Jason Hunts Me Down Pt. 02: A Steamy Gay Adult Story Unfolds

A gay story: Jason Hunts Me Down Pt. 02

Joshua woke up confused and disturbed after a disturbing encounter with Jason the previous night. The repetitive nocturnal ejaculations had left him unsure about how to feel or what to think. So, when Jason pressured him to answer his phone call as soon as he woke up, Joshua obeyed right away. He was nervous and aroused at the same time. His voice shook as he answered Jason’s greeting, trying to sound casual while hiding his anxiety. He hoped Jason couldn’t sense his nerves. Joshua chose his words carefully, avoiding direct confrontation or objection to Jason’s aggressive tone, conscious that he was being called a “cum-eating whore.” It was clear to him that Jason believed his role was that of a submissive sexual partner who existed only to serve his partner’s needs and desires. He chose to ignore the derogatory nicknames and focus on the fact that Jason seemed to be satisfied with his previous night’s performance.

”Hmmm well I’m doing good Jason, thanks for asking.”

”Tell me, did you cum since we last talked?”

”Yes I did.”

”How many times?”

”Once last night, and again when I woke up during the night. I could probably cum again now.”

”Good little slut. I’m proud of you. And you thought of girls or men when you came, boi?”

”Men. I thought of you.”

”Good answer, boi. From now on, only men will make you hard. You will never, ever cum thinking of girls anymore. Got it?”

”Yes, I understand.”

”You’re gay. You’re my faggot. No more pussy for you. You will never touch a woman again. You’ll never fuck a girl again. You will get fucked. You will suck cock. You’re mine now. Do you understand?”

To this day, I can’t explain why I was basically agreeing to everything that Jason was telling me. For some odd reason, it seemed like he was in control of my thoughts. Almost as if I was hypnotized. I wanted more.

”When we hang up, you will go in your Facebook. You will add me. Then, you will go into your profile, and change your relationship status. You will put my name as your lover, and you will make this change public. Everyone will find out today that you are in a relationship with a man. Even that little girlfriend of yours. No cheating. You are doing this as soon as we hang up, got it?”

Shit was getting real! Jason was not fucking around. My head was spinning. But I was so fucking hard. I wanted more. I wanted Jason to take control over my entire life. He was so powerful.

”I will do all of that, Jason. I promise.”

”Good faggot. so proud of you. Now, are you hard boi?”

”Yes I am.”

”Stroke that faggot cock for me. I want you to cum when I tell you to.”

I started stroking my already hard cock. I was so wet. I could hear him breathing heavily, and figured he was probably stroking his cock too. It made me even more aroused.

”10, 9, 8. Stroke that cock boi. Tell me you are my faggot.”

”I’m your faggot, Jason.”

”7, 6, 5. You will call me Daddy.”

”Ok Daddy. Please let me cum. I’m so close.”

”4, 3, 2. I know you’re close, little whore. Stop touching it, now.”

What now? I was so close!

”I hope you didn’t cum. Did you cum little faggot?”

”No Daddy, but I’m wet.”

”Good boi. Now squeeze that cock and get all that precum on your fingers. Lick them for me. No cumming. Spread all of that precum all over those faggot lips.”

And so I did. There was a lot. My lips were now full of my own precum.

”Take a picture and send it to me. No cumming until I see you later on today, understood?”

”Yes Daddy, I understand.”

”Good boi. Now, we’ll hang up. You will go make those changes to your profile, then take a shower. I will send you instructions for what’s coming up next in about an hour. No fucking around, ok? You will do everything you are told, got it?”

”Yes, of course Daddy.”

”Good boi. Love you my faggot.”

And he hung up.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. I was actually going to change my relationship status and all my friends were going to find out that I was now with a man. What would my family say? My friends? What would Julie say? I was scared. I was trembling. But there’s now way I was going to disobey his orders. He was so powerful. He had total control over me. I wanted to please him. I wanted to be his.

And so I did it. I logged into my account, added Jason, and changed my profile. Now, everyone who knew me would see that I had a boyfriend. Although this made me very nervous and anxious, it also made me so hard!

A few seconds after I made the change, someone loved my status. Jason.

