The Chauffeur (#38) The Investigation Begins by PABLO DIABLO

The Chauffeur (#38) The Investigation Begins by PABLO DIABLO

Dive into "The Chauffeur (#38): The Investigation Begins" by PABLO DIABLO, a thrilling gay erotic sex story filled with intrigue and passion. Join the captivating journey as desire intertwines with mystery, igniting a sensual adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Discover the allure today!<br/>

When I woke up the next morning, I found myself in bed with both Jill and Dakota.

The Chauffeur (#38) The Investigation Begins


Copyright 2019


The next morning when I woke up, I found myself in bed with both Jill and Dakota once again. Jill faced away from my back and Dakota was all snuggled into me with her cute ass pushed up against my groin.

Once again, my bladder ruled my brain urging me to head to the bathroom. I quietly moved out of the bed and into the bathroom.

After finishing my morning duties, I washed my hands and came out of the bathroom looking at my two lovelies still sleeping. I put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and headed out to the kitchen grabbing my phone off the charger on the way out.

Once in the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of juice and just sat at the kitchen table seeing Bobby and Sammy still putting things away from yesterday’s party. Looking at all they were still putting away, I just figured that my boy John would be in left-over heaven.

Both Jennifer and Sharon came out to the kitchen as well. Each one kissed me before they sat down. Bobby flicked the switch and the coffee pot roared to life making both ladies smile.

As we sat there, I asked, “Ladies, is it me or has John been looking and acting much more mature?”

Jennifer started, “Are you kidding us, David? He’s been trying so hard these past few months to emulate you that how could he NOT look and act more mature. Holy crap, you are old enough to really be his Father, and for that, I am so thankful. Many times, when I hear Dakota call you ‘Daddy’ I think that maybe John should be calling you the same thing. You have done more for him in the past few months than his biological Father ever did,” she says to me with a big smile on her face.

Sharon adds, “Jeeze David, he dresses like you, he shaves every day even on Sunday, he handles himself in a much more mature manner, he has shown you and Jill that he is really responsible and when times got a bit scary he buckled down and made sure all of us ladies were safe and secure, starting with Jennifer and Diane,” she says before leaning into me and giving me a kiss.

Seeing Sharon do that, caused Jennifer to do the same.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly 8 am. I had to think a moment as to what day it was, but then remembered it was Sunday. I heard a knock at the front door. Jennifer got up and went to the door, opening it carefully. A large man with half an unlit cigar in his mouth showed her his FBI identification. She asked why he was here, and he told her that he needed to speak to me. She called out to me.

When I reached the front door, I opened it wide and invited the gentleman inside. He declined and asked me to step outside, which I did.

I saw several agents buzzing around taking pictures and measurements.

“Hello, Mr. Greene. I’m Captain Perez. Washington sent me to handle the investigation of yesterday’s shooting,” he told me.

“Well, Captain, it’s David. Mr. Greene is my deceased Father,” I tell him.

“Sir, I apologize, but FBI protocol requires me to call you Mister until the case is wrapped up,” he explains which was the first time someone had rebuffed my attempts to be called David, which I was fine with since it made sense.

“Well, Captain. Let me ask, how are all your agents?” Looking at him, causing me to squint a bit looking towards the morning sun.

I stepped a couple of steps to his side to avoid looking into the sun. He turned with me and said, “All the agents are fine. The most serious one was Agent Don…um…hold on for a second while I check my notes. Oh, here it is, Agent Don McHenry. Yes, he’s fine. The hospital stitched him up and sent him home late last night,” he tells me.

I summon Sharon over and tell her the news. She kisses me on the cheek and runs off to get her phone. In literally seconds, I see her chatting with someone, whom I assume is Agent Don. I see her smile. She puts her phone down and comes back to me telling me she is heading over to his house to ‘take care of him’ all the while she is smiling her big beautiful smile. I check with the Captain to make sure it is OK for her to leave, and he gives her the thumbs-up.

She quickly heads off to change clothes and go see Agent Don.

Captain Perez begins, “Mr. Greene, I hope you understand that it’s nothing personal, but you are a suspect as well,” he tells me in a sincere manner.

“May I offer your investigation some assistance?” I ask.

“How can you do that?”

“I can make you a DVD of all of our security cameras in just a few minutes if you are interested?” I ask.

“Absolutely,” he tells me.

I invite him inside and he follows me to the security setup in the kitchen. He looks at the security setup and nods his head in approval.

“Captain just give me a couple of minutes and I’ll have that DVD for you,” I tell him.

“Mr. Greene, do you have a copy of the other shooting your house took a couple of weeks ago as well?”

“Of course, would you like a copy of that as well?” I ask him. He nods his head in approval. I wait for yesterday’s shooting to be copied to the DVD disk before I callup the other shooting and begin to copy it as well.

I put the first DVD into a clear case and hand it to the Captain.

I see Bobby and Sammy with a platter of meat out. Bobby begins to wrap up several steaks into a large piece of tinfoil. Sammy is wrapping about 8-10 ribs into two large pieces of tinfoil When all the meat is wrapped up, they put the three pieces of wrapped meat into a paper bag and hand it to Captain Perez, who tries politely to refuse. They won’t hear of it and force him to take the paper bag.

I just smile.

I ask him if he would like a cup of coffee, he declines to say that he needs to get back outside to supervise his guys and the investigation.

“Captain, may we discuss someone from the City Police for a couple of minutes?” I say as we are walking back towards the front door.


“I’m not sure if you are familiar with a City Police Lieutenant Horowitz. I mean, I’m not sure if Special Agent Fernandez made mention of him in his reports or not,” I say to the Captain.

“Well, yes there were a couple of notations about him, but what do you want to say about Lt. Horowitz?” He asks.

“Don’t trust him. He’s about as shady as a cop can get without getting booted off the force. It is my understanding that he is quietly being investigated by the US Attorney,” I tell him.

“Well, Mr. Greene, it’s more than just an investigation, but I believe that he is on the verge of being indicted,” He tells me putting his finger to his lips indicating that I’m not supposed to say anything. I nod my head affirmative to acknowledge his request for me to be silent on the matter.

Once back outside, Captain puts his food and the DVDs into his agency vehicle. He reaches into his pocket and hands me his card. I see it has the Hoover building address on it from DC.

“So, you’re actually from DC?” I ask.

“Yes, I am. There are places that are wonderful to live, but parts of DC are just as ghetto as some of the more well-known ghettos across the country such as Watts and South-Central LA. I live in Virginia, but I work in DC,” he tells me.

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