The Roommate Arrangement Pt. 06

The Roommate Arrangement Pt. 06 by Saltedmabel,Saltedmabel “There’s burrito bowls in the fridge, I made extra for you when I meal prepped this morning.”

Noah looked up from his phone and jerked his head to the fridge. I wish I could say his husky voice didn’t affect me, but I’d be lying.

It hurt like fuck, and I only had myself to blame for it. Noah stretched out on the couch, spreading his legs wide and rubbing the inside of his thigh with his palm. Almost like an invitation. But last night our arrangement ended, there would be no more incredible sex between us.

“Yeah, thanks, you didn’t have to do that,” I said as I shrugged my jacket on. Noah made a noise, half snort, half grunt, and he raked his gaze down my body. My skin prickled under his intense gaze. I’d spent the rest of last night, and most of the day holed up in my room. I didn’t know how I was going to face Noah after our arrangement ended. My skin was tight over my bones, still feeling the phantom heat of his touch. He’d left lingering marks on my neck, my collarbone, and I wished they were permanent. In the same breath, I wish I’d never let him touch me in the first place. Because now we were in this uncomfortable limbo.

“You didn’t have breakfast, or lunch, right? Besides, if I left you to your own devices, you’d fade away.” His tone was teasing. The tip of his lips begged me to play with him.

“I’m good. Heading out to get an early dinner with Zane, but I’ll see you at Sandy’s later?”

My heart clenched in my chest. I still hadn’t recovered from the sight of Noah with Sandy, and how perfect they looked together. He’d left with her and didn’t come home last night. Well, what did I expect? I was nothing but a body to Noah, a placeholder for the buxom goddess who interrupted us last night. Noah’s knuckles turned white around his phone and his expression soured.

“Zane?” He said the name like a curse, and I stiffened. Last night, seeing him with someone else was like a needle through my heart. I didn’t harbor any illusion that Noah would have the same reaction. I shrugged again, hoping I seemed casual. Inside, the contents of my stomach turned acidic.

“I thought we’d go to the party together,” Noah’s eyebrows jammed together in an adorable frown. I quelled the need to placate him. My throat brimmed with too much stupid, useless hurt.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Noah tossed his phone to the side and stalked toward me. My heart crashed against my chest as his gaze dropped to my lips. Was he thinking about kissing me? I put my hand up, hating how my fingers trembled. If I let Noah touch me now, I knew I’d never give him up. And it was too heavy a burden to hold all this love for him and have no place to put it.

He would never care for me like I did him.

When we crashed and burned, inevitably, Noah wouldn’t be the one churned into pieces. The flames of our ill-fated arrangement would leave my heart blackened. The stupid organ was already scorched, and I had to preserve the rest of it.

“Bran, can we talk about last night?” Noah jammed his hands in his jeans, and for a moment, I considered it. There were lines of contrition on his face, an open hopefulness I wasn’t sure I understood.

“What is there to talk about? Did you enjoy your date with Sandy?” My tone was waspish, and I scowled. I had no claim on Noah, no right. I was turning into one of the flings he hated so much. Unable to accept what he’d told me from the beginning, that he didn’t do commitment. I wiped my face back to careful blankness. Noah scrubbed his hand down his face.


“Let’s just go back to the way we were before.”

Noah shuffled closer, his hands clenching at his sides. I opened the door and the hungry, hopeful look on his face shuttered. Because anyone could walk past and if they heard the soft, cajoling tone he was using, they might wonder why he was directing it toward me.

“Bye,” I muttered. I hated everything about this. Why was Noah even here? I thought he’d be balls deep in Sandy, leaving me to nurse my foolish heart in peace. I took a few steps, but a strangled noise from Noah made me turn.

“I didn’t enjoy it at all, baby,” Noah hung off the doorway, his hands gripped the top of the frame, and his shirt rode up to reveal a slither of chiseled skin. He was perfect. He wasn’t mine.

I couldn’t keep doing this with him. But why did he keep calling me baby? Why did he stare at me so intensely I might catch onto fire by the heat in his gaze? I shook my head, not willing to address the spark of hope in my chest. I turned my back and hurried away.

Escaping the man I loved, who would never feel the same way.


Zane tossed his arm around my shoulder, and I tried to lean into the touch. His fingers plucked at my shirt, teasing like the affable grin plastered to his shapely lips.

“What do you think, Bran?” He tipped his drink up and waited.

“What was the question again?” I cleared my throat, the back of my neck flushed with heat. There were a lot of people at Sandy’s party, and we perched on her white marble kitchen island. I took another swig of my drink to hide my embarrassment. We’d been here for an hour now and I hadn’t heard a word Zane said. It was kind of hard to think with Noah staring bullets into my head.

“Emily said that bar on fourth served great calamari. I wondered if we should try it out next week? Celebrate our damn assignment being finished.”

Sweat trickled down my back, my ears buzzed and the alcohol in my gut seared the tight column of my throat. I licked my lips, my mouth suddenly dry. It would be a date. Zane had flirted with me throughout dinner. We shared a decent wood-fired pizza that my stomach was struggling to hold down now. We talked about our favorite tv shows, and the superiority of brunch, especially if it was bottomless. Zane opened up about his family and how his father hadn’t quite been able to accept that he was into men and women.

The entire time, all I could think about was Noah. And the sad way he said baby when I’d left earlier.

I could have had a lot of fun with Zane. I could see the possibilities banked in his gaze. But it was like seeing the future through bars. Because my heart was shackled to a beefy jock who didn’t give a fuck about me.

