Closer Than You Think by Robby Sr


A gay adult story: Closer Than You Think by Robby Sr ,

This is a gay story – don’t read if you don’t gay stories! ‘Nuf said.



My neighbor and his wife had to go out of town suddenly to visit her mother who’d had a stroke. A mild one, and she was fine, but it was a good excuse to make the trip they’d put off for too long. They left their son, Mike, home so he could keep up his practice. It was his second year on his school’s football team, and he didn’t want to miss any of the late summer practices.

They asked me to stay at their house to look after Mike. I’ve been a bachelor all my life and wasn’t used to kids, but then, Mike wasn’t a little kid any more and could pretty much take care of himself. His folks just wanted some kind of authority figure around to make sure he ate some proper meals and wore clean underwear and didn’t tear up the house, and since I lived right next door, it was no trouble at all.

Another reason it was no trouble is because I had major hots for Mike! My being gay was another reason for being a bachelor all my life. I bought the house next door to Mike and his folks several years ago when Mike was just a budding teenager. Even then I could tell that he was going to be a very popular hunk with girls and boys. I became friendly with Mike’s folks right away. Not so much because of Mike, but just because that was the kind of folks they are. But Mike got my attention right away, and I’ve been keeping my eye on him since.

A couple of years ago Mike’s dad put an in-ground pool in the backyard, and did most of the finishing work himself. I spent a lot of time helping, which earned me an invitation to make use of the pool whenever I wanted. That gave me the opportunity to spend some time with Mike: as he loved the pool, and seemed to spend all his spare time in it. I loved to sit after grilling out and watch him dive into the water and then climb out all wet with his shorts clinging to and showing off his little bubble butt. I’d managed to stay in shape and could keep up with Mike’s swimming, and me and his dad played many water games together. Mike seemed to really enjoy my company, and his folks seemed to like me, too.

The side of my house that faced theirs had no windows, save for a small round window up in the attic. Their house was a one story, ranch style, while mine was two story. Many nights I heard splashing in the pool and figured either Mike or his dad was in the pool for a late night swim, but I couldn’t see over their fence from my yard. One night I was working on organizing my attic with thoughts of turning it into a home office when I heard the splashing again. This time I thought to look from my attic window. Now the fence didn’t matter as I had a clear view of their entire backyard and pool. I saw Mike swim to one side of the pool and climb out. He was only wearing his white cotton briefs, which, like all white briefs, seemed to vanish when they got wet. I could easily see Mike’s dick outlined in the briefs, and his butt clearly showed through. I stood there at my attic window and blew a load right onto my wall watching him cavort in the water.

A few nights later, Mike’s mom left on one of her many out of town business trips. Since I was used to working third shift I often did my house chores late at night, as I was always awake anyway. Once again I was working in my attic when I heard laughter from Mike’s yard. I went to the tiny window again and saw Mike and his dad on their patio. They were talking and joking – taking playful little punches at each other. Mike had a soda next to him and his dad had a beer.

I smiled some and watched them a while. It was nice watching a father and son having a good time together. I could tell they were simply having fun just being father and son. At first I’d considered walking over there but decided that the quality time they were having was more important. While I was watching them laugh, Mike suddenly picked up his dad’s can of beer and laughed as he poured some of it over his dad’s head. His dad jumped at the cold liquid, but only laughed. He jumped up, picked up Mike’s can of soda and threatened him with it. Mike jumped and skipped around his dad, daring him to try to catch up. Mike’s dad was my age but in great shape himself, and Mike was still not quite a match for him.

He grabbed Mike and picked him clean up off the patio, walked to the pool and threw him in, t-shirt, jeans, sneakers and all. I heard Mike yell as he flew through the air and his dad laughed as he hit the water. Mike surfaced and I saw his arms waving, telling his dad to come on in. His dad shrugged, laughed, and then just jumped right in the water with Mike, clothes and all. I laughed as I watched them play around and splash each other.

