The Search to Find his Sexual Place Pt. 03

A gay story: The Search to Find his Sexual Place Pt. 03 Matt woke in a quick panic, he woke up on his own and not thanks to his alarm clock. He quickly grabbed his phone worried that he overslept for his meeting and was surprised to see it was still fifteen minutes before he scheduled his alarm. He took a deep sigh of relief and laid his head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling. He started to recall the memories of last night and started to smile at the huge difference in his life in just 24 hours from yesterday. He had not only sucked his first cock, but also swallowed two amazing loads and was planning on even more that evening. As he thought of those plans he also remembered the real reason he was in the hotel room was work. So he decided he needed to concentrate on that a bit before he let himself get to caught up in his sexual dreams about what will come to him.

Over the next thirty minutes Matt got ready for his day, called his wife and checked in with her letting her know his plans for the day. Well the work ones, as this was all so new to him and he hadn’t even thought of what would happen when he got home. After all that he still had twenty minutes before the Uber would come and get him to take him to his morning meeting with the clients he flew in for he remembered the bag that James left the previous night. He grabbed it and went to sit on the bed and review the contents. He opened the bag and noticed three small bags which after exploring he realized they were to help clean out his ass to make a clean and enjoyable anal fucking session. In the bag as well were a few condoms, two small bottles of lube, a pair of cuffs, and the biggest surprise in the bag was a butt plug. Matt was both excited and a bit nervous knowing that at some point soon James was going to be putting that toy in his virgin ass in preparation for taking his ass. He looked at the time and decided to put it all away before he left so the cleaning service didn’t just think he was some sex freak. As he was going downstairs he decided to text James. “Looked in the bag and seems like someone had other plans for last night, sorry I only provided the basic options.” James hit send before even realizing he sounded like a complete obedient slut. But before he could start to worry about it more his Uber pulled up and he got in confirmed with the driver the address of the clients he would be going to see that day.

A block away from the hotel and James had already responded. “Don’t worry I knew the time last night so didn’t expect to get in that virgin ass, but I left all the tools for you to prep before I join you tonight. Let me know your schedule and when you are done for the day so I can make sure to get the most out of our time tonight.” Matt felt his cock get hard again after reading that.

“Thank you for being patient than and yes once I meet with the client this morning I will let you know right away my schedule for the rest of the day.” Matt quickly texted back as to let James know he was fully on board with the plan.

No response came for the rest of the drive over so Matt decided to change his focus as best he could to work. He kept telling himself the better he did there the less he had to worry about after and the more he could enjoy his evening of exploring new sexual activities that evening with James. He decided to put his phone on silent and then dedicated his mind to work for the next few hours.

He met with the clients, one a woman around 35 years of age with a body as sharp as her mind. She wore a navy blue dress that hugged her 34c cup breasts perfectly with a nice tight hold on her well toned ass that she swayed as she would walk around the conference room. Her long brown hair and beautiful eyes also helped out to make her look stunning even in the dull room. She obviously took time out of her business life to make sure she was tight and toned which Matt thought was amazing and in normal circumstances would be drooling all over the idea of this woman but after last nights events his mind was more on cock than pussy. Luckily for Matt the other two individuals in the meeting were a bit of heavier overweight men who didn’t spark the urges and desires Matt currently had to suck a man’s thick tasty cock. After the first set of meetings and discussions about the agreement Matt was sent to get solidified they came up with there plan for the day. The would all work together to has out the plans, cost, and requirements for each company until three and take a 3 hour break to have the legal teams review their requests and make suggestions on it so that at 6 the group can come back together hash out any issues and hopefully be done by 8. That would give the legal teams overnight to create the agreement that both groups would sign in the morning. Matt was a little sad about the long hours because he wanted to be free before 8 to get ready for James, but also knew he was there for work and this needed to get done. He texted James his plans for the day letting him know the three hour break in the day hoping James would say it would be enough time for Matt to at least get to taste another load from his cock.

