A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 02

A gay story: A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 02 “I am sorry!” Way looked up from the floor of the tent, as Ignis walked in with the hot water bag. Way was wearing only the thermal overalls and woollen socks as he switched on the rechargeable battery heater. He had insisted on going camping in a tent at Campbellville, Ontario.

His plan was to recreate and live out the scenes from the Literotica stories he had read about campsite escapades, with his adverse to dirt husband-to-be and propose properly next to the river, he had come prepared with the rings. But within a couple of hours of pitching the tent and on their first excursion, Way had slipped and sprained his ankle. Ignis had to carry him to the tent, remove his dirty jacket, boots and wool pants. He got the camp fire going, heated some water and was now nursing his ankle by placing it on his lap.

“You say that word again and I swear I will punch you!” Ignis smiled at Way, showing off his beautiful set of teeth.

“I dragged you here and I thought it would be romantic and hellishly sexy but after six months of you nursing me from my injuries, you are back here again taking care of me on our third anniversary. I can fuck up anything, even the perfect things!” Way pouted and looked down like a child, if anyone saw him now they wouldn’t believe he was an award winning surgeon, he looked like a flushed freshman in college, on his first date with the hottest boy on campus, upset that it wasn’t going as planned.

Ignis placed his warm hand on Way’s cheek and punched him playfully on the chin and kept his hand on his cheek, “See I have punched you now, you can shut up and enjoy this beautiful place and the fact that we have been together for three years and getting married soon. I wanted Mike and Jack to marry and close the loop on my last investigation case before I join Hannah.” He bent at his waist and kissed Way’s ankle, “And I love being around you …doesn’t matter what we are doing or where we are. End of the earth, I was promised by a redhead horny Gringo!”

Way held Ignis’ hands in his suddenly and tightly, dragging him towards him, between his parted legs, using his brute strength which he wasn’t completely aware of. Ignis’s eyes went wide with the sudden movement and change in Way’s mood and expression, he looked wild, his blue eyes never leaving Ignis’s brown ones.

“I know I keep saying ‘I Love you’ all the time and I joke about it and over dramatise it. But I want you to know this truth about our relationship. I can’t say this in front of people when we get married and at home, I know I will dilute the feeling with my cringe-y hamming.” He pulled Ignis even closer, their pelvis touching, Ignis now sitting with his legs parted around Ways thighs.

“Doc! I was joking… I can never even think of punching you or hurting you in any way, I just wanted you to quit saying you are sorry.” Ignis felt nervous, he had never seen Way like this and his hold on his wrist had started hurting.

Way let go of his wrists and held his face between his palms, gently and lovingly, gazing into Ignis’s eyes and said, “No! Iggy! Listen to me please … I need to tell you this before I lose my nerve to explain to you what I really feel about us.”

“I don’t just love you Iggy, what I feel is almost animalistic, wild … uh… primaeval. You own me Ignis, I want you to know that you own me.” He announced and kissed Ignis on his lips passionately, still holding on to his face. “What are you saying, Doc? Me estás asustando! Babes!” Ignis’s whispered lovingly but his heart started beating like a drum when he saw Way’s eyes welling up.

“I can do anything for you … anything you want me to do… no questions asked … I can kill anyone or jump off the cliff for you… you are not my lover or fiancé or husband, Iggy … you are my owner. I have surrendered myself to you.” Way confessed and bowed his head slightly in front of Ignis.

“What are you saying, Way? You have to do no such things, you have to only love me!” Ignis said and touched Way’s chin and brought his face up and looked in his eyes, “You have to only be my Way… nothing else!” He reassured the love of his life.

“I wanted you to know this Iggy! I want you to know that I will be lost without you, waiting forever. Sex means nothing for me if it’s not with you, people mean nothing to me if you are not around. Being a surgeon means nothing to me if you are not proud of me… you do what you want with me Iggy… you own me!” He proposed and placed his head on Ignis’ shoulder and hugged him tight, bringing him to sit on his lap, with his unconscious strength.

Ignis didn’t know how to process this information, he was not prepared for such a sudden and surprising commitment from Way. He felt he had to take care of Way because that’s what you do for someone more precious to you than your life, he knew he will cherish and love Way forever and do anything for him, never let him go, do whatever it takes for him to be happy. But this was different, like Way said wild and primitive, he was submitting his being to Ignis, Way was his to take care of.

