Dares and Discoveries – by trans_sending


Gay story: Dares and Discoveries. Author: trans_sending. I wrote this story for my own entertainment, but due to my girlfriend’s positive response to it, I’ve decided to post it here. Though it isn’t specified in the story itself, all characters are either eighteen, nineteen, or twenty years old. There are many scenes containing both gay and lesbian sex, so if this doesn’t interest you, I would warn you not to proceed. However, if you do continue, I hope that you enjoy.

The story is including Fiction, Anal, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Boy, Boy / Boy, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Domination/submission, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Female / Girl, Female Domination, Female exhibitionist, Female solo, Female/Female, Gay, Girls / Female, Girls domination, Group Sex, Lesbian, Male / Female Teens, Male / Females, Male Domination, Male Solo, Male/Female, Male/Teen Female, Males / Females, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Romance, Spanking, Teen, Teen Female Solo, Teen Female/Boy, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male / Female, Teen Male / Teen Male, Teen Male Solo, Teen Male/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Females, Threesome, Toys, Voyeurism, Written by women, Young theme.

Gay story: Dares and Discoveries – Part 1

Author: trans_sending

It was late, just after two in the morning, and the thudding music finally died down as Jet walked over to his parents’ enormous sound system and turned the volume down to a dull thrumming.

Most of the party-goers had long since left, and it was just six people left in the basement where there had previously been a small mob of dancing teens. Jet was one of course, as it was his house. He was a lanky guy with spiked dark blonde hair, his outrageous fur-lined jacket ditched hours ago to reveal his thin but muscled frame under his tight-fitting black shirt. The other five were Cooper, Edgar, Aria, Christabella, and Violet.

Cooper was one of Jet’s best friends, a seemingly eternally relaxed boy who despite being a bit short and always dressing in dark colors had a pretty powerful presence wherever he went. Part of this was the fact that despite multiple comments informing him of this, he insisted on wearing far too much body spray. However, most of this was attributed to his powerful sense of observation and his willingness to weigh in on the personal matters of friends and strangers alike, offering advice to anyone who cared.

Edgar and Christabella were a couple, albeit an odd one. Edgar was a somewhat tall and athletic guy dressed in greys and whites with a quiet and reserved disposition. He almost never spoke at the parties, and seemed pretty uncomfortable in social situations, but otherwise was pretty relaxed. Christabella was his opposite, clad all in black and wearing various strange pieces of jewelry.

Gay sex story: Dares and Discoveries. Author: trans_sending.
Gay story: Dares and Discoveries. Author: trans_sending.

She was a bit of a wild card, fond of the occult and also not one to be the center of attention, but she actually seemed to enjoy the parties regardless, hanging out with Edgar and close friends in the corner of the room, poking fun and laughing.

Aria and Violet were friends of the couple, the former being a lean and almost boyishly figured girl wearing a bright red athletic tee and blue jeans, laughing quietly as she sipped on the beverage in her hand. She was much more social than the rest, having been at the center of the party all night, pulling out some admittedly impressive dancing skills.

It was only just within the past few minutes that she had taken a seat to rest, and there were beads of sweat on her brow which she wiped unceremoniously away with a smile on her face as they talked. Violet chuckled every now and then, emptying her cup and flipping it upside down before reaching for a cigarette. She was pretty mellow most of the time, but she could be fun if she wanted to.

They sat and joked around for a while, before Violet spoke up. “Any more booze, Jet?” she asked, taking a puff of her cigarette. She was dressed somewhat similarly to Christabella, in a dark faux-corset top laced with emerald green ribbon under a black jacket. She had positioned herself on the floor with her back against the couch, her legs disappeared beneath her layered black skirt.

Her cleavage, however, was present as ever, as her bust was on the large side and she (likely on purpose) always seemed to have shirts at a size too small. “Not that I’m letting you get your hands on. I’d like to have some left when the night’s over.” Jet replied with a smirk, flopping down on a chair in the corner of the room. The group laughed at the rib, and Violet spoke again. “Fine then. But if there’s not going to be any liquid fun, how about a game?”