I already had the hots for Mike, but as I saw them climb out of the pool and saw their soaked jeans and t-shirts clinging to their bodies, showing them off, I began to be turned on by his dad too. I wasn’t doing without some dick to play with. I had several fuck buddies at the time. A few were my age, a few were younger, and one was 19 years old. So while I enjoyed getting some young butt, I was just as horny for good-looking guys my own age. Both Mike and his dad were making me awful horny that night! I thought it would be one of the hottest things I’d ever do if I could pork both of them in a 3-way.

I know some guys cringe at the idea of older guys fucking around with young guys, and they always slap their hands over their ears when someone tries to educate them, but I thought back to the days when I was young. Younger than Mike was now even. I knew what fucking was. I knew why my dick was getting hard. I knew what I was supposed to do with it, too. I just couldn’t find any one right away to help me out! I often wished I’d had an older guy to show me the ropes, but couldn’t find any until I was 18. Since then I always liked both younger and older guys.

While I liked playing around with young boys (and anyone under 30 is a young boy to me!), I always had a policy of not making any moves on them, but to wait until they came on to me. There are plenty of young guys who are turned on by older guys, so I wasn’t doing without. As hot as I was for Mike, I vowed not to touch him unless it was his call. Since I did have some guys to bring home with me and fuck around with, I contented myself with just being buddies with Mike and his dad, but made sure Mike knew I was always available whenever he wanted to do something. At their pool, especially when Mike was home alone, I always wore my skimpiest swimsuit. When I saw him coming toward my house I would rush to strip down to my underwear just so Mike would get used to seeing me that way. I figured if his eyes spent a lot of time checking out my body, I’d notice.

After Mike and his dad chased each other around the pool and threw each other in a couple of more times, I stood and watched them as they started to strip their wet clothes off. I thought they would strip down to their underwear and continue playing in the pool. My cock jumped to immediate attention when I watched them both unhesitatingly strip butt naked before they jumped back in the pool. I jacked hard as I watched them swim around naked. When they climbed out of the pool, they sat back down at the patio table to sip at their drinks. I then realized that they obviously spent a lot of time naked when they were alone together, and that thought made me coat the wall with another load of cum. I didn’t think there was anything sexual going on between them.

I knew a lot of fathers and sons hardly wore any clothes when they were alone together. My own father and I were always hanging around the house naked when my mom wasn’t home. We never did screw each other; we were just a couple of guys alone together and saw no need to wear clothes. Saved on laundry, my dad told me. My college days were before co-ed dorms were all over the place, and my dorm was full of nothing but naked guys walking up and down the hallways, hanging out in rooms with doors wide open, and horsing around in the showers. Again, there was nothing sexual going on except in my mind, my hand, and with the guys I could lure into my room.

So seeing Mike and his dad hanging around the patio naked together wouldn’t have phased me if it weren’t for the fact that both of them were drop dead fucking gorgeous! I spent many a night with my face pressed to that tiny attic window and my hand wrapped around my dick, while I watched them swim and fart around naked.

It became routine for me to run up to my attic and look through my window whenever I heard splashing from next door when Mike’s mom was out of town. Many times I would watch Mike climb out of the pool with only his underwear on, reach into his shorts, pull his little dick out and jerk off at the side of the pool and I would jerk off on the side of my wall. Sometimes I would watch his dad swim naked late at night and pound his meat under the water. Once I thought Mike had had it when I saw his dad walk outside just as Mike was shooting a load up in the air. But his dad only laughed and tossed Mike a towel. I didn’t hear what he said, but Mike just wiped himself off and jumped back in the water. His dad stripped down naked and jumped in with him and they had a good time. I was glad Mike’s dad was so understanding and let Mike jerk off, apparently whenever he wanted, which was a LOT of the time. I’d long since lost count of how many layers of cum I’d wiped off my attic wall.

That’s why I jumped at the chance to actually get to move in with Mike and live with him alone – even if it was only for a couple of weeks! Hell, I was hoping that Mike would feel comfortable enough with me to still hang out naked, and I could check out his body up close!

I got off work early the first night, but didn’t call Mike to tell him I was coming home because I figured he’d already be asleep. When I pulled into the driveway, I saw a light on in his bedroom window, but thought he’d just fallen asleep with the light on. I walked into the house as quiet as I could, left my boots by the door, and tip-toed upstairs. On the way to his room, I was hoping he also slept naked so I could maybe spend some time standing over him admiring his beautiful body.

