greg it makes it easier for what has to be done.” Troy said from behind me. I felt him leaning over my back and what had to be his cock entering my ass.

“What are you doing to me?” I asked as Troy gripped my hips and kept pushing until his cock entered my sphincter muscle and into my colon.

“I have to push my cock up your ass to reach your itch.” Troy answered.

“Stop talking and open your mouth Greg.” Alex said. He surprised me by walking directly in front of me and pushing his cock head into my mouth. “Now keep still and breath through your nose. I will try my best to push that dog stuff down so it doesn’t come up through your mouth. “Hold on there. OH yes it will help if you wrap your lips around your teeth to make sure it doesn’t make my job any more difficult than it has to be.”

I did as I was told and wrapped my lips around my teeth and took a deep breath just as Alex shoved more of his thick long cock in my mouth until it was about to enter my throat. I began to gag and thought I was going to throw up.

Behind me Troy had pulled his big thick cock out of my ass and pumped it into me again a little harder than the first time. “I’ll try to get in deeper this time Greg.” Alex groaned and I could feel him pushing is big cock into my ass further than he did the first time. I could feel his big balls pressed under my ass.

Alex now had a firm grip of my head between his two hands. “Now try to relax and just think of me as a doctor doing his job Greg.” He pulled his big thick cock out of mouth allowing me to take a deep breath. Then he shoved it into my mouth and to the beginning of my throat. I once more started gagging. “Try to relax your throat Greg. It will go a lot better that way. “This isn’t really my thing but a buddy helps out a buddy in trouble. Let’s try that again. Remember to take a deep breath and try to relax your throat.”

I felt Troy behind me pulling his cock out of my ass until only his big cock head was in my ass and he shoved forward. The same time he shoved forward Alex shoved his big cock into my mouth again. Troy shoved so hard I had no choice but to swallow over half his thick king size cock. He shoved once more and only about an inch was out of my mouth. With another big shove his entire cock was down my throat his low hanging balls slapping my bottom lip and chin. “That’s better.” Alex said not moving for a few seconds and then pulling his big cock from my throat until I could manage to take a big breath.

On the other side of the wall I could hear banging as the wall vibrated. “Oh yes that’s the way we’ll have you cleaned up in no time.”

I was soon dripping with sweat as well as Troy dripping all over my back and Alex dripping sweat all over my head and hair.

The itch in my ass felt a lot better as Troy kept hitting it. I hated to even think but my own cock was rock hard pouncing around in front of me. The more Troy rammed his cock in my ass the more pree cum dripped from my cock. I wasn’t having any problem swallowing Alex thick cock as he built up speed and holding my head in a vice grip as he pumped faster and harder. “I hope you appreciate what I’m doing for you good buddy helping you out like this.” Alex said.

“He’s a good guy I am sure he appreciates the two of us helping him out like this. I just hope I’m helping that itch he has in his butt. Doggy stuff can do that to a poor guy you know. I don’t know first hand but I’ve been told doggy stuff in someone’s ass makes it itch like itching powder.” Troy moaned pushing his big cock harder and faster inside my ass his hands gripping my hips as he leaned over me and pumped faster and faster. “I think I’ve just about gotten there. This should fix that itch Greg.”

I could still hear George and Lenard groaning. “That should do it Sandra.” The wall stopped vibrating at the same time. “Here’s some clothes for you to wear. They aren’t anything special but better than going back to the hotel in the nude.”

“This will make sure that doggy stuff doesn’t spill up into your mouth.” Alex moaned shoving his cock down my throat as his cock seemed to vibrate in my throat. He pulled his cock out of my throat as I felt a big spurt land on my tongue.

My cock exploded as Tony’s cock was bedded in my ass. I’m putting that itch out. Sorry I had to make you cum though. An extra bit of enjoyment for you good buddy.” Troy groaned.

I tasted Alex’s cum all over my tongue. “Sorry good buddy but all that workout made me shoot my load.” He said pulling his big cock out of my mouth and spurting five or six loads over my head and through my hair and face. He let go of my head and stood up huffing and puffing. “I believe that just about does it.

“We better get you cleaned up before Lenard, George and your wife come out. Remember we won’t say a word about helping you out Greg. It’s our secret.” Troy said catching the towel Alex tossed to him. He whipped down my back and face. Then they brushed my hair. “There you go it will look like you have moose in your hair.”

I got dressed as quickly as possible and was pulling my T-shirt on when the door opened and out walked George, Lenard and Sandra all with big smiles on their faces. I smiled back and noticed Sandra must have used some kind of moose in her hair. Her face was a little red especially her lips. I went up to her and kissed her. You look wonderful Sandra.” I said.

“You don’t look so bad yourself Greg. I didn’t get to see much of the museum. Is anyone going to show me around before we head back to the motel. One of you could call us a cab in the mean time.” Sandra said as Alex pointed out things in the museum I had already seen. We had finished our tour when George looked outside. “Your cab is here. I hope you both enjoyed your afternoon.”

“You must come back again before the weeks out you two.” Lenard said.

“See you guys.” I shouted the same time as we headed downstairs to the first floor and alleyway to catch our cab to the hotel. What can possibly happen that hasn’t happened in Chapter 15?

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