Matt got his reply in moments after and was very surprised by the picture that popped up. It was of James’s cock and a quick reminder that his cock would be exploring a new hole tonight, which made Matt instantly hard. He was trying to adjust his pants to not make it obvious when another longer text came from James. It was instructions on what he expected Matt to do during his downtime as James would be busy having dinner with his wife.

“That timing will work perfect for us my boy. I won’t be able to see you but I want you to use that time to prep yourself for tonight. I assume you looked in the bag I left in your room so here is the plan. You will clean out your virgin ass in anticipation for me using it tonight. Once cleaned out I want you to lube up the butt plug and slide it in the tight ass. You WILL wear it in your evening meeting so that when you get back to the hotel and I join you we will make the most of your night. Once you have the plug in I want you to send me a photo of it so I can see my prize. Once you get back to your hotel call you wife so you can say goodnight because I don’t want any distractions for you once I come over. Do you understand my boy?”

Matt read the message in excitement but just as he was finishing it the clients all walked back into the room so he quickly responded “Yes sir I will.” He knew the sir was different for him to say but he just felt right typing it.

The next few hours Matt didn’t have much time to think about his evening or the things that would be entering his ass later as the clients were wanting to get this knocked out as soon as they could. Finally 3pm rolled around and the discussions and information was all passed the the legal team. They asked Matt what his plans were and he just said he was going to go back to his hotel and look over something things back there before they met again. While the clients all said they would be taking a break to go have dinner with their respective partners in the downtime.

Matt had his Uber out infront of the office right when he walked out the doors which was great for him as his head now was getting around the fact that he needed to somehow get the but plug into his ass and get used to it in less than two hours so he could be back in the conference room hashing out small details before his night could truly begin. The drive back to the hotel was quick and Matt rushed up to his room to get started on prep to meet James. Matt entered his room and went straight for the bag James left, he poured out the contents grabbing the kit to clean himself out and went to the bathroom. After that knew experience of being fully emptied out he was out of the bathroom empty and now staring at the lube and butt plug. He was going to look up the best way to do it but figured it could be that hard just lube up his ass and the plug and it would slide right in. Oh was Matt wrong. After about 15 minutes of trying, clenching, stretching, and pain moans he had half of it in his ass and looked at the time. It was 4:30. He had about an hour left before he needed to be back in his Uber heading back to the clients office. He decided he needed to get this going so he had some time to get used to it so he pulled up his phone again and looked at the picture James sent of his cock and Matt knew he wanted it and as he looked at the picture and was practically drooling he was able to finally slide the whole plug in his ass. The moment it was in there he collapsed on the bed and could feel his ass muscles full tighten around the plug and except it. He set up his phone on a stand and got on all fours to show that the plug was deep in his ass and after a few pictures was finally able to get one he felt showed James exactly what he asked for. He sent the picture and a line to James saying that he was ready. As he was getting dressed back into his business suit and pants he received a reply back from James.

“That ass looks hungry for more than just the plug. Did you enjoy the process?” James messaged.

“It took a bit to get in but I think I can get used to this for the evening sir.” Matt replied again going with the sir but this time not questioning it. He figured what else do you call a man who just got you to prep his virgin hole for.

“Good boy, and very good job calling me sir. Wonder what else you will call me later when you are in that exact position tonight but instead of the plug you have my cock deep in your ass.” James replied, this made Matt extremely horny and he knew tonight’s meeting would be difficult to concentrate but the feelings he got when he thought about feeling James’s cock in his ass was to much to push out of his mind.

Matt quickly responded that he was excited to find out and than ordered his Uber to get him back to the clients office. The car was there quickly and got Matt back to the office at 5:35 so he walked in and was let in the conference room by the companies secretary luckily catching her before she left for the day. Since he has a bit earlier none of the others he was working with had showed up so he just stood at the window in the conference room staring out of it and also still getting used to the plug in his ass. He felt more discomfort when sitting so he decided to walk around a little bit. As he was doing that a truck pulled into one of the parking spots that was farther away from the entrance but close to this office window and as he looked to see if it was one of the clients he noticed the woman he had been working with all day was in the passenger seat. He assumed she was getting dropped back off and as he was about to walk back to the chairs to try and get used to sitting with the plug when he noticed that she hadn’t got out yet.

