The Guys That I Like: “A Local”

A gay story: The Guys That I Like: “A Local”

Fall was coming, and so was football.

The closest I’d come to seeing my Virginia Tech Hokies was on television or playing the video game console since I never drove to the Blacksburg, Virginia-area to sit in Lane Stadium.

“Jay, this year bro, we’re going to some games,” I told my cousin, another diehard fan in the summer of 2023, regardless of how good they’d be. “I just want to hear Enter The Sandman, and anything else that hypes the crowd like it does.”

He concurred as I was finally back in Virginia, with he and I emphasizing the 217 mile trek into Blacksburg from southeastern Virginia, but I didn’t care as this was something we dreamed about as kids, when the celebrated Michael Vick was dicing it up between the hash marks. Jay would end up backing out when I started making plans for games as I bought tickets and looked at hotels, and because of this, I began considering the treatment of my cock while on visits, and ventured on the hookup sites to see who might’ve been available to “hang.”

I’d find the older, wide body Kurt.

“You don’t have to be relentless. I read your first message,” he said to me.

I was aggressive in trying to court this portly, bearded white man, with his blue eyes, gray hair and matching beard, and just a round face that I instantly wanted to kiss.

“I don’t mean to be so aggressive, but you’re hot,” I told him.

“Well at least you ain’t begging for money by promising me trips or any other bullshit,” he’d say in response. “You do already have two strikes on ya, being you’re coming from Tidewater. That’s too damn far for me to give a blowjob.”

The edgy Kurt was someone I’d had my eyes on for quite some time, as he was a guy that happened to run across my feed on this site prior. The 60-year-old, six foot two, 360-lb. bear carried a certain intimidation in his profile, for he was straight up about what he did, and didn’t like.

“I like cock, bottom line,” he stated in the write up. “If you hit me, and I don’t respond, and continue to message, flirt, woof, etc., then you’ll be blocked.”

“So with your upfront status, does that mean I’ll be blocked,” I asked him.

“For your cute ass, I’ll make an exception,” he told me as he mentioned he hadn’t a “chocolate fix” in quite some time. “If you come some with bullshit however, you may never hear from me again.”

I could understand his negative approach as he is an older, heavier man, with much less tolerance for drama being where he lived, a place that didn’t carry a bunch of willing playmates.

“You must really want that dick sucked to constantly visit my profile,” he asked. “I do recall seeing you view me some time back.”

He explained that he loved my profile, and that he ignored my profile as “he didn’t think he was on the menu for black guys.” We’d end up chatting on the phone after messaging back and forth for an hour, and I laughed in his ear of that statement to explain to him there were a lot of black men that loved guys of his stature.

“My partner is about the same size as you,” I told him.

“Partner? So you’re in a relationship,” he asked as his tone went from cordial to serious.

“Ex! Ex-partner,” I told him as I cleaned that up expeditiously.

Kurt’s profile didn’t mention he wouldn’t play with partnered men, as he actually preferred men that were married to women for they were his usual choice as they were neglected the most. He just wanted honest men.

“I haven’t been in a relationship in six years,” I told him.

“Why,” he asked.

I explained being in the service being the biggest culprit, as I switched coasts and deployed often the previous decade or so. I explained that most guys I’d been with lived at least a three to four hour drive from me, and that personality clashes were always a reason for relationship failure.

“Well, I ain’t trying to get married. I just want some cock, and yours is looking quite tasty. You know what games you’ll be in town for,” he asked.

“All of them,” I told him.

“You ain’t gotta pay for lodging, son. I get quite lonely in this big home of mine. You just let me know when you’re coming, and I’ll make your visit more than worthwhile,” he said to me.

Kurt was my kind of guy being older, bearish, with drama non-existent as he believed in casual sex with no strings attached.

“You think I could fuck, too,” I asked.

“You’re pushing it,” he said with a hearty laugh as I saw photos of his wide ass. “I warm up enough then maybe I’ll give you my ass, but I haven’t been penetrated in over 20 years..”

That was a long hiatus and I understood him turning me down, but he wasn’t coy about blowing me and that was all I could expect of him. I told him about the second weekend in September as it would be the first home game, and it was a Saturday with me planning to drive down Thursday before to escape any traffic miscues.

“I meant what I said, Keenan. You can stay here for as long as you like,” he reaffirmed. ” I live alone, have a fully stocked fridge, and any and everything else you need. Just bring me what I need.”

I hit the road in the wee hours of that Thursday morning, and would make it to his place after the sun came up, just missing him as he left for work. I parked in front of the house on the street, then headed to the closed garage entrance to grab the key. Kurt, master electrician, barely knew me but trusted me with his large, neatly manicured two story, brick structure. It made feel a certain type of way that this reserved individual in such an exclusive tract confided in me enough to where I could relax in his home in his absence.

“Get comfortable. I’ll stop by in a couple hours so I can formally introduce myself,” he told me through his remote camera as his home was stacked with surveillance.

That explained why he was so trusting, but yet I still did what he asked as I stripped out of my clothes, and headed for his bedroom.

“You are so damned sexy,” he said to me through a loudspeaker.

“So you’re gonna watch me as I walk through your house,” I asked.

“I’ll watch you whenever I want, you’re fucking hot,” he responded. “I’ll be by for a formal introduction shortly, then I gotta head back to work.”

I took a shower, then unpacked in order to put on a robe he set to the side for me. I knew what he meant by “introduction,” and I made sure I was ready for him by relaxing in his bed, watching daytime television on his huge set mounted on the wall facing the bed. I nearly fell asleep, but would come to when I saw his tall silhouette enter the room, with him standing in the door sill looking down at me.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said in a soft tone.

He would rush to the bathroom, then would sit at the foot of the bed in his uniform and shades placed above his head.

“Hi, how is your day so far,” I asked.

“Shitty, but it just got better,” he said as he started off with his hands on my calves, and kissing my toes. “You’re getting rock hard already? Guess that blue pill worked.”

“I don’t need no pill,” I said before cursing him.

He giggled, then closed his eyes as he started sucking my toes, going one by one on each foot as his hands made it to the lower part of my thighs. He went slow and steady, making me squirm as I couldn’t recall the last time someone played with my feet, as it was so intense my balls tightened.

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