He sent me a private message.

”When she texts you asking about this, you will simply say that you are gay and that you are mine. That’s it. Be nice about it, but no more explanation, got it?”

”Yes Daddy.”

In the minutes that followed, I got all sorts of reactions. Some laughing emojis, others loved my status, while some friends unfriended me. I also received about 20 new friend requests, all of them friends of Jason. And, of course, Julie texted me.

”Oh Joshua… is this a joke? What’s going on? I had no idea? I thought we had a good thing going. I had no idea you were gay?”

I was kind of sad in a way. Julie was so fucking sweet. And hot. I had feelings for her. But Jason had decided what my faith was. I had to respect his decision.

”I’m so sorry, Julie. I really enjoyed our time together. But yes, I am gay. And Jason is my boyfriend now.”

”Ok. Wish you would have been honest with me from the start. I wish you well Joshua.”

And she unfriended and blocked me.

Was I doing the right thing? Was Jason just playing with me? As soon as I started questioning all that was happening, I started thinking about him, his strength, his power, his deep voice. And I got immediately hard.

I got up, made coffee, and took a quick shower. While I was in the shower, I received a text message. It was a random number, with reservation information.

”Dear Joshua. Your booking for a massage is confirmed for 11 A.M today. Please text Y to confirm, or C to cancel.”

A massage? I hadn’t booked a massage. Then, another text. This one from Jason.

”When you receive the confirmation text, answer yes. I reserved a special massage for you today.”

”Oh, ok. Thanks for that Jason!”

And so I answered Y.

I finished my coffee, got dressed, got out of the condo, and started walking towards the massage place. It was called Strong Hands. I was used to getting massages, and it was actually an integral part of my training. But I had never been at this specific place.

It was about 15 minutes from my condo. When I arrived in front of the massage place, a sign on the front door indicated that it was closed. Weird. So I texted Jason.

”Hi Jason. Just want to make sure I’m at the right place. Strong Hands. But the sign says that it’s closed. Can you confirm that this is the right spot?”

He answered right away.

”Yes boi. Just ring the bell. They’ll come down and open up for you. Tell them Jason sent you.”

”Okay cool, thanks so much!”

”My pleasure. And don’t worry about paying. I got your back!”

”Ahh nice! Thanks so much. Who can say no to a free massage, right?”

”Ha Ha Ha. Yeah, free massage! Enjoy it, boi!”

I wasn’t sure why that was funny. He must have been in a good mood. So I rang the bell, and heard footsteps on the other side.

A tall, strong built black man answered.

”Bonjour. You must be Joshua! I heard good things about you.”

I blushed.

”Nice, good things! Jason sends me. Are you my therapist?”

”Yes, I am. My name is Antoine. I’m a friend of Jason’s. Nice to meet you sweetie!”

I blushed even more. Sweetie? I mean, was this really suprising?

”C’mon in! I opened up the shop just for you today. You should feel special.”

”Thanks so much, Antoine.”

He invited me in. On my right, there was a small waiting room. On my left, a reception desk. And in front of me, a small stairway. I figured that it probably led to the massage rooms.

Antoine pointed in the direction of the stairway.

”Ok my dear Joshua. You will go up the stairs. On your right, you will see a locker room with a few showers. I want you to take your clothes off, take a quick shower, and then put on one of the bath robes that you will find up there. Once you’re ready, cross the hallway and come and see me in the massage room. I’ll be waiting for you.”

”Thanks so much Antoine. I can’t wait! I ran yesterday, and I’m planning on running later today as well. This will help a lot!”

He smiled.

”Sure it will, sweetie! Now go shower and change.”

So I went up the stairs, went into the locker room and started undressing. I jumped in the shower, and got cleaned up. I was already hard, and I found this embarrassing. I didn’t want to give Antoine the wrong impression. I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I then started looking for the bath robes. There were a few on the wall. All of them were… pink.

I put one on, and started walking towards the massage room. I knocked on the door.

”Come in, sweetie. Ohh you look wonderful in that pink bath robe! Love it.”

I blushed.

”All right, take it off now. I want you naked on the table, face down baby.”

”Okay, no problem Antoine.”