From his vantage point he could only see the passenger side and it looked like the two in the car were making out feverishly. Matt was starting to get turned on by the idea of the beautiful woman and thinking about how amazing she would look naked when the action stopped and her door popped open a little. Once opened it looked like she was getting out once she put a leg out the door but than he saw something that made his mind race again, she seemed to be slipping off her panties and as he was dreaming it he saw the confirmation as she looked to have balled them up in her hand and handed them to the driver. All Matt could think was that she had herself one lucky husband. He heard some sounds outside the conference room so he decided to head back to his chair and start getting used to sitting in it with a plug in his ass for the next two hours and also an attempt to hide his raging hard on that he had thanks to the scene he just saw as well as the plug in his ass that reminded him over and over again that he was going to be on all fours begging James in a few hours.

Once all four were back in the office it was like nothing happened and no one would have known that not only was the strong business woman not wearing any panties after handing them over to her husband but that the client they were working with had a plug in his ass in anticipation for that evening where we was inviting a man over to help him feel something he had only desired for the past day. The two hours went by without an incident and both groups were happy with the outcome and agreed to meet back there in the morning to sign the contract and be prepared to start business. Matt being overly excited about the events for the night no longer kept imaging about the fact that the beautiful woman infront of him didn’t have panties and moved on to thinking about the cock that would be in his holes soon. The Uber got there and took Matt back to his hotel, and Matt being excited about the evening decided to call his wife.

They chatted for the ride and as Matt got to the hotel and he caught her up on all his work events for the day and told her a lie about needing to review the documents in preparation for tomorrow, Matt knowing full well that he was already done with that and just needing to make sure she didn’t call again as him and his schedule would be filled up that night. She was telling him that tomorrow she was going to have lunch with their neighbor Shannon, Matt now remembering the conversation he overheard the other day by his neighbors and as he thought about the idea of Shannon and his wife Desiree he sat down and instantly felt the plug push deeper into him which took him from that thought back to the current and wanting to make sure he got through this call quickly and without an event. After a few more minutes or chit chat and I love you’s back and forth they hung up and Matt texted James.

“Back at the hotel and off the call with my wife so I am now free for the rest of the evening sir.” Matt hit send and then went to the bathroom and check on his ass. As he was making sure he was in one piece he got a message back.

“Good boy, I should be there in about 30 minutes. I want you to pull out the plug, use another cleaning set and make sure your fully cleaned out again, was the plug off and reinsert it so I can take it out when I get there.” James wrote back.

“Yes sir.” Matt replied and then went straight to the bathroom to do as requested. After about 20 minutes all was cleaned up and the plug this time went in a lot easier and Matt put on a shirt and shorts instead of his business attire. Matt was now just pacing his room in both excitement as well as anticipation for what was to come and he finally heard the knock on his room door. He opened it and smiling back at him was James with another small bag in his hand.

“You look excited my boy.” James said.

“I am very excited sir, the plug has been keeping you on my mind all evening and I can’t wait to show you the results sir.” Matt replied very eagerly as James walked passed him and he closed the door.

“Good because so am I. I was so pleased with your ability to follow instructions and eagerness in responding to me that you were the conversation at dinner tonight with my wife.” James said boldly and confident.

Matt knew James and his wife had a very open sexual life but didn’t know they talked about it so openly. He was first worried and shocked but then remembered he was in a whole different city and state and he didn’t need to worry and that turned it all into excitement. James was bragging about him to others which turned him on even more and gave him the additional confidence he needed for what was about to happen. He could feel his cock getting harder and knew it was noticeable.