“I’m not a fan of seafood,” I made up an excuse. Emily waved to a friend and wandered through the crowd. I let myself follow her slow path, giving myself an excuse to look at Noah again. He sat slumped on a leather chesterfield, balancing a beer on his knee. Sandy leaned over him, her hand flat on his chest like a stamp of ownership. But Noah wasn’t laughing with the group of popular people surrounding him.

He was staring daggers at me. A shiver ran down my spine, chased by a spark of indignation. He didn’t like Zane, which I never understood. There was no way he was jealous.

“You’re so fucking cute,” Zane muttered in my ear, his fingers curling under my chin and turning my head toward him. We shared a breath for a beat before his lips pressed against mine.

My ears roared with the wrongness of it all. Too soft, too tender. Noah kissed me like I was his oxygen, and I missed the desperation, the overwhelming passion. Shattering glass cut through the air, followed by a sharp screech. I whipped back, resisting the urge to wipe my lips. Noah lurched off the couch with a curse. Sandy tossed her head back on a wail, her hands brushing her legs.

“You dropped your drink all over me, Noah. There’s glass on the floor.” Sandy pouted. “I’m going to clean up.” She flounced upstairs and Noah kneaded the back of his head, fighting a chagrined smile.

“Oops, I guess I need to slow down.”

“Don’t worry about it Noah, what’s a good night without a spilled drink? We’ll clean this up, if you wanna get yourself another one?” An eager guy jumped up and slapped his hand on Noah’s shoulder. That was how it was for him. Someone else quickly washed away and fixed any mistakes he made. Everyone vied for his favor, and he didn’t even realize. Noah mumbled out his thanks and strode right through the crowd, but he didn’t go to the fridge. He made a beeline for me.

What was he doing? My stomach flipped at the dark determination on his face.

“Hey, I’m Noah, Bran’s roommate.” Noah stuck out his hand, forcing Zane to peel his arm from my shoulder and take his offered palm. Noah crushed it so tight Zane winced.

“Ahh yeah, Noah right? Bran never stops talking about you.” Zane gave him a tight smile. There was a weird energy between the three of us, and I struggled to fill my lungs. Noah’s face lit up with a brilliant smile and my insides melted. It wasn’t fair how handsome he was.

“That right? All good stuff, I hope?” Noah winked at me, tossing his arm around my shoulder. He yanked me against his muscular body. His fingers dug into my shoulder, like he was trying to erase the lingering touch of Zane. My throat was tight, so all I could manage was a nod. Zane shook his bottle, tipping the last few drops out into his hinged mouth.

“You both want another one?”

“Nah, I’m good.” I sucked in a heaving breath of Noah’s cologne. It was crazy how quick you could get used to the feel of someone else’s body, and how much my skin ached for his touch. As soon as Zane was out of earshot, Noah leaned forward.

“I need to talk to you,” his whisper was hot and urgent against the shell of my ear. I frowned, waving him off. The alcohol made it hard for me to hide my lust, my love, and I was so close to falling apart right in front of this man. I thought a night out with someone else would make me feel better, but it only reminded me how much I craved Noah.

“So, talk.” I was being deliberately obtuse, and Noah knew it. He shook his head, agitated, His arm pulled me closer, and his lips grazed my ear. I shivered.

“Don’t be a brat. I need to talk in private.”

“There isn’t anything else to say,” I insisted, and Noah’s jaw clenched as Zane returned. His eyes flared wider for a moment, and I was aware of what we looked like. The embrace was intimate, too close for friendliness. I waited for Noah to push me away, but he didn’t, angling his body so Zane was at his back.

“I need to tell you something. Please, meet me upstairs in five minutes. Okay?” Was he drunk? His breath didn’t smell like alcohol. He untangled himself and let out a hollow laugh, too loud. “Okay Bran? You get me?”

He hovered and I couldn’t understand the tension in his body, the stricken look he was trying and failing to mask on his face. Did I want to hear what he had to say? The alcohol swirled in my stomach and made me brave. I’d hear him out for a few minutes and reiterate that I wasn’t going to bend over and let him use me anymore. It hurt too damn much.

“Sure, but don’t you have a girlfriend to track down?” I couldn’t help the immature jab. Noah shook his head and opened his mouth like he wanted to say more, but he thought better of it.

“Not my girlfriend, trust me.” Noah’s chin hit his chest, and I watched him thread through the crowd and climb the stairs. My stomach swirled with butterflies. Was he going to ask for the arrangement to continue? I wouldn’t say yes, not even if he begged. It wasn’t worth the torment on my heart.

“That was…enlightening.” Zane whistled, offering me his drink. “Liquid courage?”

“What do you mean?” I pushed the drink away with a shake of my head. Zane pursed his lips and let out a snort of disbelief. He waved to the stairs and arched a knowing eyebrow.

“I kiss you, and your ‘roommate’ comes storming over like he wants to rip me apart. I guess that explains why Noah hasn’t hooked up with any girls lately.”

My stomach dropped, and I slid off the bench. Zane chugged his drink back and discarded the bottle, dropping it harder than necessary. He was totally right, but I couldn’t say that. It was inconceivable that Noah would be with someone like me, but why would Zane even jump to that conclusion?

Did Noah look that jealous?

“How drunk are you? No, seriously, you are way off.” I laughed, thankful my shock sounded genuine. My body had broken out into a sweat. Zane shook his head, and a rueful smile crept over his face. Why couldn’t I fall for him instead of Noah? He was sweet, kind, and handsome.

“You’re right, that makes no sense. On that note, I’m going outside for a smoke you want to come with?” His eyes were warm with hazy hopefulness, but I shook my head.

“I need the bathroom.”

