Speedo’s and My Neighbour Pt. 01

Speedo’s and My Neighbour Pt. 01 by CaptainSpalding,CaptainSpalding ‘Sometimes I’ll want you to just come over and satisfy me’ David said as his finger traced along my arm.

‘Sometimes I’ll be very demanding and a little bit rough.’

‘Other times I’ll want you to join me in my bed and I’ll make slow sensuous love to you.’

David’s words were honey to my ears, I’d wanted to have this man for a long time.

‘I’ll want you to wear nice underwear if the mood takes me – or we might have a session with leather…would you enjoy that Mark?’

‘Yyyyyes’ I said nervously, I hadn’t had much opportunity to talk as David was ruling the conversation.

‘Depending on my mood and the roles we are playing you will call me Daddy or Master. You only call me David when we are in company…except if I invite you to certain parties or clubs – there you will call me Master.’

‘Yes Daddy, thank you.’ My breathing was quick and laboured – my cock hard in my swimming trunks. I so wanted this to be our first time – whatever happened and in whatever form.

David ran his fingers across my chest and my heart jumped and I sucked in a big mouthful of air. I was on edge and dying to be swept up by my neighbour. My mind raced and recalled how we were here on his couch after he invited me in. This moment had been coming for a long time…

Our relationship had started by a chat across the back fence. I was having a swim in my parents’ pool and the newly arrived neighbour had said hello over the fence. We stood and chatted that afternoon for a short time – me dripping wet in my Speedo’s, David in gardening gear. I found that he was something in graphic design and worked from home. I mentioned that I was taking a gap year from my studies but still swam for my university and club.

Since that day I noticed that when I was swimming or relaxing in my yard David always managed to be outside and stopped to chat. He was a very nice guy, humorous and interesting to chat with – as well as being good looking. We were becoming good friends and I found myself hoping for him to pop out and chat – and I would spend more days in my backyard for that purpose. Secretly at night I sometimes would pleasure myself and David was featuring in my fantasies.

A couple of conversations over time triggered my thoughts that our ‘just chatting’ relationship was taking turns.

David commented one day on how fit I was looking.

‘You must be fighting off the girls Mark? You’re looking very fit.’

I giggled a little and assured him that wasn’t the case.

‘Or maybe you’re fighting off the guys’ he said with a wink.

I blushed. How did he know about my experiences with the two guys at the swimming club? I tried to laugh it off as my face must have been going beetroot red.

Another time David complimented me on my body while I was again in my Speedo’s and working on some tan lines. As I had stood there talking to him, I noticed how much attention his eyes were giving me and I had become a little aroused.

‘Did you need to go back inside?’ He asked smiling as his eyes roamed over my body.

‘Oh no’ I blurted, ‘I’m happy to stay out here for a while and chat’ I responded, thinking that I can throw a flirty line back his way and enjoy the attention he was giving me and the hardening penis inside my togs.

My fantasies about being with him increased, fueled by my lack of action. I had experienced being with other guys – first with Ian at the swimming club who I had jerked off a few times and we had enjoyed some mutual masturbation and shared climaxes. Then, to my embarrassed surprise with Allan at the swimming club. Ian had told him about what we had done! Allan had propositioned me after a practice session and he was very hard to reject. We had an affair over many months and Allan was experienced and led me in the world of man-sex. Allan was the first guy I performed fellatio on, and he popped my cherry in the carpark at a club party. Our sex was great from then on and I had fallen for him in a big way.

It wasn’t hard to be turned on by the guys at the swimming club. Generally, they’re all bigger guys with fantastic bodies and plenty of sex-drive. I wasn’t a great swimmer – my smaller five-foot six frame couldn’t compete with young men over six feet tall with bigger hands and feet – but I enjoyed it for the sport and social time and it kept me fit. I had a good physique and slim waist and looked good in togs. My butt was hard and my smaller package passed the test in competition Speedo’s.

Sitting here on the couch at this moment was initiated by David’s flirting with me and increasingly personal conversations. Finally, it wasn’t hard to get me here and I came over to his house, without getting changed – my attraction to him was obvious and this afternoon he admitted that he was attracted to me as a guy. Just upfront he asked if I would like to be with him.

‘Yes’ was my certain reply.

‘Do you want me Mark…would you like to have sex with me now?’

‘Oh yes please…Master’ I remembered to address him how he wanted – and I secretly wanted – to play the submissive role to his dominance.

‘I’ve always been attracted to you Mark. I think you’re a very nice young man with an incredibly sexy body…I want you too. But I have very unusual requests as you heard – if we are to be in a relationship it must be how I determine.’

‘I think for our first time I would like you to suck my cock. You can kneel here in front of me and you can please me with your mouth. You have sucked a cock before haven’t you?’

I blushed and I thought my dick would erupt just then. ‘Yes, I have Master…I’d love to blow you. I’ve been with guys before, I’ve had sex with other boys…I love sucking cock!’

‘And I expect you to swallow my seed. I expect total submissiveness from you.’

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