The room quieted a bit in interest. “Like what?” Christabella asked, leaning forward on the couch where she sat, between Violet on the floor and Edgar on the middle cushion next to her. “Dares in a hat?” Violet offered, grinning. Edgar sighed and rolled his eyes, but Christabella smiled and Cooper offered an “I’m game.”

His expression was hard to read with his black and white bangs covering a sizable portion of his face, but his lips were upturned ever so slightly. Aria cocked her head, confused. “Dares in a hat?” she inquired. “Basically,” Jet explained, “Everyone writes their name and puts it in a hat. Each person takes turn drawing names, and the person who drew gets to make the person whose name they draw do a dare of their choice.” Violet looked to Aria expectantly. “So?” Aria shrugged.

“Why the hell not?” Jet sighed through his smile. “Guess we’re decided. I’ll find a hat and some paper.” Edgar spoke up “I don’t suppose I get a say?” he didn’t appear convinced that this was the case. “Of course babe… but we already outvote you, so it doesn’t really matter.” Christabella answered with a kiss on his cheek. He exhaled slowly and accepted his fate.

Jet returned shortly after with the supplies, and soon each of the group had written their names and positioned themselves in a circle around the hat, dropping in their names. “And so I am doomed.” Edgar murmured as he let his paper fall with the rest. “Oh loosen up, Edgar. Have a little fun for once.” Aria chastised, rubbing her hands together. “So who goes first?” she asked. “You’re the first-timer, Aria. You go first.” Christabella suggested. No one spoke up in opposition, so Aria shrugged. “Alright.”

Reaching into the hat, she pulled out a slip, and unfolded it to read the name. “Cooper.” she announced. Cooper arched his back and rolled his shoulders under his hoodie, smirking. “Give me your worst, newbie.” Aria scoffed. “What kind of dares can I give?” she asked. “Whatever you want.” Jet answered. “Okay…” Aria starting, mulling it over. “I dare you to lose that stupid hoodie.

It’s like 80 degrees down here, you freak.” Everyone chuckled, and Cooper did as he was told, shaking his head as he did. “What?” Aria asked, looking around. “Nothing, it’s just that we didn’t realize you were that tame and unimaginative.” Christabella teased. “What do you mean by that?” Aria asked. “You’ll see.” Violet answered.

Now it was Edgar who spoke up, concerned. “Wait… and what does THAT mean?” Everyone laughed again. “I forgot that you’d never played with us either.” Christabella said through a smile. Edgar went to speak again, but was cut off by Cooper. “Are we gonna talk, or are we gonna play? It’s my turn now, suckers.”

Cooper stuck his hand into the hat, pulling out a slip and reading the name. “Christabella.” He turned to her, grinning, and she met him with a challenging stare. After a moment, he spoke. “I dare you to act like you and Edgar are here alone for two minutes, to show them what we mean.” Christabella grinned, as Edgar turned to her questioningly.

“Is that some kind of code? What does he mean?” Aria looked on with similar confusion. “What does who mean?” She asked. “We’re here alone.” Before he could inquire further, Christabella pushed him back against the couch, straddling his lap, and pressing her lips onto his. In his stunned shock, he sat unmoving while she continued.

She leaned her mouth in close to his ear, whispering softly “I’m going to have fun, having you all to myself.” His eyes danced across the room, but his focus was poorly swayed from his girlfriend, who now grinded his lap, her ass getting pushed well into view under her tight black jeans, a bit of pink peeking out from beneath.

“Nice panties.” Aria stammered, trying to hide her astonishment, but Christabella gave no response. Instead, she continued her motion while reaching to grab Edgar’s head and pull it in toward her chest. When she released, his blush came into view, and she stopped, leaving her straddle to stand, letting her hair down. “How do you want me?”