“Come find me after,” Zane said, and I watched him leave through the open French doors before I slipped upstairs. My knees were watery with nerves, and inexplicably, hunger. As if Noah would ever touch me in public, and I wasn’t supposed to be thinking about his body and mine. That was over now. A hard yank on my arm interrupted my thoughts, and I tumbled through a dark door crack. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the pitch-black room. An enormous shadow moved to the door and flicked the lock. I knew the cologne that swamped my nostrils.


He swallowed me in his arms with a sound that sounded suspiciously like a sob. His head buried itself in the crook of my neck and we stumbled back into the door. It rattled, and the sound echoed through the dark, small room. The double bed took up most of the space, stuffed with cushions. The air in the room smelled musty, as if nobody had opened it in a long time.

“We probably shouldn’t be in here,” I whispered, and Noah laughed against my heated skin. The sound traveled down my spine and pooled in my groin. God, what this man did to me.

“You’re right, Sandy will rip my balls off if she finds us in here, but I needed…I couldn’t wait any longer.” Noah’s harsh whisper was desperate, but I pulled away.

Sandy. We were in her parents’ house, the one he knew well enough to find a secret rendezvous to spout some bullshit at me. I folded my arms over my chest and Noah clicked his tongue, stepping into my space until the point of our shoes brushed together.

“What do you need to say that’s so desperate you had to interrupt my date?” I pursed my lips. Noah’s face twisted into something dark and still. Frozen with rage. Warning butterflies fluttered into my stomach, and I moved away from him, my legs hitting the base of the bed.

“No.” Noah shook his head, and when his gaze found mine, it was on fire.


“You’re not on a date with that pretty prick. Not now, not ever.”

It wasn’t a question, but an order and heat prickled down my spine at his gall. He didn’t want me, but he didn’t want anyone else to have me. I rolled my eyes.

“Is that why you begged me to come up here with you? So, you could keep me away from someone who isn’t ashamed of kissing me in public?” I tried to move around Noah, but he stepped in front of me and grabbed my biceps. His fingers trembled as they bit into my muscle.

“You want to kiss someone? Why can’t it be me?” He leaned down and skimmed his lips over mine. My heart clenched, and I jerked my head away from his questing touch.

“Don’t Noah, we ended the arrangement, and I don’t want to do this with you anymore.” I struggled, but Noah clamped his arms around me, pressing me up against the wall. Outside, in the corridor, there was a peel of laughter, and someone fell over with a bang.

“Why, why.” Noah nibbled my ear, and chuckled as my knees faltered. “I know you want me. I can make you feel good. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

His lips traced the tense line of my throat, and I said the only thing I knew would make him stop.

“Love me back.” I shoved at Noah and he was so surprised he stumbled, sinking to his knees. The sight sparked a hunger in me that roared through my veins. Noah’s eyes widened and his gorgeous lips hung open. Even on his knees, he was powerful. There was no submission, as he stared up at me.

“Do you love me, baby?” Noah shuffled forward. His massive hands slid around the back of my thighs. His voice was gritty silk. I shivered as he stared up at me, face in line with my dick. I couldn’t help it. My cock stiffened at the sight of him.

“Look, I know you’re not gay. I know you don’t do commitment. I know I’m fucking stupid for falling for you. That’s why I can’t keep doing this.” I swallowed hard to dislodge the lump in my throat. “I know you’re never going to feel the same way.”

Noah dragged his hands up my legs and flicked open the button on my jeans. It was like he hadn’t heard a word I said.

“Noah–” I whispered, but he shook his head.

“Pull your pants down baby,” he tugged at them, until they moved agonizingly slow down my trembling thighs. Noah’s hot breath made goose bumps spring up. He stared at the outline of my hard cock. Strangled in the red underwear he’d gifted me. The lace cut into my dick. Was I an idiot for wearing it? Yes. But a smile cracked open Noah’s face, and he trailed his fingers over my bulge.

“You wearing this for me?” His smile fell. “Or someone else?”

I couldn’t reply, stunned into silence as Noah leaned in and kissed my upper thigh. Quick, hot puffs of breath made my cock twitch. His tongue darted out, and he made a noise in the back of his throat, hunger and surprise. His fingers hooked in the delicate lace and Noah tore them down with a growl. My cock sprung out, faded red lines on the swollen length.

“What game are you playing?” I whispered, as Noah stared intently at my dick. He swallowed hard and met my gaze. What I saw there pushed the air from my lungs.

“Please, I can’t bear it.”

“No games, baby, I’m not a very good loser.”

“What do you want from me?” My voice cracked as Noah trailed his hot tongue over my thigh. The room was filled with our rough exhales and I shivered as Noah kneaded my ass cheeks, pressing his face impossibly close to my groin.

“I want to love you, baby. Make you feel good, make you mine. Keep you. Isn’t it obvious?” He tilted his head like it was the most natural thing to be whispering to me. In a packed house where all his friends were outside, his girlfriend, drinking and partying. Probably wondering where he was.

Noah was on his knees for me. My head spun and I let out a choked noise of disbelief. Noah cupped my balls and slid his hand up my steel shaft. He angled my cock toward his mouth and blinked up at me.

“You gonna leave me hanging? Or are you going to say yes?”

His tongue flicked out, brushing the swollen head of my cock. I sagged against the door with a whimper and Noah tasted me again, bolstered by my breathy moan. He let out a soft, shaky laugh.

“You taste kinda sweet. Anyone ever told you that before? My sweet baby.”

My head spun as Noah’s lips swallowed my tip, his tongue flickered on the slit. His hands massaged my balls, and my knees buckled. He was tentative. Awkward almost. He’d never sucked a dick before, and it was obvious. But goddamn, he tried. His tongue ran the iron length of me, and he played at swallowing my narrow, rock-hard flesh. Need barreled up my legs and made my balls tingle. It wasn’t the skill that pushed me so embarrassingly close to the edge, but that it was Noah. His eyes were tightly closed, brow furrowed with adorable concentration. I wondered what he would do if I blew my load in his mouth? I fisted my fingers through his hair and yanked at him.

