The Chauffeur (#38) The Investigation Begins by PABLO DIABLO

It dawned on me that maybe I need to buy Ronda a new car as well. Her car isn’t all that old, but it does have some mileage on it and as she seems to make Chateau calls, some for work, some for play maybe she needs a better one as well.

Once I get into the garage, I poke the buttons, the garage door closes behind her. I open her driver’s door to help her step out. She puts her arms around me and kisses me passionately.

When we break from our kiss I ask, “I’m guessing you’re not here for work then,” I say smiling.

“Well, actually I’m here for both work and play if that’s alright with you,” she says smiling back at me.

“Then let’s get the work out of the way,” I say.

We go inside. I have my arm around her as we stop in the kitchen and see Jill and Dakota sitting quietly drinking their coffee.

“Hey ladies, look what I found outside,” I say with a big cheesy smile plastered on my face.

Ronda goes over to each of them and kisses them and asks, “Is there any more of that delicious coffee I smell? I haven’t had any coffee since I left the hospital early this morning,” she tells us. Sammy begins to pour her a cup asking if she needs cream or sugar.

“If I need cream, I know who to get it from,” she says smiling at me. This causes a giggle among the ladies sitting in the dining area.

Ronda has her coffee in one hand and takes my hand to lead me to my own bedroom. I hear the ladies joke saying, “Guess she needed some cream for her coffee,” causing all of them to giggle again.

Stupidly, I stop her before we get to the bedroom. “Hey, I thought you were here for some work,”

She stops and turns around saying, “Oh, you party pooper. I’ll go handle my work then you’re mine,” she says with a funny little smile.

Ronda goes back to the kitchen, where she had set her doctor bag down. She asked for Jill first. She put the blood pressure cuff on her, listened to her heartbeat, and asked several questions before declaring that Jill was moving along just fine with her pregnancy.

After Jill, she moved on to Diane. Once again, she put on the blood pressure cuff, listened to her breathing, but since Diane was farther along than Jill, she also listened to her belly before she declared that everything appears to be fine with Diane.

Now, it was Dakota’s turn. Originally, she fussed a bit but finally relented. This made me curious as to why she would fuss.

Ronda started the same way, blood pressure cuff, listening to her heartbeat and breathing, and asking several questions. It took several more minutes before Ronda told us that she would like Dakota to get some blood tests run, the sooner the better.

Now, I was concerned. “What’s going on Doc?” I asked.

“Oh, I don’t think it’s anything, but she tells me that she is very hit and miss in taking her prenatal vitamins. David, she needs to take them regularly they don’t help her sitting in the bottle,” Ronda tells me.

I think for a moment and ask, “Does she have to take them with food or can she just take them anytime?”

“If she takes them in the morning, on an empty stomach is best or maybe even with a small glass of water. If they are making her sick to her stomach then take them at bedtime with a small snack,” Ronda tells me.

I think for a moment before I tell Bobby and Sammy, “Gentlemen before Dakota gets one drop of coffee, she must take her prenatal vitamin. This is important to me guys,” I say to them. Both chefs acknowledge what I have told them and agree.

Dakota answers, “That’s just mean Daddy. No coffee without me taking my vitamins, mean, just plain mean,” causing everyone around us to giggle. Bobby and Sammy are quite the gentlemen and don’t say a word.

Once Ronda is done with her doctorly duties, she puts her equipment back into her doctor bag, zips it closed and takes me by the hand once again taking a huge gulp of her coffee, emptying the cup. This makes for another of the ladies at the dining room table to quip once again, “Guess she doesn’t want the cream for her coffee, maybe she just likes the taste of his cream,” causing more giggles, however, now it turns to laughter.

Ronda pulls me down the hallway to my bedroom.

Once inside, she instructs me to sit on the bed with my back to the wall. I am expecting one of her delightful blowjobs, but quite to my surprise, she sits on the bed facing me with all her clothes on.

“David, do you remember telling me that we would make a wonderful baby together?” She asks.

“Of course, I do.”

“Were you serious or were you just saying something nice to me?” She asks with a serious look on her face.

“I was serious then and am still serious saying it even today. Is this what your asking? If I will make a baby with you?” I ask her in a serious manner.

“Well, sort of. I see pregnant women every day and, in my head, I hear the tick-tock of my baby making years going by faster and faster. I know you have two children on the way already with Jill and Dakota. But I just can’t get you out of my head. You are everything that I want in the Father of my child. You are smart, you are handsome, you make good decisions, you mentor John telling me that you would be a wonderful parent. Why can’t I shake this feeling about you?” She says with her eyes welling up.

I reach out and pull her into me for a firm but a gentle hug. We just sit together in each other’s arms for quite a while.

“Darling, I love you as well. However, there is someone in this equation that you need to get permission from. I would love to make a baby with you, yet I won’t do that unless I have Jill’s permission. There are lots of things that I don’t need her permission for, including us playing, but to create a child, that is something entirely different,” I say to her as I’m hugging her.

“I know, I know. But before I go and humiliate myself in front of her by asking, I wanted to ensure that you were still a willing participant,” she says to me without even looking up from my chest.

“Ronda, obviously we have chemistry. I hear it from Dakota all the time that she sees the way we look at each other, more like lovers than play partners,” I say to her.

I continue on, “Darling, I am more than willing to create a child with you. You are many things that most men would want. You’re beautiful, you’re a sexual dynamo, you are smart, you are hardworking, you have a tenderness inside you, and your still reasonably young.” The last comment gets me a poke in the ribs from a giggling Ronda.

“Reasonably young?” She asks.

“Well, you aren’t in your early twenties, but you’re not as old as Mom either,” which gets me another poke from Ronda.

“Keep it up funnyman,” she says to me.

“Ronda, I do love you, there’s no denying it. But I worry that you will feel neglected to be number three in my life. Have you thought about that?” I ask.

“More than I care to admit. In my head, I think that I can just raise our child as a single parent and if you participate then it only benefits our child, if you choose to not participate then I’ve lost nothing since I’m acting as a single parent,” she tells me before raising up to kiss me passionately.

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