She asked, running a hand over her body. Violet had to throw a hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing. Edgar was bewildered. Aria looked around the room and saw Cooper and Jet smiling widely. “You’re not nervous are you? Don’t worry. Jet won’t mind. I’m sure dirtier things have happened on this couch.” She reached behind her back under her shirt, going to unlatch her bra when Cooper spoke.

“Aaaaaand… time.” Finally breaking character, Christabella let out a laugh, pointing at Edgar. “Aww, you’re so cute when you’re flustered.” He blushed deeper, and said nothing. “And thanks Aria. Maybe sometime I’ll take you to get some.” She winked. “But for now… it’s my turn.”

She reached into the hat and drew a name, grinning evilly as she noted the name and turned back to the group, looking at them one by one until finally staring directly at Edgar. “Oh no… come on.” She nodded. “Really? That last one might as well have been mine. Don’t I get a pass?” Cooper grinned. “Not how the game works, bro.”

Edgar looked around the room for support, but was met with only grins and chuckles. Aria bit her lip and looked away, trying not to smile herself. “Fine, but I’m not gonna grind on anyone in front of a room full of people.” Christabella kept smiling. “No… I’ll go easy on you, since you’re clearly still recovering from my performance.

But since we still have the audience to consider, I dare you to take off that shirt, Oh-Hunk-of-Mine.” Looking a bit reprehensive, Edgar realized that this was the easiest he would be getting off, and proceeded to lose his shirt. Jet raised an eyebrow. “Too easy I think, but hell, I’ll take it.” Aria looked aggrivated. “That’s exactly what I dared Cooper to do!” Violet interjected. “You just had him take off his hoodie. Get some skin in the game, then we can talk.”

Edgar’s muscled torso in full view, he dropped his shirt to the floor and sat back down. He started to settle back in, but Christabella stopped him. “What now?” he asked, and she pointed to the hat. “Your turn, Muscles.” He rolled his eyes again and reached into the hat. Reading the name, he blushed, looking at Aria. “Oh, this is classic.”

Violet remarked, pleased. Jet and Cooper now had the chance to be confused. Violet explained. “Edgar and Aria were an item, before she became a vagitarian.” Cooper’s smile broadened, and Jet started laughing outright. Aria blushed. “I can’t give up my turn?” Edgar asked. “If you do, one of us will give the dare instead.

And we probably won’t be as nice.” Cooper jeered. “Especially now that we know what we do.” Edgar looked torn as he began to weight his options. “Don’t make us have to give you a countdown.” Jet heckled. When there was no response, he continued. “Alright. 10…9…8…7…6…” Edgar looked as though he was attempting to mask his panic. “5…4…3…2…” Suddenly, Edgar blurted “I dare you to make out with Christabella.” Aria’s face flushed white, and Christabella smiled mischievously. Jet started to clap and Cooper and Violet howled with laughter. “And all it takes is a time limit. Good on ya kid.”

Everyone looked to Aria expectantly. She tried to play it off nonchalantly, smiling and beckoning with her finger, but inside her heart was pounding. Edgar seemed as though he didn’t know how to feel about what he had done, but couldn’t bring himself to look away. Christabella crossed the space between them, took Aria’s face in her hands, and the two met lips, running their hands through each others’ hair.

Aria felt her own hands drifting down, tracing along Christabella’s body and settling on her waist. Christabella, never one to do the bare minimum, pressed in further, knocking Aria to her back, almost pinning her down as her tongue traced Aria’s lips and slipped into her mouth. Aria let herself get swept up in the moment, only vaguely aware that one hand was groping Christabella’s ass while the other cupped her breast. Then, just as she was about to lose all semblance of self control, Christabella parted, winked, and moved back to her seat as Cooper and Jet clapped and whistled.

Clearing her throat, Aria smiled, catching her breath and trying to let her brain reboot for a moment. Deciding to continue the game before any ribbing ensued, she reached into the hat and drew… “Christabella.” Christabella chuckled. “Yeah, I’m sure, you lesbo. You just want to get more of this.” Aria held the paper in plain view, and Jet grinned.