“Stop,” I gasped. “I’m not a fucking toy for you to play with and discard when you’re finished with me.”

Noah pulled off my cock reluctantly, and I almost took it all back. He was a god paying favors to me. His lips glistening with saliva, cheeks flushed and eyes glazed with pleasure. So much pleasure at the taste of me? Noah leapt to his feet and plastered me against the door. The handled rattled as his bulk squashed against me. Our hard cocks trapped between our bodies. We were desperate beauty in this moment, riding the line of obliteration. Noah could ruin me so easily. Noah collared my throat, squeezing until all the air rushed out of my lungs. His hand slid up to cup my cheek.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment “You think I’m ever going to let you go? If anyone is the toy, it’s me. You think I’d get on my knees and suck anyone’s dick except yours? I’m not into guys, Bran. But I love you. I love you so damn much. I’m like a puppet and you’re pulling my goddamn strings. Discard? Nah. You can’t get rid of me so easily.”

He vibrated with the fury of a beast, his teeth flashing white in a snarl. His face was a twisted mask of unending fury, but the corner lifted and I saw what was underneath. The truth laced in his words.

Noah loved me.

“Noah, god, Noah.” My voice broke and the blistering rage in his gaze turned molten. “All I’ve wanted since we started this is to be yours.”

His hand between us to undo his jeans and I fell to my knees, staring up at him like a supplicant. I helped him pull down the dark denim, free his gorgeous cock and wrap my hands around it. He butted his leaking head against my lip with an impatient growl.

“I’m gonna fill your pretty mouth with cum, baby. Then I’m gonna take you home and fill your hole with cum.”

I opened my mouth and groaned as he thrust deep. Noah gripped my hair and used my mouth. His cock slid hard and heavy into the back of my throat until I gagged. Spit ran down the side of my mouth. It was rough, glorious ownership. Freeing in a way it never had been before, because I was Noah’s. But he was also mine.

“You suck me. So. Fucking. Good.” His hips hinged violently with each word, and I saw stars as his cock filled my throat. The column convulsed as his hard length stole up the space. My hands scrambled on his thick, hairy thighs and I breathed his musk deep as he ground my face into his groin. I felt like a filthy slut. Drooling and desperate to be used. I jerked myself off until Noah yanked on my hair. My eyes flew open in alarm and he glowered down at me.

“Your cum belongs to me, and I don’t want to waste a drop. Don’t worry, I’m gonna make you feel so good when we get home.”

I moaned around his pulsing member and Noah licked his lips, stumbling us backward until my head was caged against the door. Noah used the extra leverage to choke me further on his dick. His chest heaved in great spurts, and he didn’t even flinch when someone banged their fist on the door.

“We can hear you in there, naughty, naughty,” voices giggled but faded as Noah didn’t reply. He was grunting hard now, his cheeks almost red with exertion. I was trembling with desperate need and elation.

Noah was mine.

“Coming, baby,” Noah panted, and a second later he filled my mouth. Ropes of hot, sticky cum flooded my throat and his primal, perfect taste coated my insides. Noah’s chest heaved like he’d run a marathon and he stared down at me with a glow of absolute adoration.

“Never seen anything as perfect as your lips around my dick,” he winked.

Who was this Noah and where had he come from? He pulled his half hard cock from my mouth, rubbing the tip on my lower lip with a guttural groan.

“I can’t believe this,” I whispered as Noah dressed himself. He hauled me to my feet and pecked me on the lips.

“Believe it, baby.”

His hands slid down my sides, and he pulled my lingerie, cupping my junk as he did. I was hard, and the panties cut into my bulge. Noah peeled my jeans over my ass, his breath quickening as he did. I batted his hands away to do up my buttons myself, my heart fluttering in my chest. Noah hooked his hand around the base of my neck and angled me for a blistering, deep kiss. His tongue delved deep into my mouth. It was languid passion. Like he knew he would have time to slake his lust on my body.

“I love you,” I muttered against Noah’s lips and his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

“But if you keep kissing me, we’re never going to get out of this room without someone seeing my hard on.”

Noah let me go with a reluctant sigh.

“Nobody is seeing any part of your body except me, you understand?”

He raked a possessive look down my body, biting his fist at what he saw. My stomach swooped.

“Noah… this isn’t an arrangement anymore. You know you’re going to have to give me the same. I thought you didn’t do commitment.”

Noah pulled me into his arms with a curse. His muscular arms banded around my body and I melted into the shield of his powerful chest.

“Turns out I do. I was just waiting for the right person to come along. I need you, Bran.”

“You love me.”

“Yeah, and I want to fuck you so bad it hurts, so can we get out of here?”

I nodded, but hesitated at the door.

“Did you want to go first and I’ll follow after ten minutes?” I asked, not sure how he wanted to do this. Noah reared back, his eyebrows jammed together. He shook his head with a slight smirk and snatched up my hand.

“You’re not getting it, baby. I said you’re mine, that means always.” His hand swallowed the doorknob. “You cool with that?”

Noah wanted us to be together in public? My head throbbed with the pressure of my disbelief. But the second my chin tilted down, Noah tugged us out the door. We spilled into the hallway, and I tried to take back my hand. But Noah only tightened his grip. Several people passed us on the stairs, doing a double take, when they spotted our clasped hands. Whispers sprung up behind us, and I cringed. The gossip was going to break the campus.

“You want to say goodbye to anyone?” Noah paused at the base of the stairs and I thought about Zane, who I really should apologize to. But as I opened my mouth, Noah slashed his hand.