As I got closer to his room, I heard a noise and realized he was still awake after all. I still was quiet, and as I looked around his door frame I saw him sitting in his desk chair – his back to me. He was working on his computer, and yes, he was naked! He still didn’t hear me, so I just peered around the corner of his door and watched him. The workouts he was doing on the football team were starting to show on his body. He was a receiver, and so was not the big bulky type, but had a good runner’s body going. He wasn’t all that tall; shorter than me, but the lanky kid I had gotten to know was slowly being replaced by broader shoulders with back and shoulder muscles starting to grow. His slightly skinny legs were turning into muscled thighs, thicker calves, and hair was growing in his armpits and down his legs. The chair he was sitting in wasn’t a full backed chair, and I got a great close up of his little bubble butt. He looked fantastic! My own hand automatically went to my crotch as I stood there and watched him.

I noticed that his right arm muscles were flexing in front of him, and then I realized that he was stroking his cock! I almost melted right then and there wishing I could just walk right up to him, reach out and stroke that thing for him. Instead, I just rubbed my own cock through my jeans even harder.

At that point, I decided to just walk right up to him, and whatever happened, happened. If he got embarrassed and wanted to cover himself up, I wouldn’t stop him. If he at least only stopped stroking his cock but otherwise was comfortable just sitting there naked talking to me, that was fine too. Even better would be if I could just kind of natural like talk about how hot and sweaty I got at work and strip down naked in front of him while we talked. Hell, maybe he would even encourage me to. Maybe he would even bring the idea up that I should get naked like his dad always did. Maybe I could make something come of that. Maybe, maybe, maybe!!

I didn’t mean to be sneaky at that point, but the floors were carpeted and I simply didn’t make any noise walking up behind him. I thought he was working on some kind of project for school, or football, or something on his computer. At the last second, it hit me that it must be something on the computer that was making him hot enough to jerk off, and I smiled. I thought he had found some porn and was enjoying himself while he was home alone. I looked at the screen, expecting to see pictures of naked women with big tits and wet, spread out cunts showing a lot of pink. I didn’t care. After all, Mike was a healthy, horny teenager, and these days the computer replaced the magazines hidden somewhere in dad’s room that all boys managed to find no matter how carefully dad hid them. I suspect that most dads kind of accidentally on purpose didn’t hide them all that well anyway: knowing their sons were going to look, and so let them find what they were looking for. My own dad simply shoved his under the bed!

As I got close enough to see the screen, I was puzzled since there were no pictures, but only words. Another step and I realized Mike was in a chat room. ‘Ah!’ I thought, ‘I bet he’s talking to some 12 year old who SAYS she’s older and has big tits! Ha ha!’ But as I got right behind him he still didn’t know I was there, so I looked at the screen and read what he was talking about.

I could have fallen right over. I almost reached out to grab his chair to steady myself. I almost gasped. I almost did a lot of stuff, but what I did do, was simply freeze with my mouth hanging open.

The top of the screen said, “” Mike was in a gay chat room! He was in a gay chat room and he was talking to another gay guy. and he was stroking his cock! I could see him doing it now as close as I was, and man he was pumpin’ that thing! Holy shit! Mike’s gay? Oh, my God! Guys – Mike is in a gay . . . are you guys listening? He’s in a gay – Oh, my God! I stood there, right behind him, watching him stroke his beautiful boy cock with my eyes opened wider than they ever were before, with one hand up to my mouth, and the other putting a hell of a squeeze on my crotch. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to say.

I thought of the last few years as I watched Mike grow and develop and swim naked and hang out naked and jack off. I thought of all the times I jacked off watching him, thinking about him, and wishing, wishing, wishing. Watching his butt jiggle and his cock swing while he walked, and blistering my hand on my cock while I watched, and the whole time that little squirt’s been gay? How could I have missed it? Why couldn’t I tell? What happened to my gaydar? Where did I go wrong? What am I gonna do now? Do I walk away? Do I whoop and holler and jump for joy? Is it safe to assume that just because he is gay that he’d want to fuck me? Why am I standing here like an idiot thinking this stupid shit?