“Seems like you loved hearing that my boy,” James said glancing down at Matt’s hard cock pointing out of his shorts. “That’s good cause her only request was I take some videos and pictures of me taking that sweet ass for the first time. Those videos always turn her on.”

Matt was hesitant at the idea of being filmed and pictures being taken but the whole situation was too much for him to truly care. He had a strong dominate man in front of him who wanted to fuck his holes and then go back and brag about it to his wife made Matt feel like a thousand bucks.

“Yes sir, anything you want I’m here to make you happy.” Matt replied.

“Good boy, now take off your clothes and get on the bed on all fours I want to inspect the plug first hand.” James said with a confident smile on his face.

Matt did as instructed. He quickly took off his shirt and slide his shorts and boxers down. He looked at James and knew without words needing to be said that he needed to get on the bed and present his ass to James. So he did, he got on the bed, put his arms down to brace himself and stuck his ass out presenting it to James and him being able to see the butt plug snuggly in Matt’s tight ass.

“It seems you have come around to the idea of sexual pleasure can be more than just you and your wife fucking huh my boy.” James said as he walked over to Matt and stood next to the bed examining the ass he was going to enter very soon.

“Yes sir I have. When I thought about this week and what I wanted to do I never would have imagined this and now it’s all I can think about. Sitting in my meeting earlier and ever move made my ass tighten around the plug made me think of you the whole time. Think of giving my ass to you and let you show me how great that can be just like you did when you allowed me to suck your dick sir.” Matt said quickly now fully washed over with sexual lust and the desire to make James happy and satisfied.

“Speaking of which you need to get me nice and hard before I take out the plug so get to it boy. Suck daddies cock.” James said smiling at the naked ‘straight’ husband he met just the day before who was about to suck his cock for the third time before he would plow into his willing virgin asshole.

Matt got very excited that James called himself daddy and he wanted to play around with that. “Yes daddy I will gladly suck your amazing cock.” Matt said as he looked up at James who was taking off his shirt.

“Good boy, now unzip my pants and start prepping me for that ass.” James said I’m eager anticipation for what was to come.

Matt unzipped James’s pants and slide them off along with his underwear. Once off James semi erect dick laid in front of him and Matt took it in his hand and began licking up and down the sides and from time to time sucking on the cock head and popping it out of his mouth.

“Some good slut moves you have there my boy. I like the desire you have to please me.” James said looking down on Matt as he was chest down on the bed licking and sucking his cock.

Matt pulled the cock away from him but continued to slight jerk it as he said, “yes daddy I want to please you so you can fill me up. You make me feel like a hot whore. I can’t explain why I just love it.” Matt said before going back to sucking and licking James’s cock.

“You are in your natural place now Matt. That’s why you enjoy it. Some people like you live to please others, love to be told your doing a good job and your appreciated. Lucky for you I’m the type of man who desires things from those who want to please, but also give them a reward they will crave forever. You want that reward don’t you Matt?”

“Yes please Daddy, I want to be of full service to you.” Matt said quickly as he took the cock away for a moment than went straight back to sucking it. Which was doing great work as James was fully hard and Matt was eagerly waiting for him to move on to his ass. He loved sucking his cock but he had been waiting for hours now of being teased by the plug that he needed to really feel James inside him.

James grabbed his phone and took a few pictures of his eager whore. “Fuck you really love this cock don’t you?”

Matt looked up at James and popped the cock out of his mouth to say “very much so daddy. It tastes so great and I love how hard you get from what I do.”

“Oh god I hit the jackpot. I’m gonna take a video, I want you to suck my dick and look in the camera and beg me to take your ass. Beg me to do all the naughty kink things you have wanted to try. Beg me to seed your virgin ass.” James said while looking down at Matt and taking him to the point of pure sexual desire. James knew he had him in his hand like putty but it always brought him more satisfaction to hear them beg for it.