“I was sure it was gonna be me. Guess I’m just a lucky son of a bitch.” He looked over at Christabella before sarcastically adding “My condolences.” Christabella shrugged. “Eh, whatever. I can take it, especially from this lightweight.” She kissed at Aria to make it clear that she was being playful. Aria grinned.

Time to pay back the tease. “Christabella, I dare you to take off those pretty pink panties of yours. I think I’d like them now.” Edgar began “Isn’t that a bit-” but was interrupted by his girlfriend. “That’s the game, babe. Looks like the newbie is catching on.” She stood up, started to unbutton her pants… and turned to walk toward the closet.

“But she still has a lot to learn. She never specified that I had to take them off HERE.” Entering the closet, she shut the door, shuffled out of her pants and underwear, and walked out with her pants back on but her panties in hand. She tossed them at Aria, who reflexively caught them. “Enjoy, but if I don’t get those back, remember that I know where you live, Panty-snatcher.”

Aria grinned and waved her prize in the air as Christabella moved toward the hat and drew another name. “And the winner is… Mr. Holden.” She pointed to Cooper, who kept on smiling. “Uh-oh. I’m in for it now.” He said nonchalantly. “Damned right you are.” Christabella shot back. “And because of your cocky attitude, I’m not gonna go easy on you either.”

He clasped his hands to his face in feigned fear. “Well, you can’t luck out forever. Shoot to kill, Chrissy.” “With pleasure.” She responded, making a gun with her finger and pointing it toward him. “Since I’m about to gag on that cloud of body spray, hows about… I dare you to go take a shower upstairs… and leave your clothes up there when you come back down.”

She made a ‘pew’ noise, then blew on the end of her ‘gun’ before ‘holstering’ it in her pocket. “Wow.” Violet said, wide eyed with approval. “Not pulling any punches tonight, eh? Looks like this game is about to get really interesting.” Jet added. Cooper stood up, said nothing, and started for the door. At first, it seemed as if he was going to give up and leave, until he muttered “Eh, I needed to piss anyway. Might as well shower while I’m at it.”

Once he left the basement, the room grew silent for a few minutes until the sound of running water could be heard upstairs. “Damn, he’s really doing it.” Jet muttered. Christabella grinned, and Aria and Violet praised Christabella’s good idea. “I’ve always been curious about what he might be packing. I have my suspicions that he might be pretty well hung.”

Violet added. “What the fuck, Violet?” Aria giggled. “Why?” “All that confidence has to come from somewhere.” She shrugged. Edgar looked at Christabella with a forlorn look. “I was not really interested in seeing another guy’s junk today.” Christabella waved her hand dismissively. “Then don’t look.” Edgar let out a sigh of exasperation.

Jet rubbed his hands together expectantly as the sound of running water was finally silenced. “Happy birthday to me.” he said cheerily to himself. Aria rolled her eyes. “It’s funny and all, but Edgar and I are gonna have to be compensated with some female nudity if we’re gonna have dicks waving around all night, right Edgar?”

Despite her words and her actual lack of interest in men sexually, Aria had to admit to herself that she was at least curious. That’s why, when the basement door opened, her head shot to the doorway along with everyone but Edgar, whose hands shot over his eyes as he groaned in discomfort. Cooper stepped in to the basement, still shimmering wet, and totally naked… except for a towel around his waist.

Violet immediately gave him a thumbs down, adding “Boo!” Christabella and Jet were likewise displeased. “Hey,” he explained. “She said herself that you have to be specific. She never said I couldn’t cover up. She just said I had to leave my clothes upstairs. I assure you, its all birthday suit under this thing.” Edgar finally looked, breathing a sigh of relief.

Cooper sauntered over to the hat, reached inside, and unceremoniously stated “Jet, looks like that luck ran out.” Jet smiled and gave a ‘bring it on’ motion. “Now, now… what to dare the guy with no shame…” He began to think, and then continued. “How about… I dare you to go change into Christabella’s panties, and nothing else.”