I wish I had something to hold on to. I could damn well just fall right down and faint dead away right here and now. But you know what guys; I was just beginning to be surprised. Now, now, don’t get ahead of me – you think you know what’s going to happen next, and if I was sitting where you are – reading this – I’d think so too, but if my head was in the clouds now it would be in fucking orbit in a couple of minutes!

What I wound up doing was just standing there, dumbfounded, while Mike just kept right on typing, still oblivious to my presence. My eyes shifted from his cock to the screen to read what he was saying. He was talking to someone who was logged on simply as “Dad’s Boi.” —

Dad’s Boi: know what u mean dude. i watch my folks fuck all the time. i think my dad leaves their door open on purpose 🙂

Mike: same here. my dad looks soooooo hot fuckin my mom. i cum over and over

Dad’s Boi: yr dad hairy?

Mike: yeah. hair all over except his back. i hope i get that hairy but i don’t think i will

Dad’s Boi: my dad’s got great chest hair, his ass is smooth like mine

Mike: u ever do your dad?

Dad’s Boi: no but i want to! FUCK i want his fat cock up my ass!

Oh My God!’ I thought. Shock was the only thing keeping me quiet and still, “Is Mike fuckin’ his dad?’ But they must have talked about that already since Mike didn’t say anything else about it. . .

Mike: well, sounds like ur havin a great time with yr bro anyway

Dad’s Boi: fuck yeah! sometimes we both watch our folks fuck, then go to our room and he makes me suck his dick.

Mike: he fuckin u 2?

Dad’s Boi: not yet. he sucks my dick and finger fucks me, but he hasn’t fucked me yet. i decided next time instead of watchin my folks fuck, i’m just gonna jump on his cock and make him fuck me.

Mike: that’s way kewl dude! i don’t have a bro, so after i watch my folks, i just gotta fuck my hand.

Dad’s Boi: that’s still good. at least u get to watch yr dad fuck

Some of that sunk in. Some of it went right past me. Some of it was bouncing around the room and hitting me from all sides. All this mesmerized me. In the back of my head, I was wondering why I hadn’t run into Mike before. I go into Gaytalk’s chat rooms all the time myself. But I mentioned before about going into orbit. Well, it’s time . . .

Mike: When my folks aren’t home i can watch their porn too. wish i had a bro, but i make do with what i can, ya know?

Dad’s Boi: yeah, i don’t know what i’ll do in the fall. my bro’s goin away to college. i’ll only have my hand then.

Mike: wish u could come here. i’d fuck yr ass any time u wanted!

Dad’s Boi: LOL sounds good dude. but ur about 6 states away

Mike: yeah. u know who i really wanna fuck tho? my neighbor

(Your what?!)

Dad’s Boi: yeah? he’s hot?

Mike: oh man! he’s waaaaay hot!

(Oh, My God!)

Dad’s Boi: kewl. he an older guy?

Mike: yeah. mid 40’s i think. looks fuckin great!

(Oh, shit! Oh, no! This isn’t happening! I’m fuckin dreamin!)

Mike: u should see dude! he cums over to swim a lot. he’s always checkin out my cock i’ve seen him checkin my butt too – i know he wants it

Dad’s Boi: kewl! lucky you! he hung?

All I could do was stare. I couldn’t even think. Winning millions in the lottery wouldn’t even phase me compared to what I was seeing now. I don’t know how I stood still. I don’t know how I stayed quiet. I didn’t know what to do. Can you imagine? A man my age thinking like I’m the one who was the nervous teenager! I even started hoping I didn’t have some kind of damn heart attack or something. All I could do was read on. . .

Mike: average probably, but bigger than me. and a great bod too! his cock and the rest of him looks so hot! when he cums over in his swim suit i almost cum in my shorts

Dad’s Boi: damn dude! LOL yr really hot for this guy

Mike: man i can’t wait to stuff his cock in my mouth! wanna suck his balls right thru it

Dad’s Boi: shit dude. i’m strokin like crazy now!