“Don’t you dare mention that Zane fucker. You’re not friends with him anymore, got it?”

“You can’t control who I’m friends with, Noah.” A giddy smile negated the statement. Noah pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes.

“I own you, baby. I absolutely get a say about who is in your life, and if they’re lusting after you, they’re gone.”

My husky laugh petered out as Noah tugged us toward the exit. Partygoers made space for him, with shell-shocked looks on their faces. But nobody said anything directly. I thought we were in the clear until Sandy chased after us down the driveway. Her heels clacked as she shouted for us to stop.

“I got this, don’t worry.” Noah muttered, putting himself in front of me but not letting go of my hand. Sandy flew up to us. Her cheeks puffed with indignation as she jammed her hands on her hips. She was wearing an entirely new outfit, a two piece black set with a short miniskirt and crop top.

“You’re leaving?” Her gaze flickered to mine and the bone deep hatred made me suck in a breath. Noah stiffened and blocked me from view.

“Yeah, I am and you can wipe the sulky look off your face.”

People were filtering out of the party, pointing their phones at us, and sagged against Noah’s back. My stomach flipped with nausea. I waited for him to snatch his hand back, to shove me away, but he didn’t. His hand squeezed mine in silent support.

“What the fuck, Noah. You owe me an explanation.”

“I don’t owe you shit. You’re not my girlfriend, and you never were. Coming with you tonight was a mistake, and I shouldn’t have led you on. I’m sorry for that, but don’t make this more than what it was.”

Noah turned and gave Sandy his back. I stumbled, but Noah’s firm grip kept me upright, until Sandy’s nails wrapped around my shirt. She gave a vicious yank and let out a laugh.

“So what the fuck is this freak to you?”

Noah pulled me into his arms, brushing off Sandy’s grip as if she was water. His face was carefully blank, but I saw how cold his eyes were, and felt the tremble in his body.

“Bran is mine, and if you touch or speak to him like that again, I will tear your extensions off your head? Understand?” His voice was a shard of ice and Sandy staggered back as if stabbed. Her expression crumpled as Noah dropped a kiss to the top of my head. “Let’s go home, baby.”

I was in a daze the entire ride home. Noah kept hold of my hand, lifting at the red lights to kiss my knuckles. It was so sweet my teeth ached, and yet I still couldn’t believe it was real. How was this incredible, powerful, charming man mine? He’d claimed me in front of everyone. I could barely breathe from the delicious warmth growing in my chest.

“You didn’t call me your boyfriend. You said, ‘he’s mine.’ But what does that mean?” I swallowed as Noah locked our door. He flicked me a look of amusement and pulled his shirt over his head in one swift motion. He prowled toward me, and I backed up, fascinated by the look in his eye.

Raw, primal possession. Sharp, burning obsession. A shiver ran down my spine.

“You can call me your boyfriend if you want, baby. But we both know that isn’t enough for what we are.”

My ass hit the kitchen island and Noah closed the space between us, snatching up my palm and pressing it to his chest. His heart thundered.

“Feel that? It’s beating like crazy for you. I thought it was going to fall out of my chest earlier when I saw that asshole kiss you. You’re not my boyfriend, Bran. You’re my world.”

If I could have melted onto the floor, I would have, but Noah grabbed my body and bent me over the kitchen island.

“I need you,” Noah panted, kissing my ear. “All night I’ve been thinking about your hole and what I was gonna do to it later.”

His fingers popped my button, slithered into my jeans, fisted my cock, and squeezed it until my knees buckled. I kicked my legs until my jeans and panties slid down. My bare ass wiggled in the air.

“I thought ahh—” I cried out as he jerked me roughly again, his weight pressing at my back and his lips nipped my neck. “You were too busy with Sandy to notice me.”

It was true. She’d been stuck to him all night, and the sight had damn near torn my heart out. But none of that mattered now. He was here, with me, desperate for me. Just like I was for him.

“I want to be inside you,” Noah said, his teeth scraped my neck as I felt him jam his own pants down and then fevered head of his cock pressed between my cheeks. His hand slipped around and collared my neck. “You need me, don’t you? You want me deep, don’t you?”

I whimpered, nodding stilted in his tight grip. I’d known Noah like this before, and it had frightened me a little. But now I was thrilled. Noah unraveled for me. My cock was rock hard and leaked a drop of cum onto the kitchen tiles as Noah spat and filled my hole with a finger. He readied me with a focus and determination that had me trembling.

“God Noah,” I gasped as one finger became two and I pushed out, trying to make room for him.

“That’s it,” Noah crooned, “You’re such a good boy.”

My body was a live wire, and my breath guttered out as Noah added another finger. He made soft noises of encouragement, his lips trailing up my tight throat. He fucked me with his fingers and my toes curled with anticipation.

“I want you, please,” I begged, and Noah’s kiss on my neck turned sharp. He sucked a hickey into my skin on the outside, and he made me quiver with his movements. Suddenly, he pulled out.

“Yeah, my pretty baby is ready for me,” Noah crooned, running the needy head of his cock through my cheeks and notching at my entrance. He pushed forward slowly. My ass gaped open and accepted him. I mouthed the kitchen island with a silent moan. Feeling him inside me, like a lightning rod. So hot, so electric, my skin was on fire. A sharp sting on my cheek made me whimper, and I tossed a confused look back at Noah. God, he was gorgeous. His sculpted muscles tensing as he eased himself inside me. His chiseled arms were tense and wide hands hinged around my narrow hips. My ass cheek turned steadily pink.

“What was that for?” I said, breathless with eye-rolling, stomach clenching, toe curling pleasure.