Christabella and Aria frowned, but Violet seemed quite pleased. “He’s gonna stretch ’em.” Christabella complained. “Damned right I am.” Jet said, high fiving Cooper. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you money for a new pair.” He added. “A dare is a dare.” Violet stated through a devilish grin. Christabella relented, saying “Fine.”

Aria tossed the panties to Jet, and he took his turn rumbling around in the closet. When he came back out, he sure enough was out of his shoes and socks, pants, and shirt, and was sporting the panties with pride, which barely seemed able to contain him, bulging severely in the front and exposing the top portion of a blonde bush of pubic hair. “Oh come on, man!” Edgar exclaimed, turning away. The rest of the room fell into rambunctious glee, as Violet whistled and jeered, and even Aria and Christabella had to smile. “Okay, so they suit you.” Christabella added playfully.

Jet made his way to the hat, making sure to pass uncomfortably close to Edgar, and bent fully over to pick out the name, so that his ass was pronounced. “You asshole.” Edgar grumbled, scooting back a bit. Jet held up the slip, calling “Aria… looks like it’s you again.” Aria pointed at Violet. “Violet hasn’t even been dared once yet.

Shouldn’t it be her turn?” Jet waved his finger as if he were chastising a child. “Not how the game works, dear. Now suffer with honor, won’t you?” Aria mumbled irritably, but relented. “Fine. But knowing you, I’m not too happy about this.” Jet chuckled. “Oh, dear. You know me all too well. Aria, I dare you to take off your shirt and bra for the remainder of the game.”

Aria scoffed. “No fuckin’ way, you perv.” Jet made a tsk tsk sound, waggling his finger again. “Again, not how the game works.” Aria stuck up her nose, standing her ground. “Not a chance. I’m not gonna show my tits to a room full of people.” Now it was Cooper who spoke. “Dude, I’m in nothing but a freakin’ towel.”

Edgar spoke up next. “Look, guys, she doesn’t want to.” Aria was relieved to see at least one person come to her defense. “And she doesn’t have to.” Violet started. “She can always back out of the game. I think that should be the rule. Anyone can back out at any time, but they have to leave the room if they do, and they can’t come back until the game is over.”

Jet looked at Aria expectantly. “So I guess this is a literal ‘Tits or GTFO’ sort of situation.” Christabella reached over and put her hands on Aria’s shoulder. “It’s your choice, girl, but trust me, this game is just gonna keep getting better. You do not want to miss out.” Aria was conflicted. Honestly, as rowdy as the group was, she did trust everyone for the most part, and she knew that with Christabella and Edgar there, she was sure to be safe.

On the other hand, she was really self-conscious about her small chest, and if anyone made a snide comment, she might lose it. Finally, after a moment of conflict, she reached down, lifting up her shirt, and pulling it away to reveal her athletic physique and plain black bra. No one said anything, just waiting expectantly, so a few pounding heartbeats later, she unlatched her bra and let it slide down her arms to the floor in front of her.

Much to her horror, her nipples were fully erect, which only made her blush deepen. She covered up with one arm fairly quickly, trying not to look anyone in the eye. “Nice.” Jet commented, nodding in approval. “Glad to see you still in the game. You’re up.”

As she reached out to grab a name from the hat, she couldn’t help but look to the others for their reactions. Much to her surprise and… oddly enough her pride… she could tell that each of the three boys were getting excited at the sight of her. Jet’s bulge had swelled, and he kept having to re-adjust to avoid having a malfunction with the skimpy panties.

Cooper was all but pitching a tent in his towel, and Edgar had his eyes closed and was kneeling in such a way that she could tell he was attempting to ‘center’ himself and use some kind of meditation or whatnot to keep himself in check. He really was too nice of a guy. It was a shame she couldn’t have made it work with him, but hey, her attraction to women gave Christabella a shot at him at least. Without further ado, she lifted the next name from the hat… and blushed again. “Edgar. Sorry dude.”