Mike: me too. typin with my left hand lol

Dad’s Boi: same here. so if u know he’s horny for u, why don’t u go for it?

Mike: i am! my folks are gone for 2 weeks. he’s gonna fuck my ass while they’re gone

(I am? Oh shit! Am I really? Oh man! Oh wow!)

Dad’s Boi: u sound sure of yr self dude. 🙂 does he know u want his dick?

Mike: he does now. he thinks i don’t know it but he’s standing behind me right now!!

Dad’s Boi: WHAT!!!???

“What!” I yelled. “What? Mike!” I swear guys, my knees went so weak I just went down on ’em right there next to Mike. I was almost sweating. I was panting even though I was only standing there, standing still. I went right to my knees and grabbed Mike’s shoulders to keep myself from falling flat on my face. He knew! He knew all the time. All that shit he was saying and he knew I was there! I hadn’t fooled him at all. I felt like a fool. A damn lucky fool – but a fool nonetheless. All I could do was look at Mike. He had a big, shit eatin’ grin on his face. Then his fingers calmly went back to his keyboard:

Mike: gotta go dude. gonna get fucked now.

Dad’s Boi: fuck dude! all right!!! bye

Mike spun around in his chair to face me and spread his legs. I was just staring at him with a slow smile snaking across my face as I realized I’d been had. A good had, mind you, I didn’t care at all! I started snickering as I watched that little squirt play with his cock right in front of me.

“Well, how ’bout it, Charlie?” He asked me while giggling. Then he spread his legs further and pushed his cock so it was standing straight up, “Are you gonna come play with my boy cock and let me suck yours?”

I just reached over to the mouse on his computer and used it to click him off line. Then I raised up on my knees and mussed up his hair while he laughed. “You’re damn right I’m gonna play with that cock of yours, Mike! I’m gonna do any ole thing you want me to do!” Then I lowered my head down between his legs and took all of his cock in my mouth all at once, and I sucked!

“Oooohhhh, Charlie!” Mike gasped and threw his head back. “Yeah, Charlie, suck me! Suck my little dick, Charlie!” And he started bucking his hips and fucking my face as I sucked and sucked on his cock and played with his balls. I was silently thanking my lucky stars that I finally got to munch on that cock I’ve been fantasizing about for the past several years. Mike just kept on fucking my face and moaning and cheering me on. He had a great cock! About 5 ½ inches long, maybe six, and it fit in my mouth perfectly. I sucked it all down and held it in my mouth while I let my tongue slide all over it and dig into his little piss slit and suck his pre cum out. I licked the head and licked the shaft and licked his balls and sucked on ’em, and Mike went nuts.

Suddenly he brought his head up and looked me right in the eye with his mouth open and started whimpering, his voice getting higher and higher. I felt his cock swell a bit and then my mouth was rewarded with the sweetest tasting boy juice there ever was. He shot a hell of a load, too! I swallowed and swallowed and let some of it run down my face for him to see. He reached down and grabbed my head and held me still while he emptied his spunk into me. His legs went limp and dropped to the floor and his body relaxed. I stayed where I was and licked and sucked the last drops from his cock. Like teenagers do, he didn’t even get soft. His dick still stood straight up. I let it go and it slapped against his belly.

I stood up and he came off his chair and practically jumped into my arms. Wrapped his legs around me so I was holding him like a baby, and put his arms around my neck and buried his head in my chest.

“Thanks, Charlie!” he said into my chest. “I’ve been wanting that for a long time!”

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head, “So have I, Mike. So have I. I’ve been wanting you ever since I first saw you when I moved in.”

“Me, too, Charlie,” Mike told me. He raised his head and looked up at me. “I jack off all the time thinking about what it would be like with you.” He let his legs fall to the floor and stood in front of me with his arms still around my neck. He leaned forward and started licking and sucking on my nipples right through my shirt. His arms left my neck and he started unbuttoning my shirt. When he got it unbuttoned down to my belt, he pushed it open and went for my nipples again. His tongue felt great swirling around them and he licked my whole chest as I got rid of my shirt. His hands moved down my belly and his mouth followed. He started tonguing my belly button while his hands undid my belt and snap. He felt my stiff cock through my pants, and then unzipped me. As my pants started to slide down, he reached into my shorts, grabbed hold of my cock, and pulled it out.