“I want you loud. No holding back, not like last night.” Noah said as he thrust into me. “Moan for me, baby, say my fucking name.”

“I thought you were–uh—getting back with Sandy.” I moaned, “I didn’t think you needed me.”

Noah grunted, leaning his chest on me while he pistoned in and out of my hole. He reached around and gripped my cock, and I squealed, my flesh jerking in his hand.

“I need this hole,” Noah groaned, fucking and jerking me roughly. “I always need it, do you understand? No-one else gets this hole but me. You. Belong. To. Me.”

I could feel him in me, the powerful, deep thrust of his ownership. He pinned me to the kitchen island with his heaving chest and grunted in my ear. But there was still too much between us. I tried to wriggle the hem of my shirt up and Noah eventually realized what I was trying to do. We fumbled together before Noah tore my shirt off and threw it to the side. His skin melted against mine and I let out a hiss of pleasure.

This was what I wanted. His skin against mine. The silky sweat glide of his chest on my back, the sharp sting of the kitchen island against my hips as Noah slammed into me. The possessive heat of his cock inside my hungry channel. I moaned, long and desperate, as my fingers scrabbled for an anchor. But this wasn’t an experience I could hide from. With each powerful stroke, Noah carved his presence in my very cells.

I would never recover from this, and I didn’t want to.

I could taste him on my tongue. His musky scent clung to my lungs, his heart hammered against my shoulder blades like a beating drum.

“I’m yours. Oh god, Noah, I love how you fuck me. I want you to fill me up, cover me in your cum. I want you–everywhere.” I gasped and Noah dropped a kiss on my shoulder. His teeth nipped.

“I’m gonna–I’m gonna, baby.” His voice was tight with need, thick with lust.

The room spun in half darkness. I was drunk still, rolling on the euphoria of Noah. Each time his hips slammed against me, I floated higher to the ceiling. His fingers clenched around my hips, unrelenting. My cock dripped cum on the floor and I skirted the edge of my own orgasm. Each stroke of Noah’s cock brought a wave of tingling pleasure down my spine.

Almost, but not quite enough.

It was delicious torture. I wanted to stay in the moment forever, but Noah’s thrusts became frenzied and he let out a guttural groan as he came. His weight suffocated me as my insides flooded with his release. I welcomed the heat, the primal, lustful mark of Noah.

“I fucking love you,” I whispered, half laughing as Noah twisted my head in his large hands. His gaze searched mine. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but his expression was slack with joy.

“My baby,” the corner of his lip kicked up in satisfaction before he pressed it down on mine. I melted under the dominance of his kiss, twisted like a pretzel for his use. His softened cock slipped out of my ass and Noah tugged me up and dragged me to the bedroom. I stumbled out of my pants and shoes, leaving a trail of debauchery. My cheeks were sticky with his release, and the smell of sex permeated the house.

“What now?” I said, as Noah nudged me onto the bed. My cock was throbbing with need and he eyed it with a determined glint.

He waved his hand at my cock. “Can you teach me how to suck your dick?”

I let out a squeak of surprise and shook my head, cheeks flooding with warmth.

“Noah, you don’t have to.” I protested.

But Noah jumped onto the bed and straddled me, his hands landing on either side of my face. His closeness made my heat race. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to him like this. Naked want heating his expression. His eyes dropped to my lips, and the tongue I darted out to wet them. He pressed his thumb on my glistening lower lip, pressing down with an intensity that arrested my lungs.

“Don’t you want me to make you feel good?”

I nodded, breathless with excitement. My chest felt like it would burst for a moment. How could this be my life? How did I get so lucky? Noah vaulted off the bed and returned with a tie. It was narrow, black, and he grabbed my hands, wrapping around it twice and tucking the end in the middle. I could have broken it easily, but I didn’t.

“You don’t want me to touch you?” I teased.

Noah kissed me, still straddling my hips. His tongue pressed past the seam of my lips and for a moment there was only him. His taste. His hands trailing down my cheeks and neck until my skin sang with the scrape of his nails. His lips slid onto my cheek, down the gulping column of my neck. He took his time there, sucking and biting until the skin felt raw. Tomorrow, I would have love bruises all over me.

“I want you to touch me, always. But this is for you, only you. Last night I missed the sounds you made, so now I’m going to get back the ones you withheld from me. Ok? I promise, it will be worth it.”

Noah shuffled down my body until he was kneeling in between my legs. He stared at my cock, but didn’t touch it. Instead, he returned to my upper body. He nuzzled my armpits, flicked his tongue around my nipples and kissed his way across my ribs. I arched my hips, my cock throbbing with intense need. I let out a whine as he circled my belly button with his tongue. Noah stared up at me, his eyes flashing with something so dark and rich I couldn’t swallow it.

I was a morsel in his mouth, a tender, delicious meal he was intent on enjoying. My stomach heaved with small, desperate pants by the time he reached my groin. His hot breath puffed against the slight, feathery trail of hair I had that trailed to my cock.

“How badly do you want me?” His voice tied me up tighter than his restraints.

“More than anything I’ve ever wanted before,” I admitted, tongue thick with desire. Noah pressed a reverent kiss above my cock, so close it twitched against his stubbled cheek. He breathed deep as he trailed a path across my thighs. His hands kneaded my ass cheeks, sloppy with his cum. He cupped my balls, pressing kisses to them until I whispered his name in desperation.

“Noah, please.”

“Patience, baby,” he chuckled, and he probed his finger against my sloppy asshole. I arched my back as his digit pressed past the ring of muscle and inside me. His cum made it a silky path, and I saw stars as he pulled out and circled my tender ring.