Edgar snapped out of his focus, and looked truly pitiable. Aria responded with a look of apology. “Seriously, is Violet’s name even in there? Can somebody check?” Edgar pleaded. “It’s in there. You’re just trying to worm your way out of another dare, but it isn’t gonna work.” Jet checked the hat, and sure enough, Violet’s name was on the third slip he checked.

“Yeah, she’s in there. She’s just a lucky bitch is all. Maybe Christabella’s working some voodoo shit on her or something.” Violet grinned in victory. “Go on, Aria.” she goaded. Aria sighed and continued. “Edgar, I dare you to lose your pants. That’s the best I can do for ya, buddy.” Edgar nodded in acceptance, and stood, undoing his belt and dropping his pants, revealing a pair of grey boxer briefs, well filled in the front.

It looked like Jet might die of joy on the spot, and Violet took a good hard look herself. Cooper grinned and nodded in approval, his ‘tent’ growing a little taller as well. “Take a picture ladies and gentlemen, because at the end of the game, all of this is all mine again.” Christabella added, motioning over him as if he were a game show prize. Edgar said nothing and kneeled down again, reaching for his slip.

For the first time in the entire game, Edgar smiled and let out a chuckle. “Justice, thy name is Dares in a Hat.” He said, waving the slip toward Violet. “Time to pay the piper, Violet. Normally I’d be the nice one and give you something productive like ‘I dare you not to smoke for the rest of the game.’, but considering what Aria and I have been put through and the fact that you’ve just been able to sit and enjoy it all means I need to make this worthwhile.

Who knows if your name is gonna come out of that thing again.” Violet yawned. “Wordy as ever, Edgar. Give up on the speech and give me what you’ve got. Out of this whole room, I’ve got to do your dare. That’s as easy as getting off gets.” At that moment, a look came over Edgar that seemed wildly out of character… to everyone except Christabella and Aria.

A mischievous grin played across his face, and the whole room focused in. “Funny you should mention getting off, Violet. I’m going to let you keep your clothes on, but I’ve heard from your pals about what you keep in that purse of yours. I dare you to take it out, turn it on, and keep it between your thighs and against your crotch until you get dared again.”

All three of the girls looked totally shocked. Christabella and Aria had seen this side of Edgar (the former more often than the latter) in the privacy of the bedroom, but never in such a public setting. The two looked at each other, smiled widely, and looked to Violet, who seemed to still be trying to process what he had said.

Cooper and Jet leaned in, wondering what was in Violet’s purse, though they had a pretty good idea. They were proven correct a few moments later when Violet closed her mouth, reached into her purse, and produced a small pink vibrator. Edgar looked fairly pleased with himself as she turned the knob at the end, placed it between her legs, and closed her thighs to keep it in place. Now Jet and Cooper turned to Edgar with looks of approval. “Perhaps we underestimated you.” Jet admitted. “So he’s more than a Greek statue after all.” Cooper added.

Violet reached quickly into the hat, pulling out a name, and stating (somewhat shakily) “Cooper.” She dropped the name back in, straightening up and trying to maintain a poker face. “I dare you… to drop the towel. You-… You’re practically showing it off already.” Cooper grinned. “You okay there Violet?” “I’m fine.” she snapped. “Really?

Cuz your voice sounds a little shaky.” Everyone chuckled. “Stop stalling, asshat. Show us the goods or… back out.” Along with her words came a faint and persistent buzzing sound. Cooper just kept smiling, and stood up. The towel wasn’t leaving much to the imagination anymore. “I saw this one coming. Oh well.” And with that, the towel dropped, showing off his fully erect cock, glistening at the tip with precum.

It really was fairly well sized, and everyone but Edgar focused in on it for a moment before he sat back down. Christabella, Violet, and Jet all seemed quite pleased, and Aria just stared blankly at it with curiosity. After a moment, Violet shuddered, almost barking out “C’mon Cooper, draw a damned name.” Cooper took on a sly look, jeering “Oh! I nearly forgot. Wouldn’t want to draw out your torment, right?”