“Oh, God, Charlie!” He yelled. “What a beautiful cock!” Before I could say anything he had his mouth on it. He licked the pre cum off the head, licked the shaft up and down and got it all wet with his spit. Then he grabbed hold of the base, looked up and me with pure lust in his eyes.

“I wanna suck your cock, Charlie!” He was almost begging me. “I wanna suck the cum right out of you!” And again, before I could speak, he opened his mouth, closed his eyes, and stuffed my cock right in his mouth. Now it was my turn to throw my head back and moan. His head bobbed up and down, his lips sucked, and his tongue went all over my cock.

“Damn Mike!” I panted. “You sure can suck!” He just mumbled and kept right on sucking. One hand around the base of my cock and his other hand cupped my balls and squeezed and let them roll through his fingers and I went crazy. He almost got my whole cock into his mouth then almost gagged. Instead of pulling my cock out of his mouth like I thought he would, he just backed off a bit, took a breath, and tried again. Again he almost gagged but got more of my cock in his mouth than before. Once again he backed off, took a breath, and went for it again.

“Jeeeeez Mike!” I was going nuts. “Go for it, boy! Take all of it you can!” My head was almost spinning. Here I expected to have to teach him how to suck cock, but instead it was all I could do to keep from cumming right away. He kept at it and kept at it until damnit if I didn’t feel his nose press into my bush and he had my whole cock in his mouth and he sucked it down over and over again until I had to pull him off it.

“I don’t want to cum yet,” I gasped. I wanted to enjoy this as long as I could. “Go get on your bed Mike.”

He ran and threw himself on his bed and I kicked my pants and shorts off and got rid of my socks. I started walking across the room toward him, savoring that gorgeous young body as he wiggled around on his bed. He grabbed his own cock and ground his hips and taunted me some more.

“Come on, Charlie,” he said, still looking at me with his eyes full of pure lust. “Come on and take me. Come on and fuck me, Charlie! Come fuck the shit outta this boy!”

Man that kid knew how to turn a guy on! My cock was twitching and flinching as I walked over to his bed, and he kept on going.

“Oooohhhh Charlie! I want your dick, man! I want it up my ass! Stuff my butt with that thing and fuck me Charlie!” And then he flipped over onto his stomach, reached back and spread his cheeks, showing me his tiny little fuck hole. He kept on squirming, moving his butt all around and kept on begging.

“You want it, don’t ya, Charlie! You want this little boy butt – I know you do. You wanna bite it and lick it and eat it and fuck it, don’t ya?”

As an answer I got on the bed, grabbed his ankles and spread them as wide as I could. I reached out and put my hands on that beautiful round butt and squeezed the cheeks. I spread them apart and let my face fall into his crack and I licked his butt all up and down the crack, and he buried his face in his pillow and moaned. I licked his hole and kissed it. I licked it some more and licked his balls. He reached under him and I knew he grabbed his cock and was jackin’ as I ate hell outta his little ass. I ate his hole and licked his cheeks and got his butt and my face all wet. I put the tip of a finger up to his hole and was about to tell him what to expect when he suddenly reached back, grabbed my hand and pushed my finger into his hole himself. I was surprised that he didn’t holler, but my head was so far up in the clouds, I wasn’t thinking clearly anyway. I just went with it and enjoyed his gorgeous ass any way he wanted to give it to me. He immediately started bucking against my finger and moaning.

“I love it, Charlie!” he mumbled into his pillow. “Finger me, fuck me, finger me, eat me, fuck me, Charlie. I want you to fuck me!” His legs were opening and closing against my face and opening and closing and he tried to wrap them around me. “Do it, Charlie!” He kept right on, “Pound my boy pussy! I want your fuckin’ cock in me! I want it all the way up my cunt!”

Damn what a hot boy he turned out to be! I thought I was going to have to teach him some stuff, but it was obvious I wasn’t his first. What the hell? I’ll give him what he wants now and ask questions later.