So I took the robe off, and proceeded to lay down on the table, face down. I admit that I felt vulnerable at that point. I didn’t know Antoine. He was obviously gay. But on the other hand, Jason had sent me here. I needed to trust him. After all, he was my boyfriend now.

Antoine was wearing grey running pants. I had noticed a huge bulge in his pants. But maybe I was just imagining things.

Antoine started pouring massage oil on me. His hands were very strong.

”Hmm sweetie. Love those leg muscles. I can tell you’re a runner. I run too baby! We should train together. And look at those buns. Nothing better than a runner’s butt!” He started laughing. He was massaging my legs with a firm grip, and then grabbed my ass cheeks with a firm grip too.

I was hard, and all I could think about was the precum I was probably leaving on the massage table.

”So Jason tells me that you have finally admitted that you are gay?”

”Hmm well, I mean… I still like girls… but I think that Jason is right. ”

”Oh he is, baby. You are a real faggot. No doubt in my mind sweetie.”

And I felt his bulge brush against my arm. He definitely was hard. And I could tell that he had a big cock.

I then felt his hand reach around, under my body. He touched my cock. Fuck. He knew I was hard and wet.

”See baby. If you get that wet when a man touches you, there’s no doubt you are a little faggot.”

He touched my cock again.

”I want you to turn your head on your right, baby.”

And so I did. As soon as my face was exposed, he pushed two of his fingers between my lips. I instantly tasted my own precum.

”Good boi. Faggots like you need to have cum in their holes many times a day. You will learn how to be a good cum eating faggot, sweetie. Now suck my fingers clean.”

And so I sucked his fingers. He then continued massaging my body. He was so strong. I loved feeling his strong hands all over my body.

My head was still turned on the right side, when all of a sudden, he hit my face with his big cock. It was huge. He hit my cheek a few times.

”We’re going to make a good cocksucker out of you, sweetie. Do you like my big black cock, baby?”

I was nervous. But I nodded.

”Say it.”

”I love your big black cock, Antoine.”

”Good faggot!”

He hit my face a few times with his cock, and I could feel some of his juices on my face and lips.

I then felt more oil being poured on my back and ass. He was playing with my ass cheeks, parting them, and adding more oil. I then felt one finger in my ass. Then two.

”This is an important part of your faggot training sweetie. I will slowly insert my fingers, going deeper and deeper. You need to relax. When you are completely relaxed, I will push three fingers deep in that faggot hole of yours.”

This was really happening. There was no going back. He was fucking my virgin hole with his fingers. And it felt great. I thought I was going to cum. But then he came right back on my side, his cock facing my mouth.

And he pushed it in. No asking. He just pushed his cock deep in my mouth.

”You are a perfect slut, Joshua. Jason was right about you. Look at you: first time meeting me, and you have my big cock in your slutty mouth. Such a little faggot whore.”

And he proceeded to fuck my mouth. He pushed it deeper and deeper. I could hear him moan. And then I heard the door. I heard footsteps. Someone was coming up the stairs. The person was getting closer to our room.

”Ahhh Jason! So glad you could make it! You were right about this one. Such a good little bitch!”

Jason laughed.

”I hope you didn’t take his cherry! He’s mine, remember?”

They both laughed.

”Of course not, Jason! I wouldn’t do that to you. But I did prep him for you. He took three fingers in his faggot ass. And now my cock deep in his slutty mouth.”

”Good. Thanks for that Antoine. You’re definitely the best RMT in town!”

I heard Jason get closer. I heard some noises and figured he was getting undressed.

”My sweet little whore. You look fabulous with a big black cock in your slutty mouth. And look at that fabulous ass! You are making Daddy so fucking proud.”

And then I saw him. He got behind Antoine, and started taking pictures of me sucking Antoine’s cock.

”You’re such a good cocksucking whore! So proud of you! Keep sucking him. Daddy will be taking your virgin hole today.”

Oh fuck! I was going to get fucked by Daddy while Antoine had his big cock deep in my mouth. How could I become such a whore in less than 48 hours? Was this a dream?

Antoine took his cock out of my mouth. He then proceeded to pull my body so that I would be bent over the edge of the massage table. He placed my head on its side, and pushed his cock right back in it.