Matt was no longer holding back. This was going to happen and he wanted it so bad he didn’t care what he had to do to get it so he looked up at James and the phone and said, “please daddy I need you to take my ass. To fuck this married whore and plant your load deep into my ass daddy. I need to feel you inside me, to feel how a real dominate man fucks. I want to suck your cock all day and I want to feel it. To be bent over and have you take my ass and to hear your pleasure in doing so. Please I want you to take my ass daddy.”

James stopped the recording and looked at Matt, “you are here for one more night after tonight right boy?”

“Yes daddy.” Matt quickly responded hoping that meant he would see James again tomorrow.

“Good than tonight will not be the only night I cum in your ass. Now present your ass to me so I can take out that plug and put in the cock you have been dying to feel.” James said putting the phone to the side for a moment and grabbing the lube from the bedside table.

“Yes daddy.” Matt said as he repositioned himself to have his ass right infront of James but moving more to the middle edge of the bed to give James room to get behind him.

James put lube on his hand and quickly grabbed and pulled the plug out of Matt’s ass which made a loud pop and Matt moaned out loud.

Matt felt very empty at the moment but before he could say anything felt James rub the lube all over his asshole. It felt good and cold but all he could think about was what was next.

James got up on the bed and got behind Matt’s open inviting ass. “You ready boy.”

“Yes daddy.” Matt moaned in anticipation.

James grabbed his phone again and pointed it to see his cock rubbing on Matt’s asshole. “I’m gonna record this so you can always go back and remember the first time you fully brought pleasure to a man.”

“Thank you daddy.” Matt said feeling James cock at his asshole and waiting for him to push in. Right as he was wondering that he felt it. James slowly started to push his cock in. Matt began tightening up and James told him to relax and they will go slow.

Over the next 5 minutes James slowly entered Matt in between whimpers of pain and pleasure from Matt. Finally when he was fully in James said, “you did it boy, I am fully inside your ass. How does it feel.”

“Great.” Matt said catching his breathe and now realizing that with the lube and the pace that James went he no longer felt pain just extremely full. “It’s not painful anymore and I just feel all of you daddy.”

“Good, cause now it’s time for me to fuck you Matt. Now look back at the camera while I do that. I want you to tell me how it feels and what you want ok boy?” James said right as he hit record to catch Matt’s building lust for cock.

Matt looked back with eyes of pure bliss, he never felt more full but also never felt more free. “Please daddy fuck me. Make me feel like a whore. I need you to cum in me daddy. I need to feel it.” Matt begged and thank felt James started to slide in and out at a fast pace.

“Fuck yes boy take it.” James said.

“More ….. yes please…… harder….. please spank me.” Matt said and James spanked both cheeks and than grabbed his hips and pulled them in tightly.

“Fuck these whore handles are perfect to hold onto while I pound you.” James said while he was pounding into Matt’s accepting ass.

James fucked Matt to a steady pace over the next five minutes to the point where Matt felt himself building up to a near explosion.

“I’m going to cum I think daddy.” Matt said.

“You’re going to cum from just getting fuck my boy?” James said through a smile.

“Yea daddy it just feels so good and I can feel it getting closer.” Matt said in between moans of pleasure.

“Do it, show daddy how much you enjoy him fucking you by cumming like a whore. I bet if you fucked your wife like this you wouldn’t be so desperate to find sexual pleasure huh?” James said taking his domination another step as he knew he had Matt.

Matt could only agree. There was no way he fucked Desiree like this, if he did she would be wanting it as bad as he was wanting it in that moment. “Yes daddy you’re right. I can learn so much from you. Please daddy let me cum, I think I will when I feel you cum in me.” Matt begged wanting to feel release but also desperately wanting to feel James cum in him.

“Before I give you that pleasure, tell me boy, do you want your wife to feel the way you are feeling now?”

“Of course daddy.” Matt moaned.

“Good to know boy.” James said, normally he would have dug deeper into getting potentially an opportunity to cuck a man but he was also close and wanted to finish off this fresh ass. He began pounding harder and faster, enjoying the moans and begs from Matt to fill him up and than he felt it coming.