This wasn’t a relationship of equal anymore, if this is how Way felt about them, Ignis was now responsible for him.

“Iggy?” Way asked, still wrapped in Ignis’s hug, his face pressed in his chest.

“From the day when we met again and in that toilet cubicle, I knew I had to take care of you… you Big Baby! And believe me Doc, you will not find a better man than me for the job. I had told you earlier, your surgeon ass is mine forever! You Loco, White Dumb Quarterback!” Ignis said and kissed Way gently on his eyes and forehead.

Way smiled ear to ear, took a box out of the backpack and put it on Ignis palm. Ignis opened it, took the larger ring and put it on Way’s tattooed finger.

“And mine?” Ignis asked Way, kissing his husband’s ring. Way took the other ring and made Ignis his, he didn’t care for ceremonies or people, he was married as of that moment to Ignis.

“I still get my big wedding and awesome reception, right?” Ignis made his first demand to his newly married husband. Way nodded and smiled, unable to talk, afraid he would cry.

Ignis opened the buttons on the front of Way’s onesie all the way to his groin, caressing the healed wound and fished out his dick.

He got up and took off his pants and commanded Way, “Grab the lube and wear the condom.” Way obeyed, he took the items from the backpack and handed the tube to Ignis, he lubed himself and inserted Way’s hard covered dick in him and making him lie on his back with his hands on Way’s chest.

Way was bigger than ever, stretching Ignis painfully and felt longer as he pushed his cock deep into Ignis. Ignis rode him slowly, “Who do you belong to?” He looked in Way’s baby blue eyes and asked.

“You… Ignis Castro.” Way whispered.

“Take my full name … my new name.” Ignis tightened his Kegel muscles around Way. “Huh! Ya! Babes!” Way moaned with the added pressure, “You Ignis Castro Davis … you own me!” He grabbed Ignis’s hips and pushed up deeper into Ignis, grunting like a beast.

“Who loves you more than anyone?” Ignis tightened and loosened his Kegel hold on the engorged dick, making Way roll his eyes.

He moaned, “You, Iggy … no one loves me more than you.” Way didn’t need to move anymore, as Ignis fucked on him using his ass, undulating over him.

“Who fucks you like no one else ever?” Ignis placed his open palms on Way’s chest touching his mark, pinching his nipples as he came all over him.

“You… Iggy … You … Ignis Davis… it’s always been and will be you!” Way grunted painfully as he came deep inside Ignis in the condom.

Way collapsed his arched back, and his hands fell to the side lifelessly as he panted, unable to take his eyes away from Ignis. He knew he had told his innermost truth to Ignis, laying the responsibility of their life together on Ignis… he had basically signed himself to him… giving his husband the veto power over his body, soul and mind. He felt free and light now, he was Ignis’s now … he can do what he wills with him… all he had to do was follow Ignis to the end of the world.


“Where are you, Iggy?” Way held on to Ignis’s graduation framed picture tightly as he sat on his childhood bed, in his room surrounded by bits of Ignis’s life around him. “Don’t leave me alone, I don’t know what to do with myself anymore.” Way sobbed.

“All I understand now is to work and go to the gym.” Way spoke to the room, looking around trying to find his love, hoping and praying that he would open the door and burst in, smile his beautiful smile and hug him, make everything alright.

“I don’t know what to do with our free time, I don’t know what else to do in our apartment but sleep and shower. I don’t know how to buy clothes or get food or choose a restaurant. I can’t talk to anyone … not even Bru… Iggy Baby! … you promised … this is not fair… this is not funny anymore … you are making me very upset … cut this hide and seek game and come back to me!” He spoke loudly and clearly, like a prisoner gone insane in solitary confinement.

Bru had come to ask Way to leave and go back to their parents’ home, when he heard him talk to an imaginary Ignis, in his room.

He went back down and sat on the sofa and started crying as his girlfriend, Joanna held him in her arms.

“Why them? Why always them? All they wanted was to love and live… then why is it so difficult for them?” He asked.

Ignis’ mother, sister and brother-in-law hugged him, their cumulative pain not even slightly comparable to the doctor, slowly losing his mind in his husband’s room upstairs.

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