When I got up on my knees, he reached up to a shelf on his headboard and got out a tube of lube (I didn’t think to wonder what he was doing keeping lube handy where his mom might find it, but at that moment I was letting my dick do my thinking for me). I thought he would give it to me, but instead he squeezed some on his fingers and smeared it on his hole. I leaned back on my knees and watched him lube up his own ass. He got up on his knees, and I smiled as I saw a string of cum reach from his dick to the sheets and realized that sometime while I was eating his ass he’d shot another load. Like all teenagers, his dick became a faucet and he could shoot a load and not even slow down, but instead only want more.

I still thought I’d have to go slow with him, but once again he was ahead of me. He reached behind him and grabbed my cock. Jacked it a couple times with his lubed hand and got it nice and slippery. Then, as my eyes widened and my mouth dropped open yet again, he very calmly and smoothly lowered himself onto my cock and sat right down on it all in one motion! He didn’t even yell as I expected him too, but just started bouncing up and down on my cock and moaned and whimpered and rode me like a cowboy!

“Damn!” I yelled. “Go for it, Mike! Ride me, buddy! Yeah, god damn it, ride that fuckin’ cock, boy! Ah shit!” I just threw my head back and enjoyed it. Then I looked back and watched his little butt bounce up and down my cock and his hair flying all over and listened to him moan and holler.

“Yeah, Charlie! Oh man I love that cock in my butt! I want it all, Charlie! Gimme all of it!”

Then he straightened up some and raised himself up until my cock almost fell out of his ass and he slammed himself back down on it. I watched his little butt cheeks squeeze, and reached up and rubbed his back. Over and over again he used my cock to fuck himself. Again, his whimpers got higher and higher, and he sank all the way down on my cock. He ground his butt on my cock, and I watched his cum shoot out yet again. He shot his load and fell forward onto his knees with my cock still up his ass. I maneuvered my legs around until I was on top of him. He stretched out until he was laying on his stomach, and since I now knew he could take it, I went for it and laid on top of him and fucked his little ass with all I had. Now it was my turn to grunt, moan, and holler, as I fucked and fucked and fucked his little boy hole. Mike just lay on the bed with his arms resting above his head. His face was turned to the side and I saw a big smile on his face, and his eyes were closed as I made that mattress bounce.

This time I didn’t even try to hold back. Would have been useless anyway. So, with my thighs slamming into his cheeks, and his mattress bouncing up and down, I filled his ass with a load like I hadn’t shot in a long time. I didn’t even pull my cock out of his ass, but just fell on top of him and sweated and panted. After a few minutes my cock softened up enough that his ass pushed it out itself, and we both let out one last moan as it slid out.

He squirmed under me until he’d turned over. He wrapped his arms around my neck again, and wrapped his legs around me, and we just laid there and held each other. After we caught our breath he turned his head and nudged the side of my face.

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A gay adult story: BRIAN & THE BAD BOY by David Lemmaire I should have known that inviting Casey Renning over after school would end up in disaster. Well, okay…not a bad disaster. Kind of a good one actually. I mean, he didn’t burn the house down or kill my sister. With Casey, trust me, … Read more


Sex Education


A gay story: Sex Education The phone rang and I said, “Hello.” “Is this Jonah Carter?” “This is.” “My name is Cody Fennec. I heard you are looking for a housekeeper.” “I am,” I said tentatively. In the past, I had attempted to hire houseboys, but it often ended in disaster. Many of them turned … Read more


Campus Rumpus by G. Snave


A gay adult story: Campus Rumpus by G. Snave One summer afternoon, I strolled into the spacious L-shaped bathroom at the University of Calgary. As I passed by the row of five urinals, I barely registered the presence of an older gentleman, around 40 years old, using the one closest to the divider. My attention … Read more


Wayne and Chason Ch. 06


A gay story: Wayne and Chason Ch. 06 Two days after Chason had been told that Wayne and Jim, who was his father, had been long time lovers, he was all messed up. He had grown fond of Wayne and, at the same time, enjoyed having his father’s cock in his mouth and getting fucked … Read more