“I can’t, ahh god, Noah.” I panted, squeezing my eyes shut as his questing touch sent waves of pleasure through my body. My cock throbbed as he deliberately skirted around me and I worried I might cum before he even gave me his mouth again. He returned to my inner thighs, licking slowly up the juncture between my legs and hips. I gave up any semblance of composure, wriggling, panting, and begging for his touch. I squeezed my eyes closed, but Noah’s hot mouth disappeared.

“Whaa–” I cried, looking down at him in surprise.

“Eyes on me and body still, understand, baby? Or I’ll stop.”

I let out a gasp of dismay. I was half wild with lust and if Noah stopped now, I didn’t know how I would survive. I needed his touch more than anything. I needed him.

“Yes, I’m sorry.” I shivered, glueing my ass to the bed to stop myself from moving. But it was impossible. Noah licked, kissed and sucked my stomach, my thighs, my ass cheeks until I trembled. I shivered as his tongue darted out close to my asshole. Not quite but Noah let out a noise of surprise.

“My cum tastes good on you. Maybe I should eat your ass sometime. Some girls love it, do you?”

“G-god yes, N-Noah please. I-I n-need you.” I didn’t care how pathetic I sounded. If Noah didn’t suck or fuck me, soon, I might implode. I groaned as Noah lowered his head to my strained cock and pressed a tender kiss to the tip. His tongue darted out to collect the beading cum on top. His eyes were molten hazel as he stared up at me for my reaction. I was glad my hands were tied up, so I wasn’t tempted to jam his head onto my cock.

“I love it when you beg me, baby. You’ve been trying so hard to stay still, haven’t you?”

“Y-yes, I’m a good boy.” I moaned as he flattened his tongue against the swollen, almost purple head of my cock. I whimpered when he pulled away, my eyes burning with frustrated tears. “Noah.” I cried out as a hand wrapped around the base of my cock and squeezed.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment “Ohh, you are. Beg me again. Say ‘please suck my cock, Noah. I’ll do anything.'”

His breath prickled over my rigid length, and I whimpered as his fist squeezed me.

“P-please, Noah. P-please suck my cock, Noah. I-I’ll do anything.” I begged through gritted teeth. Stars filled my vision as his mouth engulfed me, the heat and warmth I’d been craving almost too much after so long being teased with it. His tongue flickered as he swallowed me tentatively. He bobbed his head and moved his fist, drooling over my cock in a way I wanted to preserve.

The great Noah, sucking my dick. Loving me.

I let out a cry as Noah’s hand left my cock and slid between my clenched ass cheeks. Two fingers probed and entered my hole, curling until they hit the perfect spot.

“F-fuck Noah.” I screamed at the ceiling, my voice cracking.

His fingers and tongue worked me until I couldn’t stop myself from moving. Noah hummed around my cock, his eyes dancing with amusement. He drew off with a wet pop and I wailed with displeasure.

“Please, goddammit, Noah, please. I’m so close. I need–”

“You need me?” Noah stroked his fingers inside my ass until I quivered. “You’re desperate for me.”

“Yes, always.” I cried, not breaking eye contact with him. Please, please, please. I chanted in my head. My neck and upper body were taut with tension as Noah hovered above me. His fingers brushing the perfect spot inside me. I dug my heels into the bed, like I could find my way to release if I tried hard enough. But Noah knew what I needed, his mouth, and he withheld, with a smirk.


“Yours,” I was quick to nod, vigorous, hoping it would convince him to take me in his mouth and give me what I wanted. He licked a stripe up my throbbing cock, and I groaned when he moved away again. His fingers worked inside my ass. So much pleasure, but not enough.

“You want to come, baby?”

“Yes,” I shouted, thumping my head on the bed. “Please, Noah.”

My body was electric and I let out a hoarse yelp as Noah swallowed me again. This time, he took my entire length, choking as I hit the back of his throat. He didn’t stop, though, doubling his efforts on my steel rod. His tongue, his fingers, the heat of his mouth and the clamp of his lips. It was too much. I wanted to close my eyes, and as pleasure rolled over, my eyelids flickered, but I forced myself to watch.

The most handsome man in the world, pleasuring me. It pushed me to the edge of release, sharp and explosive. My toes tingled and the base of my spine heated as cum readied itself to shoot out.

“I-I’m going to cum, Noah.” For a moment I was worried he would pull away, but he only flicked me a narrowed look. Making sure I was watching as he toppled me over the edge. I came like a fountain, flooding his mouth until he reared back with a laugh. A drop escaped and slid down his chin. More release spurted out of me and my body jerked as if I had been stabbed with electricity. Noah reared over me, tapping me under my chin until I opened my mouth. He arched an eyebrow in a silent question. I stuck my tongue out with a wink. Noah spat my cum into my mouth, wiping his lips with his muscular forearm. I let the salty, musky release sit on my tongue, loving how his pupils dilated at the sight.

“God, you’re such a little fucking slut, Bran. The way you squeal, the way you cum.” Noah’s chest heaved with satisfaction. “Tell me that was good for you?”

I swallowed, my cum tasting like delicious sin.

“I’m literally shaking,” I laughed. Noah untied my hands and rubbed my wrists. He was hard again, like the act of pleasuring me turned him on. He pulled my hand to his cock, his head dropped back as I fisted his veiny steel.

“Oh baby, you came so good for me. But I’m not nearly done. Can you fuck me?”

I nodded, and he flopped onto his back, his cock jutting into the air. My ass was tender and open from his fingers, but it clenched with the thought of swallowing his hard length. Noah clamped a hand around my neck and pulled me down for a breathless kiss. There was the illicit taste of both of us and it made me whimper with hunger.