“I’m ready daddy, I can feel you tense up please give it to me.” Matt practically yelled as a beg.

“Get ready to explode my boy.” James said and pounded a few more times before exploding his load into this once virgin ass. As they knew Matt came as well the instant he felt James explode in his ass. Both now spent they both laid separately on the bed.

Matt without thinking rolled over to be able to clean up James’s cock. He knew it hd just been in his ass but after sucking it earlier wanted to be able to taste James’s again. James grabbed his phone and took another picture of this still eager whore sucking his cock even after they both came without him having to say a word. He knew already tomorrow night would be one for the ages.

While Matt continued to suck his cock he decided to send a tease text to his wife with results from his conquest. He figured he would show he the outcome and once at home she could she the other pics and videos of him taking that virgin ass. It was always a kink of hers that she enjoyed watching even if not in person. He texted her the clean up picture as he knew she should be getting home from her long day in the office.

As Matt was starting to slow down on the cock worshipping and clean up James received a text back. “Omg that is the client I was with all day. No wonder the meeting after he was ok with the changes he wanted to get out of there to you.” James read. Who would have thought the whole reason Matt was in town was to make both him and his wife happy one in work the other personal. He was going to say something but instead had a fun plan come to mind. He has brought his wife’s panties with him in his small bag as she gave them to her when he dropped her back off at work after their dinner date.

“Matt go grab the bag I brought tonight. In it you will find some more cleaning kits so you can have more for tomorrow some extra condoms and lube. Guess the condoms weren’t necessary as you were a slut in heat but I assumed with you marriage and lack of sexual partners you were clean as well. Also you will find a pair of my wife’s worn panties. You may sniff, lick and suck her juices off them as much as you would like but tomorrow when you are working and keeping the plug in your ass I want you to be wearing those as well. Any questions boy.” James said more sternly than any other comment to Matt before.

Matt was taken back by all of it. From realizing yes he begged for a man to cum in his so of course it wasn’t protected sex but he knew at that point he was far past that and he felt confident that James was also clean. And than the thought of wearing panties for a man and doing it so at work. The plug part actually excites him though cause he knew that meant James would be coming back the next night. He was also exhausted and just wanted to rest so he said, “yes daddy, for you I will.”

“Good I want a picture in the morning before you leave showing me the panties on and the plug in.” James said back to a less stern tone as he knew Matt would now comply.

“Yes daddy, I will.” Matt said as he began to move off the beg which brought the realization that he could feel James’s cum dripping out of his ass and down his legs.

James got up and started to get dressed and sent a quick text back to his wife. “I think tomorrow will be an exceptional day for us both. See you soon honey.”

Matt put on his shirt and shorts again no boxers this time and as he walked James to the door could feel his cum dripping out.

“You did great tonight boy. Tomorrow will be even better I bet.” James said with a smiling knowing that his new submissive was going to be in for a big surprise tomorrow.

“Thank you daddy. I can’t wait.” Matt said still exhausted but already starting to get horny again by the idea of more the next night.

James opened the door and walked out as he got down the hall and exited through the stairs option door, before Matt could close his door the next door opened and the couple from the previous night were there. The man was only in boxers but Matt could tell he was hard and the woman in a bra and panties said “shucks we were gonna give you both an audio show like you did for us. Well hope we don’t keep you up to late, you begging like a whore really turned us on.” She said with a giggle and a wink and shut the door.

Matt shut the door a bit jealous but also tired knowing he still had work to do in the morning and now it has to be done while wearing panties and a butt plug. He figured he would try on the panties before bed and once he did he weirdly felt very sexual again and enjoyed the feel. He kept imaging him bent over presenting his ass to James in his owns wife’s panties oh god he thought as he was back to fully hard. He took the panties off and sniffed them and licked them as they had some dribbles of the cum that was still flowing out of his ass. He thought fuck I need to get to sleep so he did so reluctantly knowing that tomorrow was another day of fun.

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