Vampire Ethan’s Stories 1 by HealingPsychic


A gay adult story: Vampire Ethan’s Stories 1 by HealingPsychic Welcome my friends, I, Ethan Taylor, am pleased to have you join me tonight. I must warn you, my stories tend to be lengthy, but I assure you, the beginning is crucial to understand the tale that follows. Before I regale you with one of … Read more


Oh What a Night


A gay story: Oh What a Night Oh what a night. Hi, I’m Harry, a 31-year-old married man. My wife Paula and I have a fulfilling sex life, but I’ve always been curious about anal play. However, I haven’t mentioned it to Paula because I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. One evening, our new … Read more


Ice Hockey Bull


A gay story: Ice Hockey Bull Sweaty and exhausted, my eyes traced the bounce of her ample breasts underneath the harsh, artificial light of the arena’s bathroom. Her flushed face was a mix of sexual thrill and physical fatigue. We had just finished an intense overtime game in an adult, no-checking ice hockey league in … Read more


In It for Life Ch. 37


A gay story: In It for Life Ch. 37 Francesco’s flamboyant father had always obsessed over his enormous empire and the greater portion of his time went on trying to expand it even more. However, he never placed much attention to the needs of his family, which left his son, Francesco feeling ignored and neglected. … Read more


Fishing Fun


A gay story: Fishing Fun On a summer morning, I went fishing at a secluded river. A large man, over 6’4″, joined me and we fished together. After some time with no bites, I needed to relieve myself, so I walked into the woods to pee. As I sat back down, I couldn’t help but … Read more


Fishing Fun by adams4343


A gay adult story: Fishing Fun by adams4343 , This is a true story A friend and I, who both own boats, have a fishing routine where we alternate between using each other’s boats. We try to limit our group to no more than four people, but it’s usually just the two of us. However, … Read more


Helping the New Neighbor Ch. 02


A gay story: Helping the New Neighbor Ch. 02 The next morning I saw Chuck sitting on his porch drinking coffee. “Good morning!” I said cheerfully, stepping outside. “Morning.” He said quietly. “Is everything alright?” “Oh, yeah.” He replied. “Just a little hungover.” I laughed, and he sat there for a second, and then said, … Read more


The Better Me


A gay story: The Better Me At 53 years old, feeling out of shape and stuck in a rut, I knew something had to change. I made a conscious decision to better myself, starting with my diet and exercise. No fad diets or quick fixes, just a strict routine and a determination to see it … Read more


Gay At Last


A gay story: Gay At Last At the age of 29, I realized that I was attracted to men after my divorce. I had married my college sweetheart at 28, and despite having an amicable split, I knew my sexual preferences were not aligned with the majority of the population. I admired my ex-wife’s confidence … Read more


A Change of Heart for Leander Ch. 02


A gay story: A Change of Heart for Leander Ch. 02 Noah: you out this weekend gorgeous? x x x Nile: Not this weekend no, with my girlfriend for the weekend. x Noah: Mmm lucky girl. x x x Nile rolled his eyes and stuffed the phone into his pocket. Noah was certainly interested in … Read more


College Bathroom by pdosu


A gay adult story: College Bathroom by pdosu , First time gay in a college bathroom What was I doing here? Here I was, late on a Friday night, sitting in a bathroom stall in the basement of a men’s dorm at the local college. I was sitting there with my pants around my ankles … Read more


Times Square Ch. 01


A gay story: Times Square Ch. 01 I am embarking on a series of encounters that happened to me over the years. There is a stark contrast between my sexual experiences with women before I turned 18 and after. Prior to my eighteenth birthday, my experiences were mundane and routine. I had been with two … Read more


Satellite delivery by heidiho1


A True gay adult story: satellite delivery by heidiho1 , I was so excited when my new satellite service was installed. I love to dress up in sexy clothes, and this was a great opportunity to do so. I was caught by my mom dressing inappropriately when I was 8, and she started dressing me … Read more


Brian From Belmar: Travels To VB 03


A gay story: Brian From Belmar: Travels To VB 03 Lance was a unique individual. After we had intercourse, he fell asleep and began snoring loudly. I needed to pee and assess the damage done to my privates.As I looked in the mirror situated behind the bathroom door, I noticed my hole was severely bruised. … Read more