Helping the New Neighbor Ch. 02

A gay story: Helping the New Neighbor Ch. 02

The next morning I saw Chuck sitting on his porch drinking coffee. “Good morning!” I said cheerfully, stepping outside.

“Morning.” He said quietly.

“Is everything alright?”

“Oh, yeah.” He replied. “Just a little hungover.” I laughed, and he sat there for a second, and then said, “Um, so, I’m not gay you know.”

“I know that Chuck. You’re not gay, you were horny. You were horny, and someone wanted to suck your cock, so you let them. Nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah I guess.”

I smiled. “You guess?” That’s what happened. Look, Chuck, I gave you head, you came and I loved making you cum. That’s all that happened. I’m not expecting you to marry me or anything. Let’s not make this weird, ok?”

“Ok.” He replied, looking as if he felt really weird.

“Trust me, lot’s of straight guys come to queers like myself to get off. They aren’t gay either. They’re just horny, and know guys like me will gladly take care of them, without any hassle or bullshit. Being attracted to men makes you gay. Getting a blowjob from one occasionally doesn’t.”

“Oh, ok.”

“Well, have a good day, Chuck!” I said, turning towards my door.

“You to.” He replied, still sounding unsure of himself. I understood. I’ve sucked lot’s of horny straight men, who became a little confused after they cum and their lust is satisfied. I went inside, leaving him alone.

The next weekend, I was heading out to the club in a pair of short silky running shorts that showed off my thick thighs and round ass, and a tight black tank top. I stepped out of my door, and saw Chuck walking to his truck, looking pretty sharp himself in a new western style shirt and new jeans. “Hey neighbor!” I said cheerfully.

“Oh hey!” He replied, looking me over.

“Well you look nice!”

“Yeah, um got a date.”

“Oh, cool! Well, she ought to like you!”

“We’ll see.” He said with a shrug, then got in his truck.

The next morning, I came home, and stumbled out of my car. It had been a wild night. I had a couple buy me shots, then they took me home and teamed up on me. I woke up in their bed, with a pounding head and a sore ass. I walked up on my porch and saw Chuck sitting there, sipping his coffee.

“Morning.” He said, looking at me with a little grin.

“Oh, I’m not sure it’s a good morning.” I groaned.

“Well it looks like you had a fun night.”

“Oh yeah.” I giggled. “I definitely did!”

He laughed.

“So how was your date?”

“Um, well it was alright I guess. Nothing exciting.”

“Oh, well, that sucks.” I replied. “Maybe next time.”

“Yeah, maybe.” He said, looking a little depressed.

“Well, I’ve got to go to bed for awhile.” I said, my head pounding. “See you later.”

“See ya.” He said, chuckling.

I slept most of the afternoon, and woke up around five. I took a shower and threw on some shorts and a t shirt, then stepped outside to smoke a joint. Chuck was in his driveway, washing his truck without a shirt on. I smoked and admired his thick, hairy torso.

“Hey!” He said, seeing me standing there.

“Hi.” I replied, then held up my joint. “Want some?”

“Sure, why not?” He replied with a grin. He came up on the porch, took a big puff, then handed it back to me. “Yeah!” He said, exhaling. “That hit the spot!”

“It always does!” I laughed. “Anytime you wanna smoke, holler. I’m kind of a pothead.”

“I don’t do it very often.” He said, smiling and feeling the buzz.

I sat down, and finished my joint. “So big plans tonight?”

“Nah.” He said. “Just probably hang out and drink some beer. How about you?”

“I don’t know yet.” I replied. “Some friends invited me to a party, but I don’t know if I’m up for it.”

“I hear that. I’m not much of a partier. I don’t like big crowds and stuff.”

“Oh, it’s not that!” I said. “I’m just still recuperating from last night.” My hangover was gone, but I was still exhausted and sore. The guys that took me home were both well hung, and they beat me up pretty good. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for another night of getting pounded.

“Must have been fun.” He said, grinning at me.

“Oh, it definitely was.”

“I’m gonna grab a beer.” He said. “Want one?”

“I shouldn’t, but sure.”

He returned with two beers, sat down and fired up a cigar.

“So what happened with your date last night?” I asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Oh, well, it was alright.” He replied. “I don’t know. She didn’t seem very interested. She mostly talked about her ex, and work, then I took her home. Nothing happened.”

“Well, that sucks.”

“Yeah, fuck, I hate trying to meet women. I’m not really a ladies man I guess.”

“Oh, well, hey, you’ll meet someone.” I said, reassuringly. “You’re a great looking guy, if you don’t mind me saying that, and any woman would be lucky to have you.”

“Thanks.” He smiled. “Yeah, I guess. It just seems like they all want a dude with big money and shit. I damn sure don’t have that anymore.”

“Oh, well, not all of them.”

He shrugged and sucked on his cigar. “I’m trying one of those dating apps, but shit, half the ones on there are hookers, or looking for Sugar Daddies. Or they’re just scammers. Shit sucks! Oh well, still better than being with the ex.”

“That bad, huh?”

“Yeah, she was a bitch.” He replied. “She loved to pick fights, cause drama, and she cheated on me a few times, which was crazy, because I had to beg for pussy.”

“Aw, that does suck.” I said, wondering why a woman wouldn’t want his thick cock all the time. I certainly enjoyed it. I stole a glance at his hairy chest and muscular arms, then quickly looked away. “No man should ever have to beg for sex.”

“No, but lot’s of women are like that.” He replied, taking a swig of his beer. “I hear guys bitching about it all the time.”

“Yeah, so do I.” I replied. Of course the men that I had heard bitching about it were married men, who came to me because I was more than happy to do all the things their wives should be doing.

“I don’t get it.”

“Me either. I absolutely love dick, and making guys cum.”

“Fuck!” He said, turning red.

“Oh, sorry, I don’t have much of a filter.” I said with a giggle. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“Oh, you didn’t. Not really.”

“Ok.” I laughed, then felt a little awkward. Thankfully his phone started ringing.

“I gotta take this.” He said, picking it up.

“Cool. See ya later.” I said, then went back inside and found a movie to watch.

The next day, I got up, and went to the gym. When I came home, I saw Chuck in his garage fiddling with something, wearing just a pair of gym shorts. I admired his burly build a bit, then said, “Good morning.”

“Oh hey, good morning!” He replied. “You’re up early.”

“Oh, well, figured I’d get my workout over with.”

“I should start working out.” He replied. “I could stand to lose a few pounds.”

“Nah, you look fine.” I said, taking another glance at his muscular chest, and hairy belly. It wasn’t huge, it was just right. I absolutely love a bit of a gut on a man.

“Oh, um, thanks.” He grinned.

“No problem.” I said, then noticed that he wasn’t wearing underwear, and the outline of his cock showed under his shorts. I tried not to stare, but I couldn’t help it. “Well, um, I better get in the shower.” I said awkwardly, hoping he hadn’t seen me gawking.

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