A Change of Heart for Leander Ch. 02

A gay story: A Change of Heart for Leander Ch. 02 Noah: you out this weekend gorgeous? x x x

Nile: Not this weekend no, with my girlfriend for the weekend. x

Noah: Mmm lucky girl. x x x

Nile rolled his eyes and stuffed the phone into his pocket. Noah was certainly interested in him, nothing he did put him off. He had tried not replying but then felt bad so caved in. He sighed and let himself into Jasmine’s room. She was sitting on her bed with a smile and he sat next to her.

“How are you?” He asked kissing her.

“Mmm I am good.” She smiled again, but there was something not just right. He looked at her and narrowed his eyes a little. “Nile…” She began.

“Ugh.” He stood, knowing what this talk was going to be about. “You want to fuck that Richard guy don’t you?”

“It’s not like that…”Jasmine began. “We’ve just got really close and…”

“Whatever. Couldn’t you have text or emailed me this so I didn’t have to come all this way over? Fuckssake.” Nile headed for the door.

“Nile wait…you never normally get like this.” Jasmine stood too. “We just don’t have that kind of relationship.”

“Yeah well maybe I am sick of being treated like shit.” Nile left her room and house. He got into his car and drove away angrily. He scowled to himself. It was true their relationship was pretty open. Nile had never really wanted anything serious or defined. It was nice to have someone he could be with and not have to get to know over again. When they broke up he normally would hook up with one or two girls he knew for some no strings fun. But this time he just felt crap about it. Maybe Jasmine was taking advantage of him, he had never ended their relationship. Maybe the fact they were at different schools and lived apart was also a factor.He drove into a service station so he could make a phone call to Jason. He asked him if he had any beer in, Jason guessed the reason he was coming home early and said he did, he and Nick would wait for him and console him. He got there and Casey let him in, giving him a hug.

“Ah Nile.” Jason hugged him. “Seriously, forget her. Find someone else. Amy’s nice.”

“She is, but she’s thick and I am sick of just fucking someone.” Nile pushed Nick over and lay on the sofa melodramatically.

“Maybe have a break then?” Nick suggested. “Take some time to yourself and then see where you want to go from there.”

“That is a good idea.” Nile agreed. “Still feels like shit though.” They chatted for a while until Nile was happy enough. Josh drove him home and he fell asleep pretty much instantly.

Noah: hey gorgeous what you up2? x x x

Nile: coursework. Exciting. You? x

Noah: Not much. we’re out this weekend are you and co? It’d be nice to see you. x x x

Nile: yeah not sure where i’ll end up but i fancy getting hammered. x

Noah: tough week? I could relax you y’know. 😉 x x x

Nile: shit week. And behave. x

Nile laughed to himself. Noah certainly was determined. It was the first time he’d chuckled all week. He was sure his friends were getting sick of his grumbling and rantings about women in general. Trevor had been very sympathetic and had mothered him for most of the week, bringing him drinks and sweets to lighten his mood. But he could hardly admit that it was the texts from someone he’d only met a couple of times were making him feel better.

The friends had been drinking for a while now and Nile guessed pretty soon they’d want to go to The Serpent and dance together. Nile didn’t want too, he wanted to stay in the nice warm bar they were in and get happily drunk. None of his other friends were out so he either went with the flow and ended up at the gay bar or he went home where he’d just get moody and sulk. Leander looked at his phone again and they saw him sigh.

“Trouble?” Nile asked.

“Hm, no not really.” Leander shrugged. “Just Trevor being a little insecure.”

“About you two?” Jason looked over.

“Yeah, he just seems a bit paranoid at the moment.” Leander frowned, not knowing that the previous encounter with Noah’s friend had planted the seed of doubt. “I am sure he’s just having a moment. He’ll be okay.” He smiled it went silent for a moment with the tension but no one wanted to break it. Nile decided he’d be brave enough and suggested that they move on. He reluctantly said he’d go to The Serpent if he could be left alone in a booth to drink and wallow while the other two danced. They told him that he was a killjoy and that some dancing might cheer him up. “Does Noah know you’re single?”

“No, and let’s not let him know.” Nile frowned. “He’ll go into over drive.”

“Does he get in touch?” Jason asked as they walked out of the bar.

“He asks if we’re out at the weekend, that’s about it really.” Nile lied, he sent him messages every day. They proceeded to the gay bar, Nile secretly hoped they’d be refused but with Jason’s social standing and Leander’s good looks they were almost VIPs. They got drinks then headed up to a higher tier of the club. Nile sat on one of the seats and Jason sat on the other while Leander went to mingle with some people.

“You okay?” Jason asked.

“Yeah I am. I will be when I have more drink.” Nile grinned. “I shall just take some time to myself and enjoy being free and single.” Jason nodded his agreement, then his brow furrowed before breaking into a smile. “What?”

“Leander’s back, he looks guilty.” Jason looked over at the blonde. Nile scowled as he came over.

“Noah’s downstairs with his crew.” Leander put a hand on Nile’s shoulder. “I told him you were a little down so he’s going to come up soon and cheer you up.”

“Oh thanks.” Nile scowled. “This is the last thing I need.”

“Aaah don’t fret. A little socializing will do you good. Plus someone hitting on you is bound to do the ego some good.” Leander suppressed a chuckle. “Mister Biggs, shall we dance?” Jason nodded and they headed off to the dance floor leaving Nile muttering into his beer bottle. Noah left him alone for quite a long time but sure enough he soon came up the stairs. He was wearing a tight tank top that showed off his toned arms and cargo pants. He smiled at Nile who just scowled back.

“Hey don’t you scowl at me.” Noah sat next to him. “I brought you a beer and everything!”

“Sorry. Thanks.” Nile took it.

“Still grumpy?” Noah sat back and looked at him.

“I guess.” Nile sighed. He kind of wished that he was nearer the dance floor, then the music would be loud and he wouldn’t have to talk.

“Want to talk?” Noah prodded him with a finger.

“Not really no.” Nile shook his head. “I am not much fun tonight sorry.”

“It’s okay. I can just look at you and imagine what I am going to do when…” Noah began.

“Oh stop it!” Nile couldn’t help but smile. “You are something else.”

“Ah there we are, a smile!” Noah leant forward and grinned. “Girl trouble?” Nile reluctantly nodded. “She dumped you?” He nodded again. “Ah shit. Not good. Well, I am sure we can help you feel better with drink!” Nile was shocked that Noah hadn’t instantly pounced on him and begun to relentlessly hit on him. Maybe he had change his mind. They chatted a bit, Noah told him about his work and his housemate. Nile felt like a little kid compared to him, still doing coursework and living with his parents but Noah didn’t seem to mind this. “Are those two still not fucking?” Noah asked tipping his bottle towards Jason and Leander who were dancing.

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