By now the group was looking pretty well compromised. Cooper was buck naked. Jet was in nothing but panties which by now were hardly accomplishing any manner of coverage, with the head of his cock peeking out of the top and the rest perfectly outlined in the satiny fabric. Edgar was stripped to his boxer-briefs, which as previously mentioned showed his general endowment pretty clearly, and Aria was shirtless.

The only two with their clothes on were Christabella and Violet, and the former was going commando while the latter held a vibrator between her legs. The game had gotten interesting indeed. Cooper leaned forward, going on all fours and arching his ass into the air towards Jet, which prompted another twitch in his (or rather Christabella’s) panties. His cock bounced lightly under his belly as he reached for the hat and pulled out a new name. “Jet Soshi, ol’ buddy. You’re up.”

Jet looked down at his current circumstance, stating “Well, at this point I’m willing to bet that it can’t be very tame.” Cooper just smiled. “I dare you to take off those ridiculous panties and stroke your cock for two minutes.” Jet started to stand, and Cooper added “And I mean here in this room, in front of everyone, before you get any ideas.”

Edgar turned his face toward the ladies, holding up a hand to block out the ever growing number of exposed cocks in the room. Jet happily obliged, stepping out of the panties and flicking them back at Christabella, his dick bouncing once before he took it in his hand and sat back down. “Two minutes?” Jet asked. “Two minutes.” Cooper confirmed, setting the timer.

Jet leaned back, acutely aware that all eyes (save for Edgar’s) were squarely on his cock. This only served to make him further erect, and much to the ladies’ delight, he was almost a solid inch longer than Cooper, who was no slouch by any means. Even Aria seemed impressed, though admittedly less entranced than the other two.

He took his time at first, gripping his foreskin and sliding it back to expose the tip, then using it to rub back and forth. “Dude, I never knew you weren’t cut…” Christabella said, leaning closer to inspect. “You can get as close as you want, Chrissy.” He said with a wink, stroking gradually faster. “Watch it man.” Edgar warned, shooting him a quick intimidating look before nervously averting his eyes from the scene once more.

Christabella clenched her fist against the floor and bit her lip, and Aria knew that if she hadn’t been in a relationship with Edgar, she might have taken that offer into consideration. It looked as though Violet was considering it herself, and Cooper for that matter. Jet tilted his head back with a low groan, stroking ever faster until… “Uh… time.” Cooper stated, looking a little out of it for a moment.

Jet grinned, taking a bow. “I hope you all enjoyed the show.” he teased. “Encore!” Violet called, cupping her hands over her mouth, jolting a bit just after doing so. “Fuck. Later. Encore later. Just draw my name out of that f-freaking thing.” Jet obeyed, but not to the result she had hoped. As he drew out the next name, he beckoned to Cooper.

“And straight back to you. Payback is a bitch, huh?” Cooper stared Jet down defiantly, dropping his gaze to Jet’s crotch for just a moment then back to his eyes. “I guess we’ll see.” Jet’s smile twitched mischievously. “You’ll do more than see, Coop. I dare you to finish what you started. Make me cum.” “Oh shit.” Christabella chimed with glee, drawing even closer to watch. Violet seemed to be torn between pleasure and aggravation, biting her lip as the buzzing continued. “God damn it…” Edgar commented, having taken to staring at the floor.

“I guess I deserve that.” Cooper said passively, moving over on hands and knees before kneeling in front of Jet. Jet held out a hand to give him pause, moving to retrieve the chair he had sat in earlier, placing it in front of Cooper and taking a seat. “That should make it easier for you.” Cooper snickered. “Gee, how thoughtful.” he said, rolling his eyes. “I’m a giver.”

Jet added sarcastically. After a moment of hesitation, Cooper overcame his self-consciousness and took Jet’s member in his hand, pulling down his foreskin to reveal the sensitive head, tipped with a bead of precum. Tentatively, Cooper dipped his head over Jet’s lap, sticking out his tongue to graze the tip, lapping up the pearl left from Jet’s previous self-attention.


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