“I fucking love kissing you,” Noah groaned as he let me go. His hands landed on my hips and he lifted me to straddle him. This was a man made of pure muscle. So male, he took my breath away. My heart caught in my throat, and I let myself look at him. His sculpted chest flushed with lust, heaving with want. His lips swollen and eyes hazy. I’d never been so attracted to anyone in my life.

I loved him so much.

“Now it’s my turn.” I whispered, kneeling as I gripped his cock. I used one hand to pry open my cheeks, but Noah took charge, spreading me until I felt obscene. His mushroom head poked at my hole and I let out a soft pant. I wanted him so much it hurt.

“That’s it, baby. Slide down on my dick and tell me how good I feel.”

I took him inside me slowly. Savoring the way his hard cock carved a path inside my ass. Like he owned it, like he owned me. Noah kept my cheeks spread until I swallowed him entirely. My chest heaved as his balls ground against my ass. He rocked me, taking over until I gasped. My cock was spent, but the rub on his body felt so good.

“You’re perfect.” I whimpered, rolling my hips once before letting Noah take charge. I liked the way his fingers dug bruises into my skin, how his jaw clenched and chest heaved. Time stopped as Noah and I found pleasure again. We were made for this. We fit perfectly. Matched each other like puzzle pieces. His cock in my ass was everything. The room reeked of us together, and I sucked in deep lungful’s until I drowned on our lusty scent.

I would get to have this forever. The thought made me fall forward, my hands becoming claws on Noah’s chest. I dug half-moon, red circles into his hard pecs until he winced.

“Mark me,” he grunted with encouragement. “My perfect slut, make me yours.”

I scratched red lines of desire across his chest as Noah used me like a toy. His powerful hands lifted my ass and drove me down on his cock until I was limp and moaning. I was boneless from my intense orgasm.

“Use me, oh please, Noah. Fuck me hard.” I sounded like a bitch. My words slurred with desperate lust. How could I not? Noah was a force, a powerful god and I was his, entirely. My body bowed under the majesty of his thrusts. Every inch of me submitted to him. Where I had writhed under his unrelenting mouth, Noah now did the same as my ass clutched his cock with desperate heat. We were both frenzied in our passion. I fisted my cock as Noah bounced me on his. There wouldn’t be another release for me, but it still heightened the pleasure. Noah had wanted me loud and there was no way I could stop the chorus of moans, whimpers and begs that fell off my lips. Noah grunted, his hips lifting off the bed in powerful thrusts. I welcomed each one, trying to grind down, but in reality I was too weak, too overcome with pleasure. I bounced like a toy.

“You want my come, baby?”

“Fuck yes,” I hissed, desperate for the feeling of Noah flooding my ass. His face twisted and his neck was tight with tension as he chased another orgasm. My ass cheeks jiggled as he roared and slammed his hips into me one last time. He erupted inside me with velvet heat, and I let out a cry of satisfaction. His cock pulsed inside me, giving every drop to my clenched channel. Noah stared up at me with a dazed expression. His hands squeezed my hips, my waist and down my thighs. Like he needed the feel of me. My ribs squeezed around my heart and a smile crept over my face. I folded over Noah’s body with a sigh. His heartbeat thudded in my ear and the fine sheen of sweat covering his body made us slick.

It was perfect.

Noah clamped a hand on my neck when I tried to move, thinking the position must be uncomfortable for him.

“Stay,” he whispered, and his lips pressed down on the top of my skull.

For a moment, I wished we could stay here, but I knew that was a foolish dream. The real world waited for us outside those doors and as much as I wanted to hide, it wouldn’t wait forever. Would Noah really want me in the light of morning? I couldn’t stop the pressing fear that popped into my head.

“What happens now?”

“What do you mean?” Noah’s chest rumbled. “No, wait–I can hear your fucking heart racing. Do you know what comes next? You’re going to let me hold you for a little longer. Then we’re going to have a shower, maybe a midnight snack. You don’t eat enough as it is, and I want you energized. I’m going to fuck you twice more before we cuddle up in your bed. These sheets are a mess. Let’s be real.”

“And tomorrow?” I pressed a kiss to his chest. His plan for tonight sounded delicious and I was delirious with need for him already.

“Tomorrow I’m going to wake you up with my cock in your ass. We’ll shower and maybe I’ll make good on licking that perfect little hole. I’ll make you brunch, or we can go out. It’s up to you. Whatever it is, I want you satiated, because I plan on keeping you in bed the rest of the afternoon.”

“Noah,” I squirmed with a breathless laugh. “That’s not–”

Noah’s hands tightened around the back of my neck like a collar.

“You think I’m going to change my mind tomorrow? That I’ll pretend this never happened?” He thrust softly, and I groaned as his softening cock moved inside me. “I already tried that, and I almost lost my mind. I didn’t have you for less than a day, Bran and I couldn’t handle it. You’re mine. I’m a possessive fucker and I won’t give you up. Not when I know you feel the same way.”

I pushed up and stared down at Noah. I’d always been in love with this man, no matter how I tried to pretend I wasn’t. The arrangement had been lust and secret hope. The only way I could ever get close to him. But he’d fallen for me, too. I could see it in his gaze, feel it in the echo of his hands, mouth, teeth and cock on my body.

A shiver ran down my spine.

Noah would never let me go. His love was a dark, twisted obsession, and I was so ready for it.

“I love you so much.”

Noah gave me one of his brilliant smiles.

“I love you too, baby. By the way, what do you think about coming home with me for break?”


Whew!! We made it! Thank you so much for the support and love on this story. Tell me what you think about these two silly boys in love! I love getting your feedback. I also have been wondering if there is interest in another chapter with these two, I’m toying with the idea of what happens Bran goes home with Noah on break. Drop a comment if you’d enjoy that and what you’d like to see from these two.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment

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