Meanwhile, Daddy got right behind me. My legs were trembling. I felt him press his cock on my ass. He was going to fuck me.

”Daddy will breed you, sweet Joshua. This will make you mine forever. Nod if you understand.”

I nodded.

”Good boi. No turning back now. No more women, ever! You will only be allowed to get hard in front of men.”

I was trying to focus, but I had trouble keeping up. Antoine was fucking my mouth, and Jason was spreading my ass cheeks. I heard him spit on my ass. I figured he was spitting on my hole to lube it up. And then I felt it. The tip of his cock between my cheeks, penetrating me for the first time.

”I’m going to mark my territory, sweetie. You will be my faggot forever. Fuck I love virgins!”

And he pushed his cock deep in me. I was so tight, so it did hurt. I wondered if it would always be like that. I wanted to cry. But I was also trying to suck Antoine like a good cocksucker would. I wanted him to be happy. I wanted to please him.

”Oh fuck, boi! Your ass is so fucking tight! Love it! You are my little whore. You are my cumslut! You are my fuck toy. You will be mine forever. My gay boi. You are doing so fucking good. Daddy is so fucking proud of you.” He was pumping me so hard, with his hands firmly on both sides of my body.

And Antoine was fucking my mourth harder and deeper. His breathing was heavier. I figured he was going to cum soon.

”You will swallow my load, boi. If you drop some of it, you will need to lick up clean afterwards.”

And he came. He came so fucking hard deep in my mouth. I did my best to swallow all of it. He was pumping my slutty mouth, and it seemed like such a huge load. This seemed to have aroused Daddy even more, because I heard him breathe deeply. He was fucking me harder, and I almost felt like a rag doll. Meanwhile, Antoine was done, and kept on hitting my face with his cock. My face was full of his juices.

”Daddy will fill you, baby! Are you ready for my load? I’m fucking breeding you, little bitch!” And he came. So fucking hard. I felt his juices deep into my hole. And I couldn’t help but start moaning like a little bitch.

”That’s right little slut. Moan like a fucking faggot,” Antoine said.

I could still feel Jason’s cock deep in me. He was still pumping my ass, even though he had already ejaculated deep in me.

He then slapped my ass hard. Once, twice, three times.

He took a step back, came around. He kissed Antoine, then proceeded to push his cock in my mouth.

”Clean it, little slut.”

And so I sucked Daddy’s cock clean. I still couldn’t believe what had just happened.

”You did a great job, sweet baby! I’m so proud of you. I knew I was right about you, and you will make me very happy. But I will also make you very happy. I know your type. I know that you’re on this earth to please men like Antoine and myself. And you proved it today.”

Antoine was smiling.

”Get back on the table, boi. On your knees.”

I was hurting. But I managed to get up on the table, on my knees.

”You’re hard and wet. Stroke that cock and cum for us.”

He took his phone out and started recording. I blushed, obviously, but I started stroking my cock, even though I knew he was recording the whole scene.

”Now, cum for us. Cum now.”

And I did. As soon as he ordered me to cum, I shot a huge load of cum on the massage table.

”Good slut! So proud of you. This is how it will go from now on, baby. No cumming unless Daddy says so.”

”Baby boi, you need to clean that mess now. I can’t have a dirty table for my next patients,” Antoine said.

I knew what they wanted. They wanted me to lick up my own cum. So I did. I started licking and swallowing all of it. Daddy was still filming.

”So do you still think you will be running later on today, dear?” Antoine was laughing. He knew there’s no way I would be able to run today. Or maybe even tomorrow. Every part of my body hurt.

”Listen, to reward you, I will give a real massage. No more sex. Just a good relaxing massage.”

I smiled.

Daddy came over, and gave me a big hug. He then kissed me on the lips, and pushed his tongue deep in my mouth.

”I love you my slut. I love you so much. We have an amazing future in front of us, and I know that you will enjoy every second of every minute of it!”

Daddy then left the room. Antoine continued his massage, and I fell asleep on the table, with a smile on my face.

I had finally found my true self.

I was Daddy’s faggot, and nothing in this world could make me happier.

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